
Two hot topics for the price of one

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Post #1

Post by jcrawford »

NEW YORK -- After Catholic leaders chastised city officials for a free condom program that they said was immoral, Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday defended the initiative as a "real world" tactic to combat HIV and AIDS.

"This is not an issue of faith, this is a health issue for the city," he said on his weekly radio show.

Cardinal Edward Egan, head of the Archdiocese of New York, and Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn released a joint statement on Thursday that said City Hall leaders "fail to protect the moral tone of our community when they encourage inappropriate sexual activity by blanketing our neighborhoods with condoms."

"The taxpayer money that is being spent to distribute condoms and promote the attitude that anything goes would be far better spent in fostering what is true and what is decent," said the statement from Egan and DiMarzio.

Bloomberg said Egan and DiMarzio, who together serve more than 4 million Catholics, have the right to communicate to their followers what they feel is proper behavior. But, he added, the city is trying to find ways to reduce its rates of HIV and AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases.

"They should preach to their congregants what they think is the appropriate ways to live your lives, but the health department has to work with the real world of people not practicing protected sex, not practicing abstinence, and this is a ways to keep people alive.",0,449731.story
Questions for discussion and debate:

Is it proper behavior on the part of Bloomberg to work only with people not practicing protected sex and to tell the Catholic church and all other Christians to mind their own business, because he thinks he is saving lives while the church is only concerned with saved souls.

How does Bloomberg know who is not practicing protected sex in the first place and what business is it of his what consenting adults do in their bedrooms.

Isn't it time for this snooty little politician to get his big nose out of the public's private sex lives and to stop handing out condoms to Christian and Muslim schoolchildren on street corners and in public schools?

Have Bloomberg and his Health Commissioner Frieden, no morals or ethics at all but have become totally depraved and morally bankrupt while living in the "real world" of secular interests and unprotected sex?

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Post #31

Post by jcrawford »

McCulloch wrote:
jcrawford wrote:So why is the jerk [Bloomberg] handing out condoms to Jews, Christians and Muslims?
Name calling does not help your argument. He is providing condoms to whomever needs them.
NYC public school children do not need condoms - they need to learn to read, write and do arithmetic and to be morally guided into maturity so that they can graduate and pursue careers in whatever their chosen vocation is.
If, as you claim, Jews, Christians and Muslims are free from sexual sin, then they will not avail themselves of this service.
Adults don't need a stupid mayor to give them condoms when they can easily and readily purchase them for themselves. Kids don't need a stupid mayor to give them condoms when they should be focusing on their school work and obeying their parents. Big brother Bloomberg needs to recall all those condoms he has given to kids and repent of his sex predator sins.
jcrawford wrote:[H]e should be forcing men with HIV/AIDS and other STD's to use them, not Christian, Jewish and Islamic schoolkids.
School aged children, for the most part, are not Christian, Jewish or Muslim, their parents may be but they have not yet committed themselves to a particular faith, for the most part.
You neither speak for nor represent Jewish, Christian and Islamic schoolchildren in NYC.
No one in government is forcing school aged children into sex acts.
Sex predator Bloomberg is encouraging minors to have sex and doing it without their parents permission or the permission of the children's religious representatives.
What they are doing is educating them, so that if they choose to engage in sex acts, they can know how to protect themselves.
Why doesn't balmy Bloomberg give the kids handguns and teach them how to defend themselves in cases of school violence?
jcrawford wrote:Children should have no choice in the matter and condoms should be forbidden them as smoking and drinking are. It is morally irrelevent for our sick secular mayor to ban cigarettes, transfat and alcohol for kids when he gives them free condoms and effectively tells them to go fornicate whether your parents and the Archdiocese like it or not.
Let me follow your logic here. The secular government bans tobacco and alcohol for children in order to protect their health. Yet you claim that it is morally wrong to provide them with condoms which will also protect their health.
Condoms do not protect a child's health, safety and well-being. They expose children to sex at an inappropriate age against the interests of their parents and religious counselors.
I do not know about your particular mayor, but our secular government is not on record as encouraging children who are approaching adulthood to freely fornicate or to ignore the moral directives of their religious traditions. I truly doubt that this Bloomberg fellow is either.
I guess you just don't know what is going on in NYC.
jcrawford wrote:Obviously someone is lying and being dishonest, and as a Christian I would say that the secular socialists indoctrinating Jewish, Christian and Islamic schoolchildren into predatory and perverted sex acts are the biggest liars, frauds and hypocrites on the planet.
This statement is over the top even for you.
Ok, then disregard it, even if someone is lying.

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Post #32

Post by Vladd44 »

jcrawford wrote:Isn't it time for this snooty little politician to get his big nose out of the public's private sex lives and to stop handing out condoms to Christian and Muslim schoolchildren on street corners and in public schools?

jcrawford wrote:Then ban teenage sex and fornication instead of encouraging it.

jcrawford wrote:Children should have no choice in the matter and condoms should be forbidden them as smoking and drinking are.

jcrawford wrote:Sending juvenile delinquents to Reform School will effectively serve as a deterrent to their rebellious insubordination and disobedience till they are 21.

Which is it? Get politicians out of private sex lives? Or Ban sex for some and put them in prison for having sex?

Of course that is overlooking the absolute absurdity of trying to criminalize a reaction to hormones.

Also, what about non-superstition parents who don't believe in mythical beings? Should their children be denied basic protection simply because it ddoesn'tfit your world view?
jcrawford wrote:Government has every right to stop teenagers from smoking, drinking, abusing drugs, fighting and fornicating, and it is government neglect to allow kids to break the law.

Here is the crux of the misguided viewpoint of some christians. Smoking, drinking, using drugs and fighting are behavioral issues. On the other hand trying to stop sex is literally trying to stop the most natural urge a human has. You are attempting to fight the very core of our being.

It is the ultimate folly, teens will have sex, whether as teens or when they get older. To expect to be able to stop that most natural of urges with any real cconsistencyis unrealistic. You can't beat genetics.
jcrawford wrote:Teenagers have sex because secular humanists like Bloomberg hand out condoms to them.

Oh, and I thought teens had sex because of natural curiosity and hormones. I wonder what the species did before Bloomberg, perhaps we should consider him a saviour of sort, after all the species might have died out from the lack of sex before him.
jcrawford wrote:Married Jews, Christians and Muslims have the right to procreate and to send their children to safe, sex-free and drug-free public schools.

I must have missed that one, is that before or after the right to bear arms? First it is absurd to think there is a single public school in the USA that has no sex or drugs and is safe. Such a place simply does not exist, nor will it ever exist.

But, don't unmarried people have the same right of procreation? Or did that invisible right given to married people exclude them as well?
jcrawford wrote:If teenagers get sexual infections then their parents have to pay for the medication, or send the bill to Bloomberg, not to you or me, since we are not responsible for ecouraging teenagers to have sex, are we? At least I am not.

jcrawford wrote:No one is curing anything by handing out condoms to teenagers. Rather are they encouraging teenage fornication without the parents consent.

I see your posts littered with unsubstantiated comments like this, but no efforts to validate or prove them.

On the other hand, lets look at abstinence programs. wrote:Although teenagers who take "virginity pledges" begin engaging in vaginal intercourse later than teens who have not committed to remain abstinent until marriage, they also are more likely to engage in oral or anal sex than nonpledging virgin teens and less likely to use condoms once they become sexually active, wrote:Adolescents who pledge to remain virgins until marriage are more likely to substitute high-risk sexual behaviors that increase the likelihood of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases, according to researchers who studied the sex lives of about 12,000 teens.

palmera wrote:In the real world, teenagers smoke, drink, do drugs, and have sex.
jcrawford wrote:Only because the perverted secular liberals allow them to.

Are you serious? Do you actually deny the place hormones and natural events have in the natural instinct of animals to have sex? I can see only one realistic way to stop teen sex. Get the kids married off by the time they turn 13.
jcrawford wrote:Then educate the kids who have sex to take responsibility for their fornicating

Efforts to encourage condom use is aimed directly for that purpose. To put the responsiblity of protection upon each teen ( and others) individually.
jcrawford wrote:Sex predator Bloomberg is encouraging minors to have sex and doing it without their parents permission or the permission of the children's religious representatives.

Now that is so far beyond the line it is not even funny. You are bordering dangerously close to libel. I never thought I could end up in a situation where I would be defending Bloomberg, overall I have always considered him just another turd sandwich/giant douche politician.
jcrawford wrote:Why doesn't balmy Bloomberg give the kids handguns and teach them how to defend themselves in cases of school violence?

I am sure the "Pro-family" reactionary crowd would be less annoyed at handguns than condoms. After all Guns beer and ammo are all right next to godliness for most of them.
jcrawford wrote:Condoms do not protect a child's health

Care to explain to me how a device clinically proven to reduce disease transfer does not protect a child's health?

I often wonder what causes a person to be so rabid in their efforts to stop an event that WILL happen. Teens have sex, to try to emulate some sexual King Canute and trying to stop it will not change that reality.

In Europe there is a much more realistic policy towards teen sexuality. And what are the results? Their teens have sex later, with fewer partners, have less incidents of STD, pregnancy and abortion. WOW, those secularist europeans are letting their teens go to hell in a handbasket. :D:D:D
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.[GOD] ‑ 1 Cor 13:11
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Post #33

Post by jcrawford »

Vladd44 wrote: Which is it? Get politicians out of private sex lives? Or Ban sex for some and put them in prison for having sex?
Whatever it takes to protect and save the lives of Christians.
Of course that is overlooking the absolute absurdity of trying to criminalize a reaction to hormones.
The reaction is not criminalized. Statutory rape, sexual abuse of minors and the spreading of infectious diseases is criminalized.
Also, what about non-superstition parents who don't believe in mythical beings? Should their children be denied basic protection simply because it ddoesn'tfit your world view?
Non-Christians can give their children all the condoms they want. I would recommend circumcision for all Christian boys since it reduces HIV infection by half.
Smoking, drinking, using drugs and fighting are behavioral issues.
Irresponsible condom distribution and teenage fornication are also behavioral issues.
On the other hand trying to stop sex is literally trying to stop the most natural urge a human has.
Natural urges have to be controlled either by the individual or by government.
You are attempting to fight the very core of our being.
The purpose of civilzation is to control and discipline animal instincts and uncontrollable passions in humans.
It is the ultimate folly, teens will have sex, whether as teens or when they get older.
Teens can have sex after they graduate high school and are old enough to support their families.
To expect to be able to stop that most natural of urges with any real cconsistencyis unrealistic. You can't beat genetics.
We can fine geneticists who advocate and encourage teenage fornication.

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Post #34

Post by jcrawford »

Vladd44 wrote:
jcrawford wrote:Teenagers have sex because secular humanists like Bloomberg hand out condoms to them.

Oh, and I thought teens had sex because of natural curiosity and hormones. I wonder what the species did before Bloomberg, perhaps we should consider him a saviour of sort, after all the species might have died out from the lack of sex before him.
Christians already have a Jewish Savior and don't need Bloomberg to preach condom salvation for their children in failing public schools run by depraved secular humanists.
jcrawford wrote:Married Jews, Christians and Muslims have the right to procreate and to send their children to safe, sex-free and drug-free public schools.

I must have missed that one, is that before or after the right to bear arms?
The right to bear arms is a constitutional right. The right to marry, bear children and raise families unmolested by secular humanists is a Christian right.
First it is absurd to think there is a single public school in the USA that has no sex or drugs and is safe. Such a place simply does not exist, nor will it ever exist.
Then let Bloomberg hand out educational vouchers to Christians who wish to transfer their children to private schools and tell him to stop depressing, oppressing and corrupting Christian, Jewish and Islamic children.
But, don't unmarried people have the same right of procreation? Or did that invisible right given to married people exclude them as well?
All adults who procreate are responsible for the health and well-being of their spouses and children.
palmera wrote:In the real world, teenagers smoke, drink, do drugs, and have sex.
jcrawford wrote:Only because the perverted secular liberals allow them to.

Are you serious? Do you actually deny the place hormones and natural events have in the natural instinct of animals to have sex?
Christians eat animals and pass laws governing the breeding, protection, control and slaughter of animals.
I can see only one realistic way to stop teen sex. Get the kids married off by the time they turn 13.
Teenage or adult males who either infect or impregnate minors should be held responsible and liable for their actions. Girls who become pregnant have the right to demand spousal and child support from the father or the state for 21 years. The parents of teenage girls infected with HIV/AIDS have the right to sue the parents of the teenager who infected their daughter with a deadly life-thretening disease.
jcrawford wrote:Then educate the kids who have sex to take responsibility for their fornicating

Efforts to encourage condom use is aimed directly for that purpose. To put the responsiblity of protection upon each teen ( and others) individually.
Condoms alone are not enough to guarantee parental responsibilty and medical liabilty in cases where teenage girls still get pregnant or sexually infected upon fornicating as a minor. All of my social recommendations must also be implented.
jcrawford wrote:Sex predator Bloomberg is encouraging minors to have sex and doing it without their parents permission or the permission of the children's religious representatives.

Now that is so far beyond the line it is not even funny. You are bordering dangerously close to libel.
Calling the mayor a sex predator is no more libelous than calling secular abortionists "baby killers."
I never thought I could end up in a situation where I would be defending Bloomberg, overall I have always considered him just another turd sandwich/giant douche politician.
Scum covered Bloomberg is worse than a turd sandwich/douche bag politician.

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Post #35

Post by jcrawford »

Vladd44 wrote: I am sure the "Pro-family" reactionary crowd would be less annoyed at handguns than condoms. After all Guns beer and ammo are all right next to godliness for most of them.
If parents need a license to use handguns then the kids should be licenced to use condoms and fornicate since more people die from being sexually infected with HIV/AIDS than are shot to death in the US.
jcrawford wrote:Condoms do not protect a child's health
Care to explain to me how a device clinically proven to reduce disease transfer does not protect a child's health?
Since circumcision has been clinically proven to cut HIV/AIDS infections in half, Bloomberg should be circumcising NYC schoolkids instead of encouraging them to fornicate.
I often wonder what causes a person to be so rabid in their efforts to stop an event that WILL happen.
Saying that child fornication WILL happen and should go unpunished is like saying that since rape will happen the mayor should give free condoms to rapists in order to save lives.

Child fornication would be practically eliminated if the mayor would send juvenile fornicators to Reform School till they are 21.
Teens have sex, to try to emulate some sexual King Canute and trying to stop it will not change that reality.
Controlling and governing reality is what good Christian government is all about.
In Europe there is a much more realistic policy towards teen sexuality. And what are the results? Their teens have sex later, with fewer partners, have less incidents of STD, pregnancy and abortion. WOW, those secularist europeans are letting their teens go to hell in a handbasket. :D:D:D
Secular Europe is dying by committing secular abortion, euthanasia and national suicide while the Islamic population doubles with each new generation of Muslim immigrants.

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Post #36

Post by palmera »

jcrawford wrote:
If parents need a license to use handguns then the kids should be licenced to use condoms and fornicate since more people die from being sexually infected with HIV/AIDS than are shot to death in the US.
Well, not only is your logic bad, but your "stats" are just plain wrong. I think it may be that you're forgetting to account for gun related suicides.
Since circumcision has been clinically proven to cut HIV/AIDS infections in half, Bloomberg should be circumcising NYC schoolkids instead of encouraging them to fornicate.
So you don't deny that condoms do in fact helped protect health? Further, why are we discussing children? Once someone has undergone puberty and becomes sexually active, you can't very well call that person a child.
I often wonder what causes a person to be so rabid in their efforts to stop an event that WILL happen.

Saying that child fornication WILL happen and should go unpunished is like saying that since rape will happen the mayor should give free condoms to rapists in order to save lives.

Child fornication would be practically eliminated if the mayor would send juvenile fornicators to Reform School till they are 21.
Wow. Again, bad logic, only this time you put words into another's mouth. Again, we're not talking about children here, but teen agers/young adults. I understand appealing to a parent's sense of protection by referring to post pubescent sexually active teenagers as children, but it's bad form.

Reform school? Are you kidding me? What kind of Orwellian nightmare are you promoting here? You don't want the government to have the power to give out condoms, but you do want the government to be able to lock up teenagers for having sex??????? Are you trying to be ironical or outrageous to prove a point, or do you not see the hypocrisy and strangeness of your stance?

[strike]Controlling and governing reality is what good Christian government is all about.

So are you calling for a Christian dictatorship? Christian authoritarian rule over all?
Secular Europe is dying by committing secular abortion, euthanasia and national suicide while the Islamic population doubles with each new generation of Muslim immigrants.
So are you saying that STDs teen pregnancy and abortion are all okay so long as the population continues to boom?!? What is "national suicide?" Are you being redundant or is this a new phenomenon unrelated to abortion?
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