The True Nature of Baptism - Is there a hidden meaning?

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The True Nature of Baptism - Is there a hidden meaning?

Post #1

Post by SelectThis! »

[Replying to post 1 by playhavock]

This is in answer to the user above. He was asking a question that I would like to answer, but a new thread is needed since this is a new topic for debate. Feel free to give your version of baptism. This is my version of baptism, but also the topic of how to both know God in your head and heart. Enjoy:

I had the same skeptical mindset a few years ago I grew up as a committed Christian, then fell away in my doubt, then reemerged later stronger than before. What made the difference? Like you, I had to know God both in my heart and in my head. The heart was not enough. Since that time, I have found the path to both. Seeking God allows His presence to be made known in a literal way. There is a bridge to cross that most of us refuse to cross.

For us to take the name of Christ, we must take the character that goes along with it. That character has little to do with perfection. We are immersed in a place that is out of context with the truth we study. We will continue to sin and be sinful because we are in a place of opposites that demands that we are shown both sides by experience.

For me, the greatest evidence came from taking a step back and looking at where I was. Do I make my hair grow, my eyes see, my body heal, the sun shine or the Earth turn? No. Reduce it all down and we do two things. We think and we move. If you reduce all things to their root position, you can then look slightly deeper and examine the seed of truth. The seeds are the evidence.

Let me give you some examples. Baptism is a symbol we are all familiar with. It is the immersion into water so we can rise to new life. At least, that's the definition we have all heard. We also know that this does not give us salvation, but is only a sign we have a repentant heart. If we take it deeper and reduce this concept to the root meaning, we see the truth from which it comes.

Examine what I said before. You do two things. You think and you move. That's it. The rest is produced so that the bio-mechanical body you live in can exist. You have nothing to do with this. It's a vehicle you possess. Literally, you possess it and animate it with your soul. With that soul, you are also aware of something behind that soul moving it one direction to another. We all sense this duality.

What is the root meaning of baptism?

In the Bible, we have the Word. John 1 claims that this word was what created us. The human body has DNA. As a reflection of the original word, our bodies are created by 22 proteins that form 3 protein roots. Those roots then make other roots when other proteins are added. The Hebrew language has 22 letters and follows this process precisely. Each new word then extends in a sequence of root morphology that forms new words. New words make sentences and sentences make paragraphs. This is the tree of life. That tree extends beyond proteins and branches out to all of our existence as a reflection. Hebrew has 22 letters and Greek has 24. Hebrew is concrete reality and an agro-bio linguistic language. Greek is abstract mathematical. In total, there are 46 letters. The proteins mentioned above come from 2 sets of 22 chromosomes plus 2 sex chromosomes. Those chromosomes make the 22 proteins that render your body to form.

When the proteins have finished rendering the body, you are two halves--Concrete and abstract. Two become one and we are a new creature when the process is finished in the matrix (Womb) of Earth. If the two become one (Spirit and Soul), we rise to new life and evolve. The tree of life drops new seed above on new ground. The ultimate goal is to fall in love with the Spirit and consummate the marriage (joining of two). A new creature is then made. The womb of the mother is a reflection of coming into new light and ability after being veiled from what comes next.

Is the acorn the oak tree or the oak tree the acorn? Neither. They are both the essence of information found in the DNA that renders both. The acorn has a 75 foot oak tree enfolded inside. Likewise, the oak three then produces thousands of acorns. It's an endless process of saved and copied information. You can be saved. That information can be replicated. If we consider a fig tree, grafting new fig branches into the tree allows the tree to be changed over time to a new type of tree. Fig trees require a fig wasp. When a fig tree is merged with enough other trees, it eventually becomes a type of fig tree that can pollinate itself and no longer needs the wasp.

When Jesus came 2000 years ago, the fig tree did not bear fruit. Why? It was a juvenile fig tree. It was not ready to bear good fruit. Jesus called them the generation of vipers. The leaders of the Hebrew people were trying to gain faith by works. Jesus turned this around and showed that faith is the work of God in us. The fig wasp is necessary for the fig tree to bear fruit. Every tree has it's own fig wasp. When a husbandman takes the clippings form one tree to another, the tree eventually bears its own fruit. This takes time. The wasp is the prophet and Shepherd. The prophet assisted the nation in bearing fruit and hearing God by comparison. The work of God is as the husbandman. He prunes the limbs and grafts in new limbs. He develops our faith over time by example. In time, the Jewish people will see this work of God in the Gentile nations. When they finally wake up to their savior, they will bear fruit along with us. The last generation is the generation that sees Israel become a nation. The fig tree bloomed in 1948. The church represents the parthenocarpic fig tree. ... rees_2.htm

Now, we are ready to reduce the seed of baptism in the Bible by the branch you just read about. The root of baptism is immersion into the water. The seed is the first word that engaged the process. As a reflection, our own words here can show the morphology that is reflected in the mirror of the outer world.

Greek and Latin

Amni - River of Life
Amnio - Bowl that catches the blood of the lamb that is sacrificed
Amnion - Sack that holds the water
Amniotic Fluid - Water of the Matrix (Womb)
Amnesia - Condition of the mind in the water (Forgetfulness)
Amnesty - Forgiveness in the water

The Shepherd (Husbandman) pulls the wool (sin) over our eyes (Amnesia). We are in a wilderness on the other side of the river of life (Jordan) in a wilderness. The Shepherd sheers our wool (Sin), then washes it white as snow. That wool is then given back to us as a new Robe (Body) and Crown (Mind). You must be born again. You will be born again. It's called resurrection from the dead and is what happens when a tree dies and sheds it's new seed on new ground. Amnesty comes from being born again in a new land across the Jordan. The wilderness is comparable to the people of Israel coming out of Egypt. Egypt is a refinery. Read Deuteronomy 4:

19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. 20 But as for you, the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you now are.

Our inheritance is the universe (Heavens).

To see this from antiquity, we look at the concept known as involution and evolution. Here is a wikipedia quote:
Sat, Chit-Tapas, and Delight/Ananda are the three aspects of Satchitananda, and are mentioned in terms of Involution . Spirit or consciousness manifests as these three, and then as the intermediate link of Supermind, which is transitional between the higher and lower (matter, life, and mind) nature.[2]

The reason for involution is Delight - the Delight of Being (the Spirit or Absolute) moving to Delight of Becoming (temporal existence, the cosmos). Being throws itself forward into a multiplicity of forms, becoming lost in the inconscience of matter,[3] and then through evolution it partakes in the Delight of rediscovering the Spirit which had been hidden in the interim.

Evolution is thus the movement forward by which the created universe evolves from its initial state of inconscience (i.e. as matter), evolves animated life forms and mental beings (i.e. humans), and continues to evolve spiritual properties, and in that process rediscovers its Source. Such an Evolution of animated forms is only possible because at each stage of development, the developing entity contains within itself the conception of what it may become. Thus, the evolution of animated life out of matter supposes a previous involution of that animated capacity. This is akin to a seed that already has the essence of the tree that will emerge from it.

Each plane emerges from an earlier plane through the evolutionary process, which takes place in chronological time. But in a parallel construction, each of these new planes can be understood as being a descendent of its corresponding higher order plane from the Infinite. Thus, when mentality emerged in the universe, the universal plane of Mind was implanted to a degree in those beings harboring that mentality.
Clearly, the soul and Spirit of God are together in the wilderness. The true Living Word is not the Bible. The Bible is only a reflection of the true word in our hearts. That word comes out continually. I'll leave you with a humorous example of how that word comes out in movies.

Changing our understanding of baptism also implies that Jesus was literally saying, "You must be born again." In other words, you will. This makes you your own grandpa. It means Adam was the Father of mankind and also the last Adam of 1 Corinthians 15. It means he was both our Father and we are his forefathers.

In this video, the bad guy says:

"Nothing left to do but relax. No power on Earth can stop us now."

"It's impossible. We killed that man."

"Well kill him again. Our future is in his hands."

Last edited by SelectThis! on Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:26 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The True Nature of Baptism - Is there a hidden meaning?

Post #11

Post by southern cross »

SelectThis! wrote: [Replying to post 7 by southern cross]
Are you claiming that the only way you can tell the difference between a juvenile fig tree and an adult fig tree is from the bible and that fig trees are involved in baptism, in some way?
No. I am comparing your comments to that of the Juvenile who fails to see the fruit that will be produced when the tree grows up. Additionally, I am trying to get you to see beyond the surface and look into the meaning of what is said. The true story is hidden under the surface, just like my comments above. This is not a jab at you. It's a veiled way to say, "Grow up and look close at your own words." It's a mirror and that mirror was explained.

1 Corinthians 13

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

My comments to you are part of this love. Love keeps no record of wrongs, but it also holds no truth back. The truth is what judges us, not God. Light can only reveal what it hits.

The same sun that melts wax also hardens clay. What softens clay? Living Water. The living water is what I am showing your clay. You can refuse it and harden further or you can use it for what it can do for your structure.

Gospel of Philip

“Glass and ceramic vessels are made with fire. If glass vessels break, they are redone, since they have been made through breath. But if ceramic vessels break, they are destroyed, since they have been made without breath.�
There are five geometric shapes in nature that determine energy flow and and the ability of information to flow.

The Tetrahedron
The Cube
The Octahedron
The Polyhedron, and
The Dodecahedron

Crystals can only materialize into these five forms. The photorefractive effect in crystals can store and transmit information and energy. A rigid crystal is not animated. Can we draw a parallel from this with God's breath and the purpose of animating mater with life? I say consciousness is this very process. The miracle of life is that matter is formed into a vessel that can move, think, breathe, taste, hear, see and touch. Life is the miracle of matter and consciousness. At the essence of our being, we are consciousness energy in motion.

Now go back to the original quote. Remember that men are the clay and God is the potter.

Isaiah 64

8 Yet you, LORD, are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand.
9 Do not be angry beyond measure, LORD;
do not remember our sins forever.
Oh, look on us, we pray,
for we are all your people.
10 Your sacred cities have become a wasteland;
even Zion is a wasteland, Jerusalem a desolation.
11 Our holy and glorious temple, where our ancestors praised you,
has been burned with fire,
and all that we treasured lies in ruins.
12 After all this, LORD, will you hold yourself back?
Will you keep silent and punish us beyond measure?
My words from an article I did on the subject.

You see, your platitudes and parables are just that. I mean the young fig tree doesn't know that it will grow to create fruit? Does the fig tree know that it exists? Does the fig tree understand obedience? Can the fig tree sin? Can the fig tree consciously reproduce?

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Re: The True Nature of Baptism - Is there a hidden meaning?

Post #12

Post by SelectThis! »

[Replying to post 11 by southern cross]
You see, your platitudes and parables are just that. I mean the young fig tree doesn't know that it will grow to create fruit? Does the fig tree know that it exists? Does the fig tree understand obedience? Can the fig tree sin? Can the fig tree consciously reproduce?
The word of God can always be shown as a mirror of our own world. This is the evidence everyone misses as the most logical evidence of all. Your missed view of what I am saying is directly related to the blindness that comes to all of us. If we only see the material surface of the world, it is just that--a material surface; a form. If we read the material world for the language it expresses in symbol, we see deeper and a new story emerges that explains the outer shell of the onion. When you peel an onion, you will cry. To reach the core, you need to cut deep into the onion.

Gospel of Thomas

2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he
finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes
troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

Is it possible you are not in seeking mode? The bridge to cross over is virtue. Apart from this, none of us can get to the part where we are troubled. Many people here in this forum and across the internet are seeking and troubled. The astonished part is where I am at this moment. The process to see truth is what I outline here.

Anyone who fails to seek and have faith is stuck walking the outer shell of reality, never being filled but always seeking what can fill the void inside. Water feeds the thirsty soul. If you are drinking other things, you will miss the water. Water puts out fire.

Again, this is a good view of baptism. We are immersed for this very reason.

Acts 17

24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’[c]

29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.�

How do we raise form the dead if we are not first baptized into a place where energy and information cannot be destroyed? Death is not the end and has no victory if our information is restored when we rise to new life. It's the beginning. But first, we must find love for the Spirit in the womb.

Those platitudes and parables are a mirror to our real word and the meaning behind life itself. When we see this, there are no paradoxes or contradictions possible. Love covers all sin.


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Re: The True Nature of Baptism - Is there a hidden meaning?

Post #13

Post by southern cross »

SelectThis! wrote: [Replying to post 11 by southern cross]
You see, your platitudes and parables are just that. I mean the young fig tree doesn't know that it will grow to create fruit? Does the fig tree know that it exists? Does the fig tree understand obedience? Can the fig tree sin? Can the fig tree consciously reproduce?
The word of God can always be shown as a mirror of our own world. This is the evidence everyone misses as the most logical evidence of all. Your missed view of what I am saying is directly related to the blindness that comes to all of us. If we only see the material surface of the world, it is just that--a material surface; a form. If we read the material world for the language it expresses in symbol, we see deeper and a new story emerges that explains the outer shell of the onion. When you peel an onion, you will cry. To reach the core, you need to cut deep into the onion.

Gospel of Thomas

2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he
finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes
troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

Is it possible you are not in seeking mode? The bridge to cross over is virtue. Apart from this, none of us can get to the part where we are troubled. Many people here in this forum and across the internet are seeking and troubled. The astonished part is where I am at this moment. The process to see truth is what I outline here.

Anyone who fails to seek and have faith is stuck walking the outer shell of reality, never being filled but always seeking what can fill the void inside. Water feeds the thirsty soul. If you are drinking other things, you will miss the water. Water puts out fire.

Again, this is a good view of baptism. We are immersed for this very reason.

Acts 17

24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’[c]

29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.�

How do we raise form the dead if we are not first baptized into a place where energy and information cannot be destroyed? Death is not the end and has no victory if our information is restored when we rise to new life. It's the beginning. But first, we must find love for the Spirit in the womb.

Those platitudes and parables are a mirror to our real word and the meaning behind life itself. When we see this, there are no paradoxes or contradictions possible. Love covers all sin.


One of the things you have failed to grasp is the absolute absurdity of quoting from a book written by ancient goatherds as some form of support for your position.
Should I also believe the book written by an ancient camel trader? Ancient makes right?
Really you must stop equating these ancient ramblings with logical, factual arguments.

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Re: The True Nature of Baptism - Is there a hidden meaning?

Post #14

Post by SelectThis! »

[Replying to post 13 by southern cross]
One of the things you have failed to grasp is the absolute absurdity of quoting from a book written by ancient goatherds as some form of support for your position.
Should I also believe the book written by an ancient camel trader? Ancient makes right?

Really you must stop equating these ancient ramblings with logical, factual arguments.
Just like your user on this board, all things cycle from birth to death. You must be born again if you want to return. What we fail to master in one life will be refined in the next. Involution is a process of growing beyond our previous failures until we finally become more than children of God. You are a child until you finally become a man. I suppose some people choose to deny these truths and continue to sink in the water. As I pointed out earlier, water puts out fire and fire is the trial we endure in the wilderness. One of the most important things you can carry with you in the desert is water.


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Post #15

Post by bluethread »

If it is acceptable to address the OP on this thread, baptism comes from the mikvah. This is a ceremonial washing that one does to make one acceptable for entering the Temple, ie Adonai's presence. Yochannan's mikvah did not send anyone to heaven. It was in preparation for the coming of HaMeshiach. The mikvah was usually done at one's home or just before entering the Temple, for the sake of convenience. That is why the Cohen HaGadol sent people out to question him.

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Post #16

Post by SelectThis! »

bluethread wrote: If it is acceptable to address the OP on this thread, baptism comes from the mikvah. This is a ceremonial washing that one does to make one acceptable for entering the Temple, ie Adonai's presence. Yochannan's mikvah did not send anyone to heaven. It was in preparation for the coming of HaMeshiach. The mikvah was usually done at one's home or just before entering the Temple, for the sake of convenience. That is why the Cohen HaGadol sent people out to question him.
I agree with what you write. The symbolism of the temple is our body and immersion into the water is for the purpose sacrificing the beast. Water cleanses the process. Fire burns the beast. Fire is symbolic of our trials in life and water is symbolic of how the temple is washed. Every parable in the Bible can be plugged into this symbolism. Ultimately, it is involution and evolution. Objects can only be moved in a different direction by an unbalanced force.

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Post #17

Post by TheTruth101 »

Nature of Baptism.

1. Baptism of Water (Jesus). It signifies cleansing of ones sin. It also signifies being "awake" when attending Gods matters.

2. Baptism of Fire (Holy Spirit). It signifies burnt sin. Thus cleansed with fire. It also signifies being cleansed by wrath. Chastitised for sin.

Jesus signfies water, wheras holy spirit signifies fire.

You can clearly see who was under more suffering from the creator. Hence both are real people.

One is King of Peace (Jesus) Christians Messiah.
The other is King of War (Holy Spirit) Jews Messiah.

Jesus came and have gone prophocising the holy spirit. He didnt come yet, but when he comes, it is said he will bring Revelations to earth.

On a side note, Saint Paul has attained Third level of Heavens according to the scriptures. He holds the upto LEVEL 3 of heavens and level 3 of hell. In meaning, those he likes, he can give them joy upto LEVEL 3 in heaens and those he despise, he can give them hell down to level 3.

Jesus Christ has attained Level SEVEN of Heavens, and Level SEVEN of Hell. It is scriptured in revelations, thus he claims he holds upto 7 Spirits of God. Spirits metaphorizing levels of Heavens he attained.

Holy Spirit has not come yet, therefore, there isnt a SELF TESTIMONY of holy spirit speaking on his own behalf. However, his level of heavens and hell WERE prophecised in the Gnostic gospels, and it is said he will attain the highest Level of Heavens, which is 8. So he will hold upto 8 levels of Heaven (highest power) and send the ones he despises down to Level 8 of hell. Which is the last level of hell, where if one were to be sent, is locked for all eternity.

Thus the verse,

blasphemy against the Father (Yahweh) and the Son (Jesus) will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will NOT be forgiven.

The verse speaks for itself. Blaspheming against Jesus and Yahweh, one will eventually be freed. However, blaspheming against Holy Spirit, one will never be able to be free again.

This is the Gods final Prophet the Jews are waiting for according to the scriptures, known as the Messiah.

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Post #18

Post by McCulloch »

TheTruth101 wrote: Nature of Baptism.

1. Baptism of Water (Jesus). It signifies cleansing of ones sin. It also signifies being "awake" when attending Gods matters.

2. Baptism of Fire (Holy Spirit). It signifies burnt sin. Thus cleansed with fire. It also signifies being cleansed by wrath. Chastitised for sin.
Ephesians 4:4-6 wrote: [font=Georgia]There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.[/font]
Acts 2:37-39 wrote: [font=Georgia]Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?� Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.�
There is in the Christian scriptures only one baptism. And it involves receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
First Epistle to the Church of the Thessalonians
The truth will make you free.
Gospel of John

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Post #19

Post by SelectThis! »

[Replying to post 17 by TheTruth101]
Nature of Baptism.

1. Baptism of Water (Jesus). It signifies cleansing of ones sin. It also signifies being "awake" when attending Gods matters.

2. Baptism of Fire (Holy Spirit). It signifies burnt sin. Thus cleansed with fire. It also signifies being cleansed by wrath. Chastitised for sin.
If you read Matthew 3, John is responsible for water baptism and turning the sons back to the Father. We are born again for this purpose. If you read further, the coming wrath is for those who refuse the water. Jesus then baptizes with fire and spirit. Water puts out fire. There are five baptisms, but only one that gets you to God. Christ is the judge of the nations. Fire may be required for some, but water puts out fire. We light the fire we burn by. Jesus forgives us of the requirements of the law from love. Love covers sin. We can only express this love by taking the name. The name is HIS character and living water is what comes by that character. We take the name in vain if we take it without the character it demands. Faith must be accompanied by works or it is dead.
Earth - We are planted into the Garden. We are not rooted in the soil like plants or in a fixed domain like fish. Instead, we can occupy all domains. This autonomy requires that we overcome these domains by hardships. The wilderness we occupy was provided to allow our growth by experience.

Here are 5 baptisms listed in scripture. 3 are mentioned as baptisms in Matthew 3 and 2 are assumed from the OT:

Air - We are given the Word of God as a guide to the wilderness. This word is also the language we learn and master. Meaning ultimately comes when we decipher the inner symbols of nature and overcome our ignorance and pride of the outer world. Meaning springs from the root, just like a plant.

Water - We are baptized into the Water (Immersion into Reality). The water cleanses the temple (body). The temple is where the sacrifice is made. This temple houses the spirit of God, along with our soul. We are to overcome as we are born again. "You must be born again." Plants die and the seed perpetuates to the next generation. Producing fruit ensures seed for the next crop.

Isaiah 26

19 But your dead will live, Lord;
their bodies will rise—
let those who dwell in the dust
wake up and shout for joy—
your dew is like the dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead.
20 Go, my people, enter your rooms
and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until his wrath has passed by.
21 See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
the earth will conceal its slain no longer.

Fire - We are finally baptized by Trials. The Flaming Sword of God cuts away pride and protects the tree of life. The tree of life is DNA. We light the fire we burn by. We can also put out the fire with the water.

Spirit - After overcoming the first four baptisms, we are then baptized by the Spirit of God. Jesus is necessary for us to be marked by the spirit for salvation from the Fire. The water and blood of Christ brings salvation from the corruption of the elements.

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Post #20

Post by TheTruth101 »

SelectThis! wrote: [Replying to post 17 by TheTruth101]
Nature of Baptism.

1. Baptism of Water (Jesus). It signifies cleansing of ones sin. It also signifies being "awake" when attending Gods matters.

2. Baptism of Fire (Holy Spirit). It signifies burnt sin. Thus cleansed with fire. It also signifies being cleansed by wrath. Chastitised for sin.
If you read Matthew 3, John is responsible for water baptism and turning the sons back to the Father. We are born again for this purpose. If you read further, the coming wrath is for those who refuse the water. Jesus then baptizes with fire and spirit. Water puts out fire. There are five baptisms, but only one that gets you to God. Christ is the judge of the nations. Fire may be required for some, but water puts out fire. We light the fire we burn by. Jesus forgives us of the requirements of the law from love. Love covers sin. We can only express this love by taking the name. The name is HIS character and living water is what comes by that character. We take the name in vain if we take it without the character it demands. Faith must be accompanied by works or it is dead.
Earth - We are planted into the Garden. We are not rooted in the soil like plants or in a fixed domain like fish. Instead, we can occupy all domains. This autonomy requires that we overcome these domains by hardships. The wilderness we occupy was provided to allow our growth by experience.

Here are 5 baptisms listed in scripture. 3 are mentioned as baptisms in Matthew 3 and 2 are assumed from the OT:

Air - We are given the Word of God as a guide to the wilderness. This word is also the language we learn and master. Meaning ultimately comes when we decipher the inner symbols of nature and overcome our ignorance and pride of the outer world. Meaning springs from the root, just like a plant.

Water - We are baptized into the Water (Immersion into Reality). The water cleanses the temple (body). The temple is where the sacrifice is made. This temple houses the spirit of God, along with our soul. We are to overcome as we are born again. "You must be born again." Plants die and the seed perpetuates to the next generation. Producing fruit ensures seed for the next crop.

Isaiah 26

19 But your dead will live, Lord;
their bodies will rise—
let those who dwell in the dust
wake up and shout for joy—
your dew is like the dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead.
20 Go, my people, enter your rooms
and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until his wrath has passed by.
21 See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
the earth will conceal its slain no longer.

Fire - We are finally baptized by Trials. The Flaming Sword of God cuts away pride and protects the tree of life. The tree of life is DNA. We light the fire we burn by. We can also put out the fire with the water.

Spirit - After overcoming the first four baptisms, we are then baptized by the Spirit of God. Jesus is necessary for us to be marked by the spirit for salvation from the Fire. The water and blood of Christ brings salvation from the corruption of the elements.

Your talking in small terms. We're talking about Gods here. Natures.

Fire (holy spirit) with water (Jesus) and the very God (Yahweh) being the grounds or soil for the two, if all three are one, we get a lava.

We are dust either way. Unless one belives in the Holy Spirit as their Messiah (thus a bird/creature UP HIGH), if one belives in Jesus as the messiah, within this analogy, one will be dust and perish. (thus a lamb/ creature on grounds)

Now, for fun.

Lets just say hypohetically Holy Spirit (Jewish Messiah) and Jesus (Christian Messiah) get in a war with one another.

Fire vs. Water.

Although Jesus can put the Holy Spirit out, he'll be in extreme pain, thus stinging heat.

But you also have to remember, that these beings are eternal. Gods.

So Holy Spirit will never die and be eternal. And so will Jesus.

So lets just say it repeats over and over. Holy Spirit pouring his wrath
(fire) onto people, and Jesus keeps putting out his wrath.

Hpothetically, Jesus has NO power over him. All he can do is calm him down. (shut out fire) and the holy spirit wont be hurt.

Holy Spirit on the other hand can repeatedly cause pain (pour his wrath onto people) and to Jesus over and repeadedly if he chooses to.

That is why it is said he is the highest power.

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