Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

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Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #1

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

What are the things G-d gave to women ?

What are gifts G-d gave to the women.

Gift the one of birth, the power of creation man does not have it only women have it. A gift only women have and authority it is never meant to have pains and suffer to give birth. But original before the devil interfered we were never meant to suffer.

G-d said he will give powers of visions and dreams. There women prophets like deborah and Huldah.

this is just A start so tell me what gifts or powers G-d gives woman ;D.

I was reading this from somewhere else tell what you think ?

Prominence of Women:

Under the Hebrew system the position of woman was in marked contrast with her status in surrounding heathen nations. Her liberties were greater, her employments more varied and important, her social standing more respectful and commanding. The divine law given on Sinai (Exodus 20:12) required children to honor the mother equally with the father. A similar esteem was accorded her in patriarchal times.

Sarah held a position of favor and authority in Abraham’s household. Rebekah was not less influential than Isaac, and was evidently the stronger personality. The “beautiful” Rachel (Genesis 29:17) won from Jacob a love that accepted her as an equal in the companionship and counsels of family life. Many Hebrew women rose to eminence and national leadership. Miriam and Deborah were each a prophetess and a poetess. The former led bands of women in triumphant song and procession, celebrating the overthrow of enemies (Exodus 15:20); the latter, through her dominating personality and prophetic power, became the virtual judge of the nation and led armies to victory.

Her military general, Barak, refused to advance against Sisera without her presence and commanding influence (Judges 4:8). Her ode of victory indicates the intellectual endowment and culture of her gender in that unsettled and formative era (Judges 5). No person in Israel surpassed Hannah, the mother of Samuel, in intelligence, beauty and fervor of religious devotion. Her spiritual exaltation and poetic gift found expression in one of the choicest specimens of early Hebrew lyric poetry (1 Samuel 2:1-10). Other women eminent as prophetesses were: Huldah, whose counsel was sought by high priest and king (2 Chronicles 34:22; compare 2 Kings 22:14); Noadiah (Nehemiah 6:14); Anna (Luke 2:36).

The power to which woman could attain in Israel is illustrated in the career of the wicked, merciless, murderous, idolatrous Jezebel, self-styled prophetess (Revelation 2:20). Evidence of woman’s eminence in the kingdoms of Judah and Israel is seen in the influence she exercised as queen mother (1 Kings 15:13) and queen (2 Kings 8:18); in the beautiful honor shown by King Solomon to his mother, Bath-sheba (1 Kings 2:19); in the filial devotion of the prophet Elisha (1 Kings 19:20); in the constant mention of the mother’s name in the biographies of successive kings, making it evident that she was considered the important and determining factor in the life of her royal sons.

Her teaching and authority were sufficiently eminent to find recognition in the proverbs of the nation: “the law of thy mother” (Proverbs 1:8; Proverbs 6:20) was not to be forsaken, while contempt for the same merited the curse of God (Proverbs 19:26; Proverbs 20:20; Proverbs 30:11, 17).

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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #11

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

We start The first part of it we begin with everything since Genesis to the law deuternomy, the first part consist of the high status women have " Before the law of the ten commandments " is what we call part 1. In part 1 will their be high status, equal status and low status in this we explain the events where women had God's favor over men and did the will of God and his plan.

The powers women have God gave them and explain them in turn of events how they use them in the time before the law of moses. We start with the beggining God created men and women the first laws.

Genesis 1:26-28 God made men and women like his image.

Genesis 2:18-24 it is not Good for man to be alone and made women for him. And made women from the rib of men.

God told men in this verses that both govern together the earth.

When we recieve commands from the lord when he created men and women. God wanted women to use thier powers to rule over the earth those powers were love and hope but when man sinned and went to live in the wilderness what were more powers of God that gave women to survive there what were the moments when women defends itself in A world where the law of " An eye for an eye", from the law of " the point of the sword " you get what you want ?, and " The law of the strongest ruled " like the Babylonian made and Assyrians made in those times. What did women do to follow the plan of God and do his will ? And what was thier story.

Their was women in those times that did do the will of God and completed the law. Who were faithul to the lord there was Sarah, Hagar, and Rebekah.

Like Hagar who was mother of the arab nations , God bless her and protected her.

The first verses of high status of first part.

Gen 17:7-14 and 16:10 God send abgels to save Hagar and her son. She was awarded to have A nation like Abraham but she had no husband she recieve more than A man in those times.

Even in those times made men and women equal in those times this an equal status.

Like Abraham and Sarah who were part of the marriage both share the descendacy.

Genesis 26:4 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and I will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations of the earth will be blessed,

Both are equal for both to talk to God.

Gensis 18:10 Both of them share the privilage of talking to God.

God talk to Abraham and told she was going to be pregnant. Sarah was treated equal by other men in those times even though Sarah did not want to and Abraham lied to save his life

Abimelech put laws in those times and Sarah benn A woman of God got treated in equal status in those times by law.

Genesis 20:14 she given something equal things for the transgression and got vindicated.

We see in those times Sarah had recieve more and was equal to Abraham but also than Sarah A woman had higher status and that was Rebekah was given A choice

Genesis 24:57 The lord commands Abraham to have girl for his son and if the girl does not want to go and dissolve the promise God let the girl decide and she was asked.

God gave something to women that A man didn't and women did and that was choice in that instance men are always drones that obey God in the old testament but A women was given A choice and God told Abraham of what was going to happen and the father of Rebekah asked her if she wants to go or not ? God let the young lady to decide the future of Israel.

This show women were powerful and had choice to decide.

women can also decide the name of child without the husband and here are the verses. In those times women can decide without men what the name will be.

A high status position

Eve named Seth Gen 4:25

Leah and Rachel named thier children chapters 29 and 30 chapters of Genesis see the whole story.

Rachel named Genesis 39:19

Hannah named Samuel 1 samuel chapter one

This show that in those times only women named thier children and didn't need the approval of men.

As the story continues we see women ahd the approval of God and had higher status and equal status in those times.

We see Isaac prayed so Rebbeca could have A child Genesis 25:21-34


Here women had higher status becuase man did the work for her and prayed on her behalf to obtain here promise from the lord.

Here in this vers higher status for women here Rebekah does the historic thing of inquiring the lord

Genesis 25:21-23 Here she talks to God few have done so.

When Leah was goona have kids and jacob loved her less than Rachel. She prayed for the lord for children and gave 4 and God gave her special place in Jacob for her children and she thank God for it and named judah in honor of God gave Leah.

Genesis 29:31

The lord also listen to Leah and A women who was special was heard by Leah

Genesis 30:17

Also women in those time gave names to children also participated in Genealogies in sense to thier families.

an equal status position

Genesis 5 the whole chapter gives genealogies

Genesis 46:5 another genealogy with men and women named as equals showing they were important too.

Genesis 46:15 there were sons of Leah

Gensis 46:17 Another Genealogy

Numbers 26:33 Another Genealogy

Numbers 26:46 Another Genealogy

As we see in those times their was higher status and equal status women were given and did the plan of God and his will.

Women did do good in the eyes of the lord. Did women have lower status yes in this time A women could not be queen, could not be judge in court, could not go to war as A soldier only men fought some women in other culture fought but women from Abraham's lot and Isaac and Jacob did the fighting with men. Women cannot participiate becuase of so much violence in those days and were more fragile and if women get captured were ransomed by enemy tribes.

But still despite many thing that stopped them they did the will of God and with faith and love did his will.

Their were women sage in those times and women could be leaders in tribes like Deborah who was prophet but won't talk about her yet some towns had women as old ladies to gudie them in town councils so women did leader in towns and cities in those times.

We have talked about " Before era of the law of moses " The first part now we would continue the next post in the time of moses, what are the highg status, equal status, and low status of the law and it is big but had 6 months studying so know the answers.

Here A link to the information.


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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #12

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

[Replying to Miles in post #10]

God is not it he is consuming fire and that is what he says he is. He is the " I am " to moses and is fire to sacred and powerful that can kill angels.

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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #13

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

[Replying to Miles in post #10]

We start The first part of it we begin with everything since Genesis to the law deuternomy, the first part consist of the high status women have " Before the law of the ten commandments " is what we call part 1. In part 1 will their be high status, equal status and low status in this we explain the events where women had God's favor over men and did the will of God and his plan.

The powers women have God gave them and explain them in turn of events how they use them in the time before the law of moses. We start with the beggining God created men and women the first laws.

Genesis 1:26-28 God made men and women like his image.

Genesis 2:18-24 it is not Good for man to be alone and made women for him. And made women from the rib of men.

God told men in this verses that both govern together the earth.

When we recieve commands from the lord when he created men and women. God wanted women to use thier powers to rule over the earth those powers were love and hope but when man sinned and went to live in the wilderness what were more powers of God that gave women to survive there what were the moments when women defends itself in A world where the law of " An eye for an eye", from the law of " the point of the sword " you get what you want ?, and " The law of the strongest ruled " like the Babylonian made and Assyrians made in those times. What did women do to follow the plan of God and do his will ? And what was thier story.

Their was women in those times that did do the will of God and completed the law. Who were faithul to the lord there was Sarah, Hagar, and Rebekah.

Like Hagar who was mother of the arab nations , God bless her and protected her.

The first verses of high status of first part.

Gen 17:7-14 and 16:10 God send abgels to save Hagar and her son. She was awarded to have A nation like Abraham but she had no husband she recieve more than A man in those times.

Even in those times made men and women equal in those times this an equal status.

Like Abraham and Sarah who were part of the marriage both share the descendacy.

Genesis 26:4 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and I will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations of the earth will be blessed,

Both are equal for both to talk to God.

Gensis 18:10 Both of them share the privilage of talking to God.

God talk to Abraham and told she was going to be pregnant. Sarah was treated equal by other men in those times even though Sarah did not want to and Abraham lied to save his life

Abimelech put laws in those times and Sarah benn A woman of God got treated in equal status in those times by law.

Genesis 20:14 she given something equal things for the transgression and got vindicated.

We see in those times Sarah had recieve more and was equal to Abraham but also than Sarah A woman had higher status and that was Rebekah was given A choice

Genesis 24:57 The lord commands Abraham to have girl for his son and if the girl does not want to go and dissolve the promise God let the girl decide and she was asked.

God gave something to women that A man didn't and women did and that was choice in that instance men are always drones that obey God in the old testament but A women was given A choice and God told Abraham of what was going to happen and the father of Rebekah asked her if she wants to go or not ? God let the young lady to decide the future of Israel.

This show women were powerful and had choice to decide.

women can also decide the name of child without the husband and here are the verses. In those times women can decide without men what the name will be.

A high status position

Eve named Seth Gen 4:25

Leah and Rachel named thier children chapters 29 and 30 chapters of Genesis see the whole story.

Rachel named Genesis 39:19

Hannah named Samuel 1 samuel chapter one

This show that in those times only women named thier children and didn't need the approval of men.

As the story continues we see women ahd the approval of God and had higher status and equal status in those times.

We see Isaac prayed so Rebbeca could have A child Genesis 25:21-34


Here women had higher status becuase man did the work for her and prayed on her behalf to obtain here promise from the lord.

Here in this vers higher status for women here Rebekah does the historic thing of inquiring the lord

Genesis 25:21-23 Here she talks to God few have done so.

When Leah was goona have kids and jacob loved her less than Rachel. She prayed for the lord for children and gave 4 and God gave her special place in Jacob for her children and she thank God for it and named judah in honor of God gave Leah.

Genesis 29:31

The lord also listen to Leah and A women who was special was heard by Leah

Genesis 30:17

Also women in those time gave names to children also participated in Genealogies in sense to thier families.

an equal status position

Genesis 5 the whole chapter gives genealogies

Genesis 46:5 another genealogy with men and women named as equals showing they were important too.

Genesis 46:15 there were sons of Leah

Gensis 46:17 Another Genealogy

Numbers 26:33 Another Genealogy

Numbers 26:46 Another Genealogy

As we see in those times their was higher status and equal status women were given and did the plan of God and his will.

Women did do good in the eyes of the lord. Did women have lower status yes in this time A women could not be queen, could not be judge in court, could not go to war as A soldier only men fought some women in other culture fought but women from Abraham's lot and Isaac and Jacob did the fighting with men. Women cannot participiate becuase of so much violence in those days and were more fragile and if women get captured were ransomed by enemy tribes.

But still despite many thing that stopped them they did the will of God and with faith and love did his will.

Their were women sage in those times and women could be leaders in tribes like Deborah who was prophet but won't talk about her yet some towns had women as old ladies to gudie them in town councils so women did leader in towns and cities in those times.

We have talked about " Before era of the law of moses " The first part now we would continue the next post in the time of moses, what are the highg status, equal status, and low status of the law and it is big but had 6 months studying so know the answers.

Here A link to the information.


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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #14

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

I dont' know why it doubel copy itself but anywa some have asked where i get the infromation i copied fromt his fine gentlemen and women

another video that i copy versus .

and this one explains ordinances of women.

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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #15

Post by otseng »

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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #16

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

[Replying to michaelgabriel88 in post #14]

The secret of woman in the bible-Know about the psalms and why ? it's use.

The powerful thing the secret of the hebrew people of women. Why, Singing is A powerfula dn know what are the psalms of women. Please read.

Psalm 113 come from here.

https://www.thetorah.com/article/a-wome ... -psalm-113

psalm 68


psalm 46

has women inside and the lord says insde her saying he is inside women that follow him. very needed to sing for women. Some say it's A city but also remember God calls women cities aswell and refers to them in special way.

https://www.academia.edu/8171284/Wo..._ ... elite_Cult


psalm 15

https://onthefoothills.com/psalm-15-and ... -31-woman/

know there is A secret when younsing psalm 15 in hebrew in original not in english.

psalm 129

http://www.theartoftaleh.com/psalm-129- ... ds-people/

this the where i get the information and when I who sings psalms for 4 to 5 yrs knows hwo to difference know the music is part of using high tones and low hard tones for men stay and know that when you make music and I know hot to make music with G-d you know the style fo jewish music and women use high tone in hebrew music ;D.

The structure of psalms.

The Psalm Project — Promise Bible Study when you find the method you understand the flow of the music and find the diffference for women psalms and men psalms, for priests psalms and kings psalms.

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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #17

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

Here A video that explian the secret of women in the bible.

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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #18

Post by OneWay »

michaelgabriel88 wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:10 pm What are the things G-d gave to women ?

What are gifts G-d gave to the women.

Gift the one of birth, the power of creation man does not have it only women have it. A gift only women have and authority it is never meant to have pains and suffer to give birth. But original before the devil interfered we were never meant to suffer.

G-d said he will give powers of visions and dreams. There women prophets like deborah and Huldah.

this is just A start so tell me what gifts or powers G-d gives woman ;D.

I was reading this from somewhere else tell what you think ?

Prominence of Women:

Under the Hebrew system the position of woman was in marked contrast with her status in surrounding heathen nations. Her liberties were greater, her employments more varied and important, her social standing more respectful and commanding. The divine law given on Sinai (Exodus 20:12) required children to honor the mother equally with the father. A similar esteem was accorded her in patriarchal times.

Sarah held a position of favor and authority in Abraham’s household. Rebekah was not less influential than Isaac, and was evidently the stronger personality. The “beautiful” Rachel (Genesis 29:17) won from Jacob a love that accepted her as an equal in the companionship and counsels of family life. Many Hebrew women rose to eminence and national leadership. Miriam and Deborah were each a prophetess and a poetess. The former led bands of women in triumphant song and procession, celebrating the overthrow of enemies (Exodus 15:20); the latter, through her dominating personality and prophetic power, became the virtual judge of the nation and led armies to victory.

Her military general, Barak, refused to advance against Sisera without her presence and commanding influence (Judges 4:8). Her ode of victory indicates the intellectual endowment and culture of her gender in that unsettled and formative era (Judges 5). No person in Israel surpassed Hannah, the mother of Samuel, in intelligence, beauty and fervor of religious devotion. Her spiritual exaltation and poetic gift found expression in one of the choicest specimens of early Hebrew lyric poetry (1 Samuel 2:1-10). Other women eminent as prophetesses were: Huldah, whose counsel was sought by high priest and king (2 Chronicles 34:22; compare 2 Kings 22:14); Noadiah (Nehemiah 6:14); Anna (Luke 2:36).

The power to which woman could attain in Israel is illustrated in the career of the wicked, merciless, murderous, idolatrous Jezebel, self-styled prophetess (Revelation 2:20). Evidence of woman’s eminence in the kingdoms of Judah and Israel is seen in the influence she exercised as queen mother (1 Kings 15:13) and queen (2 Kings 8:18); in the beautiful honor shown by King Solomon to his mother, Bath-sheba (1 Kings 2:19); in the filial devotion of the prophet Elisha (1 Kings 19:20); in the constant mention of the mother’s name in the biographies of successive kings, making it evident that she was considered the important and determining factor in the life of her royal sons.

Her teaching and authority were sufficiently eminent to find recognition in the proverbs of the nation: “the law of thy mother” (Proverbs 1:8; Proverbs 6:20) was not to be forsaken, while contempt for the same merited the curse of God (Proverbs 19:26; Proverbs 20:20; Proverbs 30:11, 17).
Can you prove any of this to be the truth?

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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #19

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

Women in the law of the mosaic law, the higher status, equal status, and lower status
Part 2: :approve:

From the last part of part 1 Genesis we continue and we are in the time of the law of moses did the law of moeses favored women over men ? Yes. Womed did have the law to it's advantage and did the plan of G-d even though of the punity of the law and the harsh era of ruled by the strongets, by the tip of the sword law and for an eye for an eye women amde it to finsihed the law. And loved in those times ? Yes they did and did great features like moses mother saving his son, Joshua leading his people even after Moses left them, and more acts of fervor faith and love to G-d to do his will and survived happened.

What where the high status in those times women recieved over men ?
We see in those times women had power they serve G-d and did the plan of God they had higher status. equal status and low status but still serve the plan of G-d.

The first laws that gave women higher status position than men.
Numbers 27:1-7
The daughters of Zelophehad told Moses it wasn't fair for the to lose their property and their house and talked to Moses for help about it. Zelophed left the tribe but still his name was improtant and the daughter didn't want their heritage to be gone. Moses went and talk to G-d and he said the daugher were right and told moses they keep the land.
Here God sided with women and women could keep the property if the father died. They can inherit it.
We have another issue

Genesis 31:16
Rachel and Leah talk about their property they inherit and they can have property. In A time
when only man could own property few countries recognized women the right of property thru law. One of them is Egyptian culture and the other is Hebrew culture the law of moses gave women the right to have property thru inheritance.
Numbers 27:8
The law that establishes daughters can keep the house and property.
Deuteronomy 25:5-10
The law of the sandal if A husband dies and the brother of A wife decides not get married to her. They wife can go to the council and in front of them slap him with his sandal and she keeps the house bizzare law in those times but another law that A woman keeps the hosue and property.
Levitcus 19:20-22
If a man lies sexually with a woman who is a slave, assigned to another man and not yet ransomed or given her freedom, a distinction shall be made. They shall not be put to death, because she was not free;

Here if an error and they slept together women slave and it was A mistake the male can give a ram in order for the sin to be forgiven and this way they won't get both killed and forgiven. Here in an awkard position A slave slept with A man but she belonsg to her master as property and he slept with her but she is not free he would of gotten killed in other places but the mosaic law if A man fell for A women and was not free she was owned and it was discovered the owner like saying he pass thru private property he could of been killed the man and also the girl.
But law exist if such thing happen the owner of the slave wouldn't kill him or her if he gave the ram for their transgression. Thinsg that happen back in those times.

Exodus 21:7-11

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. A Man could sell his daughter to slavery the law allowed it but also rules existed to it.
8 If she does not please her master, who has designated her[a] for himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has broken faith with her. 9 If he designates her for his son, he shall deal with her as with a daughter. 10 If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights.
And if the man who bought the servant cannot give this things to the women he has purchased.
11 And if he does not do these three things for her, she shall go out for nothing, without payment of money.
She could go free.

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Re: Women the gifts G-d gave to them, A list of powerful verses and scripture G-d gave to women

Post #20

Post by michaelgabriel88 »

Women in the mosaic law
Part 3:

Still the higher status of the law.

Exodus 21:2-3

2 When you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing. 3 If he comes in single, he shall go out single; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him.

A daughter that is sold to slavery no matter what by law is set free she will work six years and in the seventh year be free.

Leviticus 15:19
19 “When a woman has a discharge, and the discharge in her body is blood, she shall be in her menstrual impurity for seven days, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening.

A women had A period she was protected and was not allowed for anyone to touch respecting her space

Leviticus 19:29

A law that protect daughter and said to fathers not to let daughters end in prostituing themselves.

29 “Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, lest the land fall into prostitution and the land become full of depravity.

Numbers 5:12-28

The Sotah law or law of the river if A woman is accused of infidelity she was a given A choice to prove her innnocence she would swim up the river and thru the currents survive and if she passed she was proven innocent. For some the law was harsh but A law was given so women could have A choice it was better other kingdoms or culture would of juts of stone her or cut her head or hanged her. Without given her any chance of proving her innocence. No, other culture dont' have laws like those and women would of being juts killed with out giving her A chance.

13 if a man lies with her sexually, and it is hidden from the eyes of her husband, and she is undetected though she has defiled herself, and there is no witness against her, since she was not taken in the act,

28 But if the woman has not defiled herself and is clean, then she shall be free and shall conceive children.

Leviticus 22:12-13

A women that is daughter of A priest if she is divorced or widow she could return to her father and live with him.

12 If a priest's daughter marries a layman, she shall not eat of the contribution of the holy things.

Numbers 30:3

A women makes vows and in those times A vow that they would keep a conduct or work as a promise was taken very serious. They were sacred and special thing given to them by the law.

Numbers 30:10-14

A women will make A vow and later would be to hard or have promblems completing them the husband can dissolved them and she no longer keeps them helping them women. A law to make vows was made and the law to dissolve them was made also.

Deuteronomy 22:13-18

If girl was accused of not being virgin A law made and the parents can defend her. The bring A blanket proving no blood was ever there and thus the man who accused gets punished. Saving the girl life.

Deuteronomy 22:25-27

A man rapes A women he will be put to death ! But the women is saved.

26 And you are not to do anything to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, [c]so is this case.

Deuteronomy 24:5

A man who is married and ther is A war G-d made A law protects that couple and the man does not go to war and stayw ith his wife A whole year and make her wife happy.

5 “When a man takes a new wife, he is not to go out with the army, nor be assigned any duty; he shall be free at home for one year and shall make his wife whom he has taken happy.

Deuteronomy 10:17-22

God gives special protection and law protecting and justice giving to them.

18 He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the stranger by giving him food and clothing.

Deuteronomy 14:28-29

A law that says A tithe or tenth of your winnings give to the widows of your town.

9 And the Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance among you, and the stranger, the orphan, and the widow who are in your [c]town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do.

Deuteronomy 16:10-11

Another law of your offering also to give to widows.

11 and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God, you, your son and your daughter, and your male and female slaves, and the Levite who is in your [c]town, and the stranger, the [d]orphan, and the widow who are in your midst, at the place where the Lord your God chooses to establish His name.

Deuteronomy 24:17-18

Do not pervert the justice of A widow.

17 “You shall not pervert the justice due a stranger or an orphan, nor seize a widow’s garment as a [c]pledge.

Genesis 38:26

A woman was written in the bible to be more righteous than A man that was Judah so was given A place in bible history when women where not given imprtance in A time that was harsh.

26 And Judah recognized them, and said, “She is more righteous than I, since I did not give her to my son Shelah.” And he did not have relations with her again

This are the high status of women and show they had hihger prefrence than man and G-d sided with them, they ahd use of the laws and the mosaic law had laws that were meant for them. This part of the women in the bible the part 1 talks about before the law in midst of Abraham and Sarah had things G-d gave to them. And Part 2 and 3 Talk about the law but in the time of Moses and the mosaic law. The high status of the law we will now see the Equal status and alter the low status of the law.

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