God will soon give us a "Warning"

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God will soon give us a "Warning"

Post #1

Post by Mark1980 »

I read in several Christian prophecies on Polish YT channels,
that in the midst of World War 3, another pandemic, famine, and major earthquakes around the world, the so-called "Great Tribulation,"
all people in the world will get "Warning"..
It will be something like a dream, lasting one hour, where you will see your whole life, and all the good and bad things you have done, you will know that God is speaking to you, and you will be aware of everything and remember everything.
You will see the consequences of the bad things and sins you have done, and a sample of the dark worlds, the so-called "hell". It will also show you what the bright dimensions, the so-called "heaven", look like.
You will be given an explanation as to why this situation has occurred in the world. It is about purifying the souls of all people on Earth.
God will give all people the opportunity to choose the path of light or the path of darkness.
After this warning, half of humanity will decide to follow the light, the spiritual, the rest will return in a few weeks to the path of sin and pleasure.. to their old life.
Only after this warning, the shadow government of the world will send its representative, the so-called “anti-christ”…with their offer of a contract and a chip to the body, in exchange for a basic income and some food.
All people in the world will know the consequences of their choice.
Christian Polish YT channel with English subtitles from June 2021 to September 2023, and where the most news is:
Bóg Mówi do Ciebie

Mae von H
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Re: God will soon give us a "Warning"

Post #2

Post by Mae von H »

Mark1980 wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:45 am I read in several Christian prophecies on Polish YT channels,
that in the midst of World War 3, another pandemic, famine, and major earthquakes around the world, the so-called "Great Tribulation,"
all people in the world will get "Warning"..
It will be something like a dream, lasting one hour, where you will see your whole life, and all the good and bad things you have done, you will know that God is speaking to you, and you will be aware of everything and remember everything.
You will see the consequences of the bad things and sins you have done, and a sample of the dark worlds, the so-called "hell". It will also show you what the bright dimensions, the so-called "heaven", look like.
You will be given an explanation as to why this situation has occurred in the world. It is about purifying the souls of all people on Earth.
God will give all people the opportunity to choose the path of light or the path of darkness.
After this warning, half of humanity will decide to follow the light, the spiritual, the rest will return in a few weeks to the path of sin and pleasure.. to their old life.
Only after this warning, the shadow government of the world will send its representative, the so-called “anti-christ”…with their offer of a contract and a chip to the body, in exchange for a basic income and some food.
All people in the world will know the consequences of their choice.
Christian Polish YT channel with English subtitles from June 2021 to September 2023, and where the most news is:
Bóg Mówi do Ciebie
I understand that similar prophecies were believed during WWII. None of them were true.

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Re: God will soon give us a "Warning"

Post #3

Post by Diagoras »

Mark1980 wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:45 amOnly after this warning, the shadow government of the world will send its representative, the so-called “anti-christ”…with their offer of a contract and a chip to the body, in exchange for a basic income and some food.
What level of ‘basic income’ are we talking about here? And is the food thing ongoing, or a one-off? I would be careful to read the contract before signing anything.

And what’s the benefit of a chip to the body for the person with the chip? I’m at a loss to understand why someone would accept this.

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