Is the Real "god" of the Bible.....Satan?

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Re: Is the Real "god" of the Bible.....Satan?

Post #131

Post by followthelamb »

atheist buddy wrote:
followthelamb wrote:
Master Spade wrote:
ttruscott wrote: GOD allows everyone to believe what they want and lets Satan's teachers interpret the scriptures their own way:
Master Spade wrote: Wouldn't that be the Ultimate Deception?

With all those stories of how this "god" is a Jealous god, how he KILLS and commands us to Kill, with stories of how to sell your daughter as a Sex Slave, to name only a few of the Disgusting things this "god" is responsible for, doesn't it sound more like this "god" is really Satan? Wouldn't that be the Ultimate Deception? To deceive everyone with Religion, and keep them in the dark?

YHWH is not these things the way they are interpreted:
HE is not jealous like a human.
HE does not kill and order us to kill as if it were murder.
HE does not condone selling your daughter as a sex slave,

to name a few of the deceptions of Satan about YHWH

Care to enlighten us on the Highlighted?

If he is not Jealous, does not kill or order us to kill, and doesn't condone selling your daughter as a sex slave............then WHY are those things in in the Bible, a book religious people consider the "Word Of God"!???

Please explain.

Behold i will answer you and i will explain.

The lord thy god is a jealous god and he is a loving god, He kills and he makes alive, He shapes a man in the womb and he destroys a man with the sword.
He causes sickness and he heals, He creates peace and he makes evil, He brings the times of war and he brings the times of peace,

He creates rain and he causes droughts. Behold he feeds the young zebras and he gives the zebras cubs to be food for the young lions, Behold he makes a man rich and he makes a man poor,

The lord god satisfy the DESIRE OF EVERY LIVING THING.
Who gives wisdom to fowls of the air? Who made the wales bones strong as iron? it was the lord god

You all speak like animals, like beast with no knowledge, Dont you know if god was to set his heart upon man, every living thing would perish in a instant. All the foods you consume who created it? If god shuts up the rain and dries up the sea how would the plaints get nurished? How would the beast that you eat feed seeing what they eat is cut off? all would die for every food you consume came from the earth and the meat that you eat was made by him.

Now hear and understand, The lord god made the heavens and the earth and everything we can see and can not see he has created.

He has power to kill and he has power to give life?

So why would god kill? why would god cause women to go into slavery? why would god do all this evil?

Behold what man is there in this world that does not sin? Because of sins man is born unto trouble, he is exalted for a little while then he is cut off like all others,

He has pleasure years for a time then the days of sorrow anger and grief comes upon him, Then when the number of his years is met he goes to the grave like all others.

He does not remember his love, his hate, nor anything for he is dead and at the last day when he arises all men will be judged.

In the world to come their will be no death, their will be no plagues nor will there be sorrow for in that world their will be no sin.

every man that is worthy to make it to that world will have everlasting peace,
God gave wood to build houses in this world but in the next world he gives gold for wood.

If this world is currupt by sin and god still has mercy on it, how would the next world be? can you picture it?

If satan had power all knees would bow to him, but he does not have power wat ever power he has was given unto to him, for he is a liar and is the father of all liars

How do you know any o this is true?

And if the Bible was written by Satan, and you actually worshipped Satan, and your faith was the product of the Will of Satan, how would we know the difference?
Why do you think Satan has so much power?

U have never seen satan with your eyes but yet u believe in him. Now we believe in god and u say where is proof of your god

If satan wrote the bible he would have power to create life. He would have power to make all things

He wouldn't be called devil. For satan would not be satan if he had power as god.

It is impossible for satan to be equal with god and your father knows this
He speaks lies and seeks to be as god for he knows he cannot

Do not be deceived but I warn u careful of your beliefs

For if u believe the god of the bible is satan him self u are in danger of never having repentance for sins

For if satan is god then where is god?

Know and understand, your father is a liar and he is the father of it. He knows his time is coming near therefore he is like a roaring lion

Don't fear the devil. God has power over him as well as he has power over your days which are vanity

The god of the bible is Jesus Christ but it's not surprising you and others think that te god of the bible is the devil

For when Jesus was here in the flesh the scribes thought he was satan him self
So it's not surprising that u believe his word was written by satan

For satan is your father u will believe that the lord god is the devil for all that is good in this world. Is referred to as evil

And they who fear The Lord Jesus Christ don't be surprised if people think u are a devil for preaching and speaking the true gospel of Jesus Christ

But know that's your proof that The Lord god has chosen u to be his servant
For who ever the world hates for Christ or the gospels sake now that god loves him and who ever is a friend of the world and loved by the world know that that man is an enemy of god

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Post #132

Post by Zzyzx »

EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [[It might be prudent to check the definition of "logic" (science that studies the principles of correct reasoning) ]]
This is a human fallacy. It implies all science ventures were perfect after one try.
How does a definition of logic become a "human fallacy" or imply that "all science ventures were perfect after one try?"

I trust that readers understand that a definition fits neither of those.
EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [[I further state repeatedly in these threads that ANY of the thousands of "gods" proposed, worshiped, imagined, idolized, feared, loved, etc MAY actually exist – all that is lacking is convincing evidence upon which to make an intelligent, reasoned decision]]
Then you will have only yourself to blame when you die.
Right – the old "after you die threat."
EDNAR wrote: There is ONLY one God who appeared to man. YHWH-ELOHIM. Elohim = plural for God, hence the holy Trinity.
There is no assurance that ANY of the thousands of proposed "gods" appeared to man. There are STORIES about such things – and stories about unicorns, extraterrestrials, Bigfoot, leprechauns, Peter Pan and Santa Claus.

Unverifiable stories about visitations and visions are just that – stories.
EDNAR wrote: There are over 300+ million gods in the world NOBODY has seen … this includes the god from the quran.
How can you verify that number? How do you KNOW what gods have not been seen?

God-deniers often seem to condemn the gods of competing religions but declare that their favorite god is real (while all others are false).

EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [[I will paraphrase DanMark's excellent statement – Non-Theism is a religion like OFF is a TV channel, Beautiful. Doesn't he have a way with words – and making things clear? Perhaps that comes with being an attorney. ]]
I disagree.
ATHEISM is most definitely a religion.
Only in the minds of Apologists who attempt to classify others or to erect straw men in attempted "debate."
EDNAR wrote: What would be your response if I asked you …�ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN … OR Jew … or Hindu …. Or Muslim?�
Be honest, now.
I bet your response would be in line with a religious response & that would be … “No, I am an atheists�
You lose that bet. You are dead wrong.

My honest answer to the proposed question would be . . . NO.

I do not feel compelled to identify my position on any matter and only do so if I choose to do so.

For those who have difficulty determining my theistic position in debate it is clearly stated in the last line of my signature (that appears on each post).
EDNAR wrote: Did you know there is an … ATHEIST CHURCH?
Britain's First Atheist Church The Sunday Assembly Meets In North London
Did you know that there are tens of thousands of Christian sects, cults, denominations, splinter groups, etc – many or most of which claim to have the "one true path to salvation" and often declare other Christian groups are misguided.

EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [[Yes, humans are fallible – they can be wrong. For instance, YOU can be wrong in choosing which "god" to worship (from thousands available) and wrong in what that god is supposed to have said (or to want from humans – including worship).

I have attempted to minimize the probability of being wrong in choice of "gods" or worship rituals by reserving judgment until convincing evidence is presented for one or more of the proposed "gods." ]]
There is NO fallibility with the words of Jesus.
How do you know that – read it in a book – hear it in sermons – make it up in your mind?
EDNAR wrote: Humans evolve & Jesus does NOT.
Humans constantly make errors
Since humans wrote the bible and organized the religion and since "humans constantly make errors" one MUST conclude that the bible and religious dogma CANNOT be trusted to be truthful and accurate.
EDNAR wrote: Jesus does NOT.
It IS that simple.
Dead preachers do not make any more errors.
EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [["Man EVOLVES?" Isn't evolution supposedly an Atheist concept (according to many Christians who debate here)? ]]
The word is meant in regards to change with time.
Agreed. Biological evolution is defined as "genetic change through generations" (which of necessity includes time).

As a general term, evolution can designate a change in any characteristic or condition over time.
EDNAR wrote: Your meaning of time is in the millions of years … mine is within a couple of generations where believing in something from one generation changes with another.
Yes, beliefs, stories, legends, myths tend to change with retelling from generation to generation. One reason that gospel stories are of doubtful validity is that they were written decades or generations after the claimed events and conversations – and stories that are handed down through retelling tend to become distorted and often exaggerated.
EDNAR wrote: [For example … did your parents or grandparents believe in God & get saved?
Some believed in "gods", some believed in Leprechauns, the smarter ones did not believe in either.
EDNAR wrote: Odin, like Islam’s god, does NOT exist.
I do not disagree – and include the bible God right along with them.

Wait a minute. Islam worships the same God as Jews and Christians. If the god doesn't exist for Muslims, that same god does not exist for Christians and Jews.
EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [[Speak for yourself. You know where YOU are headed but do not know where others are headed (unless you are omniscient or a mind reader).]]
Yes we are headed for a Sodom & Gomorrah.
Correction: YOU may be headed for Sodom & Gomorrah but you don't speak for others. Perhaps it would be wise to mend your ways if you believe the bible tales.
EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [[Do you identify yourself as a homophobe? ]]
This word has no meaning, except to those who threaten the coming changes
The word "homophobe" has a defined meaning – "irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals". It has been observed that many who publicly denounce homosexuality are themselves homosexuals (and often religious and perhaps overcome with guilt and denial).

EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [[Do you have some inside information about this? Are you part of the movement? ]]
What is to hide? Their bigotry is all out there for those to see.
Yes there is a great deal of bigotry – on the part of homophobes and many Christian preachers.
EDNAR wrote: They will NOT tolerate to be able to live in peace together.
Let's see . . . WHO is it that will not tolerate living together in peace – and minding one's own business? Is it the Christians who desire to live peacefully with homosexuals?

Of course, they should since they profess to follow two greatest commandments, the second of which is something like "love thy neighbor as thyself."

To claim to follow but to be homophobic seems like hypocrisy (as well as bigotry). Surely bible -believing Christians wouldn't do that, would they?
EDNAR wrote:
Zzyzx wrote: [[Tell us more about your visions of the future. ]]
W/O Jesus … there is NO future, for you.
People have been telling me that sort of thing for nearly seventy-five years – and instead of "no future for you", life has treated me very well. Many of those who felt they had a better future than I had are dead now.

Of course, there are some who claim there is a future after one dies (if they worship the right "gods" in the right ways); however, that has yet to be shown to be anything more than imagination, religious dogma, and/or wishful thinking.

ANY of the thousands of "gods" proposed, imagined, worshiped, loved, feared, and/or fought over by humans MAY exist -- awaiting verifiable evidence

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Post #133

Post by OnceConvinced »

EDNAR wrote: ATHEISM is most definitely a religion.
Only in your opinion which holds little water here.
EDNAR wrote: What would be your response if I asked you …�ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN … OR Jew … or Hindu …. Or Muslim?�
Be honest, now.
I bet your response would be in line with a religious response & that would be … “No, I am an atheists�
Seriously? Are you for real? LOL

Atheist is simply a word used to describe someone who has no belief in God. I was reluctant to even call myself an Atheist, but it was the closest I could come to a word that described me when it came to my beliefs in God. Agnostic just didn't accurately describe me anymore. It seems everyone wants to label us, so Atheist seemed like best fit.

Nowhere will you ever see Atheist listed as an religion. To say it's a religion is just simply a Christian lie designed to insult Atheists, nothing more. You are just trying to be insulting.

Seriously, let's say you were unemployed and I asked you what your job was. When you say "Unemployed" would you class that as an job?

Did you know there is an … ATHEIST CHURCH?
Britain's First Atheist Church The Sunday Assembly Meets In North London
So there are some Atheists who decided to start their own group where they could assemble and they decided to call it a church. Are they typical of all Atheists? Hell no. Maybe they called it a church to mock religion, much like the Church of the SubGenius?

Christianity is a religion, that's for sure.

Society and its morals evolve and will continue to evolve. The bible however remains the same and just requires more and more apologetics and claims of "metaphors" and "symbolism" to justify it.

Prayer is like rubbing an old bottle and hoping that a genie will pop out and grant you three wishes.

There is much about this world that is mind boggling and impressive, but I see no need whatsoever to put it down to magical super powered beings.

Check out my website: Recker's World

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