Musing on Having Nothing To Hide.

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing on Having Nothing To Hide.

Post #1

Post by William »


The stars are out in full force tonight. A sliver of a moon crescents itself upon the black backdrop of the nights sky. I hear my Friend Te Ruru hoot from within the trees behind me.

I place another log on the fire and then pour myself a brew from the kettle sitting in embers I previously scoped to one side of the fire.

I look over to my companion. We have been speaking about our concerns with Christians, and wondering why we both appear to share certain position as to the underlying hidden things which Christians turn a blind eye to in regard to their many different and sometimes opposing beliefs.

I think about my ancient Friend, Manu Iti. He would normally be right here at this very fireside, sharing in the chatting. He must be away on one of his many missions. I hope he will stop by sometime soon, and then use my tablet to send him a quick message, letting him know I am here, and have brought someone with me.

William: So - my potential Friend-in-the-making, to continue with our conversation, I have a story to share which was told to me by an old Friend. It involves science fiction and fact, but in the telling I advise you take it as simply a story. Whether it is true or not, is not the reason I want to share it with you, but simply because I feel there are practical analogies which can be taken from it, in relation to the question of Christians and having nothing to hide.

The main character goes by a number of names, depending on how the other characters see him, but he is a human being and I will use the name the Extraterrestrials in the story call him - that being "Joey".

Now the reason ET call him that is because Joey reminds them of a Kangaroos offspring, in that he has always reacted to his human experience in the manner of a Joey, wanting to bounce around all over the landscape and have fun with it, but very scared of it at the same time, so stays close to his Mothers pouch, which he knows is safe and warm and secure.

But eventually Joey had to leave that nest because the world beckoned and he had grown so big that he couldn't fit anymore, anyway. In being forced to find his own feet, he bounced hither and tither over the nearby-to-his-Mother-landscape, and learned quite quickly that it had been an illusion that he had ever really been safe in that warm Motherly pouch, since his Mother was actually no more safe than anyone else who existed in said landscape.

I reach for my trusty pipe and stoke it with 'Erb. The fire cracks as I light the 'Erb and draw on its sweet smoky flavor. I look over to my companion, and smile. I would love to tell him this story, but don't want to assume he would be interested, even being that the whole point of a Fire, is to tell stories around it.

William: So, would you like to hear more about Joey? Or we can continues where we were a moment ago, if you prefer.

I point to the kettle, indicating to my companion to help himself to a brew.

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Re: Musing on Having Nothing To Hide.

Post #11

Post by William »

I listen to the voice of my invisible guest, as I eat the tasty stew.

At first he appears to think that I am making claims about the mind, which require supporting evidence. Then he finishes asking me if what I am doing is offering ideas. He asks if he should even entertain such ideas. I suppose that gets down to the individuals interests.

William: Well to answer your question briefly POI, I myself have these current ideas about the mind and existence, because of my own subjective experiences.

I eat another mouthful of stew and then continue.

William: We mentioned earlier of the influence of Christianity on our lives but did not get into the details of what impacts these had on each of us.

I find myself wondering what path POI chose to take after Christianity failed to provide him any satisfactory results.

William: Through a series of events leading up to a decision being made by me, which in turn lead to this unusual path I appear to have created - or co-created - for myself...I sit here now happy to share with you - if you are interested - some of those things which influenced me.

For some reason I remember a little booklet I found long ago in a used book store. The booklet explored the association with English words and numbers. I take out my Tablet and put the words "POI and William at The Fireside" through an algorithm designed to give a numerical value result of the input word-string data.

After reading the other word-strings which have the same numerical value, I continue.

William: The things I experienced - I suppose - are able to be replicated by others, although I am not sure if they would have to replicate my own overall attitude at the time I myself underwent these transformations of understanding, in order for them to have successful replications.

I pause to reflect on what I will say next. After a while, I continue.

William: Anyway, I suppose I could say that the beginning of this journey involved the usual type of conversion of 'asking Jesus into my life and the forgiveness of sins and the reparation process of making amends to those I had wronged in one way or another.'

As far as my relationship with the Bible went, I purposely focused attention on biblical Jesus, since it was Jesus to whom I had asked into my life. In that, I was able to avoid the confusion of other biblical voices in the mix, which was not my intent, but a happy result of said focus.

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Re: Musing on Having Nothing To Hide.

Post #12

Post by POI »

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In case anyone is wondering... The avatar quote states the following:

"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."

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Re: Musing on Having Nothing To Hide.

Post #13

Post by William »

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