Are Democrats attacking Christians?

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Are Democrats attacking Christians?

Post #1

Post by AlAyeti »

Why now are Democrats insisting that nominee John Roberts' Catholic beliefs be fair game as a means to decide his qualificationns as a Supreme Court Justice?

Is this another example of anti-Christian and intolerant views held by the Democrats towards Christians?

Is it proper and decent to ask about a persons religious beliefs to decide their worth in the justice system?

For example I have on many occasions made the assertion that Democrats are hostile to Christians that speak out and feel this is a good example to hold my beliefs as valid.

(One of the sitting Supreme court judges was involved in the ACLU. A one-sided view of American life for sure, but was confirmed.)

So why now the litmus test of Roberts' Catholic faith being an issue for his nomination?

Is it anti-Christian and does it imply that Christians cannot be involved in the American process of justice?

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Post #31

Post by Cathar1950 »

I question That Romans is the Word of God. It is Paul's work. At least most of it is. What one letter or book says can not speak for the whole Bible or for all of Christianity. They are timely with there own prejudices.
AlAyeti wrote:
And, how does Christianity not fit hate crimes laws in Canada since the Bible is very clear about same-sex sex, and what condition the practioner is in?

The Bible is not that clear on anything. The persons condition seems to be your interpretation of an ancient text being aplied today. Even Paul says it is his word not God's at times.
Maybe you spend to much time thinking about same sex relationships.
I doubt that they come to your house and make you watch.
Why should you go to their house?

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Post #32

Post by Chimp »

To paraphrase Jon Stewart...

"Oh...I long for the day when a Christian will one day rise to be
President...or maybe 43 of them"

All joking aside...Christianity has been the dominant western religion
for some 2000 years give or take. Do you honestly think it's going to
collapse because some guys want to get married?

On the subject of marriage...seems like divorce is what has redefined
marriage. Pretty sure the Bible is unambiguous on the topic.

In the US, (not sure if it is so in Canada) signing the marriage license
makes it so...not the pastor/priest/boat captain. The blessing of the union
is of no legal consequence. In fact most religious institutions do not
recognize a marriage by a justice of the peace. The simple solution is to
continue that trend and everyone can put their blinders back on.

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Post #33

Post by Cathar1950 »

I love the Daily Show. Going to go watch it in a few.
He lets both sides have it. Funny is funny and stupid is stupid.
There are no persecuted Christians in this country unless your some fringe
group that is powerless. Then your open game I guess. I still think Churches should be taxed, not the poor little struggling ones the big ones one tv.

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Post #34

Post by AlAyeti »

AlAyeti wrote:
Please ask your neighbors if they would allow Christians to preach and teach what the Bible says.
Could you be more specific? Do you want me to ask them if adulterers should be stoned?


Good comeback. I know what Jesus said so I' OK withn that answer. OK then ask them where Jesus, a practicing Jew, condoned same sex marriage? That will help me figure out how Christians that do, can still consider themselves Christians. Maybe not evangelizing and trying to save the lost is not promoted in Liberal churches while Biblically sound doctrine is trashed for "Progressivism."

AlAyeti wrote:
And, how does Christianity not fit hate crimes laws in Canada since the Bible is very clear about same-sex sex, and what condition the practioner is in?
This is a tricky legal issue. A balance must be maintained. Religious orgainizations have to be allowed to teach that certain activities which are legal may be immoral within the teachings of their dogma. But they also have to accept the fact that in a democratic society, the rights of those who disagree with the moral teachings of those religious organizations must be tolerated. Religious organizations must not teach that those rights should be disregarded."


"This is a tricky legal question."

That response was far too telling of the real situation facing Christianity in Canada. Because, Christians HAVE to teach that those rights HAVE to BE disregarded. In or out of the church, as they relate to right and wrong. But alas, the Christians are forced to have to accept "by law." Repentance is the key by the way. No repentance and no agreement.

Guess they'll have to build more prisons in Canada.

And Cathar,

You have to question Romans or else face the obvious.

Which you will.
Last edited by AlAyeti on Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #35

Post by The Persnickety Platypus »

Why do they they assert that Christians are dishonest to the American way?
I'd like to bring this back up, as I would like to suggest an answer.

Is it perhaps because they seek to force their views upon the un-believing populace (VERY un-american, given the 1st amendment)? Is it because they look to limit our American freedom of choice by making Biblical laws applicable to everyone? To follow Biblical laws in and of themself requires an act of choice. Jesus did not force people to follow his fathers commandments. He gave them a fair choice, with a warning of the consequences. In the same way, Gay's have a choice. The Christian thing to do would be to resist the temptation of a homosexual lifestyle. However, they (like everyone else) are not bound to Christian ethics. If that were the case, why did God grant us free will in the first place?

Democrats have every right to argue Roberts' Christian views against him. If he is the intolerant sort of Christian activist like half the other Christians out there, he is a great threat to our American freedoms. The freedom to say what you want. The freedom to do what you want. The freedom to screw whoever you want. That's what America is all about.

As a Christian myself, I refuse to force my God-given ethical code on others. This in and of itself is un-christianly. Outlawing gay mairrage would be discrimination, by definition.

I don’t understand all of this talk about us being “forced” into a homosexual society. I have not as of yet been forced into any sort of homosexual function or ideology. I have merely been forced to accept the differences in others and to treat them with the same respect and dignity that every human being (no matter who he or she sleeps with) deserves. That is one idea that I believe should be imposed on everyone.

In short, people will only attack Christians to the extent that we attack them.
Last edited by The Persnickety Platypus on Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post #36

Post by AlAyeti »

Outlawing same sex marriage?

Where has it ever been legal? Or accepted?

It is being forced BY LAW on an unwilling Democracy.

They are demanding the legalization of something that has never existed, for a reason. That is why comparing sexual acts to define a culture and a people, to the conditions of slaves is so inappropriate as to be obscene.

But then again, obscenity is the issue now isn't it?

Your views as a Christian are fascinating.

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Post #37

Post by The Persnickety Platypus »

Because, Christians HAVE to teach that those rights HAVE to BE disregarded.
I would like to see some Biblical evidence for that, if you don't mind. When did Jesus phisically force followers to obey? Where are we taught to do so?

It is Christianly to allow others a freedom of choice. Until you present evidence suggesting otherwise, I remain unconvinced. Your opinions do not count as evidence, by the way.
Where has it ever been legal? Or accepted?
Right now, as a matter of fact. I for one accept the differences in others.

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Post #38

Post by Cathar1950 »

AlAyeti wrote:
And Cathar,

You have to question Romans or else face the obvious.

Which you will
What on earth is that suppose to mean?
Is it some kind of threat?
It is being forced BY LAW on an unwilling Democracy.
It is not being forced on anyone they just want equality and rights.
Your the one that wants to use force.
They are demanding the legalization of something that has never existed, for a reason. That is why comparing sexual acts to define a culture and a people, to the conditions of slaves is so inappropriate as to be obscene.

But then again, obscenity is the issue now isn't it?
I think your being obscene. Your intolerance is repulsive.
Never Existed ? Come now they just didn't make it up last year.
Ok fine don't compare it to slavery compare it to voting rights for women and equal rights for blacks.

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Post #39

Post by AlAyeti »

T.P. Platypus,

The Gospels are done. Jesus was very clear about hypocrisy. I will use the Gospels as evidence for not agreeing with sin.

Repent means what to you?

"Go and sin no more."

That statement is outlawed now by hate crimes legislation. As is evangelism. No, not in Russia, China or Iran, but in any American city. To evangelize is to call sinners to repent.

Please show me where "in the Bible" I am wrong?
Last edited by AlAyeti on Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #40

Post by AlAyeti »



Typical anti-Christian political response. Relax, I am far from being a prophet and I am no evangelists, and I refuse to harm anyone physically.

No, you will see the consequences of this particular licentiousness. No other religious book is so perfect in its discription of what is going to happen to the world.

Lock me up for paranoia if you like, but men are demanding to marry men. And that is not a fairy tale or an "interpretation of some religious text," it is on the five O'Clock news every day.

It is Ezekiel for all to see.

I can only hope that the rapture is an accurate teaching. I don't want to be around for the final curtain. But the play is about finished.

A question. What one religion is reviled and attacked all over the world? Now, before you jump on Israel's band wagon, Missionaries are illegal in Israel.

You get one guess.

And I promise I won't label you as paranoid.

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