Conversion Stories

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Conversion Stories

Post #1

Post by WinePusher »

One thing I always like about Small Faith Groups is that you get to hear other people's stories about how they became christian and their journey and so on.

This thread is dedicated for christians to post their conversion story, here's mine:

I was raised as a non praciticing atheistic Buddhist from birth, but was fortunate enough to attend a private catholic school from K-12.I wish I could say that the catholic education had an impact on my faith, but it didn't really. My first step to becoming a christian was when I went on a christian summer in the 8th grade hosted by Saddleback Church. There, we were encouraged to read the bible on our own. I started in the Book of Tobit which is only found in Catholic Bibles (you're missing out protestants) and basically tells the story about how God sent an angel in human form to guide Tobias on his journey.

A few weeks after that, my grandfather and I were driving along the road and we stopped at a red light. He suddenly uttered the words "stroke" and began seizing. The ambulence came and took him to the hospital, and I was straned on the side of the road cause they forgot me! Luckily a man pulled over and asked how he could help. That man drove me to the hospital, prayed with me in the car, and cried with my family during the pronouncement of my grandfathers death.

A few days after the ordeal, I was looking back and realized that God was working through the man who picked me up and took me to the hospital. I realized it was the God of the Bible who didn't abanbon me in my worst time of distress, but instead came and shared my pain and anguish. I then decided to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church. From that time on, I've been activley studing scripture and theology, and living out the gospel message. :P

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Post #2

Post by otseng »

My testimony is on my blog.

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Post #3

Post by Amadeus »

If any of you have been around awhile and remember me you'll find this interesting!

A few years ago when I frequented this site, I was not actually a christian. Oh, I thought I was! Really believed it. But I have since been shown otherwise.

When I was in elementary school (age 7?) I attended an easter play and raised my hand at the alter call. I was moved by seeing Christ's death portrayed on the stage and I "gave my life to Him". From that age I thought I was a christian.

I was a "good kid", you know. Never really got in trouble, good grades, teachers loved me, etc. I loved to please my family. I knew that the Bible said that everyone sins and I remembered one lie I told, so I figured that was the single sin that condemned me. Other than that, I was swell (so I thought).

I got married and moved to our first place. Now that I was away from family, I started doing things I SWORE I would never do. We didn't go to church. I watched pornography even though I felt it was wrong. I began cursing like a sailor...the squeaky clean image was fading FAST.

I began working for the telephone company as a 411 operator. Having to deal with cruel customers caused great disillusionment. I was realizing that people are not good at heart like I had been taught by Disney and Anne Frank. I became calloused and hateful toward them. I even got to the point where I imagined doing them bodily harm!

Every day I would vent about this to my husband and he (a christian) told me that that was not how God wanted me to think/feel/behave. I knew he was right and so I tried to do better all on my own. Christians, you should know as well as I do now that that is impossible! Instead of getting better, I got worse. (by this time we had started attending a congregation).

Then one evening at work, I broke and I begged Jesus to be Lord of my life and help me. I had been relying on my own (non-existant) goodness all of my life. Now I realized I needed saving! From that prayer forward, the Holy Spirit has been transforming me daily into a completely different person. I can now look back on how I was as a kid--how selfish, spiteful, manipulative and self-righteous--and see that my "churchianity" was a sham.

Now, I am a born-again believer. I am glad to have this testimony because there are others out there like I was who think they have their "fire insurance"...but they will be burned if they do not wake up!

Praise God for His glorious grace!

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