Musing On The Mother - ACT III

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Musing On The Mother - ACT III

Post #1

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Post #51

Post by William »

Whakatere stops suddenly and Callum - almost jogging right behind - nearly crashes into the Giant Cat before him.

After sitting, Whakatere does not move for a long while, and appears to Callum to be staring directly at the base of tallest mountain in the range. The one directly ahead which they have been heading toward since leaving at The Queen's Order. The dust caused by the small groups abrupt stop, has already settled,

Callum quite bravely walks around The Great Cat, Ruthie still carried within the cradle of his arms.

Callum: "I would never have done this before. What is going on?"

He pushes his new found bravery even further as he then bends in front of Whakatere's large face, almost going nose to nose, all the while looking for signs of life within The Beasts Eyes...and while he does this, Whakatere's eyes suddenly change and focus on Callum's own eyes, and Callum jumps back, letting out a small squeal of surprise, and firmly lands on his tush.

Again, there is a pause while the dust settles.

Callum decides to break the silence between them.

Callum: I am sorry for getting into your space big fellow.

Callum is embarrassed for not remembering the name The Queen called Her Cat, before ordering him to follow it.

Whakatere simply walks up to where Callum is sitting in the dirt, and sticks Her nose right into Callum's chest area, nudging aside his cradled arms and gently grabbing Ruthie with Her mouth, She lifts Ruthie up and steps back, and then turns around and starts to jog away in the direction they had come from, each giant stride taking them further away from where Callum still sits, a surprised look on his face.

Callum is truly on his own for the first time he opened his eyes to this Realm.
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Post #52

Post by William »

As I sit by the Campfire thinking on recent events, I find myself smiling at the way things work out.
Regardless of circumstance, one is always in a story, and There Are Myriad Stories Happening Within The Main Story. I add that phrase to the main Word-String List.

Sometimes - and even often - we can easily miss aspects of our own story-line and this then allows for the possibility of going off on an otherwise Unnecessary Tangent.

Manu Iti: "Unnecessary Tangents" eh Master ColdFire!
Like the Wayward Stick and now perhaps also with Callum.

Master ColdFire nods and smiles.

Manu Iti: Although admittedly, while something may appear unnecessary, to begin with, it proves itself to be utterly necessary as the story-line to tell what is and what isn't in some circumstances...perhaps one might as well assume that whatever unfolds in somehow necessary.

I decide to generate another message. I take out my portable Message Generator. It is the same as the one I placed in the knapsack I left for Callum to find in the old tree stump. I wonder if Callum has had the opportunity to use his yet....and then suppose that he is too busy right now with making his way to The Cave entrance...

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Post #53

Post by William »

With Whakatere having removed Ruthie from Callums possession, and then leaving Callum on his own, Callum remains sitting where he fell, as emotions surge up from within at the feeling of separation from his companion Ruthie.

Then suddenly Callum feels an almost physical sensation of an internal shift going on within him, and he forces himself to stand up and survey his situation.

He looks toward the mountain and wonders if he should continue toward it on his own, but the dusk of the days end is showing itself, so he decides to find fuel to make a small fire. He is tired and hungry and feeling somewhat vulnerable. After building his fire, he feels more comfortable. He decides to call on Manu Iti

Callum: Are you here Manu Iti?

After many moments have passed with no reply forthcoming, Callum searches his knapsack. The first stars are twinkling and the sun has almost disappeared below the horizon.
Callum finds an electronic tablet device in the knapsack and turns it on. He feels that whatever was preventing him from being interested in Manu Iti's words and numbers lists, and Generated Messages, has fallen by the wayside and decides it might be worthwhile to do the science to see if there may well be something to it after all. Perhaps his hesitancy to do so up to now, was acting as a barrier he had placed there as a way of not having to look...or perhaps with everything that has been going on with him since he found himself at the base of Hub Mound, has not allowed for a good opportunity to focus on doing the science.

He decides to put in the word-string "Ruthie and Callum Part Company" to see if there are any other word-strings adding up to the same numerical result...

Callum: Well that is interesting!

Callum finds 3 other entries under that number value...he reads them out loud.

Callum: Extra Sensory Perception
Solving Mathematical problems
Musing On The Mother Act Three

Perhaps there is something to this stuff after all.

He curiosity piqued, Callum continues use the calculator, adding word-strings relevant to his journey and is surprised by the results forthcoming. They almost appear to be clues to an unfolding puzzle and certainly take his mind off his hunger and at being alone. It is an enjoyable distraction, if indeed it can be considered a distraction.

Somewhere close by, an Owl hoots...

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Post #54

Post by William »

After resting and enjoying the quiet tranquility of the Camp Fire I feel revitalized. Callum's appearance at Hub Mound has certainly caused a lot of interesting twists and turns, and now with the subsequent adoption finally resolving the obvious mishandling of Callum, things will no doubt smoothly resolve themselves.

I get up and walk to where The Gem has descended in order for me to board Her, and after settling once again in The Armchair, The Gem moves me instantly to where Tawa Mapahu and the gathered Patupaiarehe are, deep within The Mystic Forest.

There is much ceremony taking place with The Mother Wampus Cat taking center stage.
Tawa Mapahu is deep in conversation with Ngaru Whaea who has used The Seed Gem to transport Herself into The Realm of The Mystic Forest.

The Gem allows for me to listen into the conversation and interprets the language being used for me, and I am captivated by the discourse taking place.

It appears that somehow The Legend of The Wampus Cat showing itself to The Patupaiarehe was long ago - in ancient times - prophesied as a sign of Great Changes for Their Realm.

Ngaru Whaea is most interested in having The Mother Cat and Kitten returned to Her Realm. She seems less interested in their legends than in having Her Entities returned to Her, as She explains to Tawa Mapahu how the Cat and Kitten came to be in The Realm of The Patupaiarehe, repeating the information I gave to Her about that.

Tawa Mapahu is more interested in the Fact that the event has occurred, rather than how it occurred. He want's to discuss this more with Ngaru Whaea, that She may come to agree with it's significance.

I decide that all things appear to be going smoothly enough, and for now any input from me is unnecessary. I think about Callum, and immediately The Gem takes me to him.

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Post #55

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Callum is sitting alone by a small fire. He looks up as The Gem appears above him and smiles as He waves a greeting.

Callum: Manu Iti! So glad you are here my Friend!

Manu Iti: Greetings once again Friend Callum!

Callum: As you can see, I am here alone. The Queen's Cat took Ruthie from my arms and left me here. I did not know what to do, so decided to wait. Do you have any food? I am quite hungry...

Manu Iti: There is stew by the Camp Fire at Hub Mound. If you focus you should be able to make it appear for you you made the Stick disappear, only in reverse...

Callum tries out what Manu Iti suggests but to no avail.

Callum: I do not think it is working for me Manu Iti.

I ponder on this for a moment...

Manu Iti: Ah! Silly me! Of course! You are in a different Realm, so cannot bring things through The Tabula Rasa. Wait a moment and I will be right back.

I return to Hub Mound and quickly fetch the pot of stew, and then - within a moment of leaving - return to Callum and give it to Him.
He accepts the plate graciously.

Callum: I cannot see you Manu Iti. It is as if the plate of stew appeared from out of nowhere, floating in front of me.

Manu Iti: Like I told you once before Callum, You have never been able to see my form and when we first meet at Hub Mound, your mind simply created an image of me in order to fill in the gaps of an otherwise illogical - at least illogical to you - situation.
You are adapting now, and your mind is allowing This Reality to hold precedent over your beliefs.
In time you may even see the form I mostly see myself as being within...but it does not really matter.

The words between us then cease, as Callum eats heartily, obviously enjoying the stew immensely.
After discarding the empty plate, and wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Callum lies back to enjoy the starscape overhead.

Callum: I notice the night sky is different in this Realm, from that of Hub Mound, Manu Iti.

Manu Iti: Yes. Each Realm which has day and/or night skies, is unique, as prescribed by It's Creator Callum. Everything is unique in The Hologram Dimensions. No two things are exactly the same.

Callum: Will Ruthie be alright?

There is obviously great concern in Callum's tone as he asks about Ruthie.

Manu Iti: Ruthie was destined for This Realm Callum. In reality She has not been adopted by Queen Ngaru she is already considered to be Kin.
The collision caused confusion about that, but it has all been dealt with now.

Callum remains silently thoughtful for a moment...

Callum: Should I continue on alone to the cave entrance, or wait for The Queens Cat to return?

Manu Iti: It is unlikely Whakatere will return Callum. The Queen knows I will guide you there and through The Cave System...that is my main task...I am looking forward to it. We will have fun!

Callum smiles at that.

Callum: I don't know what it is, but I feel as if some kind of...burden...has been lifted from me. I cannot put my finger on it, but I feel like I want to pay more attention to what is going on, and an urge to go over the Acts more thoroughly looking for clues that I may have missed...I also feel it is important to pay attention to the Name2Numbers lists...this is what I discovered recently.

Callum tells me of him having the thought to see what the word-string "Ruthie and Callum Part Company" added up to and of finding the other word-strings which added up to the same number...I check his results myself and they do indeed add up.

Manu Iti: Good stuff Callum! I am glad that you are now using this great learning tool. We can see that your connection with Ruthie after the collision in The Tabula Rasa is like "Extra Sensory Perception" and this all happened in "Musing On The Mother Act Three" You are doing the math. Well done!

Callum: Yes - and Thank You! If I had not been so preoccupied with arguing about things which I didn't understand but still felt the need to offer an opinion on, perhaps I could have focused upon this sooner.

I am startled by Callum's new insight on his self. I have to admit that this is a very pleasant change and one I had been hoping for. It certainly makes my task that much easier.

Manu Iti: The important thing Callum, is that you are now free to do so, of your won volition, now that the main barriers which prevented you from achieving this, have been removed.

Callum falls silent, once more taking in the absolute beauty of the starscape. He looks extremely happy.

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Post #56

Post by William »

Callum drifts off to sleep and I decide to Generate a Message.

I call up my current list of Word-Strings @ and check out how many pages in the document there are.

Manu Iti: Forty Nine pages...what random thing can I do with this...

I decide to calculate the value of the word-string... "Generate A Message" and it comes to One Hundred and Forty Five. I check out my Word2Number list.

Manu Iti: Hmmm - The first Word-String on that number list is "Dream Experience"

I think for a moment and then decide to pick the page of word strings that "Dream Experience" is on - I do a search...

Manu Iti: Okay - Page Twenty Two, you're up!

I Generate The Message

Generated Message: Draw With The Silence Thomas Campbell’s T.O.E Measurements Occupy Initiative Controlled Particular What Do You Like About It?
Pitchforks and Torches Control Hologram Dimensions Abrahamic Religions Burgeoning
Stone Age Identify Common Denominators Only Bridge Thoughts Are Products Of...
...Go Within and Find That Place Myths and Legends Everything/All Intelligent Consciousness Key Of Expression That Sounds Like a Worthwhile Plan Machine Learning Bandages of The Beast The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
Seductive Light The Beauty Of...Around The Next Corner Differences The Solar System Exactly The Heart Of The Soul Is Innocence Peace of Mind Who Knows
Interpretation/Feel The Wayward Stick Think With The Heart Feel With The Mind
Ship Shape On and Off The Big Shift Living their forefathers’ conflict
You Have An Invisible Friend! Crop Formations Dream Experience Do It For Yourself
Lyricus Memorandum of Understanding

I read through the message allowing my thought processes to be led by it...It speaks overall of how Consciousness within the experience of The Hologram Dimensions - Humans Included - are evolving in their understanding and the general path this process took...or is taking, to be more accurate...
... We are like The Wayward Stick which Callum so carelessly disregarded, so in that sense - if we have a Creator - then we apparently were carelessly least this is how it has seemed to us, lost within said dimensions...we then firstly made up ideas of what The Creator is like and later still, many abandoned the idea of having a Creator, in order to function rationally without the need for any 'invisible Friend' yet this doesn't really serve us any better...
Perhaps ... for the most part then - Those of us who keep some kind of idea of a Creator, do so because the very essence of what we discover about the things created, move us to that position because such things coming about through merely random mindless processes are beyond our ability to contemplate as being the truth of the it were...

As for me, I already appreciate that mind creates whatever it wants to, and here in the Hologram Dimensions outside the restrictive oppressive nature of The Realm of Judgement, know that the mind is essential to Creativity, although be careful what you believe in and refine one's attitude or you can create yourself somewhere you would rather not be...I decide to put the Main Word-String List through another randomizing algorithm and repeat the same steps for more of The Message...This time "Dream Experience" is on page number Twenty Eight

Generated Message: DeJaVu Remember/Memories Solar System
Guilt Trip Do Something About It Dream Experience Independent from what?
Non Secular Science Projects You Love I Know Absolute Unbounded Manifold Other Ways Of Using Your Lists Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight Swords Perpetual Creative Conscious Intelligence The Message Generator Process Homeostasis Limpid
Stubborn I Think We Can Safely Say Keep An Eye Out for Your Neighbours Monetary
Look For the Significance Playing Chess Through The Woo Love Your Life Incarnation
The Three Crystal Keys Being aware of Human Control Dramas Free Choice Ends Here
Informing Musical Instruments Remaining Acknowledge Emotion But Do Not Be Controlled By It Everything Fits Into Place.

Do Not Worry Consensual Live with Soul Union Lost In the Thought Of It All The Father
Freemasonry Equanimous To Be Sovereignty Re Abusive Expression Of All Types.
Gratitude Bias Exegesis No Barriers To Experience All That Is Belief

Again I allow for my thoughts to be shaped by what the message reveals - specific to my personal understanding...the 'Solar System' was selected twice and must refer to The Physical Universe - I see 'Swords was also selected so I note this as referring to Tarot.
I select number 1 through to 14 and copy&paste these 20 times into a document, C&P all of those. This gives me 119 pages of said numbers, and then I run these through the randomizing algorithm...and randomly select the number 4...

Manu Iti: Okay. Four of Swords...

I look up the meaning for the card.
It means a time of healing after argument, misunderstanding or physical illness. A time for reflection, while symbolically licking ones wounds, as it were.

This reminds me of Wiremu's recent encounters with The Tanager...but in relation to the broader message, it means the way things were once done and the way they are now being done.

The 'Absolute Unbounded Manifold' connects with Tom Campbell's Big Theory of Everything...I do a search and read out what I find about it.

Manu Iti: The Absolute Unbounded Manifold (AUM) goes by many alternate names, such as the LCS, All That Is, Source, The One Consciousness, etc. depending upon the context that is being emphasized. It is the entire consciousness system as a whole, which means everything that is consciousness and all that it experiences. AUM, which is Consciousness, is the media of reality. Whether or not something exists outside of consciousness is theoretically possible but practicably unknowable, as we are consciousness itself.

AUM evolved from primordial consciousness (AUO).[MBT Trilogy 1] For more explanation as to how this arose, see AUO Transitions Into AUM which is part of the series titled "Introduction to the MBT Model".

The term "AUM" was picked by Thomas Campbell as a bit of a joke, because it is also a sound some Buddhists make while meditating (i.e. when you connect with the LCS) and is regarded as "sacred" or "mystical".

'Through The Woo' refers to something more recent, and was also coined as a bit of a joke, since it is a word often used in a derogatory manner by many non-theists, critical of Theist-based theories.
I cannot remember though, what it referred to and doing a search I find nothing which jogs my memory...

The overall message appears to acknowledge the difficulties to be had in - primarily - the Physical Universe, with the added encouraging words suggesting that one should place trust in the unfolding story in relation to one's overall inward knowing and accompanying outward demeanor.

A small wave of sadness briefly comes over me as I think of That Tanager's and Wiremu's inability to get on the same page regarding the use of this process. Wiremu couldn't get Tanager interested enough to do the science...

I think it about time for a hot brew, and return to The Campfire at Hub Mound...

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Post #57

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As I am floating around the Campsite doing odd jobs, The Gem informs me that Callum has awoken to a new day in The Realm of The Cats.

I have prepared a breakfast for him. Master ColdFire is no longer about, and I suppose that he is off somewhere amusing himself while he waits for the call to enter the Tabula Rasa and assist Callum when finally the time comes.

We had both expected that this would not have taken as long as it has done, when we first hatched the plan.

I board The Gem and am immediately over Callum's position. I see he has fetched some water from a nearby brook and is boiling it on his small fire. He looks refreshed and content, with a new bounce in his step.

Manu Iti: Greetings Callum. Did you sleep well?

Callum looks up and waves at The Gem. His smile is contagious. Although of course, I still cannot see Callum... but The Gem does, and transmits that data upon The Screen as an interpretation I can visually appreciate.

Callum: Good Morning Manu Iti! How are you on this stunning morning!

Manu Iti: I am well thank You Callum! I have made you some breakfast.

This time I send a Service Bot out with the plate of food for Callum. He accepts the food thankfully and sits to eat it.
After he has finished, he rinses the plate and places it with the one I had given to him, handing both to the Service Bot, which then moves back into The Gem.

Callum: What adventures are in store for us today Manu Iti!
I am feeling excited to be moving on from this Realm.

Manu Iti: All in good time my Friend!

Callum: As you wish Manu Iti!
I was reading over Act III to make myself more familiar with The Story-Line...One would think that actually being within The Story, one would have a fairly good grasp of what has unfolded...but I am amazed by the things I let slip by my own conscious awareness!

I am pleased to hear that Callum is now taking a more pro-active position with his part in the whole unfolding. This will work out to his advantage, should he continue to do so.

Manu Iti: That is great to hear Callum! It makes my task easier if you are attentive to the small details - hints - which you might be able turn to your favor.

Callum smiles.

Callum: On that matter, I was wondering...if you can provide a Seed Gem to Queen Ngaru, could you not also provide one for me, and that way I can move wherever I want to, and would not even have to go through The Cave or the dangerously unpredictable Tabula Rasa.

The tone of Callum's query tells me he is not asking a question, but being rhetorical.
And orange light flashes on the screen before me, and from Callum's perspective, The Gem changes from it's usual white-light to a soft orange glow.

Manu Iti: It appears The Gem is cautious about that at present Callum, although I see some sense in your suggestion as it would certainly speed up things. But sometimes haste is waste, and I suspect that there are things which need to be learned through being slow and sure, not to forget the fact that adventure and fun will be missed out on, in that regard.

Callum briefly looks disappointed with the answer but quickly perks up as he then asks;

Callum: Well, how about a lift then?

The Gem immediately turns green and descends to ground level. Then a small opening in one side invites Callum to step in.

Callum gives a small whoop and a wee dance, and hurriedly packs his Knapsack and extinguishes the small fire. He checks the area for any items he might have missed, and once satisfied, makes his way on board The Gem.

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Post #58

Post by William »

Immediately The Gem takes us to The Cave Entrance. Lowering to ground level, Callum is deposited outside The Gateway blocking entry to The Cave.


Manu Iti: Inside your Knapsack you will find a small wand-like instrument with a button on one end of it.

You will have noticed that the gateway entrance to The Cave is blocked by an electric field. You need to take the instrument and make sure the dial is set to a Blue color. A small marker will show you what position to turn the blue facet of the dial to.


Manu Iti: If you look closely at the gate over the cave entrance you will see a small round hole. Place the other end of the wand into that hole and press the purple-ish button in the middle of the opposite end.

This will disengage the Electric Energy Field and give you the opportunity to step through and into the cave proper.

Do this with haste, as you will only have a brief time in which to do so before the EEF reboots and you don't want to be in the way when that happens.

Callum finds the wand and moves toward the Electrified Gateway. He follows the instructions exactly and performs the necessary steps and the EEF disengages and he quickly moves through, before the EEF engages again.

Once inside, Callum picks his way carefully over rock-fall shrewn over the floor of the cave mouth area, and begins the next phase of his journey...

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Post #59

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Within The Gem, I watch Callum picking his way through the rocks covering the floor of the cave entrance, up a small rise to where the first Items of Interest await his discovery.

The Gem is in invisible mode, so casts no extra light into the situation. I speak to Callum as he nears the top of the small rise.

Manu Iti: Just on this ridge Callum, you will find Items of Interest.
Interacting with such items as these is important. There are usually messages contained in envelopes and these will be integral to you navigating through this Cave System successfully.

There is also a cluster of crystals, which I advise you to at least examine and probably place them in your knapsack, as they appear to be quite unique and likely will have some use, further on into the adventure.


Callum finds the items and opens up the envelop.
He reads out the message contained inside.

Callum: It say's;
  • The First One is Always Free
    For All The Others There Will Be a Fee
    Be Careful - Take Care - Look Before Leaping
    Eat When You Can and Find Time For Sleeping
    The Colorful Keys Will Help You Get Through
    Each Section of Map is a Precious Clue.

Callum kneels down and examines the cluster of Crystals.

Callum: Well there are three colored crystals so I would say these are the 'Keys' the note mentions.

He takes his torch from the knapsack and shines it's beam of light onto the cluster. He picks up the small cluster and examines it all over.
Finding nothing else, he places the Crystals into his knapsack and fastens it shut.
He shines the torch around to check out his immediate surroundings, but finds nothing else of interest.

Callum: What is the Section of Map mentioned in the note Manu Iti?

Manu Iti: If you look on the small Tablet Device in your knapsack Callum, you will find that the section of map the note speaks of is now part of its data-base.

Callum unfastens the knapsack again, and finds the Tablet Device.
He finds a section labelled "Maps" and taps on an icon which opens the map section "A". It is the only section of map on the device at present.

Callum: Okay - it appears to be a Map showing my present position and revealing different branches which I can follow.

I bring up the map on my screen


Manu Iti: Yes. The small red dot is your current position. It appears that you have a few options to follow with this first section of Map.
I can help you out with some things, while other things you will have to do for yourself, depending upon the situation.

Callum: Can you give me a lift?

The Gem flashes red.

Manu Iti: Apparently for now, The Gem wants you to walk.
We will be with you throughout your journey though, and I dare say there will be times when giving you a lift will be the best option...

Callum shrugs at that. He refastens the knapsack and secures it onto his back. Torch in hand and tablet fastened to the outside of the knapsack, he begins to move further into the dark reaches of this section of the cave.

Manu Iti: Each Map section should take a day to get through, depending on any obstacles you might encounter.

Callum: How will I know which branch to take?

Manu Iti: Most Branches go somewhere. It is your choice which you take.
When you come to the end of a section of map and you want to continue, you may buy the next section at a cost of 1 Cave Disk.

Callum: What is a 'Cave Disk'? Do I have any on me?

Manu Iti: You will find these along the way, but for the most part, you will have to search for them. Presently, you do not have any.

Callum: Okay. Well I best get going then.

With that, Callum moves quickly in the only direction he can. Fortunately there are no more rocks on the floor of the cave for him to pick his way through, and together we move into the darkness, Callum's torch the only light illuminating the way...

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Post #60

Post by William »

Soon enough we reach the first fork in the path and a choice has to be made by Callum as to which direction he will proceed.

Callum: I am not really good at making decisions when either way is unknown to me.

Manu Iti: Yes. That is the nature of Reality Simulations. Being offered different paths - both the same in regard to the unknown - is par for the course. We are simply compelled to make a choice, and whichever choice made, is still based in ignorance.

Callum: But how are we to know then which choice is right and which is wrong?

Manu Iti: What outcome are you expecting?

Callum remains silent while he thinks about my question. After a while, he continues.

Callum: The outcome I am expecting is to eventually find my way through the Cave systems and connect with the Tabula Rasa.

Manu Iti: And which of these paths before you will lead you to that outcome, is unknown.

Callum: But I still have to make a choice...if I am to get to my objective.

Manu Iti: Correct. Essentially we 'make it up as we go along' because that is all we can do.

Callum: Yet you have a device which can make that task easier.
The Gem could take me to the objective immediately.

The Gem changes briefly to green, signifying agreement with Callum's assessment.

Callum: You told me that "Haste is Waste" - but what exactly is being wasted?

Manu Iti: Opportunity.

Callum: But isn't opportunity anything which can be used to achieve the desired result? Like The Gem transporting me straight to the objective, without all this mucking about?

Once more the Gem Flashes green

Callum: See! Even The Gem agrees with me! "Green" signifies agreement, correct?

Manu Iti: Yes indeed! It is one of the signals, but it also requires The Gems lowering Herself to your level and offering Her assistance to you in that way. That doesn't appear to be happening.

Callum: Are you not in control of The Gem? Can you make it do this?

Manu Iti: I don't know. The Gem is a Self Conscious Entity.As such, She can do as She pleases.

Callum: So She controls you?

Manu Iti: To a point, yes. It is the price I pay for the service She brings me...but in that, I am in Her service so we are really working together for the same objective - so 'who controls who' becomes redundant.
If The Gem wants to take you to the Tabula Rasa, She will offer you that ride.

Callum: Can I ask Her?

Manu Iti: She is alive - you can ask Her.

Callum clears his throat.

Callum: Gem. Would you mind taking me to the Tabula Rasa?

Manu Iti: There is a flash of red and then The Gem appears and slowly descends to Callum's level, an opening appearing on one side of Her many facets, inviting Callum to climb aboard. :arrow:

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