Humans are a "GMO."

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Humans are a "GMO."

Post #1

Post by mickeymudge »

NIH is not very forthcoming with this information, however there are still hints even from what little they do share with us. It's apparent that our alleged creation period of about 6,000 years ago is obviously flawed based on our mtDNA clearly showing that Mitochondrial Eve's lineage dates back between 100,000 to 200,000 years ago while Y-Chromosome Adam dates back between 180,000 to 581,000 years prior to the alleged 6,000 years.

There is also the big question as to why the two of them clearly have way different time lines to begin with. These questions are all answered by the only plausible solution to them all, which is that humans were abducted from another planet and brought to Earth. Clearly your lineage can't survive without both male and female counterparts. Eve's line of descent is the ONLY female to still carry an unbroken line to all humans today. Clearly proving she was removed from her contemporaries.

All throughout the bible, God is using DNA, to sicken us, and slow us down, all the way to disabling supernatural abilities that we once had as well, and it's ALL in the bible.

The big break about our DNA didn't come from NIH that mapped out our Genome back in the 80's, it actually came from a man that paid several DNA labs to test a skull he had found. Along the way he learned that there was obvious tampering in our DNA. Changes that can only be done in a Lab. These changes are present in all humans and human fossils on earth. The Labs taught him that these changes don't happen in the wild.

It's unsure if the NIH might agree, or if they are simply not aware of magnitude of what this means. The fact that they are still stumped on NON coding DNA right now which makes up 98% of our DNA, tells me they most likely are oblivious.

What this means of course is with the proper presentation, we might very soon be able to get all of our powers back.

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Re: Humans are a "GMO."

Post #11

Post by Clownboat »

Actually you're wrong.
How, you failed to show that it is apparent that a god uses DNA. For crying out loud, you haven't even addressed the fact that there is not evidence for any of the god options out there to pick from. Due to this alone you cannot claim I am wrong, not with any certainty anyways.
There are only two possibilities in which God could have removed abilities from us.
Who are you to limit this god you imagine? Not to mention, you fail to address the option that a god did not remove any of these abilities you have failed to show are real.
He could surgically cut out the appropriate organs, or he could switch them off through our DNA. And I'll give you a hint here since I can tell you're still having a problem understanding things.
You need to understand that you either need to explain why you are special so that we can understand why we should believe your empty claims, or, show us that your claims are true.
If God were to cut out sections of our brain, WE WOULD DIE!
You continue to show your lack of understanding.
You might not want to do it, but removing half of your brain will not significantly impact who you are. ... han-whole/

See how I not only provide the link to refute your statement, but I also showed a part of the link that does the actual refuting. This is how you show that your claims are not empty.
The fact that he uses the reference that the punishments will be handed down to our offspring is a big clue
Perhaps a reading comprehension issue here?
Deuteronomy 24:16 - The father shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

I bolded some parts for you.
And I'm sorry, I don't recall ever saying that I was special at any point, could you please direct me to where I made that claim?
You didn't. I'm trying to figure out why you think you should be believed. You don't provide credible evidence, so perhaps you are special?
I'm asking for the credible evidence or for you to show us that you are special. I cannot believe your claims until you demonstrate one of the two.
There are documented events of random people on Earth having what appears to be some use, or a weakened version of the mentioned abilities..
Great, now find a credible one. You know, one that claimed the million dollar prize for example. I will not be holding my breath.
Well I have provided dozens already, and I'm not going to post them again, you will have to go fish back in the posts.
I'm having a hard time finishing this post much less going through other posts of yours. What you have provided has been empty claims.
LOL, once again, it wouldn't hurt if you actually read the links I posted instead of just making a fool of yourself.
How about we let the readers make that determination?
We also have proof that there is obvious tampering with our DNA present in any available human samples we can get a hold of from past times.
Show us this proof you claim is there and why it is obvious. This request will be easy for you to do if you are being truthful.

Meaning all people have had tampered DNA, and no one is able to tell us WHO DID IT.
Your empty claim "means" that all people have had tampered DNA? That's not how this works. Show that you speak the truth please.

The tampering in our DNA can be viewed by this video...

Please point to the part of the video that proves our DNA has been tampered with.

I'm telling you who did it. Someone with advanced knowledge and a lot of help. The alleged creator we call God.
Why do you keep telling us stuff? Can you not show us that you speak the truth? Are you special and should you be believed without having to show that you are truthful?
God is admitting all throughout the bible...
I stopped right there. Should I quote from the Qu'ran to you? Would you find it credible if I did?
Ok, Chromosome 2 is obviously the menu of our functions. The end of chromosome 2 is actually cut short, and the ends are fused together, a lab technique. The remaining string of our abilities are sitting dormant as the fused end doesn't allow gene expression to function past that point. In other words, they have been switched off.
Chromosomes can fuse. Because they can fuse naturally, for you to claim this proves tampering is in error.
In a recent article, a doctor in China has identified a man who has 44 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. Except for his different number of chromosomes, this man is perfectly normal in every measurable way.
Primates have almost exact chromosomes to humans, except their end of chromosome 2 is not fused, but it does stop at that point.
This means two things. The first is that there is no way that we could have evolved from primates with fewer genes, the second is that this is one of three contents found where changes have been obviously made to our DNA, which could only happen in a lab.
If you are so sure, announce your findings and claim your nobel prize. You will need to provide evidence though, empty claims wont get you very far.
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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Post #12

Post by mickeymudge »

[Replying to post 11 by Clownboat]

How, you failed to show that it is apparent that a god uses DNA. For crying out loud, you haven't even addressed the fact that there is not evidence for any of the god options out there to pick from. Due to this alone you cannot claim I am wrong, not with any certainty anyways.

Well you have to understand several things that are already in order to make this even optional.
The first is that God was obviously an alien as proven in the Garden of Eden, and based on the fact that he is witnessed to arrive in a space ship, and the fact that he uses Supernatural powers.
The second is that it's a known fact that aliens possess advanced technology, obviously in part from interstellar travel, and all numerous abduction stories indicating they making hybrid babies, and the ability to track us individually.
The bible is prefaced as dealing with Supernatural elements, so this is a warning before hand. It turns out to be a true warning, the bible is filled with Supernatural activity. God making the claim that all punishments will be handed down to our offspring is a giveaway that it will affect our DNA. God is witnessed in that same UFO visit to be accompanied with a four headed creature of lion ox eagle and man, clearly indicating that he used DNA to form his own version of what he claims to be creations.

Who are you to limit this god you imagine? Not to mention, you fail to address the option that a god did not remove any of these abilities you have failed to show are real.

Well if everything in the bible was true or at least most of the events proven to have occurred like as the Tower of babel, I find it quite odd that is, nor could there be any other explanation for why all humans on Earth have descended from the same Eve, while somehow being magically spread out across the planet to areas that would have been physically possible for that period. The events prove that there was intervention without a doubt. If you speak a language, you're living proof as well. God did disable the abilities and it's all documented in the bible, again, if you don't understand it, it's not an excuse to claim it can't be real. Ignorance doesn't promote truth, it promotes ignorance.

Faith in Action

11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.

3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.[sic]

Faith Produces Action (Faithfulness) (vv. 4-12)

The key question in our messes, brokenness, discouragement, and exile, and in our successes, blessings, celebrations, and joys needs to be, “What is God doing and how can I be a part of that?� That is faithfulness. And that comes out of the hearts and hands of people who realize that earth is not our home.[sic]

Isaiah's Commission from the Lord

8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?� Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.� 9 And he said, “Go, and say to this people:

“‘Keep on hearing,[c] but do not understand;
keep on seeing,[d] but do not perceive.’
10 Make the heart of this people dull,[e]
and their ears heavy,
and blind their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.�[sic]

Definition of Faith (vv. 1-3)

Verse three points to the basis of this “blind faith� – and tempts me into a discursus on “intelligent design.� It reads, “By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.� In other words, what you see ain’t all we got. There is more to life and this world than mortar and wood and nails, more than DNA and atoms and particles, there is supernatural intention, design, and purpose. And that supernatural intention, design, and purpose belong to God![sic]

The Tower of Babel

7 Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.� 8 So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. 9 Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused[a] the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth.[sic]


This is a universal ability, instilled in all humanoids, unless they were altered like we were. This ability acts as an easy communication access point between races and family's. There would be no need to learn a language, it's universal before that adapted process. This is also much more efficient than talking. Our proof that it exists or at least existed for us, is in part from the many reports of abductees, and many passages in the bible are referring to the holy ghost and the holy spirit as people were hearing voices in their heads and had no other way to identify them. I tested this understanding, by asking someone that adamantly refuses to believe in the existence of aliens. I asked her, if she was home alone one day, and heard voices in her head, and that no one was around the house, and that she's not crazy. Where would she think these voices are coming from. She thought for a moment and reports that she would probably figure that it's either a ghost or a spirit. I looked at her in shock, and told her, what a coincidence, those are both mentioned in the bible. Obviously god disabled ours in such a way that we could still receive but not transmit. To explain how it was that God was still able to hear our thoughts and prayers, reading our minds may have been a separate ability in his secondary set of abilities. Primary abilities could be basic functions, like seeing with eyeballs, hearing with ears, smelling with the nose, and talking with the mouth, and even Telepathy, and all humanoids might have these, where as secondary abilities would be proprietary per species.

God's ability to read your thoughts would not be on the same channel as telepathy as telepathy isn't meant to always share your thoughts, just what you want to speak. In other words, if you wanted to have privacy, and not talk out loud, you could. But if God could read your thoughts, he could invade that privacy. This of course proves why he was said to be all knowing. Reading our thoughts, allowed two way communication between us and God, even though our transmit is disabled. Believing that God is all around you is a misconception brought on from people experiencing god talking to them through telepathy (generations later) and reading their thoughts, while they were not able to observe him. Today, believing that God is all around you, and can hear, and tend to your prayers, is the equivalent of having imaginary friends, as I noted earlier, God has surely passed. In the tower of Babel, God was not pleased when the people had built the tower, and as a punishment, he removed our natural Telepathy, and scattered us all over the globe. This is why we have different languages. All of these people were forced to create their own language, now realizing that they would be forced to speak through their mouths. Of course had God of not scattered us, we certainly would have created one language.

*The third eye, Perceive, Astral projection, Visions, Remote viewing*

Russia and the US were in a cold war for some time, where we were both using agents that had a unique ability to remotely view any sensitive part of the other country. Now some agents were simply better than others. They needed to relax, and fall into a deep meditation. Some famous remote viewers include David Morehouse, Ingo Swann and Joseph McMoneagle. Given nothing more than coordinates, they were actually able to Astral project themselves to far away places, like Russia, and reveal to our government, sensitive information. We apparently had one guy that was excellent. Certain elements could often block access to viewers, like a thick cement wall, but this guy could look everywhere. He even divulged a Russian event that was in the making, hidden through deep walls, IN THE DARK NO LESS ! As I recall, however, their viewers ended up viewing OUR viewers. Russian spy's tailed him home one day when he stopped in at a restaurant, and they slipped him a poison pill. He's just one of the dozens out of several that were killed. Certainly we all have this capability within us, it's just disabled as described below in Isaiah. Based on it's description below, it's apparent that this ability would also allow us to be privy to telepathic conversations during remote observation. This might seem like a gift, but remember, we need these abilities to keep our alien neighbors in check.

There are actually multiple agencies today, that school people on how to focus this natural ability and try to get it in well working order. From them, there are several graduates. An online map shows about sixteen current agencies just in the US alone. Some of those doing the teaching, are shared with other agencies, but appear to be about seventy in all.

*Psychic projections*

Clearly a complementary ability to "The third eye, Perceive, Astral projection, Visions, Remote viewing", we have known since the early 17th century, that a rare meta-physician claimed to have the ability to visualize the inner workings of his brain. Robert Fludd, explained that his images were projected onto a screen on a perceived space beyond the back of the head. This description brings clear understanding to the term "in the back of my mind." Later on, when cameras were invented, a few people were actually able to project images from their mind, directly onto the film. Noted as Psychic Projections. "Thought" photographs do exist, and a selection of them were on display in an exhibition through March 27, 2011. at the Albin O. Kuhn Library and Gallery at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County. Theodore Judd Serios (1918-2006) Critics claimed Serios may have used the "gizmo" to conceal a small marble with a photograph attached to it, or a piece of previously exposed film. There were occasions, however, on which Serios did not hold the camera or the "gizmo," both of which were in the hands of an investigator. He could produce an image on a camera that was some distance away from him (as far as 66 feet in one instance), and he even produced images when the camera was in another room altogether. While a pattern typically takes three or more events, this ability and the previous one, do appear to at least be a set. The obvious here, is that this could be easily used as a defense. We could project a horrible vision to an intruder and scare them off. Remember, we need these abilities to keep our alien neighbors in check.

* Telekinesis/Psychokinesis (TK/PK)*

The only difference I'm able to find about the two, is Psychokinesis looks like it might require some type of physical movement of your body, where Telekinesis appears to be totally through the mind. Nina Kulagina could move objects that were close to her hands, and even stop a frog's heart from beating. Scientists claim that poltergeist activity is generated from the mind of the subject, yet not coherently controlled. Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon, for parapsychologists, and other psychical researchers, poltergeists are often seen as a merely human phenomenon—a manifestation of alleged human (usually adolescent) psychokinesis. You can pretty much guarantee that one of our disabled abilities, is Psychokinesis. This may also explain why we believe we have a subconscious, and also the same reason why automatic writing works, or the Ouija board. If our cerebral cortex isn't able to connect with our cerebellum, this activity could explain our cerebellum trying to grab our attention. If levitation is part of this, the only documented cases of it also happen to always include demonic possession. So it makes it impossible to figure out if it's within us, and just being activated, or if it's from an external source. An example is Donald Decker in Rain man / Donald Decker, was able to cause it to rain, indoors. Witnessed by police, landlord, and tenants. Even stranger was the rain, could form on the floor as a drop, and shoot upward, or sideways. Donald levitated in the event as well, but it was proven that he was possessed. He gave up his abilities when he was exorcised.

As far as the abilities not existing, well there are just a few too many people in on this alleged joke as you claim..Some of which pay bigger money than your alleged one million dollar prize for use of the service.. ... tedRV.html ... iewing.htm ... litary.htm

Now that's just a few off the first two pages. I can see your angle that this may not prove the ability to be real, but when these pages include words like, specialists, tech, organization, institute, training, Stanford research institute, it makes me wonder when you're going to put your other foot in your mouth.

You need to understand that you either need to explain why you are special so that we can understand why we should believe your empty claims, or, show us that your claims are true.

First of all I don't think there is an US as you claim. I don't see anyone else asking questions. Are you assuming things like you normally do? I never said I'm so special, and I have asked you to quote where I said that, so I'm going to reject your question as harassment until you do. My claims are not empty, in fact they are all backed up by obvious documentation, all of which I have shared. You can get no closer to the truth with what I have presented. All of the facts are here, you just have to choose not to ignore them. And any further ignorance on your part about that will be considered harassment at this point as I have shared everything needed.

You continue to show your lack of understanding.
You might not want to do it, but removing half of your brain will not significantly impact who you are. ... rain-bette...

Totally depends on which parts, besides could you please explain to me how removing half of someones brain would be handed down to the offspring? In addition, your agreeing with me. Clearly there are unused sections, or possibly unused quantities of our brain, and you don't find this to be even slightly odd? Seriously man, you need to really look at some of the things you're replying to me with, you're actually agreeing with me and you don't even realize it. Maybe this was the other foot.

See how I not only provide the link to refute your statement, but I also showed a part of the link that does the actual refuting. This is how you show that your claims are not empty.

How ever the example doesn't specifically include the removal of our Supernatural abilities so you didn't provide anything that actually applies.

Jeremiah 36:31
And I will punish him and his offspring and his servants for their iniquity. I will bring upon them and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem and upon the people of Judah all the disaster that I have pronounced against them, but they would not hear.’�

Perhaps a reading comprehension issue here?

I bolded some parts for you.

And thank you for that, it's nice for you to go that extra step when you are so kind to think you're helping me out. Let me help you out on this... I'll highlight some parts for YOU....

Deuteronomy 24:16 - The father shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

In case you're not understanding whats going on here, which I have a feeling you're not, I'll spell it out for you. Death is not typically a form of punishment. Just to make sure you understand, I'm glad you pointed out to me that you were having a problem understanding this, as I like to help others as well...

noun: punishment

the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense.
"crime demands just punishment"
synonyms: penalizing, punishing, disciplining; More
retribution, retributive justice;
"the punishment of the guilty"
the penalty inflicted.
plural noun: punishments
"she assisted her husband to escape punishment for the crime"
synonyms: penalty, penance, sanction, sentence, one's just deserts; More
discipline, correction, vengeance, justice, judgment;
"the teacher imposed punishments"
rough treatment or handling inflicted on or suffered by a person or thing.
"your machine can take a fair amount of punishment before falling to pieces"
synonyms: maltreatment, mistreatment, abuse, ill-use, manhandling; More
damage, harm
"the ovens take continual punishment"

As you can see, Death is not part of this.

You didn't. I'm trying to figure out why you think you should be believed. You don't provide credible evidence, so perhaps you are special?
I'm asking for the credible evidence or for you to show us that you are special. I cannot believe your claims until you demonstrate one of the two.

Well I don't know. I mean there is nothing really special about me. I'm just a middle aged guy with three grown kids, I have some college experience, I am the identifier of a virus, I'm also a musician, but I'm not understanding what you mean by special. Could you go into more detail as to what you're asking for?

My girlfriend says I'm special to her, is that what you mean?

I'm having a hard time finishing this post much less going through other posts of yours. What you have provided has been empty claims.

And they are empty based on what exactly? The fact that the Government used people with these abilities and paid them more than a million dollars for their natural spy abilities? The fact that these same abilities are mentioned in the bible as visions, or the fact that God took the ability away in Isaiah 6:8? All of the people working in the Farsight institute? I think they are not credible to YOU. You don't have any reason aside from not experiencing the ability for yourself. So I'm going to ask you again, this time for a third time now, and maybe it's best if you answer this time. Do you believe that Obama is our president at this time? Do you believe he lives in the white house? Do you believe he makes decisions for the country? Answer please. All of them.

How about we let the readers make that determination?

Because it's not the readers I'm addressing in this, it's YOU!

Please point to the part of the video that proves our DNA has been tampered with.

Well I can point, but I don't think you will see it. So instead I'll quote the time's, hows that?

2:00 to 4:20.

Why do you keep telling us stuff? Can you not show us that you speak the truth? Are you special and should you be believed without having to show that you are truthful?

There seems to be an input error on your end. I noticed your labeling the information I have been sharing with you, including the quotes and facts, as "Stuff." Clearly this is why you're incredulous, you're not opening up your eyes to the facts. Instead you are taking everything to be false without checking it out. Can I ask, have you researched anything about what I have presented so far that you haven't shared yet?

I stopped right there. Should I quote from the Qu'ran to you? Would you find it credible if I did?

Well like I said the last time you brought up the exact same thing, you clearly don't understand the bible, why would you give yourself enough credit to believe you understand the Quran?

Chromosomes can fuse. Because they can fuse naturally, for you to claim this proves tampering is in error.
In a recent article, a doctor in China has identified a man who has 44 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. Except for his different number of chromosomes, this man is perfectly normal in every measurable way.

Well thank you for your opinion once again, but I'm not aware that this authors work is universally accepted. There are some mistakes. The first is he is claiming that one option is that somehow they became fused about a million years ago. I don't see how that can be possible when our mtDNA only predates back as far as 575,000 years ago. I'm reading that he is just offering guesses. Again no proof.

I'm going to take Pye's side over this as he had the luxury of getting to personally work directly with several labs himself.

If you are so sure, announce your findings and claim your nobel prize. You will need to provide evidence though, empty claims wont get you very far.

Oh I'm going to do better than that, I'm going to actually give the information away for free, to rid our race of the problems we are subjected to. Then, you can seek me out, and neal in front of me and kiss my feet, as you thank me for your long lost abilities. You WILL know how to find me with your abilities.

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Post #13

Post by Clownboat »

mickeymudge wrote: [Replying to post 11 by Clownboat]

How, you failed to show that it is apparent that a god uses DNA. For crying out loud, you haven't even addressed the fact that there is not evidence for any of the god options out there to pick from. Due to this alone you cannot claim I am wrong, not with any certainty anyways.

Well you have to understand several things that are already in order to make this even optional.
The first is that God was obviously an alien as proven in the Garden of Eden, and based on the fact that he is witnessed to arrive in a space ship, and the fact that he uses Supernatural powers.
The second is that it's a known fact that aliens possess advanced technology, obviously in part from interstellar travel, and all numerous abduction stories indicating they making hybrid babies, and the ability to track us individually.
The bible is prefaced as dealing with Supernatural elements, so this is a warning before hand. It turns out to be a true warning, the bible is filled with Supernatural activity. God making the claim that all punishments will be handed down to our offspring is a giveaway that it will affect our DNA. God is witnessed in that same UFO visit to be accompanied with a four headed creature of lion ox eagle and man, clearly indicating that he used DNA to form his own version of what he claims to be creations.

Who are you to limit this god you imagine? Not to mention, you fail to address the option that a god did not remove any of these abilities you have failed to show are real.

Well if everything in the bible was true or at least most of the events proven to have occurred like as the Tower of babel, I find it quite odd that is, nor could there be any other explanation for why all humans on Earth have descended from the same Eve, while somehow being magically spread out across the planet to areas that would have been physically possible for that period. The events prove that there was intervention without a doubt. If you speak a language, you're living proof as well. God did disable the abilities and it's all documented in the bible, again, if you don't understand it, it's not an excuse to claim it can't be real. Ignorance doesn't promote truth, it promotes ignorance.

Faith in Action

11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.

3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.[sic]

Faith Produces Action (Faithfulness) (vv. 4-12)

The key question in our messes, brokenness, discouragement, and exile, and in our successes, blessings, celebrations, and joys needs to be, “What is God doing and how can I be a part of that?� That is faithfulness. And that comes out of the hearts and hands of people who realize that earth is not our home.[sic]

Isaiah's Commission from the Lord

8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?� Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.� 9 And he said, “Go, and say to this people:

“‘Keep on hearing,[c] but do not understand;
keep on seeing,[d] but do not perceive.’
10 Make the heart of this people dull,[e]
and their ears heavy,
and blind their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.�[sic]

Definition of Faith (vv. 1-3)

Verse three points to the basis of this “blind faith� – and tempts me into a discursus on “intelligent design.� It reads, “By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.� In other words, what you see ain’t all we got. There is more to life and this world than mortar and wood and nails, more than DNA and atoms and particles, there is supernatural intention, design, and purpose. And that supernatural intention, design, and purpose belong to God![sic]

The Tower of Babel

7 Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.� 8 So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. 9 Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused[a] the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth.[sic]


This is a universal ability, instilled in all humanoids, unless they were altered like we were. This ability acts as an easy communication access point between races and family's. There would be no need to learn a language, it's universal before that adapted process. This is also much more efficient than talking. Our proof that it exists or at least existed for us, is in part from the many reports of abductees, and many passages in the bible are referring to the holy ghost and the holy spirit as people were hearing voices in their heads and had no other way to identify them. I tested this understanding, by asking someone that adamantly refuses to believe in the existence of aliens. I asked her, if she was home alone one day, and heard voices in her head, and that no one was around the house, and that she's not crazy. Where would she think these voices are coming from. She thought for a moment and reports that she would probably figure that it's either a ghost or a spirit. I looked at her in shock, and told her, what a coincidence, those are both mentioned in the bible. Obviously god disabled ours in such a way that we could still receive but not transmit. To explain how it was that God was still able to hear our thoughts and prayers, reading our minds may have been a separate ability in his secondary set of abilities. Primary abilities could be basic functions, like seeing with eyeballs, hearing with ears, smelling with the nose, and talking with the mouth, and even Telepathy, and all humanoids might have these, where as secondary abilities would be proprietary per species.

God's ability to read your thoughts would not be on the same channel as telepathy as telepathy isn't meant to always share your thoughts, just what you want to speak. In other words, if you wanted to have privacy, and not talk out loud, you could. But if God could read your thoughts, he could invade that privacy. This of course proves why he was said to be all knowing. Reading our thoughts, allowed two way communication between us and God, even though our transmit is disabled. Believing that God is all around you is a misconception brought on from people experiencing god talking to them through telepathy (generations later) and reading their thoughts, while they were not able to observe him. Today, believing that God is all around you, and can hear, and tend to your prayers, is the equivalent of having imaginary friends, as I noted earlier, God has surely passed. In the tower of Babel, God was not pleased when the people had built the tower, and as a punishment, he removed our natural Telepathy, and scattered us all over the globe. This is why we have different languages. All of these people were forced to create their own language, now realizing that they would be forced to speak through their mouths. Of course had God of not scattered us, we certainly would have created one language.

*The third eye, Perceive, Astral projection, Visions, Remote viewing*

Russia and the US were in a cold war for some time, where we were both using agents that had a unique ability to remotely view any sensitive part of the other country. Now some agents were simply better than others. They needed to relax, and fall into a deep meditation. Some famous remote viewers include David Morehouse, Ingo Swann and Joseph McMoneagle. Given nothing more than coordinates, they were actually able to Astral project themselves to far away places, like Russia, and reveal to our government, sensitive information. We apparently had one guy that was excellent. Certain elements could often block access to viewers, like a thick cement wall, but this guy could look everywhere. He even divulged a Russian event that was in the making, hidden through deep walls, IN THE DARK NO LESS ! As I recall, however, their viewers ended up viewing OUR viewers. Russian spy's tailed him home one day when he stopped in at a restaurant, and they slipped him a poison pill. He's just one of the dozens out of several that were killed. Certainly we all have this capability within us, it's just disabled as described below in Isaiah. Based on it's description below, it's apparent that this ability would also allow us to be privy to telepathic conversations during remote observation. This might seem like a gift, but remember, we need these abilities to keep our alien neighbors in check.

There are actually multiple agencies today, that school people on how to focus this natural ability and try to get it in well working order. From them, there are several graduates. An online map shows about sixteen current agencies just in the US alone. Some of those doing the teaching, are shared with other agencies, but appear to be about seventy in all.

*Psychic projections*

Clearly a complementary ability to "The third eye, Perceive, Astral projection, Visions, Remote viewing", we have known since the early 17th century, that a rare meta-physician claimed to have the ability to visualize the inner workings of his brain. Robert Fludd, explained that his images were projected onto a screen on a perceived space beyond the back of the head. This description brings clear understanding to the term "in the back of my mind." Later on, when cameras were invented, a few people were actually able to project images from their mind, directly onto the film. Noted as Psychic Projections. "Thought" photographs do exist, and a selection of them were on display in an exhibition through March 27, 2011. at the Albin O. Kuhn Library and Gallery at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County. Theodore Judd Serios (1918-2006) Critics claimed Serios may have used the "gizmo" to conceal a small marble with a photograph attached to it, or a piece of previously exposed film. There were occasions, however, on which Serios did not hold the camera or the "gizmo," both of which were in the hands of an investigator. He could produce an image on a camera that was some distance away from him (as far as 66 feet in one instance), and he even produced images when the camera was in another room altogether. While a pattern typically takes three or more events, this ability and the previous one, do appear to at least be a set. The obvious here, is that this could be easily used as a defense. We could project a horrible vision to an intruder and scare them off. Remember, we need these abilities to keep our alien neighbors in check.

* Telekinesis/Psychokinesis (TK/PK)*

The only difference I'm able to find about the two, is Psychokinesis looks like it might require some type of physical movement of your body, where Telekinesis appears to be totally through the mind. Nina Kulagina could move objects that were close to her hands, and even stop a frog's heart from beating. Scientists claim that poltergeist activity is generated from the mind of the subject, yet not coherently controlled. Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon, for parapsychologists, and other psychical researchers, poltergeists are often seen as a merely human phenomenon—a manifestation of alleged human (usually adolescent) psychokinesis. You can pretty much guarantee that one of our disabled abilities, is Psychokinesis. This may also explain why we believe we have a subconscious, and also the same reason why automatic writing works, or the Ouija board. If our cerebral cortex isn't able to connect with our cerebellum, this activity could explain our cerebellum trying to grab our attention. If levitation is part of this, the only documented cases of it also happen to always include demonic possession. So it makes it impossible to figure out if it's within us, and just being activated, or if it's from an external source. An example is Donald Decker in Rain man / Donald Decker, was able to cause it to rain, indoors. Witnessed by police, landlord, and tenants. Even stranger was the rain, could form on the floor as a drop, and shoot upward, or sideways. Donald levitated in the event as well, but it was proven that he was possessed. He gave up his abilities when he was exorcised.

As far as the abilities not existing, well there are just a few too many people in on this alleged joke as you claim..Some of which pay bigger money than your alleged one million dollar prize for use of the service.. ... tedRV.html ... iewing.htm ... litary.htm

Now that's just a few off the first two pages. I can see your angle that this may not prove the ability to be real, but when these pages include words like, specialists, tech, organization, institute, training, Stanford research institute, it makes me wonder when you're going to put your other foot in your mouth.

You need to understand that you either need to explain why you are special so that we can understand why we should believe your empty claims, or, show us that your claims are true.

First of all I don't think there is an US as you claim. I don't see anyone else asking questions. Are you assuming things like you normally do? I never said I'm so special, and I have asked you to quote where I said that, so I'm going to reject your question as harassment until you do. My claims are not empty, in fact they are all backed up by obvious documentation, all of which I have shared. You can get no closer to the truth with what I have presented. All of the facts are here, you just have to choose not to ignore them. And any further ignorance on your part about that will be considered harassment at this point as I have shared everything needed.

You continue to show your lack of understanding.
You might not want to do it, but removing half of your brain will not significantly impact who you are. ... rain-bette...

Totally depends on which parts, besides could you please explain to me how removing half of someones brain would be handed down to the offspring? In addition, your agreeing with me. Clearly there are unused sections, or possibly unused quantities of our brain, and you don't find this to be even slightly odd? Seriously man, you need to really look at some of the things you're replying to me with, you're actually agreeing with me and you don't even realize it. Maybe this was the other foot.

See how I not only provide the link to refute your statement, but I also showed a part of the link that does the actual refuting. This is how you show that your claims are not empty.

How ever the example doesn't specifically include the removal of our Supernatural abilities so you didn't provide anything that actually applies.

Jeremiah 36:31
And I will punish him and his offspring and his servants for their iniquity. I will bring upon them and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem and upon the people of Judah all the disaster that I have pronounced against them, but they would not hear.’�

Perhaps a reading comprehension issue here?

I bolded some parts for you.

And thank you for that, it's nice for you to go that extra step when you are so kind to think you're helping me out. Let me help you out on this... I'll highlight some parts for YOU....

Deuteronomy 24:16 - The father shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

In case you're not understanding whats going on here, which I have a feeling you're not, I'll spell it out for you. Death is not typically a form of punishment. Just to make sure you understand, I'm glad you pointed out to me that you were having a problem understanding this, as I like to help others as well...

noun: punishment

the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense.
"crime demands just punishment"
synonyms: penalizing, punishing, disciplining; More
retribution, retributive justice;
"the punishment of the guilty"
the penalty inflicted.
plural noun: punishments
"she assisted her husband to escape punishment for the crime"
synonyms: penalty, penance, sanction, sentence, one's just deserts; More
discipline, correction, vengeance, justice, judgment;
"the teacher imposed punishments"
rough treatment or handling inflicted on or suffered by a person or thing.
"your machine can take a fair amount of punishment before falling to pieces"
synonyms: maltreatment, mistreatment, abuse, ill-use, manhandling; More
damage, harm
"the ovens take continual punishment"

As you can see, Death is not part of this.

You didn't. I'm trying to figure out why you think you should be believed. You don't provide credible evidence, so perhaps you are special?
I'm asking for the credible evidence or for you to show us that you are special. I cannot believe your claims until you demonstrate one of the two.

Well I don't know. I mean there is nothing really special about me. I'm just a middle aged guy with three grown kids, I have some college experience, I am the identifier of a virus, I'm also a musician, but I'm not understanding what you mean by special. Could you go into more detail as to what you're asking for?

My girlfriend says I'm special to her, is that what you mean?

I'm having a hard time finishing this post much less going through other posts of yours. What you have provided has been empty claims.

And they are empty based on what exactly? The fact that the Government used people with these abilities and paid them more than a million dollars for their natural spy abilities? The fact that these same abilities are mentioned in the bible as visions, or the fact that God took the ability away in Isaiah 6:8? All of the people working in the Farsight institute? I think they are not credible to YOU. You don't have any reason aside from not experiencing the ability for yourself. So I'm going to ask you again, this time for a third time now, and maybe it's best if you answer this time. Do you believe that Obama is our president at this time? Do you believe he lives in the white house? Do you believe he makes decisions for the country? Answer please. All of them.

How about we let the readers make that determination?

Because it's not the readers I'm addressing in this, it's YOU!

Please point to the part of the video that proves our DNA has been tampered with.

Well I can point, but I don't think you will see it. So instead I'll quote the time's, hows that?

2:00 to 4:20.

Why do you keep telling us stuff? Can you not show us that you speak the truth? Are you special and should you be believed without having to show that you are truthful?

There seems to be an input error on your end. I noticed your labeling the information I have been sharing with you, including the quotes and facts, as "Stuff." Clearly this is why you're incredulous, you're not opening up your eyes to the facts. Instead you are taking everything to be false without checking it out. Can I ask, have you researched anything about what I have presented so far that you haven't shared yet?

I stopped right there. Should I quote from the Qu'ran to you? Would you find it credible if I did?

Well like I said the last time you brought up the exact same thing, you clearly don't understand the bible, why would you give yourself enough credit to believe you understand the Quran?

Chromosomes can fuse. Because they can fuse naturally, for you to claim this proves tampering is in error.
In a recent article, a doctor in China has identified a man who has 44 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. Except for his different number of chromosomes, this man is perfectly normal in every measurable way.

Well thank you for your opinion once again, but I'm not aware that this authors work is universally accepted. There are some mistakes. The first is he is claiming that one option is that somehow they became fused about a million years ago. I don't see how that can be possible when our mtDNA only predates back as far as 575,000 years ago. I'm reading that he is just offering guesses. Again no proof.

I'm going to take Pye's side over this as he had the luxury of getting to personally work directly with several labs himself.

If you are so sure, announce your findings and claim your nobel prize. You will need to provide evidence though, empty claims wont get you very far.

Oh I'm going to do better than that, I'm going to actually give the information away for free, to rid our race of the problems we are subjected to. Then, you can seek me out, and neal in front of me and kiss my feet, as you thank me for your long lost abilities. You WILL know how to find me with your abilities.
I'm sorry Mickey, but to continue to debate you on this is giving you too much credit IMO. I must bow out for fear that you will drag me down to your level and beat me with experience.

To evidence my statement:
You said: If God were to cut out sections of our brain, WE WOULD DIE!
I provided a link showing that your statement was wrong.
You then said: Totally depends on which parts. :blink:

Clearly your claim was wrong because parts of the brain can be cut out, but you are unable to accept this and instead ask a nonsensical question about handing down half a brain to your offspring. Something totally irrelevant. So to continue to debate you would be doing something you don't deserve IMO.

Clear up your thoughts and gather your evidence and perhaps that will change.

Be well.
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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Post #14

Post by mickeymudge »

[Replying to post 13 by Clownboat]

I'm sorry Mickey, but to continue to debate you on this is giving you too much credit IMO. I must bow out for fear that you will drag me down to your level and beat me with experience.

To evidence my statement:
You said: If God were to cut out sections of our brain, WE WOULD DIE!
I provided a link showing that your statement was wrong.
You then said: Totally depends on which parts. icon_blink

Clearly your claim was wrong because parts of the brain can be cut out, but you are unable to accept this and instead ask a nonsensical question about handing down half a brain to your offspring. Something totally irrelevant. So to continue to debate you would be doing something you don't deserve IMO.

Clear up your thoughts and gather your evidence and perhaps that will change.

Be well.
You can build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day, or you can set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

I guess when you're right, you're right. And you, you're always right.

So just show me the section in the bible that even eludes to the idea that God was going to cut out sections of our brain, and I will bow down graciously. You see I only meant it as a ridiculous option, certainly God was not going to do brain surgery on so many people. But I guess that just goes to show your mentality, you can't read between the lines.

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Post #15

Post by Clownboat »

mickeymudge wrote: [Replying to post 13 by Clownboat]

I'm sorry Mickey, but to continue to debate you on this is giving you too much credit IMO. I must bow out for fear that you will drag me down to your level and beat me with experience.

To evidence my statement:
You said: If God were to cut out sections of our brain, WE WOULD DIE!
I provided a link showing that your statement was wrong.
You then said: Totally depends on which parts. icon_blink

Clearly your claim was wrong because parts of the brain can be cut out, but you are unable to accept this and instead ask a nonsensical question about handing down half a brain to your offspring. Something totally irrelevant. So to continue to debate you would be doing something you don't deserve IMO.

Clear up your thoughts and gather your evidence and perhaps that will change.

Be well.
You can build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day, or you can set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

I guess when you're right, you're right. And you, you're always right.

So just show me the section in the bible that even eludes to the idea that God was going to cut out sections of our brain, and I will bow down graciously. You see I only meant it as a ridiculous option, certainly God was not going to do brain surgery on so many people. But I guess that just goes to show your mentality, you can't read between the lines.
Mickey, I don't have to show you anything. You made the claim, not I.
Do you still stand by your claim?: If God were to cut out sections of our brain, WE WOULD DIE!

Do you now understand that we can live with sections of our brains missing?

Next, you ask me to back up a claim I have not made while using the Bible. Seems a bit odd don't you think? I don't expect you to evidence your claims via the Qur'an. The truth is, I want you to verify your claims without using an ancient Holy Book.

If Holy Books are all that is needed. You can be refuted simply by me quoting from the Qur'an. What would we accomplish? Nothing IMO, real evidence would be needed.

You need better evidence if you want to be taken seriously. I'm willing to look at it and even change my mind if convinced, but you gotta stop blaming us when we don't find your evidence credible, especially after explaining why.
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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Post #16

Post by mickeymudge »

[Replying to post 15 by Clownboat]

Mickey, I don't have to show you anything. You made the claim, not I.
Do you still stand by your claim?: If God were to cut out sections of our brain, WE WOULD DIE!

That's right, and it still depends on which section you remove. But my point after that was did you not catch how people can recover with a fair portion of their brain missing, and does this not tell you that there is obviously something wrong with our understanding of how the brain works. You can't argue you're grounds just because I didn't make it clear which sections I was referring to. We would certainly die if the center of our brain were removed for example. Maybe I should have been more specific.

I'm assuming our Supernatural abilities come from the cerebellum. Since we don't use them from disabled DNA, here is an example of a woman that was never born with hers. ... Em9U1dUuME

I would tend more to believe that the complications with some speech problems only exist due to the lack of motor skills missing from the organ. So I have to ask you since you seem to claim to be quite the brain surgeon. Why do we have much less need two brains?

Do you now understand that we can live with sections of our brains missing?

Hopefully it's clear that it depends on the sections. I once talked to a woman over the phone that was missing half her brain from cancer. She talked unprepared like she had several strokes. So I guess it depends on what your definition of living is.

Next, you ask me to back up a claim I have not made while using the Bible. Seems a bit odd don't you think? I don't expect you to evidence your claims via the Qur'an. The truth is, I want you to verify your claims without using an ancient Holy Book.

Oh well then you haven't been following my explanations apparently, I'm seriously not surprised, it all started in the biblical period.

If Holy Books are all that is needed. You can be refuted simply by me quoting from the Qur'an. What would we accomplish? Nothing IMO, real evidence would be needed.

Well seeing how so far you have been pretty incompetent in doing that with the bible, in addition to understanding what you're quoting, I'm going to take a guess and say that You're understanding of the book would certainly also be wrong. I guess I never asked you, how many years have you studied the Supernatural?

You need better evidence if you want to be taken seriously. I'm willing to look at it and even change my mind if convinced, but you gotta stop blaming us when we don't find your evidence credible, especially after explaining why.

Ya, I understand, you will sure accept possible false claims toward VD of plagiarism, not sued anyhow, to prove he was in the wrong from an unheard of magazine source like skeptic magazine, which as far as I'm concerned may as well be the national enquirer. Which they turn out to be a bunch of Evolutionists to boot.


The obvious proof of abduction as explained in the garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve get their memory back. The chances of of this happening from other circumstances are

The estimated annual incidence of TGA varies from a minimum of 2.9 cases per 100,000 population (in Spain) and 5.2 per 100,000 (in USA),[14] but among people aged over 50, the rate of TGA incidence is reported to range from approximately 23 per 100,000 (in a US population) to 32 per 100,000 (in a population in Scandinavia).[20][33]

TGA is most common in people between age 56 and 75,[8] with the average age of a person experiencing TGA being approximately 62.[

The higher the chances, the more I'm correct. It's to rare of a type of thing to happen, especially to both Adam and Eve at the EXACT SAME TIME. Come on man get a clue here.

On top of God being viewed ascending to Earth in a space ship.
In addition to all of the Supernatural powers displayed in the bible, which spells alien all through out the book.

In addition to the bible being prefaced as dealing with the Supernatural.

I think I got you beat hands down. :whistle:

You can build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day, or you can set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

The man could also steal your wife and keep himself warm!

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Post #17

Post by Zzyzx »

Moderator Intervention
Some posts in this thread are much more personal than necessary or desirable.

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Moderator interventions do not count as a strike against any posters. They are given at the discretion of a moderator when he or she feels that some sort of intervention is required.

ANY of the thousands of "gods" proposed, imagined, worshiped, loved, feared, and/or fought over by humans MAY exist -- awaiting verifiable evidence

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Post #18

Post by mickeymudge »

Don't tell us what the bible "really means" or which words are mistranslated. We can read and understand standard English text. If it doesn't mean what it says and say what it means, shame on bible writers, translators, editors, revisers, etc (supposedly "inspired by god") who cannot be trusted to communicate ideas effectively in the written form -- OR perhaps what they wrote about didn't make any sense to start with.

My theological position is Non-Theist tending toward Ignosticism (not Agnosticism).
I had to look up Ignosticism, I didn't know what it was, I think it fits me.

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Post #19

Post by Neatras »

[Replying to post 18 by mickeymudge]

It does not fit you. You have a very particular view of what this 'god' is in your worldview. You do not disseminate with others to pontificate the least presumptive definition of a god. You carry a large number of general assumptions about the deity, including but not limited to:
A) "God" is an alien
B) "God" kidnapped humans some 6,000 years ago
C) "God" erased memories and wiped out human superpowers

These are the kinds of assumptions ignostic individuals would tend to decry as farfetched and difficult to believe. I believe that you are merely adopting a label that you believe justifies your position.

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Post #20

Post by mickeymudge »

[Replying to post 19 by Neatras]
It does not fit you. You have a very particular view of what this 'god' is in your worldview. You do not disseminate with others to pontificate the least presumptive definition of a god. You carry a large number of general assumptions about the deity, including but not limited to:
A) "God" is an alien
B) "God" kidnapped humans some 6,000 years ago
C) "God" erased memories and wiped out human superpowers

These are the kinds of assumptions ignostic individuals would tend to decry as farfetched and difficult to believe. I believe that you are merely adopting a label that you believe justifies your position.

There is definitely no category for which I could stand it. I'm seeing this.

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