Is Christmas a Form of Worship to Jesus Christ?

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Is Christmas a form of Worship to Jesus?

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Is Christmas a Form of Worship to Jesus Christ?

Post #1

Post by 2timothy316 »

There are some that refuse to accept that Jesus is God based on their beliefs. Yet many of these people still celebrate Christmas. So, is Christmas an act of worship to Jesus? If it is, then why would a person that doesn't accept Jesus as God worship Jesus?

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Re: Is Christmas a Form of Worship to Jesus Christ?

Post #71

Post by onewithhim »

[Replying to post 68 by Checkpoint]

The narratives in the Scripture don't taint Christmas. It is what people do with the narratives. They add a whole lot of stuff to the narratives. They take a bunch of pagan traditions and incorporate them into a celebration for Jesus (that doesn't even tell of his actual birth date!). The narratives are also twisted into seemingly telling of "three wise men" when there were not just three, and they were ASTROLOGERS. Then the narrative about the "star" is totally off track. It wasn't even a star from God. It was someone else that led the astrologers to Herod.

The narratives have been twisted and embellished. If you can't see that, there is no use discussing it further.

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Re: Is Christmas a Form of Worship to Jesus Christ?

Post #72

Post by onewithhim »

Checkpoint wrote:
brianbbs67 wrote: [Replying to post 68 by Checkpoint]

Saternalia is the reason for the season. Christmas is all made up of whole cloth.
Well then, that being the way you see it, what do you think Christians should be doing and saying during the Christmas season?

Grace and peace be to you.
Why should Christians be saying anything different than what we say and do the rest of the year? Why get involved with something that there is no need to get involved in? We just go on witnessing for Jesus and his Father exactly like we do for the rest of the year. We give gifts frequently throughout the year. We have parties many times, for everyone, and sometimes special ones for children. On Christmas day this year I just took some time to relax and enjoy the time off from fast frantic living, that is a fact for most of us.

And I notice an interesting fact. No one I encounter during the season talks about Christ at all. So how is he being witnessed about? People talk only about what they are planning for dinners with their families, and the presents they are going to give or hope that they get. Most of them actually dread getting together with family members, and others talk about how they hate shopping.

There are much better ways to witness about Jesus than a holiday like this.

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Post #73

Post by Donray »

It is all about Santa Clause.

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Post #74

Post by Avoice »

I read some say it is and done say it isn't.

Christianity is all about a jew born in Israel. He is their 'go to' guy. They say their god is the God of Israel. From the throat out they say that. But what the God of Israel commands they ignore. All Christian religious holidays focus on the Jew born in Israel. Were flattered that youve made a Jew the focus of your religion. But don't say how you worship God. Where are the holidays that honor only God? The God of Israel. The one you cant see. Its all about the flesh with you guys. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. All the feasts and times God commanded us to keep you refuse. Yet you say he is your God. No he isn't.

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Post #75

Post by onewithhim »

[Replying to post 74 by Avoice]

You're not paying any attention to MY posts, so I will not further respond to your posts.

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Re: Is Christmas a Form of Worship to Jesus Christ?

Post #76

Post by Checkpoint »

onewithhim wrote: [Replying to post 68 by Checkpoint]

The narratives in the Scripture don't taint Christmas. It is what people do with the narratives. They add a whole lot of stuff to the narratives. They take a bunch of pagan traditions and incorporate them into a celebration for Jesus (that doesn't even tell of his actual birth date!). The narratives are also twisted into seemingly telling of "three wise men" when there were not just three, and they were ASTROLOGERS. Then the narrative about the "star" is totally off track. It wasn't even a star from God. It was someone else that led the astrologers to Herod.

The narratives have been twisted and embellished. If you can't see that, there is no use discussing it further.
Yes, I do see how it has been twisted and embellished, and added to.

But I also see how it has been challenged, misread, and taken away from.
We need to accept the narratives as written, and not be so ready to throw stones.

Grace and peace to you.

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Re: Is Christmas a Form of Worship to Jesus Christ?

Post #77

Post by onewithhim »

[Replying to post 76 by Checkpoint]

Yes, and that is part of my point. The narratives as written do not match up to how they are presented at Christmas time. There are many things that just aren't accurate, so why would we want to go along with the crowd?

The narrative says, for another example, that shepherds were out in the fields with their flocks. They wouldn't have been out in the fields in December. It would've been too cold. So December 25 was added to the story, and it is not correct. There are so many other things that are not consistent with the narrative, as I have pointed out. You say we should just take the narratives at face value, and I agree. The celebration of Christmas does not.

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Re: Is Christmas a Form of Worship to Jesus Christ?

Post #78

Post by PinSeeker »

onewithHim, you asked me to respond to your posts 54 and 60. Here you go:
onewithhim wrote: you know what the star actually was?
Different theories have been presented. All that can really accurately be said is that it was a supernatural event of some kind.
onewithhim wrote: It was nothing to celebrate.
I said before and will say again (hopefully for the last time), no Christian "celebrates" a star. Or a supernatural event, for that matter. What is important is not what it actually was but what it pointed to.
onewithhim wrote: The "three wise men" were (1) astrologers, and (2) could have been more than three. They are not numbered.
Right. There were probably quite a few more in the entourage than just three. We know there were at least two, because the speaker refers to his group as "we," and they are referred to as "they" several times, giving us concrete evidence that it was indeed more than one person.

I do think there were astrologers in the entourage. They were considered wise men. There were probably some magicians in the group. But at least some of them knew and believed at least some Scripture, as they informed Herod of what the prophet Micah had said about the coming king, the "ruler who would shepherd (God's) people Israel." And they probably had to have protection in traveling across the desert, so it's reasonable to think there were probably soldiers with them. Who they all were and what sins they engaged in before, during, or after this event is not of any importance. The only thing that's important is what they were all being led to, not by a star or whatever the natural phenomenon may have been, but by God.

They came from the east, as we read in Matthew 2. We do not know for sure where that means, but I think rather than the Far East (or the Orient, as the hymn goes), they were probably traveling from Babylon and/or Persia, which is, of course, present-day Iran.
onewithhim wrote: The practice of astrology is condemned in the Bible (Deut.18:10-12)...
Right, but as I said, their sin doesn't disqualify them from being used by God to convey an enduring message to His people.
onewithhim wrote: ... it's a no-brainer that these "wise men" were not worshippers of YHWH.
I don't think that can be assumed. As I said, at least some of them knew and believed at least some Scripture (Micah 5), and that God's Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. And, when they found the Messiah (when He was probably a year and a half or so old), they fell down and worshipped Him (Matthew 2:11).
onewithhim wrote: Would God have led to the newborn Jesus people who practiced things that He condemned?
Yes, I think so; this is the Gospel, the Good News -- God leads sinners to repentance and belief daily, even today. He has done so throughout history. Jesus Himself said He did not come to call the righteous, but sinners (Mark 2:17)
onewithhim wrote: The star led the astrologers first to KING HEROD (Matthew 2:1-16).
The star led them to Jerusalem, not to Herod. They sought out Herod because he was the ruler/king of the land. They sought direction from Herod, asking for directions to Bethlehem, the exact whereabouts of which they clearly had no idea except that it was somwhere near Jerusalem.
onewithhim wrote: YHWH warned Joseph to get down to Egypt to take the little boy out of harm's way.
Actually, according to Matthew 2, it was an angel of the Lord who appeared to Joseph in a dream, and not YHWH Himself.
onewithhim wrote: So the question to consider is: Was the "star" a sign from God, or was it from someone who was seeking to have God's Son destroyed?
No, that's not really a question but a rabbit hole not to be followed. The only sign was Jesus Himself (Luke 2:12), the "baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Whatever the natural phenomenon was, it was merely the means by which God led folks (shepherds, Magi, and possibly others) to the Sign, which was for all the people (Luke 2:10).
onewithhim wrote: I also question the practice of gift-giving [and receiving] associated with Christmas. The astrologers GAVE gifts but didn't receive any, so "exchanging gifts" isn't a factor for defending the celebration. People can GIVE gifts at any time of the year, and I and my friends do that, a lot.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with gift-giving -- or not -- at any time of the year. Even the Grinch found out that Christmas wasn't about presents. You know, when "his heart grew three sizes that day." :) The only thing that is really celebrated and worshipped -- or should be anyway -- is the true Gift, Christ Jesus, Immanuel (which means God With Us).

Grace and peace to you.

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Re: Is Christmas a Form of Worship to Jesus Christ?

Post #79

Post by brianbbs67 »

Checkpoint wrote:
brianbbs67 wrote: [Replying to post 68 by Checkpoint]

Saternalia is the reason for the season. Christmas is all made up of whole cloth.
Well then, that being the way you see it, what do you think Christians should be doing and saying during the Christmas season?

Grace and peace be to you.
Nothing other than normal. Hannakah is a tradition that doesn't violate God if you want to do it. But, its a tradition, not a Holy Day. That's what every one misses. We are declare Holy that which is not. Holiday IS A COMPOUND word, made of Holy and Day. Only God declares these.

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Post #80

Post by brianbbs67 »

Avoice wrote: I read some say it is and done say it isn't.

Christianity is all about a jew born in Israel. He is their 'go to' guy. They say their god is the God of Israel. From the throat out they say that. But what the God of Israel commands they ignore. All Christian religious holidays focus on the Jew born in Israel. Were flattered that youve made a Jew the focus of your religion. But don't say how you worship God. Where are the holidays that honor only God? The God of Israel. The one you cant see. Its all about the flesh with you guys. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. All the feasts and times God commanded us to keep you refuse. Yet you say he is your God. No he isn't.
Yes, the Mo'edim. God's appointed times. Which in truth, were begged out of God so that Israel could have days like the nations. That's why they follow the sowing and the harvest. These times are much safer bets than Saturnalia and Oester. Which are definitely pagan and the pagan laugh at God's believers following.

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