I'd like some opinions on a personal matter..

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I'd like some opinions on a personal matter..

Post #1

Post by Nameless »

I presently have a name. I no longer can 'relate' to that name and wish to 'relinquish' it. I do not wish to replace it with another name. Is there some reason, do you think, that I shouldn't be allowed to do so? This is important to me. Everyone I mention it to says I 'cant do that... what would someone call me? Duh?? Sir? Hey A$$hole? Whatever, I don't care. I want no name. Had it way too long already! Would I *pop* out of existence? Id appreciate your input please. Thanx!



Post #11

Post by Nameless »

Piper Plexed wrote:I suspect that inadequacy language in general, which includes names to be your point of contention. The thing that I have a bit of trouble thinking through when pondering a status of namelessness, would one not in essence be removing oneself from society, if one were in fact nameless. There would be no point of reference socially, would they not become irrelevant "socially speaking". When joining DC you were required to choose a name "nameless" though the name implies a lack of social reference though in essence by choosing the name "nameless" I now have a social reference to address you "the poster named nameless". Now if you were truely nameless then I would not be typing right now and I would not have enjoyed this interaction with you. At that point you would then be irrelevant to me.... I suspect. Well I for one appreciate that you have chosen a name here at DC and have enjoyed contemplating your dilemma :) Thank You, the Poster Named Nameless 8)
Thank you for your thoughtful contemplation. I will look up your suggested sites.

About your points..

Becoming nameless would no more remove me from society than I already am. I do not participate other than very peripherally. I deal with individuals. My contribution is my art and my teaching. Thats it. I am not 'productive' otherwise. I feel like a visitor here. I interact with other people because that is my nature. I do what I can to 'help' others on their evolutionary path. I am a figment of your imagination, a 'bubble' reflecting the universe and all other 'bubbles. I Am a dream without a dreamer. A 'name' merely serves to add 'weight' and 'validity' to the illusion of 'self'. I do not share that illusion. Namelessness would support my 'understanding'. It would be a step in the direction of truth. My truth.

I think the compassion that you show me by giving of your time is not hinged upon whether I have a name or not. You would still be you. I would still be 'me'.
I don't believe that I would become socially irrelevent (anymore than I am already! Heheheh) I have no 'ground' in the crowd. Individuals come to me for what I have to offer. Name or not makes no difference to that.

It is merely a matter of 'honesty'. I know that honesty is not in fashion, but I have to be true to my nature or 'leave'. Without 'truth' I have no existence or need to 'exist'. Yet the society that I find myself 'living (stuck) in' wont allow me to drop my name. I'm considering going through the court system. There are just too many dishonestys out there. People 'appreciate' me for my 'truth'. There is so little of it!

Oh, I agree that there is no 'object' named, but mental constructs of 'objects'. All illusion... All! But, honesty starts at 'home'.

Thanx again for your kind thoughts.

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Native American
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Re: I'd like some opinions on a personal matter..

Post #12

Post by Native American »

Nameless wrote:I presently have a name. I no longer can 'relate' to that name and wish to 'relinquish' it. I do not wish to replace it with another name. Is there some reason, do you think, that I shouldn't be allowed to do so? This is important to me. Everyone I mention it to says I 'cant do that... what would someone call me? Duh?? Sir? Hey A$$hole? Whatever, I don't care. I want no name. Had it way too long already! Would I *pop* out of existence? Id appreciate your input please. Thanx!
You should do whatever makes you happy and worry not what others will make of you or call you in the end. I dont think you would "pop" out of existence, but just become a more unique person in that way :P
Look what God did to my people. :|

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Post #13

Post by Insomniac »


I don't see why you wouldn't be able to go without a name. It that in this country we're recognized by a number anyways.

Personally, I think it'd be awesome to not have a name. Someone comes up to you and says "hey, what's your name?" and you don't have to answer, because you have no answer. That'd be a great conversation starter, definitely. Extremely interesting too.

But, when you think about it, by going 'nameless' you would acquire that as a name. So...that'd end up contradicting your original plan.

Anyways, I support it. If someone says you can't, tell them to kiss your...donkey.

Let me know when you go nameless---> That way I could say "hey, I'm nameless...by association."

Tah Tah
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation

Native American is me homie g-dog



Post #14

Post by Nameless »

Native and Insomniac.. thanx for your suggestions.
I'd love to just DO it, but it is more complicated than that (unless I wanted to be a 'street-dweller' again, which I dont!). Driver license, credit cards, the government.... I need to find a lawyer and see if I can swing it in this 'land of the free'.. !

People seem very uncomfortable though, with the idea. They seem to be almost.. defensive, as if I were pointing out that they were 'slaves' or something. They immediately start telling me why I can't or shouldn't...
Uniqueness is NOT what I'm going for. Quite the opposite, in fact (in a different realm though). The point is that I Am NOT my name. Actually, I Am NOT at all!

I met a fellow today and instead of asking my name (which would have been tolerable) he asked me, "Who are you?" I was silent for about 30 seconds before I apologised and just told him my name. It took me many decades of single minded, diligent, hard work, practice and study to understand 'self', and it is to be expected that in a word or two that I could 'summarize' all that understanding? All this for "your" convenience so you can stick me in a little mental 'box'. Yeah, I can 'code' him... he's just a 'carpenter/geologist/janitor/teacher/whatever"... and *plop*, in a box, and y'all go on with your comfortable lives (not you personally, of course).

Why, do you think, is it so difficult to be 'allowed' to be honest with yourself and others. "Sorry, dear, your new detergent leaves your clothes smelling ...'excrementitious'!"
Insomniac wrote:"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation"
How true (of course, everyone thinks this applies to everyone else and not to themselves)!! This is the 'programing' we receive in our youth and is constantly reinforced all our lives. When we reject 'other' programming and program ourselves, that is called 'metaprograming'. Alters the whole universe.
Excellent quote.

Thanx for the support. Peace...

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Post #15

Post by Insomniac »


Yeah, I really like that quote also. It's sort of what I wish to achieve, because I know that I am part of what the quote is describing. Everyone is part of someone else's existence, and I wish that were not true. It's as though there is no uniqueness anymore. Whenever I find myself in mimicry i'm like "ugh...no...".

I really do like the thought you're trying to get through; about being ourselves, and not our name. There are times when we realize that we're striving to be what someone else wants us to be. For the past year of so I've been on a kick about "finding myself". I'm not sure if I've succeeded or not...I've realized it's not so easy of a task.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation

Native American is me homie g-dog


Post #16

Post by Nameless »

The first step is to recognize the 'other' programing! Good! The journey to 'self' is a very private quest. I travelled that path for five decades before finally arriving at the 'beginning'! It is often a lifelong quest, an 'unfolding', a 'blossoming' of vision, understanding, perspective. A time to leave the 'known' universe behind! Courage! Uniqueness is an illusion like everything else and eventually must be left behind (like my symbolism of relinquishing this name), even sacrificing (the illusion of) 'oneself'. Look up 'ego-death'. <http://www.egodeath.com/>
Happy trails!

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