Musing On The Mother - Act I

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing On The Mother - Act I

Post #1

Post by William »


{Thinking to myself}

"I wonder why folk have to argue and cannot get along and just see how we all need to work together to make this planet wholesome?"

{Pokes at the fire with staff}

"We humans are like these sparks reaching for the heavenly ones. We need some kind of poke to get us activated."

{A wolf howls in the distance}

"We are all here experiencing this planet in this universe. Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we are distracted by our arguments. Hindered by them, even to the death."

{Places another branch on the fire.}

"Perhaps the fear of our situation would be too much to bear if we learned how to focus upon it, and so we distract ourselves..."
Last edited by William on Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post #2

Post by The Tanager »

Feeling the tiredness in my feet, as I put one foot in front of another, and thinking to myself

"I'm going to sleep well tonight."

Seeing a fire at a distance

"Awesome! I wonder if they would let me borrow a flame to get a fire started."

Taking a few steps closer to the distant fire, I hear Mom's voice in my head

"You know how people are nowadays, they may shoot you."

Slightly shaking my head with a smile

"I've got to talk to Mom about how much news she watches. never know.

Calling out from a distance to the one by the fire

"Excuse me, I don't mean to trouble you..."

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Post #3

Post by William »

As I am contemplating my thoughts in the opportunity of my aloneness, I hear the subtle hoot of warning from an owl - and before long hear the cracking of small branches underfoot, signifying someone approaching...I focus on the direction of the sound, and then a voice from the darkness calls;

"Excuse me, I don't mean to trouble you..."

I wait until the owner of the voice walks into the light of the fire...

"No trouble at all...please come and share the warmth of this fire with me. My name is Manu. Manu Iti."

I stand and offer and extended hand of friendship...The person before me looks weary and a little flustered...

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Post #4

Post by The Tanager »

The one I ask shares a welcoming voice and extended hand, which I firmly grasp back, my face breaking forth in smile

Callum: Thank you very much, Manu. I'm Callum.

I think to myself that the warmth in Manu's shake parallels the fire off to our side. I sit on a short log near Manu and extend my hands to the fire.

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Post #5

Post by William »

[Replying to post 4 by The Tanager]

I watch as Callum settles by the fire and then turn my attention to the meal I have been cooking on a smaller fire beside the larger one.
I find it interesting that our names share the same theme - that of birds. Perhaps it is a sign of interesting things to come?

The food is almost ready to eat. I am glad that I might have someone to share it with, and turn my attention back to Callum.

Manu Iti: "I have prepared some food Callum - would you care to share in this meal with me?
Then afterwards, perhaps we could swap stories?"

A hint of a breeze dances through the campsite as I finish my words, and turn my focus to finding the plates and utensils.

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Post #6

Post by The Tanager »

Peace races through me at Manu's offer of food and company. A gentle breeze flows in, kisses my face, and takes my response to Manu along with it.

Callum: "That would be most appreciated. Thank you for your kindness, Manu. I might have some after dinner drink on me, should you be so inclined, as well."

A wonderful smell fills my nostrils and I take a deep breath.

Callum: "So, Manu, what brings you out this way?"

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Post #7

Post by William »

I motion Callum to take a place beside the camp fire and then busy myself finding utensils. He has offered me drink and asked me why I am here...I stir the pot and respond;

Manu Iti: Thank you for you kind offer Cullum. Unless it is water from Crystal Clear River, I will have to decline. I have not indulged since I sold the vineyard - many years ago now...

I grab some plates and ladle the stew into them, turning to offer Cullum the first choice...

Manu Iti: ...I do, however, partake of the 'erb when that itch needs scratching...

Sitting down with my plate of food, I continue...

Manu Iti: ...As to what brings me out this is the best place I know to come when I require a clear channel of communication with The Mother. Like a spring cleaning opportunity - blows out the cobwebs and puts a spring back in my step.
And you?

I take another mouthful of stew and watch Callum internally assess my owl hoots...

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Post #8

Post by The Tanager »

I take the plate of stew from Manu Iti's hand, refrain as best I can from tearing into the food like a savage, and smile with the first, flavorful bite. I listen to Manu Iti's reason for being here and wonder what cobwebs needed blowing out for Manu Iti.

Callum: The stew is excellent, Manu Iti.

I pause quickly and wipe off a bit of the stew that found its place on my beard and then continue...

Callum: My reason is pretty similar, although I don't know this Mother you speak of. I'd love to hear more about her.

I take more bits of the stew, trying not to adorn my beard too much with its goodness.

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Post #9

Post by William »

I am glad that Callum is enjoying the meal I prepared. I am surprised that he thinks he is unaware of "The Mother" as he appears to be a lover of shall I answer his question other than pointing out the visual evidence? Of course - it does go deeper than that...the effect of the external interacting with the internal...most likely this must be what Cullum is inquiring about...

Manu Iti: I am glad that you are enjoying my cooking Cullum. My father taught me the recipe on one of our frequent journeys into the heart of nature.

On that - I allow my thoughts to replay some of those happy days spent in my fathers company. I miss him.

Manu Iti: The Mother is our Mother, Cullum! In that we are siblings!

I laugh out loud - the obvious is sometimes the very thing overlooked.

Manu Iti: We - you and I - we come to places like this because we want to connect with The Mother. To smell and taste her!

I point to the near empty plate of stew Callum has been enjoying

Manu Iti: Even to smear her in our beards! But also to hear her in the soft hoot of an owl, the growl of a wolf, the cooing of a baby! To see her in the light of the darkness. My 'cobwebs' are not useful after too much dust has settled.
I get that when I am further from nature - confined in the space of four walls. Out here among The Silence my senses are conflated into Being.
I am the Child graven image of The Mother.
More stew?

I turn to stir the stew - sprinkling a smidgen of 'erb into the mix...

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Post #10

Post by The Tanager »

Many questions and thoughts fleetingly chase each other through my head as I listen to Manu Iti talk of the Mother. It is good to hear another human's laughter and see joy play over their face. What a gift that is! Manu Iti then offers me more of the delicious stew and sprinkles something extra in it.

Callum: Thank you, Manu Iti, but I am quite full and very satisfied already. Well, perhaps I've left a bit of room for a small drink.

I take out the flask, as my memory turns to my father, who bought the present for me so many years ago. The fingers of my left hand quickly brush the emblem of a tree upon it, as I remember his infectious laugh, smile, and take a sip. A liquid warmth bursts through me and subsides. I wonder to myself whether Manu Iti's words are meant literally or metaphorically. I lean back from the fire a bit.

Callum: Yes, my new friend, nature does an excellent job of confronting us with much that we often neglect. Often we don't want to hear what the silence has to say, but I know that I need it more than I seek.

My mind replays the self-revelation from earlier in the day. My wife's beautiful face fills my thoughts and I am sure Manu Iti can see unrestrained joy crash upon my face.
