Is Jesus an historical character or a pythagorean allegory?
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Is Jesus an historical character or a pythagorean allegory?
Post #1How can be Jesus an historical character if he incorporates the most important rule of the sacred geometry used by astronomers to measure and by architects to build: The Pythagorean Theorem?
As we know, the greeks and all the ancient people didn't have a separate number system, but they used the same letters of the alphabet to make calculations. So at every letter of the alphabet, corresponded a number, and every word had also a numerical value obtained adding the letters value. The greek gematria was called Isopsephy (see ).
It seems to me that just reading the gospels in greek and looking at the numerical values of the words and the names, makes evident that the name of Jesus encodes the sacred Pythagorean triangle: 3, 4, 5. The name Jesus Christ is like a riddle. Jesus and Christ are two of the three sides of a right triangle, and to solve the riddle you must find the third word, the lost word, that represents gematrically the third side of the triangle.
The solution is a phun in itself: a greek word that means "you have known", and that put together with the name of Jesus Christ, give this answer: "You have known Jesus Christ".
Let's start with the gematric values of the greek alphabet:
The gematria of Jesus is 888 and the Gematria of Christ is 1480. With those two numbers, applying the pythagorean theorem, you find the third number: 1184, that correspond gematrically to a very specific word: "εγνωκατε", that Jesus uses when he is referring to the act of knowing god:
The word "εγνωκατε" is used repeatedly in 1 John 2, and is the very verb that give the name to the famous alexandrian sect: the Gnostics, from ginosko (ghin-oce'-ko), knowing.
The ratio between 888 (Jesus) and 1480 (Christ) is 5:3, or 1.666...
This number is a recurrent number in the old testament:
The greek Gnostics were not the first to associate the pythagorean theorem to solar god and goddess. The Egyptians, who were well aware of the pythagorean theorem centuries before, associated Osiris, Isis and Horus to the sides of the pythagorean triangle. This is why the holy trinity (the triangle) is a concept so ancient and widespread:
Some recurring greek words of the Gnostic sect and of the Pythagoreans, like "Eureka!" or "Noesis!" hide the sacred pythagorean triple 3-4-5 too:
The Egyptian Pyramids represent the same secret knowledge we found in Jesus Christ, being built according to the 3-4-5 pythagorean triple:
The very name of God in the Bible is nothing but a gematric riddle for 3-4-5:
Moses = משה = 345
So in the Bible we have:
Exo 3:14 - And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
MOSES name is 345
and God's name ("I AM THAT I AM" = �היה �שר �היה ) is 21+501+21 = 543
345 and 543
In other words god's secret name is the very mirror reflection of Moses name gematric value! The pythagorean triple 3, 4, 5 is then used as a symbol of a god-like man, having mastered the supreme law of mathematics. Another proof that Moses is not an historical character but a symbolic one.
And this is even better:
345+543 = 888 (greek gematria for Jesus, Ιησους)
But there is more.
In some tombs in Egypt we found the very 3-4-5 triangle depicted with two of their sides represented by a serpent, the phython, a symbol of hidden knowledge:
The Mary Chapel in the old Glastonbury Abby, confirm that chatolic priests
were well aware of the real meaning of Jesus Chris: the measure of the Chapel is 2368 square feets (gematria of Jesus Christ) and the rhombus contained in it has the area of exactly 1184 square feets. This chapel was also built in the year 1184:
In the Bible we found another version of the 3-4-5 Pythagorean triple: the gematria of the biblical names of Jacob (מיעקב , 222) and Miriam ( ומרי� , 296) gives us the two sides of a right triangle proportional to the same Jesus Christ triangle, and the pythagorean theorem applied to those two produces the gematria of "the heaven" (שמיך , 370):
Notice that the height of the triangle (the height of the pyramid, hidden in the center, like the axis) is often associated with a female figure, like Isis or Miriam. The throne of Isis is sometimes depicted with a rectangular box similar to the geometrical figure employed in the proof of the pythagorean theorem:
The throne of Isis is problaly related to the pythagoream theorem somehow, especially considering the similarity of some depiction of it with the mercy seat of the Bible, that we already found being built according to the 5:3 ratio:
Pythagoras itself is often associated with pyramids and zodiacal knowledge:
The forbidden fruit of the garden of eden, the pomegranate (ורמן), seems to be at the heart of the Jesus Christ riddle, being his gematric value (296) the number generator of the Jesus Christ pythagorean triple:
Another confirmation is the fact that jesus is often depicted inside a geometric figure called "vesica piscis", and many cathedrals are built using the vesica piscis arcs:
The reason is that the vesica piscis was the only way to draw a right triangle with exacts 3 4 5 proportions, because the ancients had only square and compasses. Here is the construction:
As a confirmation, John 21:11 records that Jesus performed a miracle which enabled Simon Peter to catch exactly 153 fish:
"And [Jesus] said to them, 'Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch.' So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish.
"Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not torn."
John 21:6,11.
Pythagoreans considered 153 a sacred number. The ratio of 153 to 265 was referred to as "the measure of the fish." That ratio is the very ratio between the height and the width of the Vesica Piscis.
When we look into the Life of Pythagoras by Iamblichus, we see the story of how Pythagoras was “going from Sybaris to Krotona. At the shore, he stood with some men fishing with nets; they were still hauling the nets weighed down with fish from the depths. He said he knew the number of fish they had hauled in: 153. The men agreed to do what he ordered if the number of fish was as he said. He ordered the fish to be set free, alive, after they were counted accurately to total 153. Now it is said that in the time the fish were out of the water being counted, none of them died while Pythagoras stood there. He paid them the price of the fish and went to Krotona. They announced the deed everywhere, having learned his name from some children�.
So how can Jesus be an historical figure then?
How low are the probabilities that a man called Jesus Christ, a name that appears in the original greek gospels many times and having the value of 888 and 1480, two numbers uniquely related to 1184 by the pythagorean theorem, the very number associated to the greek word for the knowledge of god in the same gospels, was called that way by chance?
How low are the probabilities that such pythagorean geometric riddle, confirmed by things like the vesica pisces in the Ichthys fish symbol, the pictorial representation of jesus and the very architectures of the chatedrals, is a coincidence?
How low are the probabilities that the fact that the majority of the egyptian pyramids are build according to the sacred 3:4:5 proportions, the same pythagorean triple found in the name Jesus Christ, and that such triple was considered sacred by all the pythagorean sects of Alexandria, the very place where the Gospels were written?
How more likely is the explanation that in the end the Bible and the New Testament were, as many other pagan religions of the time, just symbolic repository of sacred geometrical knowledge of the priest caste of Memphis, Jerusalem, Delphi and Alexandria? Especially considering that the pythagorean sect used to communicate their secret geometrical knowledge using allegoric stories like that of the 153 fishes?
Considering that there is no solid historical evidence of the existence of Jesus, as shown by D.M. Murdock in her book "Who Was Jesus?", this is a strong possibility.
What do you think?
Post #21
If we read pag. 18 of a book I've linked earlier (Geometry in ancient and medieval India by T. A. Sarasvati Amma ) we can see that the 3, 4, 5 triple is not only mentioned in the Sulbasutras, but also many pythagorean triples that are multiples of it:
Source: ... q=&f=false
Source: ... q=&f=false
Post #22
Another intersting bit: not only with Moses, as seen above, but even before in the Bible, when God speaks to Abram, in Genesis 17:1, we found God identified with the number 345:
Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
As you can read here Almighty God is written in hebrew as �ל שדי
Almighty = 314 = שדי
God = �ל = 31
God + Almighty = 31 + 314 = 345
So here we found another clear reference to the 345 pythagorean triangle. Interesting enough "Almighty" is also the value of Pi (3.14..).
Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
As you can read here Almighty God is written in hebrew as �ל שדי
Almighty = 314 = שדי
God = �ל = 31
God + Almighty = 31 + 314 = 345
So here we found another clear reference to the 345 pythagorean triangle. Interesting enough "Almighty" is also the value of Pi (3.14..).