Im Leaving the Country. (Sweden)

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Im Leaving the Country. (Sweden)

Post #1

Post by LillSnopp »

Im leaving the ´lovely´ Kingdom of Sweden to rejoice in the Republic of Iceland.

But why would i do this? WHY?

Well, its easy, because its so good in Sweden. (talk about easy answer). It reminds me about one thing, you see, Swedes work abroad most in the world (% wise). And people like americans (yeah), ask why? "They have one of the highest standards of living in the world, why leave ?" (They say)

Its very easy, something most people, from countries that do not have the same standard, for some reason, do not understand: We have it so good, that e want to live in other places, see the world, evolve and experience. Sure, everyone wants this *cough*, but we want it more (because of what i stated earlier).

In any case, i will leave for Iceland (most likely), around the 27th this month. And im planing on working there for about 6 months+. But you never know.

I already been there, and i enjoyed it quite a deal. They have some ignorant tendencies, such as patriotism (without knowledge, similar to U.S style patriotism) and drinking.. LOOTS of drinking (im not joking), and ofcourse sex. Loots of sex, the Icelandic´s have an average of 7 partners per year. Which is very high (this is average). Or to be more blunt, they sleep around like ... like.. Loots. And in general they are very attractive (like most Nordics, because of our healthy eating habits and such i presume).

We´ll see what i´ll do next..

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Post #2

Post by Dilettante »

LillSnopp wrote:
They have some ignorant tendencies, such as patriotism (without knowledge, similar to U.S style patriotism) and drinking.. LOOTS of drinking (im not joking), and ofcourse sex. Loots of sex, the Icelandic´s have an average of 7 partners per year.
So only the Swedes can be patriotic?
Are you going there for the six months of nighttime? If I had to live for six months without sunlight perhaps I would take to drinking too...
An Average of 7 partners per year? Come on, Lill, the population isn't big enough for that. Are you sure they aren't just repeating last year's partners? The nearest city to where I live has more people than the entire Republic of Iceland. Good luck anyway.

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Post #3

Post by LillSnopp »

So only the Swedes can be patriotic?
I doubt many are. Im not.
Are you going there for the six months of nighttime?
Now its summer, so it would be the opposite (sunlight).
If I had to live for six months without sunlight perhaps I would take to drinking too...
We have the same in Sweden. But there drinking is because of the amount to do is... Lacking. (You work, you drink (simplified)).
An Average of 7 partners per year? Come on, Lill, the population isn't big enough for that. Are you sure they aren't just repeating last year's partners?
Nope, not joking.
The nearest city to where I live has more people than the entire Republic of Iceland.
Its only 290k in Iceland, so i hope so (my town where i live now has more Students then entire Iceland :roll: )
Good luck anyway.

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Post #4

Post by LillSnopp »

ok, the 27th you get rid of me... I hope you wont miss me to much :)

Im not really feeling any great excitement to go to Iceland. I started to have second thoughts, and was wondering if i should go to United Kingdom instead. I have not been there for years. And not really keen on going there. But i thought, why not, what the heck sorta.....

Anyhow, now its Iceland, i thought perhaps around 8 months or so, then take a flight down to New Zealand and work there for a year. Now i just want to get rid of Sweden, its so boring in this paradise. I want aaaaaaaaaaaaaway.

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