Odd prayer request

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Odd prayer request

Post #1

Post by alexiarose »

I know this may sound odd, but mom has been through just about everything a person could probably go through. I know she is tired. But I don't want her to be alone anymore. My prayer is that mom will find someone who will change her beliefs about love and will actually show her love is work, but not always pain. Someone to hold her when she hurts. Calm her after a nightmare. Someone who wants her for her, not her body. But for all of her.

So I am asking for us to keep her in our prayers and while it may be odd that I am not asking for her to find God, I think that if she could find love, God would follow.

I pray mom finds love, comfort, and peace. Would anyone care to add?
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Post #11

Post by alexiarose »

I know that how many people pray for mom isn't really important. But I honestly think that if she can see how perfect strangers can and do care, mom might find her way. The voices of encouragement here and in the prayer request can't go unnoticed by her. Whenever she wakes up during her infusions, I have been trying to keep her laptop open the prayer request thread in this subforum so they are the first words she sees.

Granted, I often irritate her more than anything else, but I still think it is penetrating that thick skulled head of hers. I don't say a word. I just make sure she reads how we care compared to how non-theists don't. She could die tomorrow and while some non-theists might pass along the same sentiment they have passed on to the loss of Cnormans dearest friend, most, wouldn't even see her missing. The unity of us is what makes us special. And I think it is the unity and the path to love that will help mom the most.

United we stand, divided we fall. I forget who actually said that, but it doesn't' really matter. Non-theists can throw logic, reasoning, and the scientific method at us all they want. Let them ridicule us because of our beliefs. Because of our faith. At least we have something. It is better than nothing. At least we stand on a foundation that is meaningful. One that offers eternal hope.

Without God, mom will never know love. She has made it such a scientific concept that nothing natural will overcome it. I know this. And I think on some level, even she does. But "I can do all things with Christ as my strength" and I firmly believe this. Christ is the link that mom is missing. Every night my prayer are the same. That God might show mom love so that she might find His path to Him on her own, as we are all meant to.
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Post #12

Post by joer »

Alexiarose bless you for your beautiful love for your mother. I know there are many people here believers and non-believers who Love you mom very much, they empathize with her. Some may even feel her pain. You're right that it doesn't matter how many pray for your mom. But I think it's beautiful that so many DO CARE about her and you and your family. If this wasn't a Christian only place I'm sure some of them non-believers would express their sincere desire and honest wishes for her healing.

I thank for your sincere and strong faith in Christ and God. I thank and Praise you're mom for reading you that bedtime prayer when you we're young. Sometimes it's the strangest little thing that makes such a big difference in your. I pray that your prayers are answered also Alexiarose you have been a stalwart of strength for your family, even if you don't think so...you have. :)

Jesus never prayed as a religious duty.

To him prayer was:

a sincere expression of spiritual attitude,
a declaration of soul loyalty,
a recital of personal devotion,
an expression of thanksgiving,
an avoidance of emotional tension,
a prevention of conflict,
an exaltation of intellection,
an ennoblement of desire,
a vindication of moral decision,
an enrichment of thought,
an invigoration of higher inclinations,
a consecration of impulse,
a clarification of viewpoint,
a declaration of faith,
a transcendental surrender of will,
a sublime assertion of confidence,
a revelation of courage,
the proclamation of discovery,
a confession of supreme devotion,
the validation of consecration,
a technique for the adjustment of difficulties,

and the mighty mobilization of the combined soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin.

He lived just such a life of prayerful consecration to the doing of his Father's will and ended his life triumphantly with just such a prayer. The secret of his unparalleled religious life was this consciousness of the presence of God; and he attained it by intelligent prayer and sincere worship--unbroken communion with God--and not by leadings, voices, visions, or extraordinary religious practices.

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Post #13

Post by joer »

Lord, I'm checking in today of behalf of Alexiarose and her mom Confused. They both have good hearts Lord. I would ask that you hear Alexia's Prayers and give the best answer to them possible within the Will of our Father. Guide Confused to better health. Continue to give her strength to deal with her difficult tasks. Bless her with Peace Lord. Give her rest from her pain. Allow her to heal. May all the natural resiliency of our Bodies and power to heal be maximized through any help you can give Lord through any and all the celestial beings who are willing to help. Thank You Lord for you infinite Love. Thank for the Faith Confused engendered in your servant Alexia. Bless them Lord. Bless them and their family Lord. Bless all those who venture to help pray and heal them. Amen. :D

Thank Lord Thank You for listening to me. Thank You for your healing Love.

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Post #14

Post by joer »

Lord Bless my friend Confused, Alexiarose and their family. Keep her spirits up, guide her doctors in her healing, give her strength. And when she look for you in her moment of need bless her by revealing your Love to her. Bring her the companionship Alexia asks for her if Confused desires it also and allow her to know love give her confidence and patience and contentment. Bless what ever she believes in Lord and let her find her way o you in her own time.

Thank You Lord. You are always there for me and all. Even in our doubt you heal us. Thank you for your Love. Good Night Lord watch over all my friends here and all who visit this site. Amen/Awomen. :D

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Post #15

Post by joer »

Lord it's me again. You old friend and servant, joer. I'm here to ask you again to watch over, give strength and healing in Body, Spirit and mind to my friend Confused. She is such a wonderful human being, full of love for her family and fellow human beings. You can see it over and over again on these threads how see has compassion for her fellow human beings. And tolerance for those that might come across a bit mischievous at times. As a moderator she is just and fair. As a mother you can judge her by the love her daughter Alexiarose has shown for her on this forum. I'm sure her other children as well are products of and shine forth her Love from their hearts.

I came across this Healing Prayer a few days ago as I was cleaning up my desk and it immediately brought my friend Confused to mind as well as myself and I thought to pray it for her and all those on this site or who visit this site who may be in need of healing.

Lord God Almighty through thy Son Jesus, and the power of your Holy Spirit, I ask for healing for all of us here who may be and are in need of it. YOU know who we are. You know what we need. Let it be in accordance with thy will that we be healed in thy Name and Being and the name and being of a your Son and Holy Spirit. Amen/Awomen.

:D Healing Prayer

Lord God,

Make me an instrument of Your Healing:
When I am weak and in pain, help me to rest;
When I am anxious, help me to wait;
When I am fearful, help me to trust;
When I am lonely, help me to love;
When I place you apart from me,
Help me to know You are near.

Healing God, grant me not so much to demand
Everything from myself as to let others help me;
Nor to expect others to cure me
As to do own part toward getting better.
Grant me not so much to seek escape,
As to face myself and learn the depths
Of Your Love. For it is in being uncertain
and not in control, that we find true faith,
in knowing the limits of mind and body
that we find wholeness of spirit, and in
passing through death that we find life
that lasts forever.

Thank You Lord.....Thank You. O:) [/b]

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Post #16

Post by joer »

Lord How are you? Hope you're doing well. Enjoying how many people are choosing to live better lives. And making efforts to Good to each other. Lord please help my friend Confused with all within your power to heal her in all ways Body mind spirit and soul heal my friend Lord help her get the healing and treatment she needs to keep her having Good days. Give her strength and perseverance for the hard days Lord. I know you will do all this even without my asking Lord. But I ask anyway because it gives me comfort reminding myself of your Love for us.

Heal thy servant Lord. Amen :D


Re: Odd prayer request

Post #17

Post by Biker »

alexiarose wrote:I know this may sound odd, but mom has been through just about everything a person could probably go through. I know she is tired. But I don't want her to be alone anymore. My prayer is that mom will find someone who will change her beliefs about love and will actually show her love is work, but not always pain. Someone to hold her when she hurts. Calm her after a nightmare. Someone who wants her for her, not her body. But for all of her.

So I am asking for us to keep her in our prayers and while it may be odd that I am not asking for her to find God, I think that if she could find love, God would follow.

I pray mom finds love, comfort, and peace. Would anyone care to add?
Yes, I am praying for your mom. She is someone very special, unique. We PM from time to time and have discussed many things. I am terribly fond of her. I purposely avoid debating her because I just can't bring myself to argument with someone I think so much of. I read most of her posts though. I also pray for your brother A. You have a very special mom! She loves you and your siblings very very much. Many Christian Theists could take a lesson from her in many ways.
I do!


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Post #18

Post by otseng »

Heavenly Father, I lift up Confused to you. I ask for a mighty miracle in her life. Comfort her and fill her with strength. Though the situation might not look the best, please don't allow her to give in, but to be filled with hope. I'm not sure where she stands in her faith journey, but continue to guide her and to direct things. Give her family peace and strength too at this time. I pray in the special name of Jesus. Amen.

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Post #19

Post by alexiarose »

otseng wrote:Heavenly Father, I lift up Confused to you. I ask for a mighty miracle in her life. Comfort her and fill her with strength. Though the situation might not look the best, please don't allow her to give in, but to be filled with hope. I'm not sure where she stands in her faith journey, but continue to guide her and to direct things. Give her family peace and strength too at this time. I pray in the special name of Jesus. Amen.

Please God, if you don't hear me because I am not being to good right now, then hear Oliver and everyone else here. Help mom through this. Please hear our prayers. She really needs you.
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Post #20

Post by joer »

alexiarose wrote:
otseng wrote:Heavenly Father, I lift up Confused to you. I ask for a mighty miracle in her life. Comfort her and fill her with strength. Though the situation might not look the best, please don't allow her to give in, but to be filled with hope. I'm not sure where she stands in her faith journey, but continue to guide her and to direct things. Give her family peace and strength too at this time. I pray in the special name of Jesus. Amen.

Please God, if you don't hear me because I am not being to good right now, then hear Oliver and everyone else here. Help mom through this. Please hear our prayers. She really needs you.
Lord hear Alexia's prayers let her love and compassion touch your heart. Let her and all here who pray for Confused's healing have their prayers answer. I have no right to ask you anything Lord. I'm a poor example of your servant Lord. But I love you Lord and I KNOW you Love Confused Lord. And I know if it is possible in accordance with our Father's Will Lord, That you will do all you can not because I humbly ask but because of your great Love for Confused.

Thank You Lord. You in my heart I believe that Through You, In You and With You ALL THINGS are possible. Please Lord heal thy servant Confused. Amen.

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