The Virgin Birth

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Revelations won
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The Virgin Birth

Post #1

Post by Revelations won »

Greetings to all,

It is interesting to see the many and varied suppositions, guesses, speculations, calculations and deductive conclusions that so many arrive at when the clear fact is that all of these are based on fragmentary evidence or the private interpretation of others. Note: this was a topic originally discussed in the Apologetics forum.

Is it not clearly time for all to put away all these supported conception theories? God does not always give us a complete account of things, but does give us understanding based on our spiritual preparedness. (The last time I checked it appears that God usually gives us the answers needed line upon line and precept upon precept.) They vast majority have placed their own self determination,ined "gag order" upon themselves and have by their own choice refused to receive further revelation from God. With this man made approach, man has therefore closed the window of knowledge which could otherwise be obtained only by recvelation from God.

Therefore man is left to his own deductive "private" interpretation and reasoning by this approach which results in the "blind leading the blind" quagmire.

The Jewish leaders of the day falsely accused Christ of being a "bastard child " born out of wedlock. Many today also hold to this same self imposed blind conclusion.

My position is clearly that "Jesus Christ is the only legitimate son of God born of the Father in the flesh." Having said that, it is obvious that "Mary is first and foremost the wife of God the father." For anyone to argue otherwise one would also place themselves in the same "private interpretation" which the the Jewish leaders placed themselves.

Kind regards,

Revelations won
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Re: The Virgin Birth

Post #31

Post by Revelations won »

Dear onewithhim,

Who or what is the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit?

And what is his mission? What else does he do besides getting Mary pregnant as you claim?


You said: “You are clearly not paying attention to what the Scriptures say. “Mary is not the wife of Jehovah.”

So by your very statement that Jesus is not the son of Jehovah, I agree completely.

On the above point I agree with you.

“She had Joseph for a husband. Jehovah's power/holy spirit came upon Mary and she became pregnant.”

The above is your “private interpretation. The scripture actually reads:

Luke1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Luke 1:32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

So it is very clear that Christ will reign forever over all the house of Jacob. The bible makes it very clear that he is indeed Immanuel or God with us.

Christ is indeed the creator of the earth, and everything therein.

God the Father did not create this earth. The son created this earth under the direction of the Father. Christ is alpha and Omega the first spirit son born and in the great council in heave was chosen and foreordained to become the lamb slain to atone for the sins of mankind.

The fall was absolutely a necessary requirement needed to fulfill the plan of salvation. Mortality was a necessary part of the eternal plan which allowed all mankind to have a period of testing and experience and the Father knew that we would make mistakes and need repentance. Are you so blind as to think the if Adam had not made that choice which introduce mortality that none of his billions of offspring would never made a mistake that would have done the same choice?

God the Father cast Lucifer and ll those in heaven that rebelled with him out of heaven down to this earth. They would never have the chance to receive a body, could never have offspring.

Lucifer was indeed the enemy of all righteousness. That being the case, why would God cast Lucifer down to this earth when he could have sent he and the billions who followed him to this earth when he could have cast them to any one of the billions of other uninhabited earths?

Why did he not destroy he and all those who followed him at the outset?

Why does the Lord allow Satan to tempt man for the thousands of years until the Millennium?

Why does the Lord after his thousand year reign release Satan to also tempt those who were born during the Millennium, to also be tempted, unless there was a need for them also to be tempted?

You should also clearly understand that God’s word cannot return unto him empty. He makes no error or mistake. If there were no fall , there could be no redemption, no atonement, no eternal resurrection and no redeemer no need for a savior and God’s word would have returned to him empty.

There must needs be and opposition in all things otherwise the mighty gift of agency would be worthless and man could not have developed the power to overcome the world and receive their divine destiny.

That is my take on these issues. If you can present a valid argument other wise then let’s hear the precious pearls of truth to demonstrate otherwise.

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Re: The Virgin Birth

Post #32

Post by onewithhim »

Revelations won wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:47 am Dear onewithhim,

Who or what is the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit?

And what is his mission? What else does he do besides getting Mary pregnant as you claim?
The Holy Spirit is God's power. It is like a current in wires leading to a lamp which then gets turned on. Jehovah uses it to accomplish whatever He wants to accomplish. The earth and the universe was created through this power. It is entirely Jehovah's power, and He gives some of it to whomever He wishes, as in the example of giving the H.S. to Jesus.

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