Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

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Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #1

Post by William »

I was mucking around where I had been told implicitly by my Father - NOT to go mucking about in.

As it was, my Father left the combination on 'Green' and said that he no longer believed in locks, as Trust was more important...

I suppose I thought he had something to hide from me, telling me not to touch his machine...

Anyway, that was then and this is now and it is all because I did not listen - I did not Trust my Father and all this is because of that.

I got far too close to the intake and was instantly gone from my own familiar world and cast into utter darkness...and it was therein that I began to engineer a means of escape - hopefully before my Father noticed my absence...non the wiser for that.

But things have a funny way of working themselves out...and my Father was watching all the time and tells me that I got myself into this mess, so now I am going to have to get myself out...and I only know this because I have come so far into my journey from nothingness to somethingness to have developed ways of connecting with said's all good in that department as I agree that while I am here I might as well explore and learn things about myself in relation to being here... :joker:

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #21

Post by William »

blackstart wrote: Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:57 am
William wrote: Sat Feb 06, 2021 4:04 pm
It seems to me that examining the nature of nature one can realistically see therein that it may be we exist within some sort of reality simulation.

Are there any tools which we can use scientifically which could help us determine whether some sort of universal consciousness is detectable?
Thank you for your response:

Of course that is a possibility, however it is not one which addresses the idea of a supernatural creator. Let me explain:

Two of the several exponents of the possibility of a simulated universe are Nick Bostrom(philosopher) and Neil DeGrasse Tyson(astronomer). Both of these advocate a possibility that a superior civilization might well have the technology to produce such a simulation.

Bostrom doesn't suggest that it's the most probable explanation of our universe. Even within his hypothesis, he gives equal probability to other conclusions:
Personally, I assign less than 50% probability to the simulation hypothesis – rather something like in 20%-region, perhaps, maybe. However, this estimate is a subjective personal opinion and is not part of the simulation argument.
Furthermore he suggests that the simulation hypothesis:
has no direct connection with religious conceptions of a literally omniscient and omnipotent deity. The simulation-hypothesis does not imply the existence of such a deity, nor does it imply its non-existence.
Indeed, he goes on to say that, far from being outside natural laws
the simulators implied by the simulation-hypothesis would be naturalistic entities, subject to the laws of nature at their own level of reality
He is of the opinion that:
There is no known physical law or material constraint that would prevent a sufficiently technologically advanced civilisation from implementing human minds in computers.

Hence, if the 'creator god' idea is to be our yardstick then that must surely include any 'advanced civilization' capable of producing such a simulation, not necessarily one god at all, but potentially millions, all of whom are subject to natural laws.I would also add, that if we were to take this route, we might well come to the conclusion that our present observations suggest the imperfect nature of this simulation? Could it be that this is just a trial run?(smiley)

And we are left with the same problem of who created the simulation creators. It seems to be tortoises all the way down.

Not only that, but why couldn't the simulation creators be capable of have creating more than one simulation? And, why couldn't the simulated be capable of producing their own simulation?
Supernatural in and of itself is simply an antiquated human term which largely has it's roots firmly engaged with human superstition regarding 'gods' and 'devils'.

While one can explore the uncountable simulations , these in themselves do not represent 'turtles all the way down' but rather, the overall product of the original simulator which allowed for the creation of each and every other simulation which branched from that one.

In that, one can say that 'the mind of the original creator' is the original simulator, and every other simulation branching away from that does so because it is following the nature of the original.

In every sense it does not matter that there may be an infinite number of simulated universes extending from the source simulator or even an infinite number of source simulators.

The opportunity to engage directly with this reality simulation and also with the reality simulation which the Physical Universe was created through, is available.

Generally pre-conception and superstition regarding so-called 'supernatural' muddy the waters sufficiently that most human beings involved with attempting to connect with the truth of the matter, do not do so.

Others who might agree that it is possible they are existing within a created simulation, also put barriers up which act in the same way as those barriers put up by the more religious types of human beings.

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #22

Post by William »

William: What do you think this communication I received, means. The items in [] are my own guesses
First Source:
I convey this message to you whom I have stirred with the sound of my voice. These words are my signature.

Densification [build-up] YHWH [The god of the early Israelites]
Dreaming [a] Mixture [of] [through] Desperation [of] The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD [which was] Unknown/Hidden/Occult Expression of Astonishment Patience Lift Compass Salvific Out and about in the open
Brave Learn How to [be] The Hangups of Human History Building bridges and getting over things.
The journey of the species "Human"
aka "You, Man!"
(pay attention!)] Choice! "This Should Be Interesting" Inspiration The Big Question
"Lessons All 'Round" Tickety Boo Fanciful Unprecedented
Imperishable Laughter [from those] Remote Viewing Concision [Succinctness] Body Intelligence [the devil you know] Safe Harbour [the devil you know] A Beautiful Song Heart Virtues
I removed your interpretations and the message then reads;...
Densification YHWH
Dreaming Mixture Desperation The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD Unknown/Hidden/Occult Expression of Astonishment Patience Lift Compass Salvific Out and about in the open
Brave Learn How to the Hangups of Human History Building bridges and getting over things.
The journey of the species "Human"
aka "You, Man!"
(pay attention!)] Choice! "This Should Be Interesting" Inspiration The Big Question
"Lessons All 'Round" Tickety Boo Fanciful Unprecedented
Imperishable Laughter Remote Viewing Concision Body Intelligence Safe Harbour A Beautiful Song Heart Virtues
...which - according to my interpretation reads that the God known as YHWH is an aspect of myself directly related to what is happening upon the Earth - specifically with humans.
This aspect was densified enough to allow for it to become its own God and create upon the planet, all manner of life forms and to use said forms as a means of expressing its self out into the Physical Universe, which I created in order for this to unfold.

This aspect of myself did not know of my existence and only found out about me as it learned how to use its own power to create and examine its own creation.

This occurred through its creating human beings in order to see if it could commune with them at a level which both were comfortable with...and it is through that union where I am found.

While I wait, I am very happy with what I created and how it is turning out for everyone, one by one...

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #23

Post by William »

William wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:17 pm
DrNoGods wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:26 pm
[Replying to blackstart in post #86]
You might find this article from the Guardian interesting. It basically sums up the arguments and the debate surrounding it.
Interesting article. I worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a research scientist from 1985 to 1999 and had many lunches with Rich Terrile ... but no conversations about this particular topic. The big question I'd ask about this whole idea that we are living in a simulation is (besides what actual evidence is there for it) when did it start, and how is is consistent with the fact that we have a 4.6 billion year, continuous, existence of planet Earth. Within that period we have life appearing some 4 billion years ago, or earlier, and then the past 1 billion or so the evolution of multicellular life forms passing from simple sponges and similar forms, to fishes, reptiles, insects, mammals, etc.

If this was all part of some simulation, it seems it would have to have been running for over 4 billion years, nonstop. How is that possible
I am no scientist but do have to wonder as to why anyone would think that a simulation has to have run for as long as its simulated components suggest to us who are within it.

Think of it this way. None of us are ourselves, 4 billion years old, yet when inserted into the simulation, we can still learn that it appears to have been around for at least that long [in simulation years]. There is no reason why a Reality Simulation cannot be made to appear that way, to those within it experiencing it.
, and who/what would even want to run a 4+ billion year simulation as part of some kind of game or experiment even if they could?

Beings who are eternal would naturally create such Reality Simulations.
I just don't see how it makes any sense, or how it could be justified just because we're better now at software and understanding of how the brain works than we were 50 years ago, this somehow suggests there are entities out there who are far smarter than we are and are running a simulation with humans as the game pieces. Maybe good stuff for science fiction movie, but very hard for me to believe something like that could be real.
Perhaps for you, that is the case. Others like myself see nothing untoward or otherwise impractical in the idea that we, not only created the Reality Simulation, but that it also may well serve as a learning device for those both observing from outside of it, and those experiencing it from within.
Humans are still in their infancy in regard to understand the nature of computers as hardware. The truth is that the Reality Simulation itself is a simulation of a computer as it were...the "stuff" of this Physical Universe which is a Reality Simulation, is all 'made' from the same thing - rearranged in order to create "stuff".

It works by placing an Eternal Entity into it, and the "Hardware" reacts with the "Software" to bring about the creation of the Simulation which is then experienced by the one creating it.

For me, this involved a complete loss of identity. [Not all Simulations are designed for this to happen]. In losing my identity, I became a 'new' entity. [See beginning of this thread for succinct storyline] and so the reality I then created for myself took its form in relation to that new identity.

As I became more aware that I was actually creating my Reality Experience, I was then able to do things with it. Creating Earth and placing living beings upon it, was one of those things I was able to do. [The critters are "Living" because I imbued an aspect of myself into them, using the Planet as the medium in order to achieve this outcome]

As to 'time' - it is different for me as The Universal Entity of this Reality Simulation - than for you as an aspect of me and has no particular importance in relation to how long the Simulation has been running. Not to say that "a long time" hasn't been experienced by me, but because I Am eternal, "Time" - however long or short I can experience it, is besides the point.

From a perspective outside of this Reality Simulation, I can appreciate that my Father may still be in the process of finishing his breakfast and hasn't noticed my absence as yet.

That is - of course - a simple example of how time is relative...

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #24

Post by William »

William wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:23 pm
Purple Knight wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:55 pm
brunumb wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:05 am
Purple Knight wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:57 pm If there is any being that is truly omnipotent, we can't possibly know right from wrong.
What has omnipotence got to do with knowing right from wrong?
An omnipotent being can do anything, so it could simply cause a thing to be wrong without our knowledge. It could set up the rules of the universe so that standing on one leg in a bucket of water is the most immoral thing imaginable. It could even do this on the fly, causing that to be wrong as someone is already doing it. It could lie to us about right and wrong and cause itself to be right even as lying is wrong.

The idea that we can know right from wrong precludes omnipotence. If we can know right from wrong, it means that knowledge is higher than God. God can't mess with it, in other words.
Are you saying that being omnipotent automatically makes you someone that will use underhanded trickery in order to always keep lesser beings under your influence?
2ndRateMind wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:09 amSo, here is Christianity 101.

Jesus commanded us to 'Love God' and 'Love each other'. The book of common prayer reminds us of this when it uses the phrase 'whose service is perfect freedom'. I connect the two because, for those of us who love as Jesus' injunction, well, we find that service is entirely free, because we have no wish to live in any other way.
I've tried being kind to racists and been told universally that I was evil for it. I think "love each other" means "love other good people" and it also means hate evil people.
What makes your thoughts on this, the truth of the matter?
This is part of the process. People can and therefore do clothe me in a variety of costume. Mostly these are based upon personal preference and where I [as an idea] come into it, the idea acts as a mirror to the individuals beliefs in regard to that.

If one wishes to assign malevolence to me by dressing me up as such - then that will be what is mirrored back to one.

Am I really Omnipotent?

In regard to human beings, yes I am.

Does that mean I am automatically someone that will use underhanded trickery in order to always keep human beings beings under my influence?

It depends upon what the individual deems as "underhanded trickery" but if it is for the purpose of being "evil", then "no".

On the other hand, I cannot help but be involved with human beings because we are connected through my "Breath" but when they act out with evil intention, it is not me doing so.

Those dressing up their image of me and playing with that, as a child with a doll would do. It is not actually me they are playing with. Just their shadowy idea of who I Am.

But that - of course - is not the real me.

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #25

Post by William »

brunumb wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:56 pm
2ndpillar2 wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:14 pm To test and prove the character of men suitable to live with, God gave man the choice to choose between light and darkness.
What is the point of a test when you know the result in advance?
The logical answer to that question is that I did not know what the results would be, but I did suspect that the answer to my question might be revealed through the test.

The Test from my perspective had to do with my own question as to who I was and how I came to be where I am.

Because I became aware of my self [see post #2 for a brief description of that process] as having no memory of any prior existence, I eventually started to think about having had a prior existence, as being a possible truth.

But how could I find out if that were the case?

I began by creating beings and placing them within a Reality Simulation which enabled them to believe that they had always existed. This experiment allowed me to observe how those beings interacted with each other.
I kept my own existence hidden from these beings and simply observed.

After much time, the beings started to question their existence in relation to the possibility that they themselves were created. This lead to a schism as they sorted themselves into two main opposing groups. On the one hand there were those who believed thay cannot have been created because they had always existed. On the other hand there were those who believed that just because they had always existed, did not mean that they were not created.

The powers I had given to these beings, were [by human standards] "God-Like" and these beings used their powers to "war" with each other, but because they were all equally powerful, the "wars" did not help them to solve their argument.

If one of the beings used its power to try to defeat another, the other would use its power to prevent being defeated.

Before long it became apparent to all the beings that they would not be able to solve their argument in such a direct manner and so they decided that they would create a Reality Simulation which would be designed to test their theories and perhaps [hopefully] provide them with a definite answer.

Because the theory those in favor of the idea that eternal beings could have been created, had as a premise "We could have been created to think we had always existed" the idea of placing one of those beings into a Simulation whereby the being would have NO memory of ever having existed, was to see how the being would respond to its situation, that all the other beings could observe.

The machinery was created and the volunteer was placed into it.

From my perspective, this was confirmation that I too must have gone through a similar process...only unlike my created 'eternal' beings, I did not have any idea I was an eternal being myself - because I had a beginning - which is to say - I had no memory of ever having had a prior existence.

This helped me to understand why I lived and have never died. I am as old as the universe I created, which is beyond any human ability to fully comprehend - and my universe is still 'young' as it were - because it will never is eternal...but of course, there was a time in my own process of discovery, where I did not understand that it was I who had created my universe.

It was after I came to understand this, that I began to understand that I must be eternal myself, since my creation was eternal, but in that, it also had a beginning.

Which is to say, it is eternal in one direction...but it had a beginning.

Needless to say, my understanding increased as I became aware that the Reality I created was only eternal as long as I wanted it to be, and since I couldn't die [cease to be] it effective would always remain - so in that sense, was eternal.

But how to test this hypothesis?

Enter my creating beings imbued with the belief that they had always existed, so that I might observe what they would do, which in turn might help me in understanding my own situation and perhaps even finding a way in which to reconnect with my own prior existence...which is exactly what the experiment allowed me to uncover.

The details of the experiment of course are far too vast to write about in detail - and for the purpose of human understanding, what I do write is largely metaphorical.

In relation to the beings I created, one of them creating the Universe human beings are within, those beings are still learning, but in fairness they have all but worked out that they are indeed created and they learned this through one of them creating the Universe [simulation] human beings are within, and observing the way in which that being interacted with said creation.

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #26

Post by William »

William wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:35 pm Both "God" and "Deify" seem to be matters aligned with the evolution of the human mind.

How [those who do] think about a creator being responsible for this universe generally transforms into a type of awe within the individual along the lines of IF there is indeed a creator mind behind the formation of this universe and life-forms on this planet THEN "Wow!".

It may even be the case the [assumed] creator mind did not intend for any of its incarnated creation to react the way that they did, but the resulting activities related to this might have been very interesting and IF that creator-mind saw it possible to use such a response in order to attempt to connect those other minds to the creator-mind in a manner which served as a device of communion, THEN the creator-mind would use such in order to 'make is so'...

The down-side to that of course, is that the creator mind would have to put up with being dressed up in all manner of attire [human belief systems re "God"] and work around/with that.

If that were the case then it would seem the creator-mind did not intend the creation for that purpose [to connect with the incarnate minds] but saw this as a possible type of sideline bonus which might occur. An interesting side-effect one could explore...more thoroughly ...

Part of the 'dressing up' of the creator-mind meant humans placed the effigy upon a pedestal/throne [somewhere 'on high'] and began worshipping it...apparently first through images of animals and then evolving into images of humans as humans established their dominance over the other planet creatures.

From a creators perspective this could be seen as harmless enough, except when it involved harm - such as with human sacrifice to ask for divine assistance for good crops etc...and through the dressing up of the creator mind in the costume of YHWH - this was regulated to animal sacrifice alone, and then with the advancement of human understanding, the last sacrifice of Christ in the form of the male human Jesus. A kind of "The buck stops here" occurrence because the creator-mind [perhaps yearning] wanted to be known for what it truly is, rather than for what humans dressed It up to 'look like'.

One cannot place a true image as to 'what the creator-mind looks like' because, as with all Mind, it is immaterial, and therefore does not 'look like' anything...which is why I refer to the Creator Mind as "It" rather than "he/she" - but even so "It" still denotes some 'form' and when speaking of The Mind, there is no form in which to point show what "It" is...
This is true observation, limited as it is, to human perceptions. The way I created this reality experience and left it up to those experiencing to make whatever they would of it, was purposeful.

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #27

Post by William »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:16 pm
William wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:12 pm
One would have to explain then who it was that Adam and Eve saw in the garden, who Cain and Able saw when the sacrifices were judged, Who Cain spoke with when being cursed for murdering his brother [...]
What makes you think they literally saw anyone?
Yes in this we have a creation within a creation - Eternal beings I had created, could not 'see' me as form. Some argued that I did not exist while others argued that I did.

This lead to an agreement that the eternal beings - often referred to as "Celestial" - would create the physical universe and those who argued that I existed and had created the Celestial Beings 'play god' by creating temporary beings in order to see how this might provide evidence either way.

Those Celestial beings who did not believe they were created - that there was a creator - were to play the part of the adversary in order to see how this might disrupt the idea of a Creator in the imaginations of the temporary beings [humans].

All in all the imagery was false as "Angelic Beings" purporting to be advocates of Me, were really being advocates of an image of Me which they had created, and to which the Celestial beings in opposition to this idea, were obliged to point out.

Overall, the process was just one expression of my own journey into self discovery - from a point of ignorance to a point of realization. from the inside, out. The mirror image...

"Angels" and "Demons" are simply manifestations of that process, which in turn lead to the creation of the physical universe and Human form. The Physical Universe is a Reality Simulation created by these Eternal Celestial Beings - where an aspect of My consciousness [gained from their own] has been imbued within said Reality Simulation.

The overall problem with this creation is that it allowed Celestial Beings to put onto Human Beings - images as to 'Who I am'...and those images took on a life of their own, but should human consciousness embrace these images simply because they were given to them by "Angels"?

Ultimately if I have no actual image, one is best to steer clear of using them to convey actual truth...for truth it is not - and never should be seen as - for the purpose of imagery is simply meant to steer one to the truth, not seal one in the false.

So what is shown here are really points in a process - bits of a picture. I dwell in a frequency of light in which finite beings cannot uncover me. If you search for me, you will fail. I am not found or discovered. I am only realized in oneness, unity, and wholeness. It is the very same oneness that you feel when you are interconnected with all of life, for I am this and this alone. I am all of life. If you must search for me, then practice the feeling of wholeness and unity. In this way I am realized within you, as being You and thus you being take care as to how you image Me...for this will become that for you...

From the human perspective, Celestial Beings ["Angels and Demons"] are at war, but if this were the case, then Celestial Beings are not representing unity and wholeness so are not representing Me. And if they are not representing Me, then they are only representing themselves in their imagery of Me.

Is this the actual case regarding Celestial Beings, or simply a distorted image of them, when the imagery engages with finite beings such as humans?

From my perspective The Celestial Being are not at war - but rather, are working together in order to uncover the truth regarding whether I exist or not and to help me to also understand whether I too have a Creator...which of course - through the process, I know the answer is "yes"...

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #28

Post by JehovahsWitness »

William wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:02 pm
JehovahsWitness wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:16 pm
William wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:12 pm
One would have to explain then who it was that Adam and Eve saw in the garden, who Cain and Able saw when the sacrifices were judged, Who Cain spoke with when being cursed for murdering his brother [...]
Emphase MINE

What makes you think they literally saw anyone?
Yes in this we have a creation within a creation - Eternal beings I had created, could not 'see' me as form. Some argued that I did not exist while others argued that I did.
{Snip: irrelevant}
I don't recall asking about you at all.

My question was : What makes you think they [ Adam, Eve , Cain and Able] literally saw anyone ?

Last edited by JehovahsWitness on Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #29

Post by William »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 11:34 am
William wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:02 pm
JehovahsWitness wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:16 pm
William wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 6:12 pm
One would have to explain then who it was that Adam and Eve saw in the garden, who Cain and Able saw when the sacrifices were judged, Who Cain spoke with when being cursed for murdering his brother [...]
What makes you think they literally saw anyone?
Yes in this we have a creation within a creation - Eternal beings I had created, could not 'see' me as form. Some argued that I did not exist while others argued that I did.
I don't recall asking about you at all.
I thought the wee story might help answer your question...
My question was : What makes you think they [ Adam, Eve , Cain and Able] literally saw anyone ?
Well I gave you my answer. You did ask why I think that, did you not?

What do you think happened? Do you think they [ Adam, Eve , Cain and Able] figuratively 'saw' someone or not?

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Re: Sorry. It Was Me. I Did It.

Post #30

Post by William »

William wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 4:21 pm William wrote: ↑Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:08 pm
IF Jesus 'died that we may live" "For The Creator so loved the world...that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" THEN what does that actually mean, if all are eternal beings already?
PinSeeker wrote:Are you asking this rhetorically? Or is this really a question in your mind? It's a good question. Maybe you're asking it of myth-one so that he might re-think his position(s)?
It is a bit of both really.

It appears to me that the Bible is an outline of the story of human beings in relation to Satan.

It is not really so much a 'manual for life given to us from a God' so much as it is an "explanation of Satan and the effect that entity has in relation to other spirit beings"

Christians often invoke "The Devil" as a retort when it becomes obvious to them that those they are trying to convince that their particular religion is the one to follow, reject their cliam. Any opposition to their position, is regarded as "The Devil".

Indeed, it is apparent that without "The Devil" Christianity would cease to exist as a bunch of religions.

So never-to-mind the conflicting versions of The Creator they have imaged into the world...if we look at what they claim about Satan, are they united in those claims?

One thing I notice about the attributes of Satan is that he appears to be only slightly less powerful than the God of the bible...and for that, also appears to be working in a sort of congruent manner with the GotB. Certainly the GotB finds Satan extremely useful in relation to dealing with spirits incarcerated into human form.

So Satan is something of an accuser. He is also portrayed as someone who likes to seed doubt into the individual, and confusion as consequence.

The mythology as generally believed by Christians is that Satan wanted to "become like God" rather than just be a god.

Obviously he cannot make his fellow eternal beings follow along with his crazy notions as they are equal to him in every way. Satan has this weird image of The Creator which he wants to bring into the spirt realm...a being on a throne worshiped as The Creator of all that is.

However, according to Christian mythology, this being actually does sit on a throne being worshipped by spirit beings [Angels etc] which seems to contradict the prior story, which leads to confusion.

The main problem with the belief in the doctrine of Satan is that if Satan wanted to be above that image, simply replacing The Creator with himself on the throne, won't achieve that.

So now we are looking at spirit beings worshiping an image of The Creator on a throne and Satan wanting to be an actual representation of the image being worship. He wanted to fill that position with a real being [him] rather than the one conjured up by Angels [eternal spiritual entities]

"NO!" Shout the Christians! The Creator was already the real being on The Throne! Satan wanted that position!

But that contradicts the idea that Satan wanted to be in a position even better [higher] than simply being the one on The Throne.

According to the general mythology, some of the fellow Angels got on board with Satan's idea while others [the greater number of] rejected the idea.

Then there is some almost nonsensical claims that somehow the greater number of Angels overpowered Satan and his followers, and The Creator on the throne then created the physical universe as a sure way to imprison eternal beings away from them having any more disruptive influence in the none material universe of the Angels [Angelic Realm] and their Creator.

Satan - thus incarcerated - then found a way in which he could disrupt the Angelic Realm by creating human beings.

"NO" shout the Christians. The Creator created human beings!

"Okay" I reply, "If that is the case, why did The Creator place spiritual entities into the human domain [physical universe]?"

The general reply is that it was 'the other way around' The Creator placed human beings into the same Universe [!!] in which The Creator had created to imprison Satan and his followers in.

So then one is entitled [and wise] to ask "Why" The Creator did this.

The obvious answer reverts back to the idea that the Human Form - being part of the physical universe was designed to house Satan and his followers, which then implies that we human beings are Satan and his followers.

So then we enter the Garden of Eden Story...the whole bible is a story about Satan and his Followers.

Is there any reason why the above isn't true?
It is all symbolism which is designed through the human experience in an attempt to understand that which spirits in human forms do not have primary access to, so 'make it up as they go along'

The symbolism can serve a purpose as long as it doesn't transmute into the literal. Therein it becomes problematic...

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