Christian marriage is man and woman/husband and wife.

Debating issues regarding sexuality

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Christian marriage is man and woman/husband and wife.

Post #1

Post by 99percentatheism »

There is no secular or theological challenge to be made that a "Christian marriage" isn't immutably a man and woman/husband and wife. Therefore, it should be a criminal act under current hate crimes laws, to accuse a Christian of hate, bigotry, or irrational . . ., if they assert the immutability of the structure of marriage as man and woman/husband and wife.

As Jesus proclaimed it in the Gospels and the writings reaffirm and define it so.

Why would anyone, religious or secularist, NOT support and affirm Christians adhering to the consistent and immutable Biblical teaching that a marriage is a man/husband and woman/wife?

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Post #1201

Post by KCKID »

Joab wrote:
KCKID wrote:
Joab wrote: I saw this today and felt it germane to the discussion.
Anglican Parish of Gosford
9 hours ago
Let us be clear.

Comments are welcome on this page, however we do reserve the right to delete inappropriate or offensive material. We share very little common ground with fundamentalist Christians so while we wish them well we do not enter into dialogue as we have found this only serves to be mutually frustrating.

We have considered the views of the "tea party" and have no need to do so again. People who post ugly hateful and hurtful things will be banned. People who post negative material about LGBTI people and asylum seekers will be banned. We are interested in dialogue with people of progressive and compassionate heart and mind. We are not interested in dialogue with those who wish to use hatred and ignorance to tear at the fabric of humanity.

Fr Rod Bower
What do you think?
I think that I presented something similar in post 1174.
My apologies.
That's quite alright. It was mainly intended for 99percent but he's ignored it so far.

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Post #1202

Post by 99percentatheism »

Joab wrote: [Replying to post 1187 by 99percentatheism]

Prove what??????????
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
Danmark wrote: My favorite way to argue this is to ask, "When did you 'decide' to be heterosexual?"
I have asked that on many forums, the homobash crew evade like a gazelle.
The Homobash Crew is nothing compared to the Christian Attack Squad. The Homobash Crew is a propaganda tactic. A label of neologism by the anti-Christian fanatic. Christians have to watch what they do and say or else they get sued and screwed by the forces arrayed against them.

Now when does a person decide to live like a Christian?

That is the real question for this thread.

For a Christian, marriage is man and woman/husband and wife. And Homosexual Culture, gay and lesbian and most certainly Bi-Sexual, are choices made that are outside the Christian faith.

So when did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual?
When my Mother and Father and other morally sound role models taught me right from wrong.

Thanks for asking.

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Post #1203

Post by 99percentatheism »

Danmark wrote:
99percentatheism wrote: Danmark
99percentatheism wrote: ....
I couldn't care less what the deviants "in the world" do. All you need to do is look up my writings here at this site. But there IS more to the gay debate than just disgust and repugnance in behaviors.
You speak of labeling "...Christians as hate mongers, and the Gospel as something only ignorant uneducated fools would believe in. Marginalize Christians as so intellectually inept, that anything they say is suspect...."

And yet that is exactly what you do with homosexuals. You marginalize them. You make them the 'other,' as if they were not even human. You call them 'deviants' and say you "couldn't care less" about what they do.
Excuse me, homosexuals have labeled themselves "Gay, Lesbian, and Bi-Sexual."

I just view them as people.
Isn't this the opposite of what Christ taught and the opposite of how he lived?
How many Gay Pride Parades did He attend in Roman Judea?
I understand you don't want to accept 'gay theology' in your church and that you have every right to select a church that agrees with your beliefs and that they can deny membership to gays and lesbians.
Tell that to the LGBT's and their rabid support groups that seem to want us to "affirm" their sex acts.
I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you about making that personal choice.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has categorized our positions as being in a hate group.
The debate will continue within the Christian community about whether to accept gays into the church. Many Christian churches accept gays as members, others do not.

What debate? The issue is settled in every denomination I fellowship in.
But what seems so antithetical to what Jesus taught is your marginalizing gays; saying you don't care about them; calling them 'disgusting' and 'repugnant.'

This is the attitude that comes across as 'hate speech.'

You mean like knocking the dust off your shoes and leaving them alone to their anti-Christian choices isn't quite the rejection speech by Jesus? He makes it clear not to force Christian life on anyone AND, to leave them alone to their ultimate fate at the end of time.

I'm following that directive.

Would you grant there is a difference between simply arguing that Christian theology should not accept practicing homosexuals into their church community and marginalizing these folk, calling them disgusting and repugnant?
There is a point when the argument ends and reality of truth takes over. Gay theology is another gospel. One we are warned to reject fully. If you'll notice, LGBT's do not come humbly to The Church. The demand that we submit to LGBT culture and all that that entails. A Rainbow Flag representing and celebrating homosexuality flying over the Cross of Christ is as inappropriate and antithetical to Christian life as it gets.

Can you produce any examples of a part of LGBT culture that is compatible with Christian life?
You just view 'them' as people you won't let into your church. Many Christian churches disagree with you and openly welcome anyone who wants to follow the example of love and forgiveness that Christ taught. Inherent in your posts [which are almost exclusively on the issue of homosexuality] is the notion that YOUR interpretation of Christianity is THE interpretation. Most Christians I have known disagree with you, as do many Christian denominations. Who appointed [or is it 'annointed'] you to speak for Christ?
Why would I have to answer an atheist about any "authority" based on scriptural truth?

The irony of you even making the demand is irony to the extreme.

If you would take the time to notice, it is not my positions that are demanding any authority other than to be able to understand how sentences make sense in English.

Who appointed you my authority to demand anything of me? You and your side can't find one supportive word or group of words running together anywhere in the bible that supports the celebration of homosexuality.

Who appointed gay activists the new editors of Christian writ?

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Post #1204

Post by 99percentatheism »

ElCodeMonkey wrote: [Replying to post 1191 by 99percentatheism]

You misinterpret the point of the parades and the pride. It's not for you. It's not to force it down anyone's throat. It's merely there so that others suffering in the shadows of their closets can finally feel accepted and free from the hate generated from those who still hold ancient beliefs about it and those that simply don't understand. You keep saying it's a choice but you have no right or knowledge to make such a claim beyond, "It has to be in order for the Bible to be God's inerrant Word"
This is laughable. First you completely disqualify me from having a voice in society because I am not supportive of anti-Christian movements. Then your derision of ancient beliefs seem directed to Christians and not Pagans and their ancient beliefs and sexual practices which are making an historic comeback.

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Post #1205

Post by Joab »

99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote: [Replying to post 1187 by 99percentatheism]

Prove what??????????
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
Danmark wrote: My favorite way to argue this is to ask, "When did you 'decide' to be heterosexual?"
I have asked that on many forums, the homobash crew evade like a gazelle.
The Homobash Crew is nothing compared to the Christian Attack Squad. The Homobash Crew is a propaganda tactic. A label of neologism by the anti-Christian fanatic. Christians have to watch what they do and say or else they get sued and screwed by the forces arrayed against them.

Now when does a person decide to live like a Christian?

That is the real question for this thread.

For a Christian, marriage is man and woman/husband and wife. And Homosexual Culture, gay and lesbian and most certainly Bi-Sexual, are choices made that are outside the Christian faith.

So when did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual?
When my Mother and Father and other morally sound role models taught me right from wrong.

Thanks for asking.
And how do you go about now denying your homosexual attractions?

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Post #1206

Post by 99percentatheism »

99percentatheism wrote: Danmark
99percentatheism wrote: ....
I couldn't care less what the deviants "in the world" do. All you need to do is look up my writings here at this site. But there IS more to the gay debate than just disgust and repugnance in behaviors.
You speak of labeling "...Christians as hate mongers, and the Gospel as something only ignorant uneducated fools would believe in. Marginalize Christians as so intellectually inept, that anything they say is suspect...."

And yet that is exactly what you do with homosexuals. You marginalize them. You make them the 'other,' as if they were not even human. You call them 'deviants' and say you "couldn't care less" about what they do.
Excuse me, homosexuals have labeled themselves "Gay, Lesbian, and Bi-Sexual."

I just view them as people.
Isn't this the opposite of what Christ taught and the opposite of how he lived?
How many Gay Pride Parades did He attend in Roman Judea?
I understand you don't want to accept 'gay theology' in your church and that you have every right to select a church that agrees with your beliefs and that they can deny membership to gays and lesbians.
Tell that to the LGBT's and their rabid support groups that seem to want us to "affirm" their sex acts.
I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you about making that personal choice.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has categorized our positions as being in a hate group.
The debate will continue within the Christian community about whether to accept gays into the church. Many Christian churches accept gays as members, others do not.

What debate? The issue is settled in every denomination I fellowship in.
But what seems so antithetical to what Jesus taught is your marginalizing gays; saying you don't care about them; calling them 'disgusting' and 'repugnant.'

This is the attitude that comes across as 'hate speech.'

You mean like knocking the dust off your shoes and leaving them alone to their anti-Christian choices isn't quite the rejection speech by Jesus? He makes it clear not to force Christian life on anyone AND, to leave them alone to their ultimate fate at the end of time.

I'm following that directive.

Would you grant there is a difference between simply arguing that Christian theology should not accept practicing homosexuals into their church community and marginalizing these folk, calling them disgusting and repugnant?
There is a point when the argument ends and reality of truth takes over. Gay theology is another gospel. One we are warned to reject fully. If you'll notice, LGBT's do not come humbly to The Church. The demand that we submit to LGBT culture and all that that entails. A Rainbow Flag representing and celebrating homosexuality flying over the Cross of Christ is as inappropriate and antithetical to Christian life as it gets.

Can you produce any examples of a part of LGBT culture that is compatible with Christian life?
I'd like one of the pro homosexuality people posting here to answer my above post point for point.

Or is it too much to ask for a theogical response in the apologetics section?

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Post #1207

Post by ElCodeMonkey »

[Replying to post 1201 by 99percentatheism]
I certainly agree that the Bible is anti-homosexuality. I don't think there's any two ways about it. That being said, I don't know why any homosexual would want to label themselves "Christian" as is defined by today's immoral definition.

While I understand that your thoughts of "right" and "wrong" come from a book, I'd like you to think about such things as these that the book deems "moral".
1. It's okay to punish someone else for the crimes of another (like a Whipping Boy)
2. Torture is a good means of punishment (like being drawn and quartered)
3. Punishment in and of itself is "good" even without an end goal in using it (like hell).
4. A good God demands sacrifice of all things.
5. Women are possessions. (see War Rape)
6. Genocide is a noble cause (see Holocaust)

When it comes to most things that are "wrong" it's clear that they are wrong because they harm an innocent person. In these cases, the first, fourth, fifth, and sixth quite clearly harm innocent people and should be quite obviously wrong. Of course, God commanded them though so suddenly they're ok? And something like homosexuality which harms no one is suddenly wrong simply because "God says so"? It seems to me that your particular god needs an adjustment in values.
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Post #1208

Post by 99percentatheism »

Joab wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote: [Replying to post 1187 by 99percentatheism]

Prove what??????????
99percentatheism wrote:
Joab wrote:
Danmark wrote: My favorite way to argue this is to ask, "When did you 'decide' to be heterosexual?"
I have asked that on many forums, the homobash crew evade like a gazelle.
The Homobash Crew is nothing compared to the Christian Attack Squad. The Homobash Crew is a propaganda tactic. A label of neologism by the anti-Christian fanatic. Christians have to watch what they do and say or else they get sued and screwed by the forces arrayed against them.

Now when does a person decide to live like a Christian?

That is the real question for this thread.

For a Christian, marriage is man and woman/husband and wife. And Homosexual Culture, gay and lesbian and most certainly Bi-Sexual, are choices made that are outside the Christian faith.

So when did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual?
When my Mother and Father and other morally sound role models taught me right from wrong.

Thanks for asking.
And how do you go about now denying your homosexual attractions?
You don't seem to be able to comprehend how weak a demand that is.

Try answering ALL my positions point for point or admit that you have no other response to the truth of biblically sound positions other than subterfuge and pathetic jabs.

There are plenty of other threads for you to look for Christians to bash. I am not one that is afraid of you or your kind at all.

Admit that you have absolutely no Biblical truth to demand that we celebrate homosexuality and move on.
Last edited by 99percentatheism on Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #1209

Post by 99percentatheism »

ElCodeMonkey wrote: [Replying to post 1201 by 99percentatheism]
I certainly agree that the Bible is anti-homosexuality. I don't think there's any two ways about it.
Thank you.

Honesty is no hate crime. Nor is it bigoted or phobic.

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Post #1210

Post by 99percentatheism »

Jax Agnesson wrote:
99percentatheism wrote:
But, since I am such a nice guy, I'll show you something quite striking from an oft-told tale.:
“Get out of our way,� they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge!"

"We’ll treat you worse than them.�
Now, the men quoted were going to anally rape a couple of other men that were new to their town. And when a nice imigrant tried to ask them not to rape the visitors these homosexual rapists got even more upset.

Now, they saw something even worse than homosexual sex (sodomy) being meted out on their "judgmental" opposition.

Isn't that interesting?

You can find the story retold in the Torah at Genesis 19.
Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

Because y'know, raping women is not nearly as bad as raping men... Ni-i-ice!
So you agree that what is written ithe Bible is historical facts.

Thanks man.
