Mel Gibson and "The Passion of The Christ"

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Mel Gibson and "The Passion of The Christ"

Post #1

Post by Sleeper »

After reading many articles and seeing a number of interviews with Mel Gibson about his movie, I have realized why there are so many against Gibson and his movie.

It will inspire thought and will also inspire people to read the gospels. The secularists in this country don't want that at all. They are wanting this country to move away from Christianity not embrace it.

What are your thoughts on why the Mel Gibson is receiving such harsh criticism over "The Passion of The Christ"?

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Post #2

Post by otseng »

I'm going to move this to the entertainment section...

I agree with you. This film is going to have a huge impact on society. And the non-Christians are getting quite unsettled by it already. But I think all the talk from non-Christians about it (whether good or bad) is a good thing since it's generating so much publicity. I wish I could see it this weekend, but it's difficult bringing two kids to see a movie in a theatre.

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Passion Movie

Post #3

Post by DHand »

I just saw the movie yesterday. It was kindof what I expected, but then again the violence and brutality was definitely shocking. Even disturbing.
Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down (movies I've seen) were pretty graphic too, but this one seemed a little more intense in some ways.

For me, the movie accurately portrayed what I believed actually happened in history. Yet it also raises some questions that people will have to find their own answers for: "Did this really happen? Is it true?" "Does the Bible have any truth in it?" "If it is true, then why did Jesus have to suffer so much and die such a cruel death?"
And, more importantly, "if it is true, then does it have any bearing on me personally?"

I am unskilled in debate, but I do enjoy bouncing around thoughts and questions such as these. I'm open to discussion and criticism of these ideas.


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Re: Mel Gibson and "The Passion of The Christ"

Post #4

Post by Corvus »

Sleeper wrote:After reading many articles and seeing a number of interviews with Mel Gibson about his movie, I have realized why there are so many against Gibson and his movie.

It will inspire thought and will also inspire people to read the gospels. The secularists in this country don't want that at all. They are wanting this country to move away from Christianity not embrace it.
Ah. Typical Americans see enemies all around them. :lol:

I watched the movie, and here is my livejournal entry about it: ... mode=reply Feel free to comment.
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Re: Mel Gibson and "The Passion of The Christ"

Post #5

Post by perspective »

Sleeper wrote: It will inspire thought and will also inspire people to read the gospels. The secularists in this country don't want that at all. They are wanting this country to move away from Christianity not embrace it.
Some statistics to support this "secularists don't want people to read the gospels" theory? Go ahead and post links. This I gotta see. I haven't seen masses of "secularists" trying to keep people from reading the bible. I have seen people criticize the movie's accuracy of the bible, I've seen people criticize its focus. I have seen secularists lobby against having public school field trips to the local movie theater. I have seen secularists, like myself, declare disinterest. All of these things I have seen are completely appropriate.

To those of us who don't believe in supernatural beings - all the bible is to us is just a story. It's an epic story, but overall, as far as stories go - it's not a very interesting story. At least to us youngins who have far more interesting epic stories to enjoy (Lord of the Rings, The NeverEnding Story, Star Wars, Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales, etc). Of course "interesting" is all subjective, but to me the story about someone having to die for others' sins is kinda a boring plot. It does speak a bit towards "ideal" human nature, but as far as fables go - the lesson isn't very profound. If you look at this film as just a scene from a literary play - the violence doesn't mean anything to me. It isn't inspiring. So what is left in this movie? Just the fragment of a plot and a lot of blood.

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Post #6

Post by Piper Plexed »

Corvus Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:59 am
Ah. Typical Americans see enemies all around them.
We have Enemies Down Under as well..... Beware of Kangaroo Jack! :twisted: :shock:

I share Otseng's dilemma. I have every intention of seeing it and have followed reviews. I must say I have not heard of any Christian/Jew conflicts.... So it would appear to me that once again Americans have proven themselves to be more insightful then given credit for. No we are not the media driven over indulgent daft fools that some in our media would like to portray us to be. I believe the criticisms may have been a bit harsh, to say the least.
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Post #7

Post by otseng »

I saw the movie last night, and I have a blog entry about it too: ... the_Christ

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Post #8

Post by Abs like J' »

From Sleeper in the opening post:
After reading many articles and seeing a number of interviews with Mel Gibson about his movie, I have realized why there are so many against Gibson and his movie.

It will inspire thought and will also inspire people to read the gospels. The secularists in this country don't want that at all. They are wanting this country to move away from Christianity not embrace it.

What are your thoughts on why the Mel Gibson is receiving such harsh criticism over "The Passion of The Christ"?
The secularists in this country are the source of opposition? Funny, I don't recall O'Reilly or Diane Sawyer probing Gibson about the secular opposition to his film. If memory serves correct it was Christians and Jews who voiced their concern about potentially anti-Semitic messages conveyed by the film. Neither Jews or Christians are secular.

A search of turned up no related results for "The Passion of the Christ" or for Mel Gibson. It would appear Americans United for the Seperation of Church and State are similarly silent on the issue. Maybe the American Humanist Association had some thoughts and criticism about the film. Nope.

Indeed, it would seem the "opposition" was from the Anti-Defamation League who simply expressed some concern about the film. Given the history of anti-semitism and the persistence of hate groups in America, their fears aren't totally unjustified. They have already catalogued different extremist groups latching onto the movie as a way of spreading their propaganda.

Outside of the ADL, the only other criticism I saw came from those who either considered the film to be a sin by way of their faith (graven images on screen) or who were concerned with the graphic nature of the film rather than the religious/philosophical message of the Christian foundation (Jesus).
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Mel's Passion Movie: Saw the movie but I don't understand??

Post #9

Post by d880640 »

I have seen the movie but I just do not understand?????

If the above question is you and what you are thinking then:

It was our sins that nailed Jesus to this cross. He died for you
to open the way to God and and heaven. This is his great love, Jesus
has for you, what you saw in the movie.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

“But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

Say this simple prayer of Salvation:
Jesus, come into my heart, be Lord of my life, thank you
for forgiving me my sins, fill me with your Spirit, Amen..

Pray for other people and yourself
read the bible (KJV 1611) - start with the "Gospel of John"
ask God to led you to a Spirit-filled bible believing church

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Post #10

Post by juber3 »

Well my church isn't against the movie but it does not condone some of the things basically because much of the movie is based on a catholic sense and not on the baptist sense. However i went to see it and saw that it was great. Didn't make me cry though :cry:

d880640 I am sending a message to the admin saying that your post is a spam. You started the same post in another topic. Please don't try and enforce your religion, just change people's view.

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