Does God Change Our Hearts, or Do We?

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Does God Change Our Hearts, or Do We?

Post #1

Post by Icarus »

Essentially this question I think comes down to Free Will vs. Determism.

Does God change our hearts or do we?

I am of the opinion that God does not either predetermined or by force himself on anyone. I believe God pokes, prods, guides, talks to, reveals, etc... a person and THAT person makes the choice to follow God and allow God into their heart.

If it is God who changes our hearts then we all have been forced to do something beyond our will and are mere forced slave type servants. As opposed to willfully submitting our lives for service.

I believe the Bible says and implies that Salvation is different than the choice to be saved. Repentance and its root words essentially say that the word means to change your mind. To change your thinking. Salvation is a benefit of that, not an enabling event into heaven. Much like choosing to swim to a life boat. The life boat is the salvation, but you decided to swim to it.

Other views?

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Post #41

Post by Icarus »

that due to the fallen nature of man, (after the fall from being created in the perfect image of God in Eden, man became a slave to his fallen will) Man can only do that which is displeasing to God,
If Adam was perfect, why did he sin?

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