Preaching Chapter

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Preaching Chapter

Post #1

Post by ivysunday »

Love is A State

(Translated by Xidai and Edited by Kaer)

From ancient times, "I love you" has been a beautiful song which has been unchanged throughout the ages. People become fascinated, infatuated, and enjoyed crazy bliss when hearing, "I love you". Today, I finally know that "I love you" is a hallucination, the unpredictable clouds, a colorful bubble, and an anesthetic.

Love is a state, like the constantly shining sun, the blooming peony, the roaring river, and the bright stars twinkling in the night sky with all their luster.

Love has no specific target, it is wordless, but if there are specific targets, it is not love. The sun shines down constantly on everything, but if there is a target, it is not the sun, but a searchlight, a torch, or a spotlight. Love is like the shining sun and the blooming flowers. It is a state. Neither the sun nor the flowers ever say "I love you". No matter whether anyone is watching and no matter whether the bees and butterflies come to gather nectar, the flowers always bloom on time.

Love always brings warmth, auspiciousness, harmony, goodness, happiness, and positive energy, and is infinitely fascinating to all living beings. Love never shows coldness, madness, ugliness, worry, suffering, negative energy, or desperation.

Love can not hurt anyone. If love leads to pain, grief, suffering, hatred, disappointment, or desperation, it can not be real love.

Love can only be felt by love. It cannot be demanded or taken by force, nor by money, status, fame, or beauty. Love is totally free, it is priceless, needs nothing in return, and is unconditional, with neither responsibilities, obligations, nor other requirements. Love treats everyone the same: beggars and billionaires, commoners and royalty. Love has no morals. Love has no system of values. Love lives in truth, kindness, beauty, and right, as well as in falseness, evil, ugliness, and wrong.

The differences in the levels of love between different living beings are in the contents of love’s energy. The more love a living being has, the higher its level is; the less love it has, the lower its level is. This is the same as the differences of kerosene lamps, electric lamps, and the sun. They are shining different lights. The kerosene lamp can only illuminate one room in a house and the electric lamp can illuminate a yard, but the sun can illuminate a much larger area.

The light of the Buddha can spread everywhere, but the light of human beings can only spread in limited regions. This is the difference between Buddhas and people.

So, we understand that those who love everything and live for the benefit of all living beings are Buddhas, those who only love and think about themselves are devils, those who love and live for only one person or several people are animals, and those who only love and live for a group of people are human beings.

According to this, we know that those who selfishly love themselves are the offsprings of devils, those who only love one person or thing, such as within monogamous marriage, are the lowest level of animals, those who love their families are the the lowest level of human beings, and those who love their own nations, religions, organizations, and political parties are human beings, but those who live for the benefit of all living beings regardless of their selfish interests are more than human beings, they are Bodhisattvas, Angels, and Buddhas.

Human beings are not worthy of speaking the word, “love�. Love is the patent of Bodhisattvas, Angels, and Buddhas. Love is profaned when one person says "I love you" to another.

Love is a nonmaterial existence. Only those who have love for themselves can feel love. You will never feel love if you do not have love by yourself. You can see other lives' eyes when seeing through your own eyes. It is only by having no color blindness that you can see how colorful the world is.

Those people with the greatest love will become Super Celestial Beings. The greatest love is that you, yourself, completely become love.

The Greatest Creator is love. Only by making ourselves become love can we enter the secret garden of the Greatest Creator, the Celestial Island Continent of the Elysium World.

September 26, 2012

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Post #2

Post by ivysunday »

Where Is Heaven?


March 25, 2007

(Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

Heaven, or the Kingdom of Heaven, is the general term for the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent.

Heaven is where those LIVES’ nonmaterial structures are more perfect than human ones. The greatest characteristic of heaven is the amount of freedom of LIFE: freedom from the issues of food, clothing, shelter, transportation, disease, war, and sudden disaster.

The Thousand-year World is a celestial body nine hundred and sixty(960) light years away from the Earth. Ten times the size of the Earth, it is currently inhabited by approximately two hundred million people. As the basic lifespans of Celestial beings on this planet are about a thousand earth years, it is called the Thousand-year World. (more details are available in chapter fourteen of �The Thousand-year World�, �The Nonmaterial World�.)

The Ten-thousand-year World is a beautiful celestial body located three thousand, four hundred and eighty(3480) light years from the Earth. It is sixteen times bigger than the Earth and is equidistant from sixteen suns which surround it. About a hundred million Celestial beings live there with similar basic characteristics as the Land Celestial beings described in Taoism. They enjoy life spans of about thirty-five thousand earth years and it is thusly called the Ten-thousand-year World. (more details are available in chapter fourteen of “The Ten-thousand-year World�, “The Nonmaterlal World�.)

The Elysium World is the general term for the Paradise universe (we inhabit a small place that is called the Earth universe). The Paradise universe is called this in relation to other universes. The structure of the Paradise universe is a Taiji ellipsoid which is called a Law-Rotary Galaxy. Law-Rotary Galaxies contain three thousand Rotary-River Galaxies which each contain three thousand Milky-Way type Galaxies and each Milky Way type system contains three thousand Solar systems. In other words, the Elysium World is composed of three thousand macro worlds, nine million medium worlds, and twenty-seven billion small worlds like the earth.

The Elysium World is a non-material existence. If the world on which we live were the front side of a sheet of paper, then the Elysium World would be the reverse side and we would NEVER have access to it unless we could pass through it and enter the back.

The place where humans live is also where the Elysium World exists, for the Earth is within the realm of the Elysium World.

The Elysium World has ten continents:

1. The Lotus Continent

2. The Borneo Continent

3. The Kasyapa Continent

4. The Yingwu Continent

5. The Amita-Buddha Continent

6. The Celestial Islands Continent

7. The Three Worlds, the Two-way Continent

8. The Moon Temple Continent

9. The Gods Continent

10. The Supreme Authentic Wisdom Continent.

The Celestial Islands Continent is one of the continents of the Elysium World.

These 10 continents are also called the pure land or the Buddha land.

(refer to “The Elysium Word� within “The Nonmaterial World�).

The place to which Lifechanyuan guides Chanyuan celestials toward is the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent. It has eighty billion islands; apart from the thirty billion islands that have been homesteaded by Celestial beings, the remaining fifty billion islands are currently uninhabited. The celestial beings in the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent are called Super Celestial Beings, or Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

When people are asked where Heaven and Hell are, many of them answer that “Heaven and Hell are in people's hearts". This is only half true because the ideas that "The whole of the universe depends on the mind and all rules depend on cognition", “the environment is created and generated by the mind�, and “Everyone's closest friends and dearest relatives are in their minds�, are only half true. Heaven and Hell would still exist if people did not think about them just as people’s relatives who live far away would not disappear if they did, and they would still exist even if they were not thought about or even forgotten. Absolute idealism can confuse people!

Actually it is easy to go to heaven but it is extremely difficult to break our obsession.

Many secrets seem very mysterious, but once they are pierced, they become clear and simple.

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Post #3

Post by ivysunday »

The Program is Running


(Translated by Conglong and Edited by Kaer)

There is a saying, “Fishes are in the water, and humans are in the Tao�. All things in the universe are running in the Tao. If we have difficulty understanding the“elusive� Tao, let me make it simple, we can also call it “program�. So the above saying could be, “Fishes are in the water and humans are in the program.� And all things in the universe are running in the program.

What is program? In Chinese, program is "程�", "程" means the rule, law, pattern, and equation; "�" means sequence and order. Program (程�) means the order of formation, development, change, and evolution of a thing according to established rules.

The computer we use is the best example of program. We can somehow say that a computer is a program. To use a computer, we need to follow programs; whoever is good at programming is a computer expert. “Hackers� are computer experts who can break, interrupt, and change computer programs.

Computer programs are designed by human beings, while the program of the universe is designed by the Greatest Creator.

The seasonal order of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter in some areas of the earth is a program. The order of seasons is strictly changing according to the program. Spring comes after Winter, and Winter comes after Autumn; they have been in that order for thousands of years.

The process of a human body changes in the order of a fetus, baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, and senior is also an established program. Human beings have to go through this process, which is out of their control.

The germination, growth, flowering, fruiting, and withering of a plant is also a program.

The law of causality, “Reap what you sow�, is also an established program. You will not reap banana if you sow melon, and you will not reap cherry if you sow bean; “what goes around comes around�. The treacherous are cheated by the treacherous, and the honest are appreciated by the honest. If you pursue Buddhahood you attain Buddhahood, and if you admire the beast you acquire the nature of the beast. If you do not give freedom to others, you will not get freedom yourself. If you want to control others, you will be controlled. Furtiveness and deceit will make you a ghost and lead you to hell, while integrity and good merits will make you a celestial and lead you to heaven. This is also a program.

When a man reaches a certain age, facial, armpit, and pubic hair start to grow. When a woman reaches a certain age, she starts to have menses. When a child is born, the mother begins to lactate. When a woman reaches menopause, she starts to have fewer and fewer menses until they stop. It is a biological program.

The traditional family is also a program, when one gets married, he or she has to live according to the family program which is beyond their control.

Countries are programs. When one becomes a citizen of a country, he or she must involuntarily follow the country’s program.

If there is no external force, things will run around and around according to the rules of the program. LIFE will reincarnate according to the set program. To avoid constraints of the program, there must be an external force, without which the development of things will not change the track. It is just like a man is not able to make his feet leave the ground by dragging his hair.

The external force is not necessarily a mechanical force. An accident, a phenomenon, a book, a story, and a sentence, even an insect, a hairstyle, a blade of grass, or an action could become the force. As long as it is able to change the existing program, no matter how small the changes are, it is an external force. The teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, Prophet Muhammad, and Confucius are very strong external forces.

How many programs are there in the universe? There are numerous. There is the program governing the movements of planets, the program of society’s development, and the program of LIFE changes. Each space has its own program. Each plant and animal has their own growing program. There are master programs and subprograms; there are long-term programs, short-term programs, etc.

Programs are very rigorous, while they are also layered and closely related, they are causes and effects, and are flexible to change. The master program is normally unchangeable, while subprograms are changeable. For example, it is difficult to change the master program of birth, growth, aging, and death of a human, while things like short-term depression can be changed by external forces such as inspiring words or actions. The change of the master program of how hair grows is very difficult, but the hairstyle can be changed easily. The master program of the nature of LIFE is almost impossible to change, but the direction of LIFE can be changed.

“You can not touch a pitch and not be mucked�. Without the external force, the track of life will not change; life follows its trail. Once there is an external force, the track of life changes. “A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth ten years of studying books�. “One takes the way of saints when influenced by a saint, and one takes the way of robbers when influenced by a robber�. “A butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver�. A thought and an idea can change one’s destiny.

Whichever direction you choose at an intersection without a sign, the corresponding program starts to work. For example, at the intersection of four roads, the first road leads to hell, the second to the human world, the third to the Buddha world, and the fourth to the celestial world. Where there is no road sign, our choice activates the corresponding program and it will lead us to a destination unless we change the route midway.

All programs are predefined, but human beings can transfer from one program to another. When a man exits one program, he enters another. It is impossible to enter an area that is not within a program. Human beings can only enter twelve programs, and the best and most free life program is the program of the Elysium world.

When one LIFE possesses the consciousness of a human being, he lives in the program of the human world and will therefore be constrained by the limits of the program. Once a LIFE possesses the consciousness of a celestial being, his living program starts to slowly transfer to the program of the Elysium world, which means he has changed his life track.

All programs are already designed and many of them are hidden programs. Once conditions are met, any incident will activate the program. It is just like a land mine, it explodes when you step on it, but as long as it is not touched, it will remain hidden underground. It is also like drinking potassium cyanide: you will immediately feel terrible in your organs, foam at the mouth, and quickly bleed to death.

When conditions are not ripe, the program will not activate. When the temperature is not warm enough, mosquitoes and flies will not revive and fly. When Yin and Yang do not meet each other, lighting and thunder will not fill the sky. Without proper humidity and temperature, seeds will not germinate. Before one has reached a certain stage of self-cultivation, he or she will not transform into a celestial being.

One cannot enter into an oasis if he or she has not walked out from a desert. One cannot enter a new program if he or she does not leave the traditional family. One cannot enter heaven if he or she does not walk out of the human world. In short, these are predefined programs.

When a program is activated, do not worry for it will run automatically. It is just as a female egg will grow automatically once it is fertilized. We feed a child every day so he will grow as well. In spring, if we spread seeds in the land, they will automatically germinate, flower, and fruit. It is the result as well as the power of the program.

As long as we plant seeds, there will be fruits. This is how the program works. However, we must wait for the fruit to become ripe. We can get some fruits very quickly, while we need to wait more time to get others. And for some seeds,we need to wait a very long time to get their fruits. “Peach fruits in three years and apricot in four years, while we need to wait eighteen years to be able to enjoy the fruit of walnuts�. Anxiety does no good. “As a man sows, so he shall reap�. “We do not see the fruit, not because it is barren, but we shall see it when the time is right�. By observing the current situation of humans in the society, we can know their past. By observing their current behaviours, we can forecast their future. If we do not see anything happen in five years, wait for another five years, and if still nothing happens, wait for a hundred years. In a word, “What goes around comes around�; this is because the program is running and is not fortune telling.

We must trust programs and trust that as long as we give, we gain. We need to give first in order to gain. If we give others love, then we will gain a beautiful life, future, or something else. If we cheat others, or take a bribe of $100,000, we get many temporary benefits, but in the future, we might need to pay the price of a limb, face a calamity, or reincarnate to an animal to pay our debts. Therefore, any behaviour that tries to take advantage of others is foolish, cheating and lying is stupid, and being opportunistic is short-sighted. “Throw a long line to catch a big fish�. Being diligent on self-cultivation, it is possible to achieve the LIFE level of a celestial being. Do not care that you get a return when you are committed to something, just make your contribution wholeheartedly and ask not for gain. As long as you give, you will gain. This is because the program is running.

November 10, 2009

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Post #4

Post by ivysunday »

The Program is Running


(Translated by Conglong and Edited by Kaer)

There is a saying, “Fishes are in the water, and humans are in the Tao�. All things in the universe are running in the Tao. If we have difficulty understanding the“elusive� Tao, let me make it simple, we can also call it “program�. So the above saying could be, “Fishes are in the water and humans are in the program.� And all things in the universe are running in the program.

What is program? In Chinese, program is "程�", "程" means the rule, law, pattern, and equation; "�" means sequence and order. Program (程�) means the order of formation, development, change, and evolution of a thing according to established rules.

The computer we use is the best example of program. We can somehow say that a computer is a program. To use a computer, we need to follow programs; whoever is good at programming is a computer expert. “Hackers� are computer experts who can break, interrupt, and change computer programs.

Computer programs are designed by human beings, while the program of the universe is designed by the Greatest Creator.

The seasonal order of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter in some areas of the earth is a program. The order of seasons is strictly changing according to the program. Spring comes after Winter, and Winter comes after Autumn; they have been in that order for thousands of years.

The process of a human body changes in the order of a fetus, baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, and senior is also an established program. Human beings have to go through this process, which is out of their control.

The germination, growth, flowering, fruiting, and withering of a plant is also a program.

The law of causality, “Reap what you sow�, is also an established program. You will not reap banana if you sow melon, and you will not reap cherry if you sow bean; “what goes around comes around�. The treacherous are cheated by the treacherous, and the honest are appreciated by the honest. If you pursue Buddhahood you attain Buddhahood, and if you admire the beast you acquire the nature of the beast. If you do not give freedom to others, you will not get freedom yourself. If you want to control others, you will be controlled. Furtiveness and deceit will make you a ghost and lead you to hell, while integrity and good merits will make you a celestial and lead you to heaven. This is also a program.

When a man reaches a certain age, facial, armpit, and pubic hair start to grow. When a woman reaches a certain age, she starts to have menses. When a child is born, the mother begins to lactate. When a woman reaches menopause, she starts to have fewer and fewer menses until they stop. It is a biological program.

The traditional family is also a program, when one gets married, he or she has to live according to the family program which is beyond their control.

Countries are programs. When one becomes a citizen of a country, he or she must involuntarily follow the country’s program.

If there is no external force, things will run around and around according to the rules of the program. LIFE will reincarnate according to the set program. To avoid constraints of the program, there must be an external force, without which the development of things will not change the track. It is just like a man is not able to make his feet leave the ground by dragging his hair.

The external force is not necessarily a mechanical force. An accident, a phenomenon, a book, a story, and a sentence, even an insect, a hairstyle, a blade of grass, or an action could become the force. As long as it is able to change the existing program, no matter how small the changes are, it is an external force. The teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, Prophet Muhammad, and Confucius are very strong external forces.

How many programs are there in the universe? There are numerous. There is the program governing the movements of planets, the program of society’s development, and the program of LIFE changes. Each space has its own program. Each plant and animal has their own growing program. There are master programs and subprograms; there are long-term programs, short-term programs, etc.

Programs are very rigorous, while they are also layered and closely related, they are causes and effects, and are flexible to change. The master program is normally unchangeable, while subprograms are changeable. For example, it is difficult to change the master program of birth, growth, aging, and death of a human, while things like short-term depression can be changed by external forces such as inspiring words or actions. The change of the master program of how hair grows is very difficult, but the hairstyle can be changed easily. The master program of the nature of LIFE is almost impossible to change, but the direction of LIFE can be changed.

“You can not touch a pitch and not be mucked�. Without the external force, the track of life will not change; life follows its trail. Once there is an external force, the track of life changes. “A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth ten years of studying books�. “One takes the way of saints when influenced by a saint, and one takes the way of robbers when influenced by a robber�. “A butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver�. A thought and an idea can change one’s destiny.

Whichever direction you choose at an intersection without a sign, the corresponding program starts to work. For example, at the intersection of four roads, the first road leads to hell, the second to the human world, the third to the Buddha world, and the fourth to the celestial world. Where there is no road sign, our choice activates the corresponding program and it will lead us to a destination unless we change the route midway.

All programs are predefined, but human beings can transfer from one program to another. When a man exits one program, he enters another. It is impossible to enter an area that is not within a program. Human beings can only enter twelve programs, and the best and most free life program is the program of the Elysium world.

When one LIFE possesses the consciousness of a human being, he lives in the program of the human world and will therefore be constrained by the limits of the program. Once a LIFE possesses the consciousness of a celestial being, his living program starts to slowly transfer to the program of the Elysium world, which means he has changed his life track.

All programs are already designed and many of them are hidden programs. Once conditions are met, any incident will activate the program. It is just like a land mine, it explodes when you step on it, but as long as it is not touched, it will remain hidden underground. It is also like drinking potassium cyanide: you will immediately feel terrible in your organs, foam at the mouth, and quickly bleed to death.

When conditions are not ripe, the program will not activate. When the temperature is not warm enough, mosquitoes and flies will not revive and fly. When Yin and Yang do not meet each other, lighting and thunder will not fill the sky. Without proper humidity and temperature, seeds will not germinate. Before one has reached a certain stage of self-cultivation, he or she will not transform into a celestial being.

One cannot enter into an oasis if he or she has not walked out from a desert. One cannot enter a new program if he or she does not leave the traditional family. One cannot enter heaven if he or she does not walk out of the human world. In short, these are predefined programs.

When a program is activated, do not worry for it will run automatically. It is just as a female egg will grow automatically once it is fertilized. We feed a child every day so he will grow as well. In spring, if we spread seeds in the land, they will automatically germinate, flower, and fruit. It is the result as well as the power of the program.

As long as we plant seeds, there will be fruits. This is how the program works. However, we must wait for the fruit to become ripe. We can get some fruits very quickly, while we need to wait more time to get others. And for some seeds,we need to wait a very long time to get their fruits. “Peach fruits in three years and apricot in four years, while we need to wait eighteen years to be able to enjoy the fruit of walnuts�. Anxiety does no good. “As a man sows, so he shall reap�. “We do not see the fruit, not because it is barren, but we shall see it when the time is right�. By observing the current situation of humans in the society, we can know their past. By observing their current behaviours, we can forecast their future. If we do not see anything happen in five years, wait for another five years, and if still nothing happens, wait for a hundred years. In a word, “What goes around comes around�; this is because the program is running and is not fortune telling.

We must trust programs and trust that as long as we give, we gain. We need to give first in order to gain. If we give others love, then we will gain a beautiful life, future, or something else. If we cheat others, or take a bribe of $100,000, we get many temporary benefits, but in the future, we might need to pay the price of a limb, face a calamity, or reincarnate to an animal to pay our debts. Therefore, any behaviour that tries to take advantage of others is foolish, cheating and lying is stupid, and being opportunistic is short-sighted. “Throw a long line to catch a big fish�. Being diligent on self-cultivation, it is possible to achieve the LIFE level of a celestial being. Do not care that you get a return when you are committed to something, just make your contribution wholeheartedly and ask not for gain. As long as you give, you will gain. This is because the program is running.

November 10, 2009

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Post #5

Post by ivysunday »

The Poor Can not Enter into Heaven

(Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

This is a cruel reality because even Jesus Christ said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God�. We take it for granted that the kingdom of God belongs to the poor, however after more than ten years of “harvesting the ripe crops�, I have found that the poor can not enter into heaven.

The most distinctive feature of the poor is that they take, while that of the rich is that they give. A person who takes constantly, is continuously sinning, accumulating debt, and digging deeper into debt. According to the law of the gravitation of LIFE and the rules of the sum of positive and negative energies always equal zero, the poor will have to stay within the six great divisions in the wheel of karma without any hope of entering heaven.

Heaven belongs to the rich and hell belongs to the poor. This fact sounds so miserable that I feel unkind saying it or even thinking it. It is the same as putting a knife into the hearts of the poor as their blood pours out, however not telling the truth would mean that I, Xuefeng, am a big liar, and as those who conceal the truth would certainly go straight to hell.

So who are the rich and who are the poor?

Those who give wealth to others, to society, and to nature without incurring debts are rich, but those who constantly take from others, from society, and from nature while incurring debts are poor.

What is wealth?

What others, society, and nature need is wealth. Wealth is defined as material wealth, intellectual or ideological wealth, and spiritual wealth. All that can bring others’ minds peace, serenity, and calmness are wealthy spiritually, all that can encourage and cheer others on, or that can bring them passionate enthusiasm of life are intellectual or ideological wealth, and all that can offer the conveniences of food, clothing, living, moving, birth, old age, sickness, and death are materially wealth.

As long as you owe a debt and continue to take, you will be among the poor, but as long as you are not in debt and continue to give, you will be among the rich.

Debt contains three aspects:

1.Economic debt: To own others’ money, including bank loans which have not been returned, to borrow others’ things without returning them or to damage them without compensating their owners, to demolish others’ houses without compensating their owners, to receive others’ services or treats but not return or repay them, and so on are what we call economic debt.

2.Emotional debt: Care from grandparents, love and care received from childhood by our parents, concern and care from siblings, help from friends, relatives, and neighbors, guidance from superiors and the cooperation of workmates, education and guidance from masters and teachers, care and consideration from lovers and spouses, special filial piety from children, and similar ties are all forms of emotional debt.

3.Spiritual debt: the Greatest Creator’s grace, such as the enjoyment of the sun, the air, and the water, the pleasure to experience the splendid kaleidoscopic world, the spiritual teachings and the guidance of god, Buddha, celestial beings and many saints and sages are all spiritual debts.

Referring to the three types of debt above, you will easily know whether you are rich or poor.

Is a billionaire rich? This is hard to say. Is a farmer in a distant village poor? This is equally hard to say. A billionaire who is in debt and keeps taking is poor, but a farmer with no debts and who is able to give themself to others, society, and nature is rich.

There are many ways to devote oneself to others, society, and nature. Whether it is materialistically, intellectually or ideologically, or spiritually, as long as they give to others, to society, and to nature, that is devotion and dedication. To give a sweet smile is devotion, as are making others happy and joyous, and bringing people hope and pleasure is devotion to society, and protecting nature from damage is devotion to nature, but the most valuable and significant of all types of giving is what Buddha Sakyamuni called: “Formless alms giving�.

In conclusion:

Those whose have given more than they have taken will enter heaven.

Those who have taken more than their share of blessings will go to hell.

Those who have given equally to what they have taken will continue their reincarnations into the mortal world.

Who can give and pay dedications and devotions effectively?

Only the rich, so heaven is theirs. The poor have nothing to give or pay back for their poverty, so they can not go to the heaven, but only fall toward reincarnating into the animal level.

All the poor must awake and watch!

September 20, 2017

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Post #6

Post by ivysunday »

Internal Structure is what Matters

(Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

The nature and function of things are determined by their internal structures. Sugar is sweet while tea is bitter, and this is decided by their structure, not by people. The price of a one-carat (0.2g) diamond is ?14,000 RMB yuan, but the price of an ounce of gold is only about ?10,270 RMB yuan. That is to say that one carat of gold costs ?70 RMB yuan. The price difference between diamonds and gold is 200:1. The fundamental reason lies in the different internal structures of the two. The value of one carat of common stone is too small to measure.

The Greatest Creator, Gods and Buddha, Angels, Bodhisattvas, Celestial Beings, devils, demons, monsters, mortals, evil spirits, animals and other LIFE are quite different from one another, and the reason is also because of their different internal structures. Celestials, saints, sages, mortals, laities layman, and ignorant people are all humans, but they are unlike each other because each has a different internal structure. It is as with mushrooms that some are nutritious and will feed you, but some others are poisonous and will sicken or kill you. This too is because of their different internal structures.

From this we can understand that the role a person plays, the responsibilities that they assume, and the accomplishments that they achieve are completely determined by their internal structure, and not by others or by society. Gems are inlaid into crowns, while cobblestones are not. Thus we further understand that it is wrong to envy or admire others or to blame social injustice. In any case, we should neither complain, resent, nor loath having a low social status or position. This is called being content in poverty and devoted to spiritual matters.

Since we understand that all things are determined by internal structures, we should then make efforts to change and perfect our own internal structures rather than flattering or currying favour with others, using connections for special treatment, envying and admiring others, complaining and resenting others or our society, seeking magic power or skills, seeking shortcuts or begging for mercy and help, blaming or accusing others for our bad luck, being opportunistic, or finding secrets to success.

Peaches and plums do not talk, but people come to pick them. The fragrance of flowers attract butterflies. Peonies do not assume their beauty, but people naturally sing songs about them. No matter how flies and mosquitoes dress themselves, people will still detest them. Beggars cannot have refined tastes. Dog meat is not to be served at feasts. Those who lack elegance and good etiquette are not presentable. In short, the internal structure of each thing determines its social role and status.

At this point, if someone still complains about heaven and earth or blames others or society for their ill treatment or bad luck in Life or finds excuses and reasons to blame others rather than themselves for their failures, then they would have to be either ignorant or just plain stupid.

Are you not satisfied with your current situation? Do not find external excuses and reasons, but make sure to look for source causes from your own internal structure.

The internal structures of things are determined by their quality. Taking people for example, good intrinsic qualities are marked with diligence, kindness, purity, honesty, integrity, modesty, and open-mindedness, whereas bad qualities are shown as jealousy, blame, selfishness, greed, laziness, arrogance, dishonesty, and narrow-mindedness. A person who does not have good quality can never be smooth and refined no matter how they struggle, be accomplished in their career, or sail easily through life. They may enjoy good fortune for brief times, but not for very long.

People who are moving toward heaven through self-refinery and self-improvement should never waste valuable time and energy on changing the external world or on changing their external appearance. They should invest their time and energy into improving and perfecting the nonmaterial structures of their LIVE’s and on developing good quality. If their quality is not excellent and their structure is not perfect, then they can never reach heaven. It is the same as with a hard rock. Try as it may, it will never be cherished and valued by others. It must alter its internal structure in order to be valued and loved as a treasure and be applied in the most eye-striking and noble places.

August 22, 2013

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Post #7

Post by ivysunday »

Reading the Book without Words

(Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

There are three types of books. The first one is with words, such as newspapers, magazines, journals, and other publications, both paper and on line. The second is with symbols, such as sculptures, paintings, and music. The third kind includes everything in nature. The so-called “book without words� refers to all images and things in nature with neither words nor symbols.

The most esoteric of the three books is the one without words but the simplest is the one with words. People with low spiritual natures can only read books with words but only people with high spiritual natures can read the book without words. What the Gods, Buddha, Celestial beings, and saints read is the book without words. The sixth Zen Patriarch, Huineng was illiterate but became the Patriarch because he could read the book without words. Therefore, if a person wants to become a master, a Celestial Being, or Buddha, they must read the book without words. Reading things, phenomena, and people is reading the book without words; let us try to read it.

A person with body odor or halitosis (bad breath) might not be aware of it. When we eat garlic or green onions, we do not smell them ourselves, but others will smell them and will know it. The natures and attributes of things give off their corresponding smells. Those who have smelled or eaten durian know it by its smell. We can learn this truth from the book without words: The essence is revealed from the phenomenon. For instance, if we want to know a person's nature, we can learn their internal natural structure from what they have said and done before.

Many allusions in Chinese history are full of wisdom, such as the relationship between Su Dongpo and Master Foyin. Su Dongpo always wanted to outsmart Master Foyin, but he never succeeded. Once, Master Foyin told Su Dongpo that he looked like a statue of Buddha, but Su Dongpo replied that Master Foyin looked like a heap of cow dung. To this, Master Foyin just smiled and walked away silently. Su Dongpo thought he had taken the upper hand this time, so he joyfully told his smart sister Su Xiaomei about it when he got home. Hearing this, Su Xiaomei said, "You are utterly defeated this time. Because Master Foyin has Buddha in his heart, he sees a statue of him in you, but you have a heap of cow dung in your heart, so you see that in him�.

Nature reveals what it is. The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. A person who is filled with love can feel nature’s love and others’ love, but a person with no love in their heart can never feel your love regardless of how much you show it. Those who always compliment others have rich and beautiful spirits and souls, but those who always demean, mock, criticize, insult, and attack others, and who always speak badly about them, both to their faces and behind their backs, most clearly have ugly souls and extremely poor spirits.

Speaking well of others shows that one is good but speaking ill of others shows that one is not. Flowers always emit lovely fragrances wherever they are but dog droppings always give off undesirable stench in spite of their surroundings. One who accuses others of heresy exposes that they themself are heretical. As with Su Dongpo, he had cow dung in his heart, so he saw Master Foyin as such. Therefore, people should not care about others comments and judgements. Flies and mosquitoes will consider you disgusting because they are disgusting but butterflies will find you beautiful because they are beautiful.

An artist painted a picture which he believed to be fairly good but he wanted to know how people would react to it, so he left his picture in a public place with a brush and some ink next to it and wrote on top of the painting, "Please point out any faulty strokes in this painting�. At day’s end, he recovered his painting, but the painting was completely different. Each stroke was criticized as being faulty. The painter was so sad and distressed that he barely slept that night, but the next day he painted the exact same picture as before and took it back to that same public place, except this time he wrote, "Please point out the superb artistry of this painting�. At the end of the day, the painting was again completely different, except that now all the comments described its elegance and beauty. He sighed with emotion: "The good or bad of the painting was determined by the viewer's state�. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.�

Quantum mechanics also explains the same principle. The movements of fundamental particles are decided by the consciousness of the persons watching them. The Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto found that the structures of pure ice crystals can be shaped by the mentalities of people observing them. If the observer’s heart is full of love or if the freezing water is exposed to positive emotions, such as love or gratitude, or to music, prayers, or art, the ice crystals become symmetric and perfect, but if the observer’s heart is filled with hate or if the water is exposed to negativity such as mean words or destructive images, they appear very disorderly and irregular.

Therefore, we should not be affected by others’ comments about ourselves or we will be fooled. The Pygmalion (or Rosenthal) effect on psychology illustrates this point well. People develop in line with others’ suggestions and expectations. We must only be committed to ourselves and ignore other people’s comments in order to live out our own lives. If someone accuses you of being mentally disordered, just smile and do not get upset, for it is they who are mentally disturbed, but if someone praises you as being a saint, do not be blindly proud, for it is they who are the saint.

Let us read the book without words as such.
I have written more than one-hundred (100) articles on Revelations which may help you to find your enlightenment.

March 5, 2014

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Post #8

Post by ivysunday »

The Trajectory and Free Will of Life

( Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

There are many times more stars in the sky than people on earth. Each star floats along its own orbit around the galaxy and each orbit is determined and is not its free choice.

Life also has its track; birth, growth, ageing, and death is our inescapable course. Eighteen (18) properties cannot be self-managed within Life’s track. If we make a detailed search and analysis, we can see that each detail on Life’s track is predetermined, including our name, temperament or character, words and actions, who we will encounter, what we will suffer, what diseases we will succumb to at each stage of Life, when the end will come, and so on.

Here is question:
Since our Life trajectory and its details are already predestined, do people have free will or not, and if they do have free will, how then is it manifested?

There is no doubt that people have free will. It is precisely this free will that causes the hesitation, trouble, agony, fear, and sadness in Life. The universe is one; the universe is holographic; the universe is a big play. Everything that happens in human society is a single episode of the big play of the universe. Everyone is an actor on this big stage of Life and performs in strict accordance with a predetermined plot and is playing their role in this prescribed scenario.

The hesitations, troubles, agonies, fears, sadness, and other psychological feelings in Life result from the conflicts and contradictions between each person’s free will and their role in the play. You are asked to play a mouse, but your free will wants you to play an elephant. You are asked to live in a thatched cottage, but your free will wants you to live in a five-star hotel. You are asked to cooperate and serve a certain person, but you attempt to make them cooperate and serve you. You are asked to grow vegetables, but you hope to make a spaceship. You are asked to do good or evil, but you choose to do the opposite, and so on. This is the conflict between the your role in the play and your free will. Whenever the arrangement of the play is contradicted by free will, hesitation, trouble, agony, anxiety, fear, worry, and sadness will take over. If your free will agrees with the arrangement of the plot, you will feel peace, joy, happiness, and blessings in your heart and feel free.

The highest realm of self-refinery and self-improvement requires you to eliminate your self-persistence and to become "free from ego�. It is only in this way that you can unite with Tao. Then, when you do that, you will attain the spiritual state of an immortal.

Here is another question:
Since everything is predestined, what is the value and meaning of struggling and making efforts?

First, the so-called struggling and making efforts are barely more than nonsense. When a program is determined, the role to be played is determined and one’s so-called struggles and efforts are determined. That is, you will “have to� struggle and make efforts because a series of things will force you to. It is decided by the nonmaterial structure of your LIFE. Your character and temperament will force or encourage you to struggle and make efforts. This is determined by the self-state. It is not that I want to struggle and make efforts, but my character and the things happening around me and their ramifications prompt me to do so. This is described as, "Many things are not in charge of our hands in this world�.

Every person yearns for a better future and to go to heaven, so who can eventually achieve their most beautiful dreams? Also, now that everything is predestined, what is the point of personal yearning?

This involves some of the programs of the play of the universe. The play of the universe has destiny and variables. The plot of the play is destiny. Who shall play which characters in the play are variables. If you play well, you can constantly play the role more according to your free will, such as to play in heaven. If you play badly, you will play a role more deviated from your free will, such as to play a demon in hell.

Who then will go to heaven?
Anyone who can play the role in accordance with the established plot of the play, free from self-persistence and free from ego will go to heaven, but anyone who has conflicts with the arranged plot, that is whose self-conscious is too strong and is unwilling to play the role, will end up in hell.

We can find such a secret from this. Going to heaven or hell has nothing to do with the role you play, but everything with how well you play it. For instance, from most people’s perspective, Adolf Hitler should definitely be in hell, but from the plot of the play of the universe, if he played his part very well, he would be in heaven. No matter what your role is, an emperor or a thief, as long as you play it well, your reward will be to go to heaven. If you do not play it well, you will be doomed to reside in hell.

So, how does one know whether they are playing well or not?
Here is a very simple validation method. Namely, no matter what role you play, be it one with much pain and suffering or one that enjoys happiness and pleasure, be it a role to ride the whirlwind or one to suffer the commonplace, if you can stay calm, be happy and joyful, free from hesitation, trouble, agony, anxiety, worry, and fear, but with gratitude, then you have played well. Otherwise, you will have failed the role.

Those who have mastered the essence of the teachings and instructions of Buddha understand that self-persistence is the biggest obstacle to the Elysium world. Self-persistence is the result of a strong free consciousness. If you do everything according to your own ideas and wishes, if you always believe that yours is a just cause, if you always insist on your own views, if you always know that you are right, then you cannot play the arranged plot of the play very well and you will be miserable and unable to be rewarded with the Tao of heaven.

Take things as they are. Associate with others by following your predestined relationships. Acting in accordance with your nature and taking advantage of opportunities is the best way play the role.

November 20th , 2015

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Post #9

Post by ivysunday »

How to Predict Your Own Afterlife

Deiform Celestial
(Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

Everything has the ability to move and develop, and this includes LIFE.

When we see a pregnant woman, we know that she is conceiving life; she is having a baby. After the baby is born, we know that it will gradually grow up, move from childhood to adolescence, youth, middle age, and old age. After spring, we know it will be summer, fall, and winter. As long as we know our situation, we can predict our LIFE state in our next phase.

To speculate about your afterlife, you first need to understand the nonmaterial structural state of your LIFE. You cannot see your LIFE’s nonmaterial structure with your naked eyes. The only way to do this is to examine your own consciousness. You can predict your afterlife according to the characteristics of your own consciousness.

Consciousness is the essences of LIFE; different consciousnesses determine different LIFE states.

Some days ago, Foshan Celestial and I went to enjoy a terrace in Yuanyang, Yunnan. When we went deep into the village and I saw how some elderly Hani people were having hard lives, I asked him, "These elderly people have suffered in this valley throughout their lifetimes. Will they continue to be here in their afterlives? They should leave this valley�. Foshan Celestial replied, "They will continue to reincarnate here because they have no other place or world in their consciousnesses unless they desire to leave this valley and learn about the outside world.�
This answer reveals the secret of reincarnation - consciousness decides existence.
If an individual LIFE does not have consciousness, then it does not exist. If you want it to exist, you must first be present in a consciousness. As the French Philosopher René Descartes put it, “I think, therefore I am�.

Why do I have the nerve to say that I can guide Chanyuan Celestials to the Celestial Islands Continent? Because I keep infusing the content of it into them. When they understand all the details about it, especially the characteristics of LIFE and the lifestyles of the Super Celestial Beings there and gradually clear away other consciousnesses, they will undoubtedly go to the Celestial Islands Continent in their next lives. This is scientific truth. It is meticulous and exact.

So, how can you predict your own afterlife?

You must read and fully understand, “Life’s Eighteen Qualities� in “Humans Beings and Life First�, and then you will know. People look alike in appearance, but they are very different deep inside. At the same time, you can check your faults by referring to “The Supreme Book of Rewards and Punishments�.
Here are seven (7) suggestions:

1.If you have killed many dogs, then you will be a dog in your next life. This is karma and exact. You can make analogies for other cases.

2.If you have murdered a person, then you will inevitably go to the Hell World (the Inflamed Layer or the Frozen Layer). "Divine's punishments, though slow, are always sure. With big meshes, yet letting nothing slip through.�

3.If you have abused LIFE, then you will definitely go to the Hell World. You reap what you sow.

4.If you oppress the good and kind, swindle and cheat, steal and loot, then you will go to the Animal World. "As you sow, so shall you reap.�

5.If you love freedom, but are still ignorant, then you will be a bird.

6.If you owe too many debts that are left unpaid, then you will likely go to the Livestock World.
7.If you are kind and hard-working and love your family, culture, and state very much, then you will continue to be reborn as mortal human.

Remember the warnings and teachings of Jesus Christ:
If you leave a penny of unpaid debt, then you cannot leave the place where you owe it.
If you have unfulfilled wishes, then you will return back to the mortal world.

You will have to investigate into your past lives. Do not assume that if you forget something, it will just go away. Make a careful list of your wrong doings from, “The Supreme Book of Rewards and Punishments�.

If you find some, do not just let them go, but learn to compensate.

Here are six (6) suggestions:

1)If you have harmed animals, henceforth love themï¼›

2)If you have harmed people, henceforth love themï¼›

3)If you owe someone emotionally, pay back the emotionï¼›

4)If you owe debts, pay back the debts, ask for forgiveness for the damage, abuse, and bullying of people or other lifeï¼›

5)Do merits as far as possible and do merits according to the teachings of Buddha.

6)Do more formless almsgiving; if your merits are great enough, you can compensate for your faults and debts that have accumulated over many generations.

If you have a clear conscience and have paid back the grace of your parents and nature, and if you do not owe a single debt to any person or animal, then you will be free to go to heaven in your next life.

Those who talk about spirits, deities, fortune and disaster, lose nature, are sneaky, speak voices dripping with sarcasm, resort to sorcery, and talk nonsense will become ghosts, demons and monsters.

We can just look at the variety of fruits and flowers that we see. Why are they so different from each other? The reason lies in the structures of their LIVES. Their different LIFE structures are the differences of their “entities�, and in the teachings of Qiankun Celestial, their “forms� and “uses� will be different.

Always remember these four (4) truths:

1.If you eliminate the concepts of family, nation, culture, and religion from your consciousness, are fond of freedom, happiness, and joy, have repaid all your debts in the mortal world, and have done merits, then you will go to the Thousand-year World of heaven.

2.If you often dream of flying and are in a state of joy without having sexual contact, then you will go to the Ten-thousand-year World of heaven.

3.If you possess Buddha consciousness, then you will go to the corresponding Elysium World.

4.If you revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, take the Way of the Greatest Creator, have obtained supernatural powers, and can fancy an ideal world, then there is no doubt that you will go to the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

You are the one who knows best about what kind of nonmaterial structure your LIFE has achieved. If you do not know, then your spiritual perception has not yet opened and you should work at opening it.

The above are general ideas and may not be very accurate, but they can serve as a general navigation. You need to draw inferences about other cases from one instance in order to predict your afterlife.

March 19, 2007

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Post #10

Post by ivysunday »

How to Know Our Previous Lives

Deiform Celestial
(Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

The hypnotic induction method is one way, but we can also observe ourselves from the LIFE clues found in our previous lives. The universe is holographic, our LIFE is holographic, and our LIFE information base contains all of the information from all the ages of all LIFE journeys of all generations, and the information is always passed down. This information is hidden, but it will reveal itself every now and then. By capturing these momentarily revealed clues, we can trace our pasts.

Understanding the LIFE characteristics of 36-Dimensional Space is conductive for us to understand more of our previous lives.

There is only one kind of person, but from the people that we know and those that we know of through various channels, we can see that they are diverse and colourful. There are quantum differences between people, the reasons are that people have different origins. Some are from the Heaven World, some from the Animal World, and some are reincarnations from the mortal world. Even for those from the Heaven World, there are great differences. Those from the Elysium World and from the Thousand-year World can never be the same. Likewise, even for those from the Animal World, those who were carnivores will have totally different natures than those who were herbivores. In this sense, mankind is mobius; the mortal world is compound.

There are hundreds of thousands of clues to trace our previous lives, but we can only have rough ideas about them from these clues. Here are eighteen (18) examples:
1. If you have holographic order thinking, congratulations, then you are from the side of the Greatest Creator; you were a God.

2.If you have formless thinking, congratulations, then you came to the mortal world from the Elysium World; you were a Buddha.

3.If you know that you can change a world magically, then you were a Super Celestial Being.

4.If you were born to like freedom and always seek happiness and joy, "You can follow your heart’s desire without overstepping the line�, then you were a Celestial Being.
5.If you often dream of flying freely, your mind and body are often in a strange state of joy, you have no fear of death, and hate your life in the mortal world, then you are from the Ten-thousand-year World.

6.If you are always looking for the way back home, and feel that you do not belong to the mortal world, you are moreover benevolent and kind, a fun lover, you do not want to be fettered by states, religions, organizations, or families, and you fancy and yearn for a better life in the future, then you are from the Thousand-year World.

7.If you have the Taiji thinking and you are super wise, clever, and gifted, then you were someone influential in society, maybe even a sage or saint.

8.If you love your own nation, culture, family, and family life, and think all this is perfectly justified, then you were a mortal human.

9.If you often dream of flying in your dreams, but still feel attached to the mortal world, then you were a bird.

10.If you derive pleasure from and even love eating meat and have never felt the suffering and misery of LIFE being slaughtered for meat, then you were a predatory carnivore.

11.If you naturally prefer vegetarian or vegan foods, are naturally timid and afraid of being hurt, like to depend on groups, love your family and religion, then you were a docile herbivore.

12.If you inherently want to be a policeman, are very sensitive to theft and crime in society, and always want to arrest criminals, then you were feline; a cat.

13.If you innately want to be a soldier, are willing to defend your land and home, then you were a dog or wolf.

14.If you naturally prefer to take, embezzle, and steal, then you were a mouse or other rodent.

15.If your nature is to bear hardship without complaining, endure bullying without resisting, harbour grudges without showing them in words and deeds, be trampled upon and feel powerless to resist, completely abide by your destiny, then you were a farm animal from the Livestock World.

16.If you are naturally aggressive and quick thinking, good at sorcery, and can derive pleasure from the pain of other LIFE, then you are from the Devil World.

17.If you have extraordinary bearing and charming style, are endearing and extremely selfish, then you were a goblin.

18.If you are clever in trivial matters and have mastered a lot of magic tricks, you always watch for your chance to seize others’ love and property, then you were an evil spirit.

Draw analogies by checking yourself against the dispositions of other LIFE, and you will find traces of your previous lives.
Note: LIFE in the Inflamed Layer, the Frozen Layer, and the Hell World usually do not directly enter the Human World. Insects and many plants belong to other LIFE cycles, which never enter into the Human World.

The above is only a general outline. If you want to know your previous lives from A to Z, you will have to observe and verify repeatedly.

Like attracts like, you can also find your shadows of the past from those people with whom you associate most often and most closely.

After reading this article, some people may be excited, but others may be angry. Please calm down, because what you see is your past, not your present. No matter what you were in the past, you are now a human. After you know the coordinate system and your coordinate point, you will have a clear idea of the direction and destination of your LIFE’s evolution.

If you think this article is bullshit and nonsense, just take it as a fun game.

Please refer to the next article: How to Predict Your Own Afterlife.

March 18, 2007

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