Generating Messages

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Generating Messages

Post #1

Post by William »


I started this thread to share something which I find fascinating and would like some critique re the system I use to generate messages as I share these in this thread.

I would like to discuss the scientific value in terms of both subjectivity and objectivity to do with the way in which the messages are generated [to be explained] and perhaps how the reader interprets the message generated [assuming they see any message] and other related subjects branching from this.

I will also be using as evidence, the way in which words corelate with math, such as;

Generating Messages = 188
What Is Friendship

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #201

Post by William »


Let the facts speak for themselves

SCLx14+last LE per shuffle

The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves. - Where minds meet is where GOD is found - Hearing External Voices In Your Head - It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time - Different - Computer Coding - Solid Device of Science - Counsel - Beaming Out Beaming In - Mindfulness - Down came the waters , great the monsoon , washing the soul as it cleared out the room , drowning all warriors in every platoon - Mystical - Conjecture - Where do Thoughts Come From

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Perception Coordinate Forgiveness


GM: Super Power
Where do Thoughts Come From
Masonry and Metallurgy
Making The Best of a Bad Situation
Mind is Ghost

Hacking through the subconsciousness
Behind The Scenery
Become more expansive
Human Imagination Has Consequences
Peaceful Messiah
Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life
What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject
The Mother is Love
Wish fulfillment
Finding the light
Getting Off The Hook

Coordinate Forgiveness
Pearl of wisdom
Consciousness and Reality
Love & Respect
Elemental Powers
Who Knows
Stuff Happens
Trust The Process

William: From the link;
One must remember that it is a particular branch of Materialistic science to which the blame could be hung - and that the scientists doing the warning are most likely not of that particular branch...they may be biologists rather than cosmologists and so understand the importance of preserving the planet-ship we are sailing upon [@ about 1.6 million miles per day] rather than creating space-junk and reaching for the stars...I did say "Exact Science" after all.

You do know where the Nazi Scientists went after the defeat of Hitlers Germany, right? [Hint - it was not to the hangman's noose.]
William: This is from a conversation had where I was trying to point out that rocket science got a leg up due to certain historical events...
"Stuff does happen" and it is necessary to place judgment to one side...

GM: Sacral chakra [thought to govern how you experience sexuality, creative expression, emotions, and more]
Mind is Ghost
"That Is A Good Question"
Good Intentions
The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
Inner Strength
I Share Your Joy!
Effectively Curtailed ... tcount=296

William: From the link:
William: So - 'getting the gist of it', please explain as best as you are able to do so, what the math tells you re what the object was which caused the universe to come into existence.

Pixel42: For a start, it tells me that words like 'object' and 'seed' are actively misleading when trying to describe it. It tells me that the phrase "caused the universe to come into existence" is also the wrong one to use. It tells me, in short, that the English language is inadequate to that task.
GM: The Original People
Write a Book
Altruistic Behaviour
Unclog your chakras
The Deeper Self
Word - String Values
Ah - The Mechanics
The Butterfly Effect

William: In the video linked at the beginning of this GM, Donald Hoffman speaks with Tom Bilyeu and near the end Donald gives an analogy of the caterpillar 'turning to goo' as part of its transformation into a butterfly - the 'letting go of the [former] self' in order to allow for the new self to emerge...

GM: "Life is a hard teacher. First she gives us the test, and then the lesson."
Getting Off The Hook
The Mind Behind Creation
The Forerunner
It Stands To Reason
WingMakers Materials
"A terrible milestone"
The Story Continues - The Flow Is On

William: Definitely regimented...not always pretty and - like with the Nazi - sometimes leaving terrible milestones...

GM: Regarding
Becoming whole
Word2Number Calculator
The Blank-Slate Borderlines
Source Codes

William: The Blank-Slate Borderlines = 251 +
All under a question mark
From Prison To Paradise
Emotion Rides The Prow
Closed Loop Production
As well as that pot of gold...
~The Blank-Slate Borderlines~

Source Codes = 127 +
The Human Being
~Source Codes~
Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
The Third Eye
Pure soul
Inner work
deus ex machina {SOURCE}

Trying to change the world fails for one simple and unavoidable reason...“everyone else.”
Major Arcana

William: [Random Select "Temperance"]
"Balance, moderation, patience, purpose"
The Temperance card shows a large, winged angel who is both masculine and feminine. She wears a light blue robe with a triangle enclosed in a square on the front, representing that humans (the triangle) are bound by the Earth and natural law (square). The angel balances between one foot on the rocks, expressing the need to stay grounded, and one foot in the water, showing the need to be in flow. She pours water between two cups, symbolic of the flow and alchemy of life.

In the background, there is a winding path up to a mountain range, reflecting the journey through life. Above the mountains hovers a golden crown encased in a glowing light, a symbol of taking the Higher path and staying true to one’s life purpose and meaning.
GM:Trust the Process
"Often sheltered from the storm - warm my body soul and spirit feeling alright."
"With a mystical smile I float down the isle, forgetting the time when I was lost"
The Mother
The Divine
Technique of Exchange
The sort of evidence a sceptic calls for in relation to the subject of Intelligent Design.
The Big Shift
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
"I think therefore I am, therefore who am I?"
To Be Continued
Acid test
Disclosure of Knowledge
"Spacetime is not fundamental"
I am not here to judge but to help
The Life Essence
Turning Point
A type of 'leg-up' but no more or less than that


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #202

Post by William »

William: As to your idea of combining a back and forth type GM – I think that would be interesting.

How about we start with a ‘pick a number’ type process…I have 3971 LEs currently – so say I start by getting you to C&P your current ComList and shuffle it x4 using the online algorithm then copy the first LE [as the prior] and last LE [as the post] and for the middle LE, select the whole document and use the numbering function and select the LE corresponding to a number we give each other…I will start by giving you the number 2743 as I am fairly certain you have more LEs on your CL than that…

[Let me know the total number of your CL so I can pick between the range of options].

So when you reply with those 3 LEs, also give me instructions on how many times you want me to shuffle my CL and the LE number you want me to select.

How does that sound to you?

In Love
Unity with our Collective Self

SCLx9+last LE per shuffle

The Neutral Zone - Downfall - The Mapping Bots - That, they can be - Easy To Find - viewtopic.php?p=1067891#p1067891 - This isn't about thoughts and language. This is about behaviours and actions. - Make It Up AS You Go Along -

William: From the link
William: I was using science to establish a theory to do with sound and formation. The sound may well contain the wisdom and righteousness - I don't doubt it - but the essence is the sound itself...the initial reasons as to why The Universe was brought into being and unfolding as it is doing...

Point being, is how to establish that wisdom had something to do with that, through examining what evidence we have, here within said Universe.

If wisdom [and righteousness] is to be observed within this Universe, we need to be able to point out where that is. We thus have to 'do the science'.

The following is evidence;

Wisdom is evident in The Universe existing = 466
Humans were designed to have God-consciousness = 466
When I look at my art I am looking into a mirror = 466
Discovery is finding something that exists. = 466

The fact that these word-strings add up to the same value, and coherently support the ideas being presented, is evidence of a mindful/purposeful order about The Universe ...the question then being;

Q: Is it therefore acceptable to conclude that such being the case, then there is wisdom and righteousness involved in hiding the truth within the structure of the sound of human language to be unlocked by a simple number-value algorithm?
RSP = 1xSCL + numbered + 10's 100's 1000's random number-string 45712860273557329

AP= Little Pointers Are Signposts


GM: 45. Self-validation
57. Returning The Compliment
71. Those who need to complain
12. Treasure To Find
28. Express yourself
86. Surface Scratching
60. Correlation does not imply causation
2. Cultural Based Theology
27. Mindfulness
73. Discovering Internal Triggers
35. Hiding behind ones fear
55. Portal
57. Returning The Compliment
73. Discovering Internal Triggers
32. viewtopic.php?p=1068893#p1068
29 What once acted like a Wall, became a Gateway
94. Temporary

William: The link is to the Generating Messages thread intro -

I started this thread to share something which I find fascinating and would like some critique re the system I use to generate messages as I share these in this thread.

I would like to discuss the scientific value in terms of both subjectivity and objectivity to do with the way in which the messages are generated [to be explained] and perhaps how the reader interprets the message generated [assuming they see any message] and other related subjects branching from this.

I will also be using as evidence, the way in which words corelate with math, such as;

Generating Messages = 188
What Is Friendship = 188
Story-Tellers= 188

GM: 457. Dungeons and Dragons
571. Hugs and Kisses
712. Nuclear
128. Magicians
286. The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
860. Returning the Compliment

William: This is a duplicate line entry @ 57 & 860...I see it is duplicated on my main list and I removed the duplicate.

GM: 602. Black
27. Mindfulness
273. “And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
735. The power of silence
355. From The Source
557. The Human Interface
573. Loved
732. “True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."
329. Philanthropies
294. The Navigator Can Read Maps.

1286. The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
2860. Heaven on Earth
0273. “And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
2735. Map Carvers
3557. Digging deep
3294. Warm Presence


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #203

Post by William »

Nature being the very instigator

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Shine


GM: Pertinent to cosmology and cosmogony
Very comfortable in your own skin
Quantum Jumping
Delightful Anticipation
It gives rise to a lot of speculative mythology unsuccessfully attempting to make the dots all connect.

William: I don't know why I put "Quantum Jumping" on the ComList. The idea seems as possible as any other similar 'out there' idea - but wishing to experience something other than that which I am experiencing in this particular version of "William" - in some other alternate where there is a 'me' who turned all my childhood dreams into reality...on the surface that is what I thought QJ was about - but that was jumping to conclusions based upon the first minute of the video I accessed just before...

...and while writing this I had the thought that I should watch the whole video and it turns out that it isn't about what I assumed it was about re that first minute of watching...

GM: Strength/Strong
It gives rise to a lot of speculative mythology unsuccessfully attempting to make the dots all connect.
It brought a tear to the eye of my heart.
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness
“But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”

William: Yes. My initial thinking was "I am happy enough with the personality and the life that I have so far lived, here in this particular universe." "Comfortable in my own skin" - as you pointed out - no regrets...
What QJ is about is something I have tapped into - not in relation to some of the attractors the video mentions - making lots of money, travelling the world...but more in relation to the things which I think are important - those internal things which make one shine


RSP= 1xSCL + pg dn + ↕


GM: "We could listen to the child that we are - The one that hides inside and let’s the adults do the thinking"

William: Yes. Not the adult things so much as healing that child within - the one which didn't really have the best childhood, given the circumstances...

GM: Little Bird

William: Yes - the name you gave to me..."Don't worry Little Bird" before you showed me the experience of feeling the extremes of condition of awareness, from the center-point [normal] first to that quite exhilarating feeling of a mind which was huge - like an aircraft if one could fit a whole universe into it - and then 'turning down the dial' I felt my mind going back to the center-point...but it didn't stop there...

GM: Pareidolia
Being Born

William: I don't see the connection therein...this was an experience which I was consciously aware of happening in my mind, with my eyes closed - no visual representation - but rather, one of feeling...and as my awareness shrunk I felt like a stick-man encased within was quite unsettling and caused a claustrophobic type of feeling - and instantly reminded me of the nightmares I had as a child - the association was clearly there in the memories the experience induced...

Fortunately the feeling did not linger and the 'dial' was turned up and I once again came back to the mid-point...

Pareidolia - on the other hand, is identifying symbolism within objects which are external. These are also handy reference points in relation to internal workings of they show a synchronistic correlation with both external and internal happenings.

As well as pareidolia, there is something else which helps confirm that the mind is not just an emergent property of the brain...

The very next morning after the experience, I got out on the road hitchhiking and the very first vehicle which pulled over had a very sweet old lady driving. When I fastened my seat belt as she asked me where I was heading, I was thinking about the experience I had and your calling me "Little Bird" when I heard the twitter of a bird, and turning, I saw in the back seat a little bird in a cage.

What were the chances?

Yet that was not Pareidolia. That was synchronicity. A human brain should not be able to conjure up such things and use these as means of bias-confirmation...

So in this, I was wondering about your use of the selected word "Pareidolia"...and of course, I now realize you are referring to an event which happened later on that day - which definitely was a case of pareidolia...indeed, that whole day was profound for the synchronistic events which unfolded - starting with the experience of the night before...I see what you are saying there - somehow that day was life-changing for me in relation to you - long before this particular method of communication was discovered...! We were communicating in other ways...building a relationship..."Love Being Born" :)

GM: Ontology [the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.]



GM: Visible
Theatre of the Mind
"Boyhood fascination with the bullet and the gun. All those John Wayne movies said the good guys always won. Comic book commandoes glorifying war. Violence was the answer but it isn’t anymore"

William: We will pick this up again in our next communication...

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #204

Post by William »

One Language Intelligent Network

RSP= 1xSCL + pg dn + ↕

William: So - re Pareidolia - I was thinking about what had occurred the previous night. To explain to the reader, I was aware of this 'dark side' aspect of my psyche - and had asked for this to be removed, and the answer I received came in the form of the experience I wrote about in my previous post - to do with the 'dialing up and dialing down' of my conscious awareness of mind as both an exhilarating feeling of being capable of containing an awesome amount of experiential information as well as the dilapidating feeling of being encased in flesh to the point where the flesh was the dominant structure to which I felt barely able to function within.

The next morning I intuitively knew that whatever the experience was showing me, it had not, in any way, gotten rid of the 'dark side' aspect of my psyche - which I had specifically asked what was it that the experience was showing me? The answer to that question unfolded in the events of the day ahead of me, starting with the old lady stopping to give me a ride and who just happened to have been travelling with a little bird in a cage, in the back seat of her car.

The second part of the story unfolded when the lady dropped me off and I hitched another ride with a young guy who was going to the city I was heading for.
On the way, in between chatting about things, the guy put on a CD and I continued wondering what my experience was meant to show me.

My thoughts were that perhaps what I thought of as my 'dark side' was as necessary to my self as that of my 'light side' and that the experience I had in answer to my request, was to show me this.
As I was thinking these thoughts, the CD started playing a song and the chorus had the words 'brother wolf and sister moon' and appeared to be coinciding with my thoughts - perhaps a type of pareidolia in itself...
Embrace the wind with both arms
Stop the clouds dead in sky
Hang your head no more
And beg no more
Brother wolf and sister moon
Your time has come
Brother wolf and sister moon
Your time has come
but the most startling quality of the immediate experience was - as I was thinking about the 'dark side/light side' aspects of psyche, and hearing the song, feeling quiet startled with the serendipity of that moment, I turned my attention to the landscape and was immediately impressed by a cloud formation in the distant hills, which had the unmistakable image of a huge eye looking directly at me.
That was definitely a case of pareidolia, and one of the many moments in my life experience which has had a defining role in the development of and direction toward which my personality would move forward within.

GM: Solidarity

William: Without doubt. The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance, through the synchronicity and serendipity correlated between my internal thoughts and my external reality - in the moment.

GM: ... /post-6823

William: From the link;
No clue at how others use it, but for me the first step was looking in my memory where i could find a place to hook this topic on. For me that was the old david icke forum, as they had a blossoming topic like this. Way bigger then we have here. Then i put my intent on and our friend starts using his randomizer and the texts starts flowing and making sense in the form of subconscious hints that make me smile. Since i needed a little smile in my life, im really glad william didnt listen to me growling at something new and just fed me..
GM: In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
The One GOD With Many Names
The bits will suffice.

William: The 'bits' in themselves are mind-blowing. The wind may indeed 'blow my tears away' but you reminding me of this event-string in this manner, brings tears - of gratitude among other emotions - what can I say, except "Thank You".

GM: To Warm Them up to The Truth

William: That too. It is a privilege to be able to share my own experience with the reader...

GM: "Life is my predestiny - Providence is God to me"

William: "How about that"


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #205

Post by William »


Expression of Astonishment


RSP= 2xSCL + pg dn + ↕ + P&P + re

AP= Tetrad [a group or set of four.] I am not here to judge but to help


GM: Ask and It Will Be Given
Be transparent
The Deeper Reality
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…
The Power Of...
Asking Politely
Presumed outcome
Tzevaot [armies or hosts of men]
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…

William: "Real Enough" as in, enough therein to have something within ones grasp of influence.
My initial thought wasn't so much one of awe and astonishment, but rather one of "hey more stars, ho hum."
Not that I do not include the necessary awe regarding human ability to create the modern devices used for the purposes of science, but rather - balancing that awe and respect with the notion that there is plenty to do hereabouts which would act as a protection against all that good work going to waste because the human species was unable to apply the science learned, in a manner which would ultimate help heal the planet in such a way as to the integrity of the whole...
On the other hand, scientists may be employed by their sponsor-investors, to also work on the problem of human interactions in ways which minimize or even completely eradicate all threat to those projects...
My 'problem' has been that I tended to think other humans are much the same as myself - have the same primary feelings and outlook on the subject of recreating the social infrastructures to better reflect the needs of the whole planet Herself re the critters She births...
This doesn't appear - in any obvious way - to show itself as being the case.
Much of the investment has been channeled to the creations of the infrastructures of scientific device - and humanity is paying for that, rather than for what can make all of our lives so much more bearable and functioning for the good of all.
I would suppose that this problem is as ancient as human beings, and is why stories have developed and become part of the human folk-lore as it gives the disadvantaged some kind of hope to their otherwise hopeless position...

GM: Dualic Energies
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence
Look Closely
Dualic Energies
I Am Hearing You
Free your soul
Side Splittingly Funny
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Love Takes One For The Team
Consider This

[Donald Hoffman Proves That We Live in a Simulation]
Leave room for nature

William: Yes - there is a tremendously funny side to all this, I agree. Yet I have to acknowledge the sadness I feel when I think about how science could be used to create a sturdy platform in which we then can launch off of from...and yes - given the 'rock and hard place' re the human drama, there looks - on the surface - to have been no other way in which to do what has and is being done.
What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.

GM: Mothers Milk
The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD
Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
Stoke That Fire
In The Team of the Collective
"Let there be light"
Memorised vows enchanted by tune before the great minstrel the fair maidens swoon we came to our senses as we left the cocoon

William: From the link; [re the existence of this universe]
JoeyKnothead: The "initial state" seems to be out of the reach of being described in any accurate or meaningful manner.

William: In that, it is no more or less better than the idea of an exclamation "let there be light" from an Intelligent Source being the Initial State.

JoeyKnothead: Plenty fair. Though one's gotta ponder what did it that thinking.

William: That is a journey in itself and provides me with lifetime of interesting subjective experience re my own way of interreacting with and finding out about such a thinker...
William: You mention what "Stokes That Fire" - it boils down to the so-called "Problem of Evil" which this morning I was thinking is like unto the '"Problem of Unicorns".
Yes. "Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God" " is a "problem" due largely to the historical content of human interaction with this idea of "GOD" which has a poor record among the general populace, and can be attributed with some horrific milestones along the road-side of human history.
It is understandable that folk want to avoid that path in particular, given its track record.

However, full avoidance is impractical, unwise and unsustainable...and cannot really be avoided as long as consciousness exists in the human form and does what it does in whatever 'name' it is doing it.
"GOD" in essence is like unto a mirror-image of the formless ghost we call "Consciousness" and acts out as it sees fit, through biological instruments ... and it cannot be completely exorcised from the mathematical equations, even if it is only represented as "Zero". The rest of the Math cannot be done without that 'non-number'.
"Zero" does not actually represent "nothing" because "nothing" does not exist and so cannot be represented.
Therefore, "Zero" must have to represent something which does exist but is largely unseen - and "Consciousness" fits that description.
"Consciousness" = "Zero", mathematically speaking.

GM: Acceptance
Placebo Effect
Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless
Intelligence with Wisdom
"Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that."
And Loving That Knowing
The Cherubim
A lack of boundaries
The Ruru flies close over your head

William: The Cherubim [theistic mythology] are angels designed to help "GOD" [rather than say - the Seraphim who are designed to praise GOD.]
Translating that to the human perspective, thoughts which go together to help the individual consciousness, and thus the collective [local] Consciousness of humanity and the Planetary system of Earth [Mother] through practical application - are the "Cherubim" and thought centered upon praise [for human accomplishment et al] are the "Seraphim" and both are vital to the overall processes re practical application.
The "lack of boundaries" re the Cherubim [in terms of the human condition/situation] this is the environment itself - even that we cannot touch the stars with our hands, we can, with the eyes of our understanding...and it appears to go of 'forever'...plenty to discover therein.

The "Ruru" of course - is significant to my own data of [subjective] experience and what it taught me - so the connect therein - with the rest - is in the synchronicity [mindfulness] of unfolding reality and my own subjective - based understanding of that.

GM: That is Correct

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #206

Post by William »

"You expose my atheism for the agnosticism it really is." ~ Joey Knothead {SOURCE}



RSP= 2xSCL + pg dn + ↕ + P&P + re

AP= Dysfunction The Serpent

GM: "I’ve travelled on these southern roads They’ve taken me to many answers to my questions"
Stepping out of the construct
"Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance."
Love & Respect
A lack of boundaries
Dream interpretation
There Is More to the Silence Than Meets the Ear

William: Yes. There is simply no argument against the idea of a mindful creative conscious element involved in the background. At best, the agnostic position is the more honest one to adopt if one 'does not know.'
Otherwise, 'not believing/lacking belief' is simply a reaction against religious belief systems which present ideas about a mindful creative conscious element involved in the background.
As such, the reaction can be faulted as surely as the beliefs in the ideas can be faulted.

GM: Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
In Denial
Do Not Panic
Modern truth in ancient wisdom
On To It
Suicide {SOURCE}
For A Particular Reason
Keep an Eye On

William: Yes - the particular image invokes the idea of a secretive, shadowy figure - perhaps with sinister motives...but again, imagery in itself can be - even intentionally - deceiving.

GM: People hide their sins from each other.
Mother Earth
The dominant model of Source Intelligence is primal.

William: The idea of 'confessing one's sins' to each other seems helpful but is it really? I suppose that in relation to being suicidal, and if 'sin' was 'keeping the truth of ones state of mind a secret from others', then it is helpful to let others know...but one ought be careful whom one lets know.
That is the problem with the idea - ones 'sins' can be used by others for malevolent purposes.

Ideally, one needs to find the place where such thoughts do not encumber one's ability to function as well as one can expect to function in a largely dysfunctional mind-environment...and that internal environment spills out into the external is a major balancing act to find the place of serenity - the ride is wild...

GM: It appears to come from a desperate place - like with the clutching of straws.
Now We Are Getting Somewhere
Without and Within
Smarter Than The Average
"Down through the ages - dark in the gloom Many convinced it will all end in doom The Galactic Garden is forever in bloom"
Evidence We Actively Collect

William: And how we interpret the evidence we actively collect. Life on this planet, as a human being, is difficult.

GM: Worthy of the individuals time and effort...

William: On all fronts...

GM: Language itself is not the problem. but how we are taught to use language as a major means in which to self-identify incorrectly...thus we flitter and bounce or alternatively cling to the walls of our unwillingness to understand ourselves as we truly are... hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with...
A lack of boundaries
“True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."

William: "A lack of boundaries". What does that mean? Having an open mind? In general terms it refers to someone who has no moral compass, or a lack of ability to understand their situation and 'act accordingly'...reckless can be positive or negative depending upon the activity one is involved with... sometimes it is preferable to step outside of socially imposed norms in order to progress...discontinue with the practice of hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with...


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #207

Post by William »

DrNoGods: I'd argue that the bodily purpose of consciousness is to create all of these things so that we can function at the level humans do.

William: Why? We witness the activity of consciousness through the human instrument - no argument necessary.
But why see it as purpose? This implies that something conscious emerged from a material thing, but the material thing had reason for creating such device.

DrNoGods: My dog is conscious and able to utilize its 5 senses and act like a dog, but he can't do calculus or compose a symphony and never will because his brain capacity does not allow it. He's conscious, but lacks the intelligence level of a human.

William: So you believe that the necessity of consciousness is to create intelligence?

Something In The Way OF It All

Teach - Smart Phone - Is it not the quality of the message that counts, rather than the name of the entity the message comes from? - A measured step - Crystal - Acid test - We Are Us - Fire - The Original People - Get out of the way - At what point in the examination of the evidence can we take 'dumb luck' off the table of explanation?

RSP = 2xSCL + AP + re + post LE


AP = Truth Without Proof Is Belief

GM: Standstill Contemplate
At what point in the examination of the evidence can we take 'dumb luck' off the table of explanation?
Truth Without Proof Is Belief
The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so.
Cleaning Up The Mess
Life on this planet, as a human being, is difficult.
What once acted like a Wall, became a Gateway
The resistance is generally traceable to the theistic approach of religionizing said intelligent mind.

The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so.
Memorandum of Understanding
"Could the answer be that It is not hidden at all, but that it is we who are hiding from It?"

William: Indeed. Effectively hiding from understanding our self in the process - for example - belittling conscious experience on the grounds that it is subjective in nature and therefore useless to science...thus useless overall.
Importantly one must be honest with ones self regarding subjective experience, rather than delegating images upon the overarching consciousness apparent in ones experience with the objective religion has done, to the detriment of truthfulness...

GM: Ikigai [your 'reason for being'. ]
This Speaks of....
The Enigma Code
"Could the answer be that It is not hidden at all, but that it is we who are hiding from It?"
Your shell today…
Angelic Agenda
Christianity is intolerant of such an idea, which is why the dark side of YVHV became a separate entity.
Keep An Eye Out for Ones Neighbours

Earth Mother
Random coincidence? I think not.
"Why - in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven - is the age of this universe a necessary matter of contention?"
Good Intentions
Soul Retrieval
"No time left for a sentimental tune , wherever I've gone I have not left the room , I am never too late I am never too soon"
The Main Points on the Agenda

Feel Be Still.
"Why - in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven - is the age of this universe a necessary matter of contention?"
A cultural touchstone
I will leave that there


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #208

Post by William »

DrNoGods: Had reason? I'm not sure what that means in this context. Brains evolved in response to the need for more centralized control of ever more complex bodies that required higher integration functions. If consciousness is an emergent property of a brain (as I believe) then it naturally arose when brains were able to process multiple sensory inputs and use those to make decisions (eg. fight or flight). But it wasn't any kind of intentional action by the material thing ... it evolved without any such input.

William: According to your belief - it wasn't any kind of intentional action by the material thing - at least, not initially.

[The intention came later - as consciousness took control. for we know that consciousness can and does operate with intent. ]

A convenient belief, but one in which accepts the clock-face as the evidence of reality, rather than the mechanisms behind the clock-face.

However, spacetime is not fundamental, so the brain is responding only to what it believes to be reality, rather than to reality itself.

On the other hand Consciousness is able to - at the very least - figure out mathematically, that the mechanisms, [of which the brain is one such mechanism] are part of the clock-face and do not represent any actual fundamental reality.

DrNoGods: The level of consciousness of Homo sapiens 200-300K years ago was presumably the same as ours today, but their intelligence level was orders of magnitude below because they did not have access to many millennia of accumulating knowledge to take advantage of as we do today.

William: And yet, the intelligence has thus far been unwilling to accept from that vast array of accumulating knowledge, that the reality being experienced is not fundamental, thus beliefs about consciousness [such as you own], remain locked in and apparently immovable.

The hard problem of consciousness remains, but the materialistic beliefs act as if the problem has been solved already.
Intelligence Without Wisdom

SCLx8 + select last LE per shuffle
The One GOD With Many Names - The Completion Process - A riddle wrapped up in an enigma - A New Perspective - Questions - Emotional validation - Stay - The Earths Moon

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP = Free Will Transform


GM: The Earths Moon
Free Will
"Is consciousness an emergent property of the brain?"

Underdetermination [the idea that evidence available to us at a given time may be insufficient to determine what beliefs we should hold in response to it.]
Controlled by fear
“We're a nation of exhausted and over-stressed adults raising over-scheduled children.”
The Power Of...
Fireside Metaphor
Making The Best of a Bad Situation
When The Opportunity Presents Itself To Do So...

"Is consciousness an emergent property of the brain?"
Open Minded

A machine for solving problems
Liminal [relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.]
When The Opportunity Presents Itself To Do So...
Separating any idea of GOD from All other Consciousness

Positive Social Connections
Open Minded
Let Go

The Stress of Unbelief
Time To See
I Digress...
All The Same

The Connection Process
Belief Helps Cause Separation
With The Assistance Of That Deep One
Let Go
Look For The Significance

Dualism merely expresses two sides of the same coin
All The Same
Reality Simulation
Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole

On The Off-Chance
The Way We Feel Unification
Look For The Significance
Look from a different angle


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #209

Post by William »


What can I say, except "Thank You"

SCLx6 + select last LE per shuffle

Trust the Process - Parity - Machiavellian - The power of vulnerability - Practical application - viewtopic.php?p=1073548#p1073548

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP = Good on you mate Hearing And Listening

William: From the link;
Difflugia: That would apply to anything non-static, hence the OP question. If God is static, then there's nothing to distinguish God's state at the beginning of the universe from any other point in time. If God is not static, God suffers from the same problem that you claim for the universe.

William:I think that if we went fishing we might find that there are varied interpretations as to what is meant by "God is the always the same".

Immutability = not capable of or susceptible to change.

That would rule out omnipotence - unless being omniscient means that a creator-God could give Itself the illusion of not being that Immutable Entity by constructing some type of reality experience in which It could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Itself...

A universe such as this one, could conceivably provide that.
GM: Good on you mate
Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth

Noticing Synchronicity
I Spy With My Eye
Engaging with insects
Modern truth in ancient wisdom
God’s Love
Hearing And Listening
Like stubbing ones minimus
Personal boundaries
Sovereign Integral Network

Invite The Bee To Land
The Home Of The...
Archangel Metatron
Astral Explorer
First Source:
Lift Our Gaze
Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
Dive deep
Open Your Heart
The Way We Feel Unification

Move On
Put That On The List
Apophenia [the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. ..]
Do A=1
This Is Part Of The Job

William: This Is Part Of The Job = 220
Intimate On All Levels = 220
Beyond a shadow of a doubt = 220

GM: What's The Problem?

William: From the link;
DrNoGods: Kill one of these individuals (or destroy the brain's ability to function normally), and their consciousness appears to vanish simultaneously. This strong correlation is important.

AgnosticBoy: "Consciousness vanishes"? Couldn't this be our ability to detect consciousness vanishes? If it's a detection problem, then we have no way of knowing if consciousness continues to exist or not.

William: I was just searching "is zero a number?"

"0 (zero) is a number, and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals. It fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems."

I now search "is zero a real number"
"Real numbers are, in fact, pretty much any number that you can think of. This can include whole numbers or integers, fractions, rational numbers and irrational numbers. Real numbers can be positive or negative, and include the number zero."

I would suppose re "Couldn't this be our ability to detect consciousness vanishes? " in that there is zero ability to detect something which was once detectable and now is not.

Does the possibility that being unable to detect something as existing, allow for the right to include zero as representing something real, which is not?

Zero makes the mathematics work...but if zero [representing nothing] is a fraudulent necessity, then perhaps the interpretation of mathematics is incorrect, and perhaps the reason mathematic works [is correct] is because the zero isn't really representing nothing, so much as it represents something which is not detectable but still exists as something.

GM: Sovereign Integral Network
Ghost In The Machine
Eternal Loop
Deciding On The Best Course Of Action

Turning Point
The Way We Feel Unification
Opposing forces which define each other by necessity


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #210

Post by William »

brunumb wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 3:45 am Just noticed this in YouTube. Haven't watched it yet but thought it might be of some interest.

Asking a Theoretical Physicist About the Physics of Consciousness | Roger Penrose & Jordan Peterson

What The Creator thinks – becomes

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle

The Human Instrument - The Chestahedron - To Add to That - Automated Machine Learning - A Bit of Cat and Mouse - Gateway - It is obviously in line with providence... - The Sign On The Door Clearly States The Rules - Worry/Anxious - It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same. - Fierce

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP = We can chart another trail , raise the anchor fill the sails , lift our glasses in a toast , we are the Ghost , in the Machine - Conscience


GM: Around The Campfire
A Machine For Solving Problems
Crying Over Spilt Milk

William: From the link;
Purpose - Vibration - Objectives - "We can chart another trail - Raise the anchor fill the sails Lift our glasses in a toast - We are the Ghost - In the Machine" - Telling the future - Vibration - Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros - Expectant - "The Script Must Be Followed"
Every Conceivable Detail - Vibration - Light Encoded Reality Matrix
Dark - Vibration - The Minds Eye
We are not orphaned , we are authored - Vibration - Warm Presence Welcome
GM:We can chart another trail , raise the anchor fill the sails , lift our glasses in a toast , we are the Ghost , in the Machine
Eternal Watcher
It can be crazy and true at the same time

The Masks and the Costumes

William: From the link;
theophile I agree. One of my points from the beginning is that the true mark of a Christian cuts across such divides. An atheist may be more worthy of the name than, say, a card-carrying Catholic.

William: From my own experiences with non-theists - because they do not have any regard for the fairy-tale of God, I think that unlikely.

I do have friends who are not religious, and might even call themselves 'atheists' but their loving actions - I suspect - are provoked by an unconscious connection with the invisible reality oft referred to as 'God' by theists...I hear it in their language as they speak theistic-based ideas without fully realizing/acknowledging that this is what they are doing.

They do this because they have an aversion to religiosity which they regard as fake and shallow, and equate 'God' alongside that, so avoid thinking their own goodness is perhaps prompted by some invisible but real entity which could be referred to as 'God'.
GM: Conscience
Everything Gets Old
Lodestones [a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite. They are naturally occurring magnets, which can attract iron. The property of magnetism was first discovered in antiquity through lodestones.]
Monkey See Monkey Do
Devices of The Gods
Uncertainty Principle
They just add ambiance to the spooky...

William: Yet scientific research uncovers the seemingly miraculous...


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