Are Democrats attacking Christians?

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Are Democrats attacking Christians?

Post #1

Post by AlAyeti »

Why now are Democrats insisting that nominee John Roberts' Catholic beliefs be fair game as a means to decide his qualificationns as a Supreme Court Justice?

Is this another example of anti-Christian and intolerant views held by the Democrats towards Christians?

Is it proper and decent to ask about a persons religious beliefs to decide their worth in the justice system?

For example I have on many occasions made the assertion that Democrats are hostile to Christians that speak out and feel this is a good example to hold my beliefs as valid.

(One of the sitting Supreme court judges was involved in the ACLU. A one-sided view of American life for sure, but was confirmed.)

So why now the litmus test of Roberts' Catholic faith being an issue for his nomination?

Is it anti-Christian and does it imply that Christians cannot be involved in the American process of justice?

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Post #61

Post by Cathar1950 »

I rewrote AlAyeti last comment. I wanted to rewrite the quote so that it makes sense and is sounds true.
My editing follows.

The facts bare witness that Republican "Christians" promote anti-Christian agenda's.
Jesus specifically spoke to religious leaders that did the same thing in Herod's court acting like Republicans.
Politics supports evil and profits from it.
Some individuals have to many choices.
Republican attack "Democrats" Pointing out that the some "Republican Christians ae doing something wrong. They are hiding behind the "politics."
I couldn't fix the following.
AlAyeti wrote:
I person that willingly chooses to do something wronng should be held accountablr for it. Christians are given the directives from Christ, to do just that.
The "bad" thing is that it is done in front of people who do not value morality but instead sell it out for relativism and excuse.
I person that willingly chooses to do something wronng should be held accountablr for it. Christians are given the directives from Christ, to do just that.
I finish with:
Rome all over again. But the Republicans are far more like Nero and the following licentious Roman leaders than the current voices in the group.

Lets take a vote.
Despite they sound the same, which one rings true in a narrow qualified sort of way?

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Post #62

Post by micatala »

micatala wrote:“Senator Lieberman (Jewish), Senator Kerry, and Senator Harry Ried the majority leader come to mind.” (editorial addition by micatala: as Senator's who talk about their faith)
azchurchmouse wrote:

John Kerry is not pro life. He believes, as most pro-choice people believe, that, until birth control methods work 100 percent for everyone and are available to everyone, no one has the right to tell any woman that she must give birth to a child.
He tries "to justify a 'pro-choice' position" by stating: "I am personally opposed to abortion, but I cannot impose my religious beliefs on others."

Leiberman is not pro-life.
So what is your point. That they are not people of faith because they do not share your view on abortion?

Obviously abortion is a very controversial issue. My personal view is that we should encourage the development of public policies that will reduce the number of abortions. I do not consider it a 'constitutional right' but niether do I think outlawing it is a good idea. My view is that part of the reason (there are many and varied reasons overall) that we have so many abortions is that there is a tendency in our society to not want to plan for or take responsibility for our sexual actions. Yes, people should have the freedom to engage in consenting sexual activity as they deem appropriate, but they should also be willing to take responsibility for the potential consequences, including pregnancy.

I don't know that I have a good concrete suggestion, other than more civil, thoughtful, and respectful discussion of the issue so that we can develop effective ways (eg. education of various sorts?) to encourage sexual responsibility.

I am continually disappointed in the rhetoric coming from the extremes on both sides of this debate. I don't see it as productive at all.

It seems to me that Senators Kerry and Lieberman, although I do not necessarily agree with the particular details of their positions, are attempting to be constructive with regards to this issue.

Regardless, I don't see that they need to apologize to or be denigrated by those who are pro-life. With respect to their faith walks, it is not our place as Christians to judge them. As it says in Romans 14, "Who are you to judge another's servant, to their own Master they will stand or fall . . . ".

I'm not saying pro-life CHristians should not object to the positions of public officials who do not share their views, or that they should not advocate for their pro-life positions. I am only saying it is inappropriate to label people as 'non-Christians' or 'pseudo-CHristians' or to otherwise question the sincerity of their faith, especially on the basis of their position on a very controversial and difficult issue like abortion.

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Post #63

Post by Cathar1950 »

I have to agree micatala on this one. It is a
very controversial and difficult issue.
i am not in favor of abortion but I do think a woman has a right to her body that the state has no place telling her she has to have a baby.
There needs to be more responiblity.
We also need to have a world where it is a blessing to have children and they are not starving or lacking basic needs.
Until we have a better world it should be between a dr. and the woman.
The ancient poverty stricken Jews left them(children) in the desert and hopefully some Essene came along and saved them.
3000 people die and we wage war against "the evil one" over 30,000 children die each year from poverty and we call them welfare cheats.

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Post #64

Post by micatala »

3000 people die and we wage war against "the evil one" over 30,000 children die each year from poverty and we call them welfare cheats.
I believe that, worldwide, around 25,000 per day die from hunger related causes.

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Post #65

Post by Cathar1950 »

micatala wrote:
I believe that, worldwide, around 25,000 per day die from hunger related causes.
I was talking about the USA.
Your absolutely right it is much worse.
I was just thinking about our Christian persecuted country where the atheist are taking over and bringing ruin on us because they haven't had a chance to fix the world because they want to take God back out of the pledge of allegiance, prayer out of the schools. Like they said on the daily show :"someday we may even have a Christian president, like 42 of them." Those evil Democrats. They are probably liberal too.

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Post #66

Post by AlAyeti »

I feel so good that I was so quoted. Even if for sport.

The comparison of Republicans to the Sanhedrin may be OK but the Romans? Ted Kennedy killed a girlfriend and keeps getting reelected. Hollywood is absolutely Rome-Like (Or Sodom) is virtually a hive of liberals.

There was a brothel in Rome where hundreds of babies bodies (bones) we found down in a pit. Their version of abortion for the same reason it is done today.

I have said over and over that I have problems with the GOP and that I am an Independent for a reason.

But, the Ne- Liberal Democrats are far more like the bad guys in the New Testament. And, probably closer to being OK as well. If they would see the truth about abortion, same-sex marriage, taxation of good people to pay for licentiousness, scumbags and the lazy and relativism bordering on pimping.

Our youth are in crisis because of liberal ideology. There are few homes not affected. Few homes that is with fathers. "Home" used to denote a "family." Liberals have destroyed that word too.

Read up in Malachi on that.

The Bible is perfect in describing our world today.

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Post #67

Post by Cathar1950 »

AlAyeti wrote:
Ted Kennedy killed a girlfriend and keeps getting reelected. Hollywood is absolutely Rome-Like (Or Sodom) is virtually a hive of liberals.
I don't think he killed her. She died in an accident. They keep electing him because he does well.
Sure Hollywood has some crazies, Liberal is not bad.
There was a brothel in Rome where hundreds of babies bodies (bones) we found down in a pit. Their version of abortion for the same reason it is done today.
You will find dead babies in many cultures including Hebrew. David and Solomon practiced human sacrifices.
Our youth are in crisis because of liberal ideology. There are few homes not affected. Few homes that is with fathers. "Home" used to denote a "family." Liberals have destroyed that word too.
I would say it has more to do with industrialization and corporate America. Liberals didn't destroy the family. That is just your unfounded opinion.
The Bible is perfect in describing our world today.
The Bible is far from perfect and I think your reading into it. They were talking about there time. Not ours.

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Post #68

Post by micatala »

By the way, I thought I would read back through this whole thread and see if ANY actual evidence has been presented to support the initial claims of this thread.
AlAyeti wrote: Why now are Democrats insisting that nominee John Roberts' Catholic beliefs be fair game as a means to decide his qualificationns as a Supreme Court Justice?

Is this another example of anti-Christian and intolerant views held by the Democrats towards Christians?
Seven pages of posts, and guess what, NOT ONE actual example or piece of evidence to even suggest that Democrats oppose Roberts because of his Catholicism or that Democrats are anti-Christian or intolerant of Christians.


Now, Al, if you are really the empiricist you claim to be, go back through the thread and find any evidence I may have missed, and quote it, so that we can all see what it is. Your unsubstantiated assertions do not count. Examples where Democrats oppose views held by some Christians don't count if they are opposing the views themselves and not the Christian motivation for the views.

Actual examples supporting the actual claims you made. Not digressions into rants about homosexuality, or what does or does not happen in Canada, or the ACLU, or your interpretations of prophecy happening today, or Rome, or Babylon, or Timbuktu.

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Post #69

Post by Cathar1950 »

I think Al got his answer.
I would like to know his stance on corporations and the environment .
I don't have anything against Christians, just some views, THAT SOME HOLD.
I am looking from the inside. I see problems with my traditions.
Mostly their belief in the Bible and replacing God with Jesus and the Bible.
Not usually in that order. It is an interesting cultural phenomena.

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