The Greatest Creator

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The Greatest Creator

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Post by ivysunday »


What was the past for human being? What will be the limit point for mankind in the future?

Will the intelligence of human be able to stop the asteroids’ impact on earth?

If these questions can not be answered, then we should turn ourselves to the Greatest Creator!

Chapter 25 of Tao Te Ching begins with “There was something formless yet complete. It existed before heaven and earth�.

The Bible makes its purpose clear from the very beginning, “In the beginning The God created the heaven and the earth�. (Here God means “the Greatest Creator�

The Diamond Sutra says, “If one desires to see me via colors and seek me through sound, he is pursuing an evil course and cannot acquire enlightenment from Buddha (the Greatest Creator)�.

Book of Odes-Decade of Wenwang- Great Brightness says, “This king Wen,

Watchfully and reverently,

With entire intelligence served The Greatest Creator,

And so secured the great blessing.�

In chapter 8 “The Origin and Fate of the Universe� of his book A Brief History of Time, the great scientist Stephen Hawking says, “"The general theory of relativity, on its own, cannot explain these features or answer these questions because of its prediction that the universe started off with infinite density at the big bang singularity. At the singularity, general relativity and all other physical laws would break down"

"Science seems to have uncovered a set of laws that, within the limits set by the uncertainty principle, tell us how the universe will develop with time, if we know its state at any one time. These laws may have originally been decreed by God"(Note: God is the same as the Greatest Creator)

"One possible answer is to say that The Greatest Creator chose the initial configuration of the universe for reasons that we cannot hope to understand. This would certainly have been within the power of an omnipotent being"

"It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act of The Greatest Creator who intended to create beings like us."

Man has six sensory organs of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and consciousness, which correspond to six perceptions of vision, hearing, olfaction, taste, touch, and telegnosis. Man communes ? with the material world and the nonmaterial world via these six perceptions.

If a person is blind and has no vision, then how can we convince him that there is light in the universe? How can we prove the existence of light?

No, we cannot. For one is unable to perceive light without vision.

If a person is deaf and has no hearing, then how can we convince him that there is sound in nature? How can we prove the existence of sound?

No, we cannot. For one is unable to perceive sound without hearing.

If a person is ignorant and has no telegnosis, then how can we convince him that The Greatest Creator is in the universe? How can we prove the existence of The Greatest Creator?

We still cannot do that. For one is unable to perceive The Greatest Creator without telegnosis.

Telegnosis is an innate instinct. With telegnosis we can perceive the existence of The Greatest Creator.

Every one has telegnosis, but why we are unable to perceive the existence of The Greatest Creator?

This is because the telegnosis is blocked and blunted in the same way as one suffering from falling of eyesight cannot discern the view in front of his eyes.

If one’s eyesight has dropped, one pair of glasses will enable him or her to see clearly.

If one’s telegnosis is blunted, he will be able to perceive the existence of The Greatest Creator by improving his wisdom.

Someone wants to deny the existence of The Greatest Creator with a case of antinomy, “Can The Greatest Creator create a rock that he can not lift?�

This question puts us in a dilemma. If we say “No�, we have completely denied The Greatest Creator. If we say “Yes�, it proves that The Greatest Creator cannot lift the rock he has created. The existence of The Greatest Creator is also negated by the statement that he can not lift a rock. Whatever the answer is, the result is the negation of The Greatest Creator or at least the negation of the omnipotence of The Greatest Creator.

The man who creates this antinomy is very smart in that his minor question has perplexed the spiritual nature of many people, making them stay far away from The Greatest Creator and wisdom. This person is either Satan or someone disfavored by The Greatest Creator. He cannot taste the grapes, so he would try his best to prove that the grapes are sour and prevent others from eating the grapes.

“Can The Greatest Creator create a rock that he cannot lift?�. This question is a trap. The similar question may be:

“Are you a thing?�

How would you answer this question? No matter the answer is “Yes� or “No�, you will fall into the trap of the designer. It does not make any difference whether to say “I am not a thing� or “I am a thing�.

Thus, we cannot present positive or negative answers directly to any antinomies. Instead, we should consider from the question itself or lodge a rhetorical question. For example, the rhetorical question for “Are you a thing?� is to aim the question “Are you a thing?� directly at the person who asks this question. Let’s see how he will answer this question himself. The rhetorical question for “Can The Greatest Creator create a rock that he cannot lift?� is “Can The Greatest Creator not lift a rock that he has created?�

The question “Can the Greatest Creator create a rock that he cannot lift� is not tenable to The Greatest Creator himself. In the same way, the question “Are you a thing?� is not tenable to the man himself. In addition, this question itself is a double negation. Namely, whatever the answer is, the question itself has secured the negation. Many philosophers and logicians have been puzzled by such questions. Here are some more paradoxes. Let’s see how you should answer.

“Are you not an animal borne by your parents?�

“Can eyes not see eyes?�

“Is a man not a non-animal?�

Such questions cannot be answered directly but with the changes of some conditions.

The Greatest Creator related question can be answered: The Greatest Creator can create rocks under any condition. The Greatest Creator can lift rocks under any condition.

Any more questions?

The questions can be done in this way if we keep on. I will begin by asking “What is lifting? Does lifting mean holding the rock in both hands and raising it over the head?� If the answer is no, what is lifting? If the answer is yes, suppose this rock is the earth and I stand upside down with both hands touching the earth, isn’t the earth over my head? You may reject the interpretation. For the earth is not over my head but under my head. Okay! What if I repeat the same action and move along the longitudes in 360 degrees, then should there be a point on the earth over my head? If not, which point of the universe is over us? And which point is under us? At this point, you may argue although I am holding the earth with both hands and although the earth is over my head, I am not holding the earth, rather it is the gravity from the earth that draws me. If this is the case, we should negate the meaning of lifting as we have first proposed. That is, holding the rock in both hands and raising it over the head cannot be regarded as lifting. Then what is lifting?

No matter how you define the meaning of “lifting�, I can say I “lift� the earth as long as I change the direction. And if you say I “lift� the earth, I can prove that I am not lifting the earth. So, the question “Can The Greatest Creator create a rock that he cannot lift?� is tenable or not?

We should pursue The Greatest Creator and get to know The Greatest Creator, otherwise we will not be able to understand the origin of the universe and the origin of life, or the past and future of human being. We cannot even understand the instincts of animals and the purpose of life.

I am 46 years old now. I have engaged in a wide variety of occupations: shepherd, peasant, migrant worker, secretary of Youth League branch, clerk, secretary of CPC branch, political instructor of art and cultural propaganda team of people’s commune, bench worker, electrician, automobile mechanic, middle school teacher, office clerk, office manager, interpreter, driver, salesman, grocery store manager, restaurant buyer, bartender, night club manager, manager of fast food department, property developer, and so on. The duration of my jobs all lasted for more than half a year with the exception of office manger and restaurant buyer, on which I stayed only for two months.

What have I gained from working on so many jobs?

What I have learned is, without a belief and an aim, life is just like the floating clouds drifting in the sky with wind. An inexplicit traffic accident I personally experienced several years ago has prompted me to explore the meaning of life. What on earth do I live for? For the sake of my country? Nonsense. I have problems even making a living for myself, how am I supposed to do anything for my country? Do I live for my parents? Absolutely not, otherwise, why should I survive after their death. For my wife? Unlikely. She may enjoy a better life without me being around. Do I live for my children? Not necessarily. How can those childless parents carry on life then? After the children grow up and have families of their own, what do I live for? I can no longer provide them with any help; on the contrary, I may prove troubles and burdens for them. Do I live for myself? How absurd it is! I can neither decide my birth nor my death. If there is an option, I would rather choose not to be borne and not to be a being at all. Then who brought me to this world? Is it because of the accidental union of my parents that I came into being? Definitely not! The universe is governed by laws. Everything has its causes and effects. Nothing exists purposelessly and accidently.

Everything exists for a particular purpose. Then what is the purpose of my existence? This obscure and confused way of living is beyond my endurance. I would rather die than to live without a clear understanding of myself and the world around. If I have no idea where I came from, then I should at least know where I am heading. Otherwise, it would be a great pity if someday I suddenly get killed in a traffic accident!

Can I live a life with understanding if I am wealthy? It seems that there is no single millionaire in the world who has solved the problem of the purpose of living. By the time you have a lot of money, perhaps you don’t have much energy and time left. You may have died before you know why you have lived. Besides, money does not come the way as you wish. Otherwise, anyone can be a billionaire.

Having power will make one understand the meanings of life? I doubt. There have been many emperors and kings appeared on the stage of human history. Did they really understand the purpose of life? Was there anyone of them left us with “Book on Life�?

How about being a scientist? Great as Newton, Einstein, and Stephen Hawking are, they still wondered the origin of the universe, the origin of human being, and the origin of life. Would I be any better than them if I become a scientist? Moreover, just as I cannot become a singer because I am not born with the gift of a singer, I cannot be a scientist either. To be a scientist for me is something beyond my wildest dream.

Will it be possible for me to understand the meaning of life if I seek to become some kind of expert? I am afraid not. Let’s take archeologists and anthropologists for example. One day they would say that mankind originated from Europe, another day that mankind originated from Asia, still another day they would claim than mankind’s ancestor lived in Africa. To affirm the place of origin of mankind simply by a few pieces of fossils is far from reliable. It is likely to say that we would be originated from the Antarctica if some more human fossils are excavated from somewhere someday.

How about reading the Bible? Can it be a way to understand the meanings of life? Maybe I was born foolish. I have read the Bible for years, yet I have not been enlightened so far. Where is the Kingdom of The Greatest Creator? It has been there already or it will emerge in the future? Where would it be if it will emerge in the future? By future, do we mean a millennium, ten millennia, or a hundred million years? My life only spans scores of years. Is there such a thing as the resurrection of flesh and body? How can resurrection be realized? There is no doubt that Jesus is a god, the problem is whether there are any other gods that above Jesus? Why would Jesus undergo suffering if he is free from the control of other gods? Why almost all his disciples died an unnatural death? Is it possible for a god to lose control of his own fate? As a god, why couldn’t he protect even his own disciples? Why should they suffer for the blessing of other worldly life?

So I rely on Buddhism to guide me!

Buddhism preaches the previous life and the eternity, lifetime after lifetime, retributive justice, and karma. This makes sense. But how on earth does karma transform? How should a person behave to acquire eternity? Where is the Pure Land? And what does it look like? I have only read a few of the great many Buddhist sutras, so it is not for me to jump to a hasty conclusion. Since Buddhism has existed for more than two thousand years, it should be able to interpret the meaning of life, but it failed as well. If life is but a process of suffering, why does The Greatest Creator create so many wonderful things for people to enjoy? If the purpose of life is to attain Buddhahood, then what is Buddhahood? How can we attain Buddhahood? What is the probability of attaining Buddhahood? If only two to three out of the one thousand people who practice Buddhism succeed, then the rest would feel quite unwillingly to sacrifice the worldly pleasure.

Money, power and status, and scientists and other experts, Christianity and Buddhism –each may have its own arguments. But none of them can explain clearly the meaning of life. And for us mortals, we even have a hard time scraping up for daily existence, how can we have time to pore over the learning of sociology, natural science, and religion?

Is there a shortcut? Is it possible for us to seek The Greatest Creator directly, bypassing gods, Buddha and the knowledge accumulated by mankind, because only The Greatest Creator knows all and only The Greatest Creator has the ultimate power of decision?

Where can we find The Greatest Creator?

Read “wordless� book, read heaven, read world, read people, read things. Luckily I have undertaken more than twenty different jobs, and have experienced many hardships of life. In addition, after graduation from senior middle school I went further study for another three times. And I have stayed in the countryside, in small towns, and big cities. As a result, I can string up different phenomena and events for chain reflection. Nevertheless,I am still confused.

So what could be the obstacle?

I was greatly enlightened when I incidentally browse the Koran, which says, “The masses of deities and mankind, don’t hesitate to escape from domain of heaven and earth if you can. But it would not be possible for you to escape without the help of authority.�

Yes, how can I escape from the domain of heaven and earth without the power and help of authority (The Greatest Creator).

How can I get the support of the Greatest Creator?

By telegnosis, man is a part of the universe. Man can correspond with universe. The brain can immediately sense the sting on the toe. So if I send a “fax of thought� to The Greatest Creator, he will surely know my appeal.

Indeed, the picture of the birth of the universe, the origin of life, the origin of mankind, and the 36-dimension space began to appear in my mind. The subject of fate is thus revealed naturally.

Only at this time did I learn The Greatest Creator, Jesus, Sakyamuni, Lao Tzu, as well as mankind, universe, time, space, energy and matter, body and soul, the nature of life, and the meaning of life.

I came to know God by telegnosis which could only be sensed nor told. In order to facilitate the understanding and induce even greater enlightenment, I have cited 40 natural phenomena and 8 logical reasoning to prove the existence of The Greatest Creator and to illustrate the eight characteristics of The Greatest Creator and the eight major relations between The Greatest Creator and human being. Whether you can sense the existence of God completely relies on your telegnosis and wisdom.

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Post #71

Post by ivysunday »

6.The Relationship in Distance

The concept of the distance between the Greatest Creator and us can be explained from two aspects From the physical world’s perspective, the distance between us is immeasurable and extremely large. At present, the farthest galaxy we can detect is 27 billion light-years away from us. Quark, the smallest particle we know, is over 30 billion light-years from the Earth in the negative direction. And the Consciousness energy cluster of the Universe is not in the center of the Universe, just like the human brain is not in the middle of the human body. If we see this issue from the perspective of the 36-dimensional space, the essence of the Greatest Creator is in the Zero World while the human beings are in the Mortal World. Between these two Worlds, there is an insurmountable gap. So as far as the spiritual body is concerned, the Greatest Creator stays together with the human beings and there is no distance between us. All things in the Universe are the reflections of the Greatest Creator. The distance between the Greatest and the human beings, if shown in an improper metaphor, is just like that between the finger and the body. There is some distance between the finger and the head, but as a part of the body, we can also say there is no difference between them. Any movement and feeling of the finger is related to the brain.

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Post #72

Post by ivysunday »

7.The Relationship in Telepathy

Though the Greatest Creator seems far from us, it will react instantly when we do something and give us orders, just like the finger and the brain. As a result, the Greatest Creator actually stays with us and knows all of movements and behaviors, either physical, mental or psychological. And all the directives from the Greatest Creator can reach our body and soul instantly without the slightest errors.

The Greatest Creator is amorphous and that’s why the human beings cannot see the existence of the Greatest Creator. But it does not mean the Greatest Creator does not exist or his existence has nothing to do with the human beings. As a matter of fact, each of us is living under the care of the Greatest Creator. There is a mutual-response and cause-effect relationship between the Greatest Creator and us.

If we compare the Greatest Creator as the sea, the human beings are the fish swimming in the sea. The Holy Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son of the God in the Bible refer to the Greatest Creator, the psychic energy of the Greatest Creator and Jesus, who executes the directives of the Greatest Creator. The psychic energy of the Greatest Creator permeates the Universe and we just live in the spirit like the fish living in the water. Lao Tzu, in his Tao Te Ching, talked about Tao, which is actually the Holy Spirit. The “Tao awareness�, “reaching the Tao� and “practicing the Tao� actually mean awareness of the existence, operation and function of the Greatest Creator and combination with the spirit of the Greatest Creator through thinking, understanding and logical reasoning. When you have been integrated with the spirit (Tao) of the Greatest Creator, you have “reached the supreme wisdom� stated in the Buddhist Scripture. At this time, you will definitely become a celestial being and not far from the Buddha.

You might say, “What you have said sounds reasonable. But I still can’t sense the existence of the Greatest Creator’s psychic energy and its influence on me.�

This has something to do with the levels of wisdom. The Einstein’s theories of “E=MC2�, “Gravity bends light passing a massive object� and “Spacetime curvature changes with enengy and mass� may puzzle the ordinary people because the levels of their wisdom haven’t reached the height to understand his theories. However, Einstein himself was puzzled by the “quantum mechanics� and “uncertainty principle�. He thought that because the Greatest Creator looks after everything, it has created the physics laws. As a result, the Universe is in order, which means knowing the current situation of the Universe would lead to understanding of its development and changes. However, according to the “quantum mechanics� and “uncertainty principle�, the future is unpredictable and there might be multiple results. For instance, the more accurate we measure the position of the small particle, the more inaccurate we will measure its speed, and vice versa.

The more profound and abstract a certain theory is, the more difficult it is to understand. For the ordinary people, the theory has become metaphysics. But if we have a open mind and think deep enough, there is nothing we cannot reach.

There are three levels of life achievements. The first level is the Presidents or billionaires. To have some knowledge about this level, you have to read The Law of Success written by Napoleon Hill known as the creator of millionaires.

The second level is the breakout of the worldly pursuit. Before becoming the Presidents or billionaires, you can imagine the splendor and brilliance it can bring you. But when you find becoming the Presidents or billionaires is not able to bring you the genuine happiness and pleasure, you will feel it a burden and redundancy. You believe there is upgraded life. The worldly things can’t satisfy you. However, you can’t get out of the influence from the worldly society. At this time, your thought will definitely develop into the eternal region to gain the maximum freedom and life. Your wisdom has been upgraded into a new level and you can understand the negative side of too much perseverance and too great success in the world. Thus you can reach the level of “freedom, both physically and psychologically, out of the worldly desires�.

The third level is the understanding of the Universe mysteries and life meaning. At this time, you can feel “the sky is high and the sea is deep for the free movement of birds and fish�. You have reached the state of “forsaking the worldly desires and pursuing what your heart guides you�. You have known that the life itself has no birth or death. Then you have entered the Elysium World. You look back at the Presidents and billionaires, you feel that they are simply much too na?ve as the children’s games..

Now let’s continue to discuss why we can’t sense the existence of the Greatest Creator and the influence of the Greatest Creator’s psychic energy.

Just now I said it related to the levels of the wisdom. If our perception only stays in the first level, we are just like a frog in the well and can’t sense the brilliant outside world. Even if other frogs come to tell us how rich the outside world is, we still can’t believe them and will think they are simply exaggerating. If our perception is limited within the second level, we are just like a frog in the pond and can’t imagine the splendor of the rivers, lakes and seas.

The Greatest Creator is being with us in our body. We sense each other. Whether or not you can sense the existence of the Greatest Creator depends on the sensibility of your soul. A poor-quality TV set can hardly receive the audio and video signals from the TV station. Even if it can, the image is not clear or it is too noisy to hear clearly what the broadcaster is talking about. A black-and-white TV set can’t receive the colorful image. Even if the quality of the TV set is good, it can’t receive the signal if it is tuned to the wrong frequency.

“Only if we have the same mind can we sense each other.� If we have the same frequency and resonance, we can sense each other.

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Post #73

Post by ivysunday »

8.The Corresponding Relationship (Way of Contact)

All things are the Greatest Creator, who is not all the things. The finger is human, who is not a finger. The embassies represent their countries, which are not embassies. The scientists are the science, which is not the scientist. The religions exist for the God, who doesn’t exist for the religions. If we can understand this, we would understand the corresponding relationship between the Greatest Creator and human beings.

上The Greatest Creator and all things in the Universe sense each other. The same frequency is key to the mutual frequency. If we know this, we have found the way to correspond with the Greatest Creator (the way of communication). If we want to listen to a certain program, we have to turn on the radio and tune to the corresponding channel. If we want to talk with someone, we have to dial his or her number. If we want to communicate, or talk with the Greatest Creator, we have to connect our souls to the psychic energy of the Greatest Creator.

The Greatest Creator actually does not have a name. Human beings have given some names to the Greatest Creator for him to be easily identified. The Christians call him Jehovah. The Muslims call him Allah. The Buddhists call him the Ancestor of Buddha. The Taoists call him the Original Heaven Ancestor. Some people also call him the Creator, Imperial Heaven, Heaven, Emperor Heaven, Indian Heaven, etc. Some even call him the Elderly Heaven Lord. In fact, these names are all right. Only if we have the sole and only, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, supremely powerful, wise, impartial and merciful Greatest Creator in our heart, it is acceptable no matter what name we give him.

Life Chanyuan has summarized the features of the 3 major religions and called the Greatest Creator as the Allah, Ancestor of Buddha and Jehovah.

Here I would like to state solemnly that some people call Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, as the Ancestor of Buddha, which is completely wrong. Sakyamuni is just a representative sent by the Ancestor of Buddha to the Mortal World. If the people called the ministers of the Chinese Emperors in the past as the Emperor himself, we would be sentenced to death. If some schools of the Christianity, because of the Holy Trinity, call the Jesus as the Greatest Creator, they are completely wrong. The reason is simple. We don’t call our father as the grandfather.

We have understood the corresponding relationship between us and the Greatest Creator. Then how do we communicate with the Greatest Creator?

To be specific, we communicate with the Greatest Creator through meditation and pray.

Meditation means getting into the deep thinking and imagination by forsaking the psychological activities aroused by “the sound, fragrance, taste, touch and law� in the mind. It is a state of mind inaction giving up fame, wealth, life and death, thinking about the Universe mysteries and life meaning. After a long period of meditation, our consciousness will integrate with that of the Greatest Creator and our wisdom will be upgraded in quality. When our state of mind reaches the indescribable happiness and pleasure, we have been closely connected with the Greatest Creator. This is the most direct, effective and difficult way of communicating with the Greatest Creator. The “Zen Method Getting Out of the Earthly Mind� in the chapter of “Nourishing Of Life� is a way of meditation.

The second way is pray. We must first understand that human beings exist to serve the Greatest Creator. The main purpose of our pray is to please the Greatest Creator.

Jesus has told us very clearly about how to pray and what to pray. We just follow his instructions. In general, the pray must be done in piety and should never be performed in a perfunctory manner. The content of the pray must be the gratitude to the Greatest Creator for its favor, mercy and support, praise of the Greatest Creator’s wisdom, supreme power and greatness, followed by your expression of the will to behave in the Greatest Creator’s will without caring about your own success, failure, gain or loss. Then you have to confess, earnestly, your sins and mistake, and ask for the forgiveness of the Greatest Creator. Finally, you should ask the Greatest Creator to steer you onto the right path so that your life can enter the higher life space in the next cycle of life. The pray is concluded by saying that our pray is done in the capacity of Jesus, the father of human being in the Heaven.

The pray is an individual, not a social activity. The loud pray intended to be heard by others is hypocritical and useless. The pray must be done quietly without being voiced. Because our psychological activities will become a kind of thought wave and emit our wish and mind to the Universe, just like EEG and ECG. The Greatest Creator will receive the wave and respond to us. Besides, because human beings are also part of the Greatest Creator, we hear our pray represents that the Greatest Creator hears too.

When praying, never have the evil thought and pray for someone’s bad luck, for promotions or wealth, for the family splendor, or complain about the Greatest Creator’s impartiality because all these will be heard by the Devil and you will really have trouble. The evil thought is not in the same frequency with the Greatest Creator. Instead, it has the same frequency with the Devil. Why do we have to communicate with the Greatest Creator?. I will answer this question in the chapter of “Life�.

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Post #74

Post by ivysunday »

V. The God in the Bible is not the Genuine Greatest Creator

First of all, we have to admit that the Bible is the accomplishment of the Ephraim which loyally records the Jewish history, explains the relationship between the God, Devil and human beings to the furthest degree, and gives the direction the human beings should take.

The Bible, the Koran, the Buddhist Scripture and the Tao Te Ching are the eternal and effective treasures and collections of human wisdom, teaching us how to behave and develop into the higher level of life space.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth�. The first sentence in the Bible did tell the truth. But the things covered by the cossack may not be the holly things. And the people wearing the sacred cassock may not be the abbot.

The problem with the Bible is that the God it introduces is not the genuine Greatest Creator.

We have known that the Greatest Creator has the 8 features. The Greatest Creator is sole and only, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, impartial, merciful, supremely powerful and wise. The wisdom of the Greatest Creator is revealed through its establishment of the Universe order, design of the life program and knowledge about the past and the future.

Then, does the God in the Bible have the above-mentioned 8 features?

Let’s explain this with examples.

The Betrayal of Adam and Eve

According to the Genesis, Adam and Eve were instigated to eat the fruit on the Wisdom Tree forbidden by the God in the Bible. Because they have violated the order of the God (in the Bible), they were repelled out of the Eden.

It indicates that the God in the Bible is a. incompetent; b. improvident; and c. impartial.

He is incompetent because he was a loser at the beginning. The first couple of human he created betrayed him. So can we still say it is supremely powerful?

Can we still believe in a “person� who often loses? The Great Flood had killed most of the human beings. What happened to them afterwards? They still wouldn’t listen to his words. The Moses Ten Commandments are actually the directives of the God in the Bible. Can you tell me how many of them are obeyed by the human being? Actually not even one. The God in the Bible seemed to know nothing about how to control the human beings. The only measure it takes is to voice warnings and threats against the human beings. Thousands of years has passed, the human beings remain the same. Is there no means to control the human beings? Or is there some other force constraining this Almighty God? If this is the case, is this God not sole or only? For thousands of years, the human beings have been violating hisorder. What is he waiting for?

The God in the Bible is improvident because he didn’t know that Adam and Eve were going to betray him or the development trend of what he had created. Is this God, who is not able to predict the future or the past, still reliable? If the Earth is going to get out of the Solar System and this God knows nothing about it, how can he save the human beings? How can this GOD administer the deities, Buddha, celestial beings and Devils when he found it difficult to control the human beings? How can he manage the spacious Universe?

The God in the Bible is impartial because it cannot tell wrong from the right and because it is unreasonable.

Why would Adam and Eve betray the God in the Bible? There are three major reasons. First, the genetic structure of Adam and Eve had faults, or was imperfect. The life created by this God was now its own constraint. This angered the God very much. It is just like the house built by an architect who put every efforts was fallen and hit his own feet. Is the house or the architect that should be blamed?

The second reason they betrayed is that they were instigated and seduced by the snake. Adam and Eve are humans while behind the snake was the Devil Satan. The energy and wisdom of human beings can’t match those of the Devil. This God didn’t punish the Devil Satan. Instead, it imposed inflictions on Adam and Eve and drove them out of Eden. Is it fair? If a rapist raped an 8-year-old girl, would it be fair to blame the girl for her sexual organ and weakness instead of bringing justice to the rapist?

The third reason of betrayal, which is also the most important one, is the damned Wisdom Tree that can tell the good and evil. Who has planted it in the Eden and why? It’s just like putting a poisonous sweet on the dinner table for the kids. Or it’s like playing the porn video for the young girls while teaching them to retain their innocence. Would a moral person do such a thing? Isn’t this “person� who planted the Wisdom Tree in the Eden has caused the betrayal of Adam and Eve?

Besides, does this God, who had created Adam and Eve, has other measures to take rather than driving Adam and Eve out of the Eden? Is it fair not to give them a second chance simply because they have made only one mistake? Does one mistake justify their life-long sins?

Jesus came to the Mortal World to atone for the human beings’ sins. According to the Bible, all the people have their “original sin�. Where does the “original sin� come from? Actually, they are inherited from Adam and Eve, the ancestors of human beings, whose sins were formed because they had eaten the fruit on the damned Wisdom Tree.

When we are born, we have the “original sin� inherited from Adam and Eve. The “cross� on our back was much too heavy. According to this logic, “the son of a thief is always a thief�, “the son of a criminal is always a criminal�, and “the son of an emperor is always an emperor�. That’s why in ancient China, in the feudal period in particular, “If a man committed crime, all his family members would be sentenced to death�, or “If a man attained the Tao, even his pets ascended to Heaven�. This also explains why the thrones can only be passed on to the next generations of royal families. This is because it complies with the logic in the Bible.

If somebody has sins, the God in the Bible and the Satan sined first. Is it humanitarian to inflict on billions of humans throughout the history simply because of the wrongdoings of Adam and Eve? Why not executing Adam and Eve and creating a new pair of humans at the time? Is creating a new couple so difficult for the God in the Bible?

All the people are born with sins. This is why each of us comes to the Mortal World to endure the sufferings. But the sins are not inherited from our ancestors. They are made by oursleves in the previous cycle of life. If we don’t have sins, we would all have become Buddha or celestial beings.

Ten Plagues of Egypt

According to the Exodus, when Moses and Aaron, in the capacity of the GOD in the Bible, asked the Egyptian Pharaoh to let the Israelis leave Egypt, they were refused. Consequently, the GOD in the Bible imposed 10 plagues on Egypt. 1. Plague of Blood The water of the Nile will be changed into blood. The fish in the Nile will die, and the river will stink; the Egyptians will not be able to drink its water. 2. Plague of Frogs. The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The frogs will go up on you and your people and all your officials. 3. Plague of Lice.The dust of the ground became lice, lice came upon men and animals. All the dust throughout the land of Egypt became lice. 4. Plague of Flies The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies, and even the ground where they are. 5. Plague of Livestock Death The fifth plague of Egypt was an epidemic disease which exterminated the Egyptian livestock; that is, horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep and goats; 6. Plague of Boils The sixth plague of Egypt was Shkhin. The Shkhin was a kind of skin disease, usually translated as "boils".; 7. Plague of Hail The seventh plague of Egypt was a destructive storm; 8. Plague of Locusts Locusts will devour what little you have left after the hail, including every tree that is growing in your fields.; 9. Plague of Darkness Total darkness covered all Egypt for three days 10. Death of the Firstborn The tenth and final plague of Egypt was the death of all first born in Egypt — no one escaped, from the lowest servant to Pharaoh's own first-born son, including first-born of livestock.

It is understandable that the God punished Egypt because Egyptian Pharaoh wouldn’t obey his order. However, it was unreasonable and went too far to kill the first-born of all humans and animals in Egypt. You can punish the Egyptian Pharaoh for his disobedience. Why inflicting on the common people? Even worse, the God would kill the kids of the girl slaves working as donkeys in the lowest rank. Can we still say the God behaving like this merciful? It was behaving without humanitarianism just like a Devil.

Even more abominable, the Pharaoh of Egypt wouldn’t let the Israelis leave mainly because the God had hardened the Pharaoh’s heart. Before the Ten Plagues came, the God in the Bible had done something. According to 7:3 in the Exodus, Jehovah told Moses, “And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.�

It means the God in the Bible had prepared a trap for the Egyptians, trying to find an excuse for the following plagues. In Exodus 8:19, “Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." But Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the LORD had said.�. In Exodus 9:35, “And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, neither would he let the children of Israel go; as the LORD had spoken by Moses.� In Exodus 10:20, “But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go.� In Exodus 10:27, “But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go.� In Exodus 11:10, “And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land.�

It was the God in the Bible who let the Israelis leave Egypt. But it was the same God who had hardened the Pharaoh’s heart and sparked the conflicts so that the Israelis couldn’t leave Egypt easily. So what the God in the Bible was doing? It was encouraging the people to revolt while telling the authorities about the revolt and encouraging the government to oppress them mercilessly. Isn’t such a person a schemer and two-faced?

So is this the image of the Greatest Creator?

The Israelis Are the People of the Covenant

The Bible has the Old Testament and the New Testament. The part telling what happened before Jesus was born was called the Old Testament and the part telling things after Jesus was born was the New Testament. The Testament actually means agreement, covenant, and contract. The whole Bible is the agreement, covenant and contract between the Israelis and the Greatest Creator.

So here is a paradox. There are over 3,000 nations in the world and why the God has established the Testament with the Israelis? Does this mean the other nations are not the subjects of the God? If they are, why has the God only established the Testament with the Israelis while neglecting all the other nations? If they are not, what’s the origin of all the other nations? Are Adam and Eve only the ancestors of Israelis and not the other nations? The Israelis are created by the God. Does it mean the other nations are created by the Devil?

There are 1,656 years between the Genesis and the Great Flood. There are 857 years between the Great Flood and the Exodus. There are 396 years between the Exodus and the founding of the Israeli State. There are 510 years between the founding of the Israeli State and their captive to Babylon. There are 152 years between their imprisonment in Babylon and the reestablishment of Jerusalem. There are 450 years between the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the birth of Jesus. There are 2003 years between the birth of Jesus and today. So according to the Bible, the history of human beings is about 6,376 years.

According to the Bible, there were only 8 people survived the Great Flood on the Earth. They were the couple of Noah, their three sons and their wives. It means that 4,700 years ago, there was no one else living on the Earth except for the Noah family.

But this has brought some other questions. First, where do the American Indians come from? According to the theory of Continental Drift, America drifted away from the other continents. But it couldn’t happen within 4,700 years of time. Then how the Noah family reached America from the Middle East? After the Great Flood, there were only 8 members in Noah family. It was impossible for them to get dispersed. Noah couldn’t let one of his sons and his wife to cross the freezing Siberia and the Bering Strait to get to America.

Second, where did the African blacks come from? From the perspective of genetics, the blacks, yellows and whites have their separate ancestors. A couple of pure whites couldn’t generate the blacks and yellows. Even the evolvement couldn’t produce the blacks and yellows in 3,700 years of time. Besides, according to Darwin’s evolutionary theory, the survival of the fittest, could the Israelis able to write the Bible evolve into the African blacks? The blacks are not the matches of Israelis in the intelligence no matter how we exaggerate their abilities.

Now let’s come to the Chinese nation. The first Chinese King was born about 4,600 years ago. The story of Dayu‘s Flood Control happened about 4,200 years ago. It was impossible for the future generations of Noah to come to mainland China 100 years after the Great Flood. Even if they did it, how could they produce so many people who followed Dayu to control the flood?

Where does the Chinese nation come from? Are the Flood Control by Dayu were just the Great Flood?

From the perspective of the Bible, the biological evolutionary theory could never be accepted. But once we accepted the theory, it would deny the theory that the God created the human beings. But if we denied the evolutionary theory, there was no way to explain the origin of the blacks and yellows and we can’t say Adam and Eve are the common ancestors of all human beings.

The Story of Cain

The first child of Adam and Eve, after they were driven out of the Eden, was Cain, followed by Abel. “And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect.� Out of jealousy, Cain killed his brother Abel.

We want to ask the God in the Bible some questions, “Why do you favor the offerings of Abel instead of those of Cain? Is Cain killing his brother Abel not your fault? If you had never favored one of them, how could it arouse the jealousy of Cain? Why the people created by you had so many troubles? Adam and Eve wouldn’t follow your orders and their kids killed each other. As the God, you don’t have the ability to solve these problems? Or is it what you have designed?

Cain was a murderer and deserved the punishment. But you told Cain, “Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.�

So what kind of the justice standard is it? It is hardly understandable not to levy the punishment on the criminal. But it is even more understandable to have revenge of sevenfold on those who would punish the criminal. Is it protecting the criminal?

That’s why the few thousand years of human history were full of blood, violence and crime. The God in the Bible has been protecting the criminals.

“Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.� Because Cain is a criminal, we can fully understand it as ““Therefore whosoever slayeth the criminal, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.��

We can conclude we had better become criminals because the criminals are protected and the good men are not. The good men have the risk of being revenged sevenfold.

The Prophet and the Dream

In the Bible, there are a large number of prophets and dreams. The prophets are the representatives of the God in the Mortal World. They have unimaginable wisdom and power, which sink the average people with average wisdom into the mist. If someone says, “I am a prophet�, should we believe him or not. If we don’t, we are standing against the God. If we do, how can we know the prophet is a fake or not?

Now let’s talk about the dreams. There are many dreams and dream analysis in the Bible, in particular in the Revelation. Of course, those who can analyze the dreams are all prophets. But they have also brought a lot of puzzles.

First, has the prophet had the dream at all? No one could see his dream and he could well compose some dreams and cheat us. If he really had the dream, was his analysis correct, or was he analyzing the dream on the reverse aspect?

I want to ask the God in the Bible, in the Old Testament, you used to talk directly with the human beings. Then why you stopped doing so later? Are the Adam and Eve on other planets also disobeying your orders? Why would you warn the human beings in the form of dreams? Why not tell us the truth directly? Don’t you have the ability to do so? Don’t you have time? Don you have some secret sorrow?

I can give many other examples to state that the God in the Bible does not have the features of being sole and only, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, impartial, supremely powerful, merciful and wise as genuine Greatest Creator has.

So we can affirm that “the God in the Bible is not the genuine Greatest Creator�.

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Post #75

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VI. Interpretation of the words of the Greatest Creator

The Greatest Creator has never talked with the human beings directly. The word of the Greatest Creator are hidden in the laws of the nature. In a word, the word of the Greatest Creator is the Tao. To be specific, the Greatest Creator’s “speeches� are the equations in the physics, the molecular formula in the chemistry, the formula in the math, the structural formula in the biology and the cause-effect formula in the life science.

So only the great physicists, chemists, mathematicians, biologists and doctors can interpret the Greatest Creator’s “speeches�.

The works such as Tao Te Ching, The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine and the Book of Supreme Senses are the interpretation of the Greatest Creator’s “speeches� in the social life science.

In the human society, the successful people in all sectors have implemented the “speeches� of the Greatest Creator, in unconsciousness because they have followed the movement laws of matters at the right time and the right place (the laws are the Greatest Creator’s “speeches�). And the losers are those who have gone against the laws.

The wealthy people, either in physical or mental aspect, are those who are willing to follow the laws. We can say they have understood the Greatest Creator’s “speeches�. Those who are poor in physical or mental aspect have ignored the existence of the Greatest Creator and misunderstood the “speeches�.

All those who are modest enough to receive the education can understand the Greatest Creator’s words. Those who are stubborn, impatient, inflexible, or who wouldn’t stay quiet to think, would violate the “words�. They are not reasonable or worthy of being saved. They are born to suffer.

It needs wisdom to interpret the Greatest Creator’s words. Moreover, it needs thought, understanding, peaceful mind, complete spiritual state, respect to the Greatest Creator, respect to the Buddha and God, love for the nature, life and human beings.

I would try to interpret some of the “words� of the Greatest Creator, earnestly request those learned and great recluses to point out my mistkaes so that I can correct.

“I am the Greatest Creator, the supreme master of the Universe, the leader of all Gods, the cradle of life, thebirth place of wisdom, the original force of the Universe, the energy center of the super-material world, the stream in the desert and the lantern in the mist. I am almighty, ubiquitous, impeccable and perceptive.�

“I have prepared the Thousand Year World, Ten Thousand Year World and Elysium World for those who revering me. The worlds are perfect where you don’t have to worry about shelter, food, necessities, illness, old age, death, or disasters. You can enjoy the life completely. So you should take my path.�

“I have also prepared the lower world for those who ignore me, abuse me, desecrate me or betray me. In the lower worlds, which include the Hell, Frozen Layer and Flaming Layer, you will be tortured and punished for what you have done. So you should give up evil and return to good, begging me to forgive your sins�

“Your life is short, so you can’t afford to waste your valuable life on some meaningless things. You should give priority to the pursuit me. I will show up when you pursue me. You knock on my door, and I will open it for you.�

“Everything you have seen is just the flash in the pan. The truth is hidden on the other side of what you have seen and you have to seek the truth on your own.�

“Everything you possess in the Mortal World will never bring you the genuine happiness or pleasure. The more you possess in the Mortal World, the more distress you will sink into. You should pursue wisdom because only wisdom can grant you with happiness and pleasure. I will allow the people with wisdom to the senior life space.�

“You shouldn’t make the human life much too complicatedYou should pursue the simple and fruitful life.I prefer those common people with wisdom, not the people with authorities, power or fame.�

“You should never limit your thinking within the 3-dimensional space because that will blind you against other spaces. Don’t deny the existence of other spaces simply because you can’t see themjust like you can never deny the existence of particles just because you can’t see them.�

“You should stay away from the evil conducts. Those who steal, rob, cheat, blackmail, rape, murder or corrupt will never have the bright future.�

“Don’t be jealous, slandering, arrogant, conceited, complaining or crafty because these are the virus which will swallow your spiritual nature.�

“You shouldn’t compare yourself with others. Behave yourself and take your own path. Don’t follow the fashions or trend and don’t lose the right path.�

“You should be modest enough to learn from the wise people, and brave enough to listen to their instructions and admit your ignorance.�

“Born into the Mortal World, you are destined to be the human beings. So don’t pursue super performance, or becoming the Buddha or God. You should take the path of being a human. Your next life cycle is determined by your virtues as a human. I hate those who are performing weirdly.�

“The Earth is the home to all human beings. You should love every tree and bush, and every hill and every streamon the Earth. Those who damage the Earth will lose their homes. Those who care for the Earth will enter the beautiful homes.�

“I will treat you the same way you treat me.�

“I have never created that many conflicting religions in the Mortal World. I have just created the laws for the Universe and life. The religions are created by the humans on your own.�

“Don’t build temples or churches for me. The entire Universe is where I stay. Don’t sacrifice cattle or sheep to me. I am the Greatest Creator and I don’t eat those things.�

“You should revere me with your heart. Don’t try to cheat me with those superficial forms because I can sense it. I hate those who look loyal and scorn me in the heart.�

“You should show filial piety to the elderly because you are on the way to become elderly. You should care for the kids because you are the kids in my eyes. I will not care for those who don’t care for the kids.�

“You should respect the teachers and receive the education modestly. Otherwise, your soul will be covered by ignorance and your life will be spent in darkness.�

“You should obey the laws and regulations and respect your kings and emperors. The laws are everywhere in the Universe and you shouldn't be outlaws.�

“The right of being a human is granted by me. You should retain the right and fight against those who try to deprive you of the right. You should behave yourself as humans and never act as fawning as adog.�

“You help yourselves and I will help you. You give up and I will forsake you.�

“The population on the Earth is much too large. You must learn to control the population and can’t reproduce freely like animals. Otherwise, I will inflict the plagues on you. This is my warning and be serious with it. Don’t blame me for being cruel.�

“You should seek me actively and take my path. If you neglect my existence and act reckless as you wish, the plagues will be imposed on you at any time.�

“Hold my hands firmly!�

Look forward to the corrections from those who have understood the Greatest Creator.

You will see clear paradise scenes.

Stay and study in Lifechanyuan will a new life begin..

faraway mountains are fresh and green.

Take a broad view and you will see

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Post #76

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Preaching the Greatest Creator to Donghai Yixiao

The Confucianists revere the “Heaven�, calling it as the “Heaven�, the “Imperial Heaven� or the “Elderly Heaven Lord�. They admit the existence of the power beyond humans and the existence of God. Such recognition is not prompted by the sudden impulse or the education from a certain master. Instead, it comes from the life and life experience of billions of people. We can go to a few elderly people above 60 years old and ask them, “Do you believe such Heaven Lord above everything?�. I am sure at least half of them will admit the existence of the Heaven Lord.

This “Heaven�, “Imperial Heaven�, or “Elderly Heaven Lord� is the Greatest Creator. If you observe the performance of a CNC machine, what feeling do you have? You will find it working accurately and conscientiously. Now do you believe it is the natural attribute of the machines, or believe someone behind is operating this machine?

Well, I will give you an example. The honeycomb is a hexagonal cylinder, the bottom of which are three rhombuses of the same size with the obtuse angle at 109o28’ and the acute angle at 70 o32’. So why do they have such angles? According to the calculations by the scientists, only such angles can save the materials to the largest degree. Now I want to ask, “Is it because the bees are clever or because some force behind the bees is manipulating them, just like someone behind the CNC machine is operating them?�

I have listed dozens of the examples in the Chapter of the Greatest Creator. With these facts, would you still deny the existence of the Greatest Creator? Everything has its origin. And where is the origin? All things are moving. And where is the driving force? Everything has psychic energy. And where is the psychic energy? Everything exists for a purpose. And what is the ultimate purpose? Life has different levels? What is the highest level of life? Can you say “the highest level of life is Donghai Yixiao (the East Sea Owl)�, or “the movement laws of Universe are made by the East Sea Owl�? All things sense each and there is a terminal for the sensing. Where is this terminal? Can you say “all the computers in the world are connected to the Internet and the terminal is on the computer of theEast Sea Owl�?

Do you still want to deny the Greatest Creator? Of course, you can say everything is formed naturally. Then can you explain to us what is called “naturally� and how it produces the things and their movement procedures in the Universe. You have to reveal the whole process in strict logics. You can’t just raise your head and say, “It is natural. I just don’t admit the existence of the Greatest Creator. I want to see what you can do with me.� All the people in this world believing in the Greatest Creator are those with spiritual nature, perception and wisdom. All those who don’t are trouble-making people. The Greatest Creator does not belong to anyone. It is wrong to think that the Greatest Creator should help whoever believing in him. The Greatest Creator is just like the sun, shining impartially on everyone in the Mortal World. Who gets more sunshine is determined by their habits and preference. Whether you love sunshine or not is your own choice, not the Greatest Creator.

The Greatest Creator has 8 features. It is sole and only, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, impartial, merciful, supremely powerful and wise.

I have said the GOD in the Old Testament is not the genuine Greatest Creator because the GOD in the Old Testament does not haveeight features. I have also said the Krishna advocated by the Kirtan and the Bhakti movement is not the genuine Greatest Creator because he has 16,108 wives. The genuine Greatest Creator is neutral or unisex, neither male nor female. Any statement or practice personalizing the Greatest Creator is wrong. Why? Why? Why? I will not give further explanation. You can make your own judgment. Why have some people resisted the Greatest Creator believed by the Life Chanyuan. The reason is that when the genuine Greatest Creator shows up, the fakes will find no place to hide. They have no choice other than slandering it.

After all, I do not expect you to believe in the Greatest Creator overnight. But I do hope you are not hurry to deny it. Instead, you should spend you whole life proving it. So long as you can exlcame---“I will not regret to die in the evening if I learned in the moring.�

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Post #77

Post by ivysunday »

The Secret of Human Bodies – Examples Proving the Existence of the Greatest Creator

Xue Feng

Though the modern medicine has limited knowledge of human bodies, what we have known is enough for us to admire the excellent human body structure and functions. Each system and organ in the human body is designed by the Greatest Creator. Even those trivial body parts have great functions. For example, there are several types of hairs on human bodies with distinct forms and functions. The head hair is designed to protect and beautify the head. It can grow long. According to the Bible, “But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.� The eyebrows can divert sweat and rain, preventing them into the eyes. That’s why they are lined above the two eyes. Eyelashes can prevent the dust and other things from entering the eyes. That’s why they are lined on the sides of the eyelids. Also they stand forward in a special curve because it wouldn’t hinder the eyesight or pierce into the eyes when closing the eyes. If the eyebrows and eyelashes are too long, they will hinder the eyesight. That’s why they wouldn’t grow as long as the hair or beards. The nasal hairs can filter the inhaled air. That’s why they grow inside the nostril and stand sideways and outwards. If they stand inwards, the other things will find it easy to come into the nostrils and difficult to go out. The armpit hairs can prevent the partial friction and help the sweat evaporate. Without the armpit hairs, we have to raise our arms. Otherwise the skin under the arm will become inflamed because of the friction and moist. Required by the function, the armpit hairs cannot grow as long as the head hairs, or as short as the eyebrows. Besides, they are soft and curving. If they are rigid and coarse, they will hurt the skin. And cilia grow on the intestinal epithelium. The cilia grow downward and vibrate together. The vibrating waves move downward from upward to help move down the intestinal contents. Cilia also grow on the airway and bronchus epithelium. However, they grow and vibrate in the opposite direction as those on the intestinal epithelium. Only in this way can they move the sputum upward to the throat and spit them. If they grow downward, the airway and bronchus would get stuck by the sputum and the humans would die from it.

Now I wish to take two simple reflections of human bodies as an example. When foreign matters enter the nostrils or airways, they will arouse two protective reflections, sneeze or cough, which is designed to repel the foreign matters. But due to different situation, these two reflections differ in their approaches. The foreign matters in the nostrils are not urgent so the sneeze reflection can be prepared in a composed way. First, inhale slowly; open the mouth, and the soft place move upward to block the nostril. Then breathe in enough air through the mouth, and the pleural body contracts sharply to emit the air in the lungs quickly. When the emitting reaches its peak, the tongue rises abruptly to block the mouth to repel the air to go out swiftly through the nostrils. In this way the foreign matters in the nostrils are driven out. However, if the foreign matters enter the airway, it is an emergent situation. If the foreign matters are not driven out timely, the life will be put at risk. The inhaling is strictly forbidden because it will make the foreign matters go deeper and cause suffocation. So the cough doesn’t include the inhaling. Instead, the glottis closes immediately. At the same time, the pleural body contracts suddenly and adds the lung air pressure extremely. When the pressure is at its strongest point, the glottis opens suddenly and the lung air sends out explosively, compelling the foreign matters in the airway to the throat via the glottis. At this time, the soft place rises to block the nostrils. The foreign matters are spit out through the mouth. If the tongue and the soft place perform the same way as in the sneeze, the foreign matters emitted out of the airway will enter the nostrils, causing another trouble. In these two reflections, the body parts must cooperate closely. Any failure in the coordination will lead to the failure of the reflection, causing serious consequences. So these activities are not done freely. Instead, they are done as required by their functions and set procedures. These procedures are not learnt or practices. The program has been rooted in our brain nerve structure (nerve nucleus) when we are born. Otherwise, the babies will not survive.

The advanced computer science has made it possible to simulate these activities. However, the simulation requires 3 conditions: 1. Device simulating the inhale and exhaling of human mouth, nose, throat, pleural and the sensing device; 2. The central control equipment simulating nerves and body system (compute, input and output devices). The above two devices are hardware. And software is also needed, namely (3). A program composed in strict compliance with the requirements to control the performance and procedure of each link, and arrange them in perfect coordination. All the three conditions are imperative. Otherwise the reflections can’t be realized. The program itself is not a substance structure. Instead, it is a smart use and spiritual result. There will be no such a thing as the program without the smart use. So we have to ask, the program is composed by the humans and stored in the computer, how about the control program in the human brain. Is it also composed by someone and stored in the human brain? Sneeze and cough are the simplest examples. There are numerous automatically controlled physical, bio-chemical and pathological human body activities, which are even more sophisticated than reflections of cough. Even today, some of them remain mysteries to us. So how are these sophisticated control programs composed? And where do they come from?

Now let’s have a look at the sensory organs on human bodies. Why do we have two ears? The reason is that one ear is not able to identify the direction. With the ears lying on two sides of the head, the sound reaches the ears in sequence of time. Based on the slight receiving time difference, the brain can judge where the sound comes from. The auricle is the most outward component of the ear. It can introduce the sound into the external auditory canal. Within the auricle there is a thin layer of cartilage helping to retain the form of auricle, giving it wonderful elasticity and protecting it from the clashes. Without the cartilage, the auricle is just two useless pieces of skin hanging on the head side. If the thin bone is inside the auricle, it will break easily even if when you are sleeping on your side, damaging the auricle. There is fuzz on the outer segment of the external auditory canal preventing the sand and dust. The inner segment secretes cerumen to prevent insects. When foreign matters enter the external auditory canal, it will trigger head shaking, instead of sneeze or cough, to get the matters out. Because the external auditory canal is a blind passage, it is impossible to repel the foreign matters with air.

Why don’t the foreign matters in the nostrils arouse the head-shaking reflection to repel them? That’s because the nostrils of humans almost lie in the middle of the head. The shaking is not able to produce enough centrifugal force. Besides, the human nostrils face downward and it is improper to repel the foreign matters by shaking the head. The sound is produced by the mechanical vibration of objects and is transmitted by the air fluctuation, or the sound waves. The human ears are actually working like a precise mechanical vibration monitor. In the inner ear there are a number of keyboards with different sizes, producing nerve impulses produced by echoing with corresponding frequencies. The brain, in accordance with the features of these impulses, identifies the strength, tunes and timbre of the sounds.

We must note though there are many sensory organs in human bodies, only the inner ear is protected by the most solid and firm bones. In fact, it lies in the cave part of the temporal bone. Of all the sensory organs, only the ears monitor the mechanical vibration, which needs a relatively fixed position. Otherwise, it is not able to monitor the sound. If the inner ear lies in the soft tissues, when the sound wave arrives, the inner ear will vibrate with it. Thus it can hear nothing. Now the inner ear lies in the firm bone and it can’t sense the air vibration. So it is imperative to reduce the density waves to the mechanical vibrations before sending them to the inner ear. And there is such a reduction device at the middle bottom of the external auditory canal, which is called the eardrum. The eardrum has enough space to receive the air pressure. It is thin enough to vibrate when the sound wave arrives. Meanwhile, the eardrum is strong enough to push the transmission device. The long handle of the middle ear cartilage is attached to its inner side, the tensile force of which makes the eardrum sink inside slightly to maintain certain tension. This allows the eardrum to accurately reduce the arriving sound waves into the mechanical vibrations. No matter what the temperature is, the vibration function is not impacted. After the sound waves are reduced into the mechanical vibration, some rigid objects are needed to transmit the vibration to the inner ear. Of all body tissues, the most rigid objects are the bones. However, the bones are heavy in general and covered by the soft tissues, which are not suitable for the audio vibration. However, in the tympanic cavity between the eardrum and the inner ear, there are three unique tiny bones with delicate forms measured in millimeters. They are almost completely exposed to the air in the tympanic cavity. These three tiny bones are connected by ligament and form a transmission chain in curve with excellent audio vibration function, able to transmit accurately the vibration of the eardrum to the inner ear. The transmission device can properly multiply the weak vibration and reduce the strong sound wave. All of these structures are the super designs required by the acoustics.

There are even smarter designs in the hearing organ. For example, to make the eardrum vibrate freely following the arriving sound waves, the two sides of the eardrums must be exposed to the air. As a result, there is a tympanic cavity full of air in the middle ear. If the cavity is filled by liquids, just as other cavities are, the eardrum is not able to vibrate because the liquids can’t contract. Besides, the cavity does not only need to be filled with air, but also needs to be connected to the outside world with a proper passage, to balance the static air pressure in the cavity with the outside air pressure. Otherwise, the air in the cavity will gradually be absorbed, causing the eardrum to sink excessively or damaging it. When the outside air pressure changes, (such as in mountain climbing, diving, the airplane takeoff or climate change), it will arouse uncomfortable feelings or lead to hearing malfunction. But the middle ear can’t be opened to the outside world directly, just like the external auditory canal or nostrils can. The reason is that the direct exposure will make the arriving waving sound reach the two sides of the eardrums at the same time via the external auditory canal and middle ear passage, counteracting the sound pressure. Thus the eardrums will not vibrate at all, unable to produce the hearing. So it is a difficult problem to connect the middle ear and the outside world. However, the human body, with a smart design, solves this problem. The middle ear is opened at the two sides in the upper rear of the pharynx via a half-opened passage (the so-called auditory tube). The auditory tube is locked in common times and only opened temporarily when taking the swallowing actions, balancing the air pressure in the middle ear shortly. After the swallowing action is over, the auditory tube is locked again. Apart from eating, human body would regularly take swallowing action unconsciously, even when he or she is sleeping. Thus the air pressure in the middle ear can be adjusted from time to time and avoid the hearing from being hindered. Besides, when swallowing, the swallowing segment and the soft palate will definitely rise, blocking the mouth and nostrils against the outside world. So on the moment when the ear and throat are opened shortly, though the air in the throat can enter the middle ear, the sound waves from the outside world are blocked against the middle ear. As a result, the hearing will not be interfered and can receive the outside sound and voice. Only the throat in the body can meet the special demand of the hearing organs. The throat is originally designed as part of the digestion and breathing system, it does not belong to sensory system. However, it can cooperate so smartly with the hearing organs. We have to admire the extremely delicate body-wise design.

The vestibule in the inner ear controls the balance of the body. In the vestibule there are 3 semicircular canals. When the body loses balance, the mutually-vertical semicircular canals produce the balance impulse, which triggers the corresponding reflection via the balance center in the medulla brain. Why are there 3 semicircular canals instead of 2 or 4? And why are they mutually vertical? The reason is apparent. Humans live in the 3-dimensional space. There are 3 mutually-vertical movement directions, namely, front and rear, left and right, upward and downward. So the 3 mutually-vertical semicircular canals can monitor the movements. The number less than 3 or more than 3 would be insufficient or redundant. We can see the delicate and smart structure and function, and the supreme wisdom in them. They can’t be the accidental results.

As the most important perception of human bodies, vision provides more information than that provided by all other perceptions. The vision is the perception of image and space and the visual organs must have the most precise and accurate structure completely different from other sensory organs. As a result, in the perspective of the embryo-genesis or neuro-anatomy, the main structure of the eyes is not just the common receptor. Instead, it is part of the cerebral cortex. The so-called optic nerves are completely different from other cerebrospinal nerves. In essence, the optic nerves are inner structure in the brain, transmitting the most sophisticated visual information. The eyes function like a precise camera. The retina composed of the photoreceptor cells is just like the films. The crystal, iris and the cornea works like the lens, diaphragm and the filter. However, the precision and automatic adjustment of the eyes is no match of any high-quality cameras. For example, the lens in modern cameras is made of special glass or hard plastics with fixed focal distance. When taking pictures for the landscapes with different distances, the lens position must be adjusted. Otherwise, the image will not be produced on the films. But this is an awkward approach. Imagine when the eyes are watching landscapes with different distances, the eyeballs have to protrude or recess alternatively, which looks ugly or damages the health and function of the eyes. However, the crystal in the eyes are transparent and elastic colloid, which can adjust automatically the focal distance in accordance with the distance of the objects to make sure all the objects can be imaged on the retina, without changing the position of the crystal. Such automatic adjustment function can’t be fulfilled by any camera.

If we observe the eyes in the perspective of modern TV technologies, the eyes are more like the television camera, but thousands of times more precise than the television cameras. The TV image is composed of dense pixels (the mixed dark or brilliant light spots). Till now, the best TV image only contains less than 1 million pixels. However, the human eyes can produce image containing 20 billion pixels. Only the eyes can see the details of objects. No matter how clear or accurate the image is, it is still a plan view image. Then how the eyes can provide the dimensional image is a key issue of providing the complete vision. But it is not an easy task at all to convert the flat view image into the dimensional one. For a long time, people have been puzzled by how the conversion is done. Of course, we later knew the smartness and delicacy of the human body shown here. The two eyes send the flat view images they receive into the same nerve center, which contrasts and analyzes the images and judges the distance of the objects based on the slight visual angle difference caused by the position difference of the two eyes. Thus the dimensional image is produced. That’s why people have to have 2 eyes to establish the complete vision. Based on such understanding, humans have invented the dimensional movies. But the above is only the external process of how vision is formed. People have little knowledge about how the visual center works inside. We have to admit that the mysteries of human body structure and functions are beyond the intelligence of mankind.

As a matter of fact, the distance judgment with two eyes is the triangulation technique which is precise and automatic. The accurate measurement needs two premises. First, the two eyes must focus on one object at the same time. Otherwise, there will be double vision, which means the one objects will be seen as two objects. As a result, the complete neuromuscular system is equipped on the outside of the eyeballs, making the eyeballs the most flexible and accurate organs. The ciliary muscle inside the eyeballs can adjust the conversion rate of the crystal at any time to focus on the object and form the clearest image. Second, the retina of the two eyes must be strictly symmetrical. Otherwise, the image contrast of the two eyes will become impossible. Furthermore, the images received by the two eyes must be transmitted at the same time to the same visual center for contrast and analysis. There are two visual nerves on the left and right side of the brain, supervising respectively the two sides of the vision field. The objects in the left of the vision field are reflected, via the eye pupil, on the retina of the right sides of the two eyeballs. The corresponding images in the two eyes, via the visual nerve, are sent to the visual center on the right side of the brain. The objects in the right of the vision field are reflected, via the eye pupil, on the retina of the left sides of the two eyeballs. The corresponding images in the two eyes, via the visual nerve, are sent to the visual center on the left side of the brain. The two visual nerves contrast the corresponding images coming from the eyes and produce the full-field dimensional images. The pairs of human parts are often symmetrical on the outside. Only the retinas are symmetrical in the same position. Namely, the left side is symmetrical to the left side and the right side symmetrical to the right side of the two retinas. That’s because the light rays come in directly. Otherwise, the visual centers can’t receive the corresponding images or get the coordinated vision. The structural symmetry of the retinas in the two eyes must be accurate to the utmost. Otherwise the images in the two eyes will not comply with each other and the ambiguity will occur. Besides, the corresponding images from the two eyes must be sent to the same visual center. Thus the optic nerves must have the corresponding special structure to realize the cross-transmission of the images. This is the unique “chiasma opticum� unique to the optic nerves. This function is not possessed by any other nervus cerebrospinalis because they don’t handle the information of images and space. If we use the computers and monitoring cameras to simulate the process of human vision, the input network of the computers has to have a similar chiasm. No other design can do it. Judging from the above, we can find all the human organs, structures and functions have shown the supreme wisdom. And these are the ways they should be.

Some people think that human body has some useless organs, such as the thymus gland, appendix, tonsil and coccyx, in order to prove the human structure is imperfect. Some people used to believe that these organs were not that useful. Instead, they tend to arouse diseases such as appendicitis and tonsillitis. If these organs are cut off, it will not have much impact on the human body. In the past, people used to classify spleens and other organs into the useless organs. There was a list of useless organs in the past which included over 100 organs. But the list was long not because these organs are useless but because people at the time were ignorant. As more we know about the organs, most of them have been deleted from the list and there are only a few still remain in the list. Some people think that these organs are the leftovers of human evolution, which are called the “waste back organs� and use them as one of the evidences of evolution theory. This is a complete misunderstanding. Till not we have understood there are no such things as the “obsolescent organs�. It is simply the lack of knowledge of these organs. Take the thymus gland as an example. In the past, people didn’t know its function. Now we have understood it is the warning device of the human body against the inner and outer infection sources. As a result, the thymus gland contributes a lot to the human health. Another example, if the coccyx fractures, it will cause serious functional disturbance. So the coccyx is also an imperative part of human body. Some people might say these organs can trigger diseases. Then all human organs can lead to diseases, even brain and heart are of no exceptions. Why don’t we say the brain and heart are useless? Some organs, though they are not as important as the heart and brain and wouldn’t endanger life immediately when eliminated, are also useful. Just like if the hands or feet are lost, though not fatal, the human body is handicapped.

After knowing the supreme and smart design of human structures and functions, you might want to know how they come into being. Who has designed and made such sophisticated and precise organs? We cannot avoid the question. Any truth-seeking person would admit that the extremely delicate organs and structures are not produced naturally or accidently. For instance, if someone gives you a top-class camera and tells you it is a natural one without designer or manufacturer; do you think his words are scientific and acceptable? The human body, which is even more delicate, accurate, flexible and practical, must have a supremely wise and capable creator behind it.

On a spring Sunday morning in 1954, I saw a young stranger sitting in the chamber of a Church. When we started to talk, I knew that he was a student at Peking Union Medical College. He said to me, “Since I studied anatomy and physiology, I have felt the human body is really a wonder. It is not possible to understand it unless we interpret the wonder with a God.� He came to the church to seek an answer. The wonder of this young man is not the only example. I remember that when I was studying anatomy and physiology in school, some students surrounded our physiology teacher and kept asking him questions. Finally, the teacher, annoyed by so many questions, told us, “Please stop the questions because they will lead to religion in the end.� Because of the special political background at the time, the teacher’s warning silenced all the students. But his warning impressed me deeply and remained in my memory till today. My thought at that time was that the teacher was right because all the things were created by the God. Though he was not a Christian, he had to admit the truth and the further probe into the human body mysteries (part of the Universe mysteries) would definitely lead to the existence of the God (religion) in the end. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the wonders of the human body. The Bible says, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.�(1:20 Romans 1) Was the teacher demonstrating his scientific spirit? No. The scientific spirit means the truth and boldly pursuit of the truth without avoiding any controversy. The teacher knew very clearly that one more step forward would lead to the God but he dared not move onto the path towards the truth. Instead, he asked his students to stop there. It has shown that many people refuse to admit the existence of God not because they don’t have the scientific spirit but because of the social pressure, individual consideration for their interest and prospect, just as what the teacher was doing at that time. Nevertheless, the existence of the God would not change. And we cannot live in such considerations for the reality forever. One day in the future, when we have to face the ultimate choice, we will have to face the supreme master who has created the Universe and the human beings. The Bible says, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.� If we don’t accept the immoral God now, we have no excuse when it comes to the day.

When we talk about the origin of all things in the Universe, some young people often ask, “You have said the humans are created by the God, then who has created the God?� The analogizing logics seem to be reasonable. But it is not true. Because the God is the creator instead of the created, you can’t link these together. The table is made by the carpenter. But you cannot say the carpenter and the table have the same origin. Human benings’ understand of the God is only limited to the enlightenment from the God to the humans. Otherwise, humans cannot understand the mystery of God’s nature. The God says, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.� (Exodus 3:14 and Revelation 1:8). For the God, there is only the eternality, and there is no time, beginning or ending.

Even in the scientific field, too many analogizing questions won’t be tolerated. One scholar was talking about the belief in the God with his students. One student asked suddenly and proudly, “Where does the Universe come from?� The scholar answers, “The Universe is created by the God.� The student continued to ask, “Who has created the God?� The scholar answered, “The God is Alpha and Omega and I am not created.� The student said, “This is not scientific at all.� The scholar then asked the student, “Where does the Earth come from?� The student answered, “The Earth comes from the Sun.� The scholar continued to ask, “Where does the Sun come from?� The student answered, “The Sun comes from the Galaxy.� The scholar asked again, “Where does the Galaxy come from?� The student hesitated and answered, “The Galaxy comes from the nature.� The scholar continued to ask, “Where does the nature come from?� The student couldn’t answer this question and said in anger, “The nature is the nature and comes naturally.� The scholar then laughed, “This is not scientific at all.� So we can conclude that the “scientific� answers are not scientific. Another example is that the sciences tell people that substances are composed of the molecules. Then what are the molecules composed of? The molecules are composed of the atoms. But what are the atoms composed of? They are composed of the electrons, protons and neutrons. Then what are the electrons, protons and neutrons composed of? Till now, we cannot find an answer to this question. The atomic physicists are now working hard to find the “elementary particle�. They are called “basic particles� because the scientists don’t expect the substances to be divided limitlessly. So they believe that one day they will find the ultimate component, the “elementary particle�. Of course, the scientists will not ask such question of “what is something composed of?� This is the extremity and everything ends here. The materialists claim that the Universe is limitless and that the materials are eternal and can be divided limitlessly, etc. They are simply the groundless conclusion of the philosophers. And there is an extremity in their logics, the materials. They say that the materials are Alpha and Omega but can’t tell where the materials come from. Now let’s have a look at the math. All numbers come from 1, followed by 2, 3…. You can’t ask what the 1 is because 1 is 1, and not other numbers. It means that 1 is the origin of all numbers. The Greatest Creator has created all things and the Greatest Creator is the origin of them. It will be meaningless to ask where the Greatest Creator comes from.

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Post #78

Post by ivysunday »

The Will of the Greatest Creator is Reflected in the Laws and Rules of Nature

May 19th 2015

( Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

Tao is the integration of all the rules and laws of the universe and includes the consciousness of the Greatest Creator. Therefore, the will of the Greatest Creator is reflected in the laws and rules of nature. If our thoughts, words, and deeds comply with the laws and rules of nature, then we will be rewarded by the Greatest Creator, but if they are against them, then we will be punished by It.

Ultimate Tao can not be reached by active pursuit. There is no way to get rewards from the Greatest Creator by wishing for them, no matter who you are, how pious you are, nor how much you emotionally love the Greatest Creator. When you go against the laws and rules of nature, you will be punished. For instance, regardless how many joss sticks we burn or how many times we kowtow in a temple, if we drink poison, we will surely die. This is the only way that things work.

Merits and mistakes do not offset each other. A merit is a merit and mistake is a mistake. We will be rewarded for our merits and punished for our mistakes. No matter what great merits we have, as long as we make mistakes, even a slight ones, we will be punished for them. That is to say, even if we perform ten-thousand good deeds, we will still be punished for doing one bad thing. The Greatest Creator will not ignore a single bad thing no matter how many good things we do.

So, we all suffer from illness and mishaps, be it the pope, the hierarch, the master, the emperor, the devout disciple or the lay person. Even a messenger of the Greatest Creator would not be given special grace by which to escape from the due punishment. Just do not assume that you will be saved from the consequences of your mistakes by following the Greatest Creator and taking his way.

Therefore, the most difficult thing is to ascend to a higher space of LIFE by self-refinery and self-improvement because it is rigorous, meticulous, precise, and non-emotional. For instance, if the standard for a mortal to ascend to immortality is one hundred (100) points, then ninety-nine (99) points would never be enough. It is just like the eighty-one (81) hardships experienced by Monk Tang, not one single hardship could be missed in order for him to succeed. Therefore, we must remember that when we encounter sorrows, setbacks, and failures, they are hardships that we must traverse. This is karma. The sin we sow can only be dispelled by reaping a painful consequence. There is no alternative! Of course, we should never doubt the justice and mercy of the Greatest Creator.

Absolutely beautiful things can only be enjoyed by the absolute LIFE. Absolutely beautiful things are boundless and endless and when we want to enjoy these unending and boundlessly beautiful things, we should focus on examining our LIVES and ask ourselves: “Is mine an absolutely beautiful LIFE?�. If not, we should focus our self-refinery and self-improvement on improving our quality of LIFE, rather than on absolutely beautiful things. When our quality of LIFE reaches the absolutely beautiful realm, then absolutely beautiful things will come to us.

Let us bear all the miseries, frustration, and suffering with delight and march firmly toward the perfection and beautification of LIFE. Merits and mistakes cannot be offset. The will of the Greatest Creator is reflected by the laws and rules of nature. Let us strictly follow these rules and laws of nature and trek and climb, step by step, to the highest realm of LIFE.

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Post #79

Post by ivysunday »

Where is and how do we Revere the Greatest Creator?


(Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

The Greatest Creator is the most mysterious, most holy, most incredible, and most supreme supernatural entity in existence. But where is the Greatest Creator?

The universe is big beyond our imagination. Our earth universe alone contains three thousand (3,000) great worlds, each of which contains three thousand (3,000) medium worlds, each of those contain three thousand (3,000) small worlds, and this earth universe is just a speck of dust in a much greater universe.

This universe has 20-parallel worlds within 36-dimensional space. Where does the Greatest Creator reside in such a vast universe?

The matter of the Greatest Creator is in the zero world of the 36-dimensional space. And the zero world is the node - the zero point that consists of the 20-parallel worlds, namely the zero point of the geometric XYZ number axis. This zero point connects with the 20-parallel worlds and is the command centre of the universe as our brains and central nervous systems are to our bodies

Everything in the universe is a manifestation of the consciousness of the Greatest Creator, which is Tao. It is like everything created on the earth is a manifestation of human consciousness except for the natural material. The constitutional law is the embodiment of the collective consciousness of all people. It can be said that human consciousness is the constitutional law.

Tao is the spirit of the Greatest Creator and all things run in Tao and are ultimately dominated by it. Therefore, all things are of the spirit of the Greatest Creator. That is, “all things have spirit�.

Thus, we conclude that the matter of the Greatest Creator is in the zero world but the spirit of the Greatest Creator is in all things, just as Chinese President Hu Jintao’s body is in Zhongnanhai in Beijing, but his reach extends throughout China.

Since the matter of the Greatest Creator is in the zero world, then we can never see the true face of the Greatest Creator, because we can never reach the zero world. Since we can never see the true face of the Greatest Creator, then how can we feel the presence of and know the will of the Greatest Creator?

We can know and understand it by the things we hear, see, taste, smell, touch, feel, and experience around us. Since the spirit of the Greatest Creator is in all things throughout the universe, then all things contain the will of the Greatest Creator. We can know and experience the Greatest Creator and learn the will of the Greatest Creator through all things in the universe.

This means that all things are the discourse of the Greatest Creator and all the changes we sense are the monologue of the Greatest Creator within us. From things changing, we can know what the Greatest Creator wants us to do and how we must do it. For instance, a healthy person with a headache is not a normal situation. They are either overstressed by thinking, have high blood pressure or fever, or something similar. The headache would clearly indicate a need to change their daily diet and lifestyle or a normal physiological order would not be maintained. Another example is that when phenomena such as droughts, floods, plagues, earthquakes, and extreme temperatures become frequent occurrences, something is clearly wrong with our production and lifestyle. The Greatest Creator clearly informs us that we need to change our lifestyle or face even greater disasters and catastrophes. It is as if a country or region experiences frequent riots and hunger. That would indicate a problem with the management of the area and that the management mode needs to be changed or it will lead to vicious cycles until the regime is overthrown. It is the same with a family. Frequent quarrels would show that something is wrong with the survival order of the family and it is time to dissolve it. Were this phenomenon to occur in most families around the globe, something would be wrong with the survival mode and lifestyle of the family system and it would need to be broken up or people’s pains and troubles would never end and would lead to self-destruction.

The Greatest Creator is everywhere. I see the Greatest Creator everywhere and all the time from the changing weather, the blooming flowers, the mature fruits, the moving of bees’ nests, the bellies of pregnant women, the wedding nights, the gurgling water, and the texture of shells from my own eyes, witnessing the transformations through time. As long as we open our spiritual perception, we can see the Greatest Creator everywhere and at anytime.

This leads to an appalling question, how can we revere the Greatest Creator? Reverence of the Greatest Creator is not a concept that can be taken as a pet phrase. We need to revere the Greatest Creator in our daily words and deeds in a concrete manner.

Revering all things is to revere the Greatest Creator! When I am faced with a stem of grass, an insect, a thing, or a person, I can see the Greatest Creator looking right back at me through it or him or her. If I react correctly, I will go to heaven, but if I react incorrectly, I will go to hell.

From this, I find a law. If a person shows their sincere, kind, beautiful, loving, faithful, and honest consciousness to all things, they will develop to betterment and go to heaven, if not, they will have ugliness and go to hell.

Readers can decide whether my conclusion above is true or not, but I do not believe that you will come up with any other conclusion.

August 1st 2011

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Post #80

Post by ivysunday »

All Those Who Follow the Way of the Greatest Creator
Will Have a Wonderful Future

Xue Feng

As the messenger of the Greatest Creator, I can offer you the most reliable guarantee that all those who follow the Way of the Greatest Creator will secure a wonderful future and will enjoy the infinite pleasure of life in the kingdom of the Greatest Creator—the long-enduring Lifechanyuan era, Thousand-Year World, Ten Thousand-Year World, the Elysium World and its Celestial Island Continent.

This is the unchangeable law. The combination of sperms and eggs gives birth to the carrier of LIFE. The combination of seeds with suitable soil will make the seeds germinate, grow, flower, and bear fruits. The south pole and north pole of magnets are attracted to each other. The simultaneous intake of vitamin C and shrimps will cause the formation of arsenic in the body and make a person die of bleeding. Velocity multiplied by time is the distance covered. If an object reaches a speed of 11.2 kilometers per second, it can escape the gravitation force of the earth, and if it reaches a speed of 16.7 kilometers per second, it can fly out of the solar system. The still water without the infusion of running water will stink from putridity and eventually dries up. The reaction between copper oxide and dilute sulphuric acid will result in copper sulphate and water. In Euclidean geometry the angles of a triangle adds up to 180 degrees. On the earth one will return to the starting point if he keeps going forward by following a certain longitude or latitude. Water will turn into ice at zero degree Celsius. These and many other laws are necessary rules to be obeyed.

We will reach any place that our footsteps guide us to. If we break laws, we may end up in prison. In autumn we will harvest what we have sowed in the fertile soil in spring. According to the principle of gravity and attraction, kind actions and kind ideas will beget good results, while evil actions and evil intentions will incur evil consequences. If you chase the sun, you can escape from darkness, if you chase darkness, you can hardly see light. “A man is known by his friends�. “He who is unjust is doomed to destruction�. One will get intoxicated if he drinks too much, and will have a bulging stomach if he eats too much. “A mountain dweller knows well the twittering of birds and a fisherman has a good knowledge of fishes�. Worship Buddha and you will acquire the Buddhahood, seek the way of immortality and you will attain the spiritual state of a celestial being. The buildup of quantitative changes will result in qualitative changes once the critical point is surpassed. For anything, emergence and disappearance and life and death exist in unity of opposites. Each flower is a bodhi, and each grain of sand reflects a world. The universe is holographic. The two poles are communicable and convertible. Things will develop in the opposite direction if they become extreme. Gazing for long impairs blood, lying for long impairs qi, sitting for long impairs muscles, standing for long impairs bone, and walking for long impairs tendons. A benevolent person is kind in words, actions and look. If a person performs three deeds of kindness every day, he will be granted blessing by the heaven in three years. A ferocious and evil person is wicked in words, actions and look. If a person performs three deeds of unkindness every day, he will be dealt disaster by the heaven in three years. All these and many others are necessary rules not to be violated.

It is an inevitable and necessary law and principle that those who follow the Way of the Greatest Creator will all enjoy a beautiful future.

The Greatest Creator reigns supreme in the universe. The Greatest Creator is the omnipotent boss of the universe. People who comply to the will of the Greatest Creator and do things in accordance with the will of the Greatest Creator will surely win the blessing and favor of the Greatest Creator. If the son ask for steamed bun, the father will not give him the stone. If we obey the Greatest Creator, the Greatest Creator will grant us special rewards. The Greatest Creator is eternal. If we follow the way of the Greatest Creator, we will also become eternal. The Greatest Creator is the fountainhead of wisdom and the birthplace of LIFE. If we follow the way of the Greatest Creator, we can obtain wisdom and new LIFE. The Greatest Creator is love and truth, so if we follow the way of the Greatest Creator we can win love and find truth. In the universe there are 36-dimensional space, 20 parallel worlds, and heaven and hell. If we obey the Greatest Creator and follow the way of the Greatest Creator, the Greatest Creator will certainly arrange us in the most beautiful space and world. The Greatest Creator will absolutely not assign the good thing to rebels and bad things to obedient people. If good things are assigned to rebels and bad things to the obedient people, then where are justice and laws in the world? As a result, there would be no relations between cause and effect, and everything will be put upside down. Actually everything is in good order. Therefore, we will surely have a wonderful future if we hold the Greatest Creator in awe and respect, conform to the Greatest Creator, believe in the Greatest Creator and follow the way of the Greatest Creator.

“Tathagata just tells us truth, and does not tell lies�. Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, and celesial being Lao Tze are all Tathagata. They will not cheat us, and they can see no need to cheat us. Put in a nutshell, their teachings and instructions just tell us to follow the way of the Greatest Creator. Follow the way of the Greatest Creator, and we can enter the kingdom of the Greatest Creator, the Elysium world, and we can attain immortality. According to the values of Lifechanyuan, those who follow the way of the Greatest Creator will have their future in Thousand-Year World, Ten Thousand-Year World, Elysium World, and its Celestial Island Continent.

All are inevitable. You can become what you believe in. You will achieve corresponding results from the way you take. The brightest, the easiest, the most direct, and the most beneficial way in the world is the way of the Greatest Creator. The most nutritious thing in the world is mother’s milk, the best way in the world to obtain the most beautiful future is the way of the Greatest Creator.


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