Homosexual Pastors

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Homosexual Pastors

Post #1

Post by ByFaithAlone »

My church is deciding on staying with the PCUSA or breaking off as a result of the decision made by our presbytery to allow homosexual pastors to be ordained. We will be having a church informational meeting on Thursday night and tensions will get pretty high.

Regardless of where you stand please pray for my church.

In addition, I would like to pose the question, where do you stand and of course why?

As I know this is a very hot topic, I would request that we remain as civil as possible.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.
Hebrews 11:1-2

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Post #31

Post by otseng »

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Seems like it's not that easy to discuss any issue pertaining to homosexuality in a civil manner. Locking the thread.


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Post #32

Post by micatala »

otseng wrote:I pray for wisdom and grace for your church during this time.

What's my position? I'd be against having a pastor that is a homosexual. But, if someone else wants to have a pastor who is, I'm not going to rail against him for deciding that. Each person should live according to their own conscience and principles. Also, I'm personally not so hot on the idea of having a pastor that is divorced either. The pastor (and all the leaders) sets the tone of the church. Whatever they allow in their personal lives, it will affect the entire congregation.

Let me also add that though I would not be a member of a church with a homosexual pastor, I can see pros to having churches with a gay pastor. They would be better able to minister to the homosexual community. They can reach out where no "straight" church can ever effectively reach out to. So, more power to them, but for myself, I could not belong there.
While I would be fine myself with a gay pastor, I certainly accept otseng's general notion that it is up to each believer which church they subscribe to and each church to decide what their practice will be. These decisions should be a matter of conscience. It would be wonderful if churches could work through these issues with a minimum of contention and hard feelings being created.
" . . . the line separating good and evil passes, not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart . . . ." Alexander Solzhenitsyn
