Generating Messages

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Generating Messages

Post #1

Post by William »


I started this thread to share something which I find fascinating and would like some critique re the system I use to generate messages as I share these in this thread.

I would like to discuss the scientific value in terms of both subjectivity and objectivity to do with the way in which the messages are generated [to be explained] and perhaps how the reader interprets the message generated [assuming they see any message] and other related subjects branching from this.

I will also be using as evidence, the way in which words corelate with math, such as;

Generating Messages = 188
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Re: Generating Messages

Post #271

Post by William »


First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope {SOURCE}

Image ... 57640919-1
Azzaline: The world is a better place. This marks a new era of knowledge and wisdom for us all. We are blessed, but what we do with this gift is a great responsibility. My soul is jumping out of my body and traveling through the cosmos! These feelings are among the greatest events of life. We have now gone where no one has gone before. Thank you to all who are responsible for this awesome project. You all deserve several Nobel Prizes!!

Cargill: The beauty of all of this is the we will never be able to really wrap our brains around this. Images like these and those to come, will continue to keep us wondering. Not to mention, it makes us want to explore more of it. It also makes me wonder why we have so much hate here on Earth. People refuse to understand just how lucky we are.

Jackson: I am a grown ass man and I am sitting here crying looking at these photos… This is so unbelievable! We are so small

Langley: Looks like God needs to do some dusting & get rid of those Cobwebs!

Rathore: I wish I could stand in the middle (figure of speech) of it all and see all the chaos unfolding and zipping past with my own eyes...nature is so complex and I guess still so simple ...

Lyson: The current images are truly clearer and a bit more detailed but alas Hubble has already shown us these images, indeed there's nothing new to this, sorry to say this. But this all powerful telescope needs to to reach new horizons for new space watch.
Last edited by William on Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #272

Post by William »

Transponder: I'n not even going to debate the context of what you meant. If you don't even believe there to be a Cosmic Mind or a credible case for it, what are we even discussing? There is no valid evidencer or case other than an undisproven far -fetched possibility.

William: For my part, I am discussing the known existence of mind relating to matter, and how that can be extended to the possibility of the whole cosmos being mindful - because - if the parts are seen to operate mindfully there is no reason I can think of as to why the whole cannot also be seen to be mindful.

Transponder: Skepticism is validated logically without any need for discussion.

William: That explains adequately why the interaction between you and I is not "discussion". You make a claim regarding what I said, I ask you to validate the claim, you responded with what you thought was validation, I point out your faulty reasoning re that, and you react as if I am the one at fault.

Prior to that - in some other interaction we had, you brought up and then mocked the idea of "the music of the spheres".
I responded by linking you to evidence supporting this notion, and you couldn't even bring yourself to acknowledge the correction.

Were I do agree with you is that it has become most obvious that there is no discussion to be had between you and I.

One Language Intelligent Network

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle
A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind - Enqueue [add (an item of data awaiting processing) to a queue of such items.] - Adroit [clever and skilful] - Not a Problem! - Everything is a Message - Of Your Thoughts - Arrival - Talk - Trustworthy - Vocal Chords - The simplest explanations for why we are here and what we are doing

AP= Another Mind Open [=171]

[When Done Say “Done”
Changing The Rules
Another Mind Open
Source Reality
The Olympic games
The human interface
Fireside Metaphor
Mainstream Science
Go with the Flow
Respect others
True happiness
Inner Strength]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Another Mind Open Mutual Dutiful Expression A Meeting Place
Deep Space
Great Humour and Enjoyment
Musing On The Mother [Act I]
All The Theories Regarding "The Gods"
We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...

William: Sure. Even the whales will hunt out and destroy the nightmares of the deep...facing our fears is simply a necessary step in the experience of this universe...laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...

GM: [N2N]
Laugh in the face of death
No Doubt about It
[Livingstone Hall
Well Its A Start]
We Are All Becoming One
Stay the course
[The Garden Story
The Great Unwashed]
Psychic powers
Make a list for that]
Arm up - Fight battle

William: [LEIN]
The Dizzying Heights of Intellectually Honest Conversations
Tabula Rasa
Laugh in the face of death

GM: [N2N]
Laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...
It is consciousness behaving as consciousness behaves.
The idea of nothing is non-relevant to the fact of something. is part of the recipe of a full authentic human experience...
Information doesn't only describe nature - it is nature

William: [LEIN]
[To The Point
Merging with the data
Joining The Main Egregore]
Laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...
Understand few reach self awareness]
Meat For The Table]

GM: [Everything is an expression of GOD
The Establishment]
"The ride is wild"
~You are a dream gone real You’ve got exactly what it takes to make an old wound heal You tied the knot - then you let it slip Now we both know what it feels like to find a place to fit~
The Natural-Neutral Default Position
Phosphenes [a sensation of a ring or spot of light produced by pressure on the eyeball or direct stimulation of the visual system other than by light.]
[The Truth
Well defined yet scantily supported opinion]

It brought a tear to the eye of my heart.

William: From the link;
[Verse 1]
When you’re sad and when you’re lonely
And you haven’t got a friend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all that you’ve held sacred
Falls down and does not mend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

[Verse 2]
When you’re standing at the crossroads
That you cannot comprehend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all your dreams have vanished
And you don’t know what’s up the bend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

[Verse 3]
When the storm clouds gather ’round you
And heavy rains descend
Just remember that death is not the end
And there’s no one there to comfort you
With a helping hand to lend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

Oh, the tree of life is growing
Where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation shines
In dark and empty skies

[Verse 4]
When the cities are on fire
With the burning flesh of men
Just remember that death is not the end
And you search in vain to find
Just one law-abiding citizen
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end
William: [Listens to the whole song while reading lyrics]
I cannot say enough about the blessing Bob brings into this world....
The Mother is his Muse... :)

GM: The Singularity
Q: How does one hide a Cosmic Mind? A: Within apparent imperfection...
[Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth
Like Unto Ghidrah - many heads one beast...
Who Am I]
Contentious [causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.]
You Are

William: From the link;
One could even be sad about such shenanigans until one realizes the futility of feeling sorry for those who hide from truth by declaring something to be true which has never been proven true.

Their destinies await them, be these rewards in heaven, or inheriting the game play on Earth.

Forever marooned upon an Island in the midst of an ocean they will never be permitted to have access to....while remaining blissfully unaware of the true nature of their internment and praising YHWH for their good fortune.
William: Yep. That sure is contentious....

GM: Cataphatic [(of knowledge of God) obtained through defining God with positive statements.]
"Learning To Fly"
"Lack of empathy"
"What Does It Mean?"
"What Is The Point?"

William: Learning to Fly
Spirit work
Navigational Aids
The solution
Sacred Geometry
Stuff like that...
Phantasmagorical [an exhibition of optical effects and illusions. ]
Propitious [ giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.] Clear Your Mind
Try To Relax
Deep Impact Event

'Lack of empathy'
Astral Guides
Etched mirror
Healing The Beast
Contact With
Small Steps
Divine Sound
A rock and a hard place
Balance of power
In the moment
Heaven on Earth

What Does It Mean?
In the Era of Light
Sort It Out
Equal System
Christmas Time
What Fun We Have!
Get The Picture
Lifting Our Game
Walking the walk

What Is The Point?
Heroes and Villains
Break the glass ceiling
All is as is should be
A fish out of water
The Divine Darkness
Coming From QueenBee
The science of can and can't

GM: Transforming The Anger Energy
Test the waters
Gematria [a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on the values of their constituent letters.]

William: From the link;
William: It is no doubt helpful for biological critters to have any chance of surviving within the PU to invent morals which assist with that process.
However, in order to accept the premise you offer, one would have to say that morals were not invented but discovered. One would have to assign human characteristics to the PU. Do you think that the PU is therefore self aware and has a sense of morality?

You seem to be saying that is the case, where you wrote;

PK: Remember, I'm coming into this as someone who does not see this morality and it would make me happier than a mafly in May to say they're making it up and it doesn't exist. But I've gotten hold of enough colour palettes and had enough similar answers from people who are not comparing notes (different cultures, even) that I'm forced to say it does exist. I would love it if they each said a different colour and I could laugh them off. But they don't. There is something there, something real, that they are seeing and I do not see.

William: "Where" is this seemingly unconnected cultural exhibition sourced, if not from the mind of the PU itself?
GM: Most folk need moderating.

William: We all seem to need moderating for as long as it takes for us to learn how to moderate our Self...according to the rules on the door...[please read before entering] ;)

GM: Learned
"Any God-Mind claiming to be responsible for human beings existing, is going to have problems to deal with re that"
What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.
[Free! Free! Free!
RPDK [Random pg dn key]
Finding the light]
Who Knows!
Go with the Flow
Balance of power
Narrative warfare
"Even in the very quintessence of the individual."

William: Remarkably so, yes.
Transponders approach is less inviting re 'discussion'. The GM process is far more the type of communication I am keen to follow through with. There is always the way in which such discussion can be had - even that the discussion becomes internal...strictly of the supposed "skepticism" to keep it at bay...

GM: Be Aware
"Out of The Shadow Lands"
Wild freedom
Technique of Exchange
Go within
Stop. Listen. Observe.]
[Glad One Asked
Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe]
Duality/Dualities Children
Those Who Can
Idiosyncratic [peculiar or individual.]
Fair Dinkum
"A dish fit for the gods"
Suckling on The Mother]
"Stuff Happens"
[Lifting Our Game
Precise definitions of strategies
The Moment
Training the mind]
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
Divine grace
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence
Anchors aweigh!

William: Rather than 'keep it at bay'... :) Aye Captain!

GM: [The Four Human Power Houses]
"Use Mind
New Shifts In Thinking
Crystal clear
The path to enlightenment"
The Spirit of the Land
Super-information medium

William: From the link;
Diogenes Evolution has never seemed crazy to me. Long before I studied it, as a five year old at the zoo I noticed the strong resemblance of apes to people (which should not have been surprising since people are apes).

William: I think that the eye sees what it wants to see, rather than what is actually there under the flesh and bone of it all - simply because - until the eye sees - it goes along with what available information there is, but even when the information is made available, the self-identity prior to the information being revealed has a difficult time of it in changing ones understand of ones self.

So - on the surface the similarities between apes and humans is undeniable, but what is also undeniable are the vast differences which make the similarities fundamentally different and therefore quiet the absurd thing to be equating ones self with.
GM: Emotional awareness

William: From the link;
GM: Dualic Energies
[For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence]
"Look Closely
Dualic Energies
I Am Hearing You
Free your soul"
[Side Splittingly Funny
Beyond a shadow of a doubt]
Love Takes One For The Team
Consider This
Conspicuous [clearly visible. attracting notice or attention.]

[Donald Hoffman Proves That We Live in a Simulation]
"Leave room for nature"

William: Yes - there is a tremendously funny side to all this, I agree. Yet I have to acknowledge the sadness I feel when I think about how science could be used to create a sturdy platform in which we then can launch off of from...and yes - given the 'rock and hard place' re the human drama, there looks - on the surface - to have been no other way in which to do what has and is being done.
What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.

GM: [Mothers Milk
"The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD"
Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
Stoke That Fire
[In The Team of the Collective]
GM: Unconscious Mind Inertia
Pertinent [relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.]


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #273

Post by William »


SCLx15 + select last LE per shuffle

AP= [=]


RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]

































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Re: Generating Messages

Post #274

Post by William »

Because, combining the two [religion and aliens] one can read in such pre-television stories, similar testimony.
[Replying to Difflugia in post #31]
How similar is "similar?"
Very. The imagery may be different, but the subject matter is - overall - similar.
You've asserted that the experience "cannot" be the brain reworking something that's already been seen, but haven't justified why anyone should think that's true.
I haven't asserted that at all. The brain obviously has something to do with the process, but to what degree isn't really know because it isn't really well understood. Certainly not as well understood as some individuals assert, from their various positions of belief on such matters.
You've asserted "similar testimony," but unless "similar" includes things like alien greys and flying saucers, you're just making the case that human brains worked the same way then as they do now, not that the supernatural is real.
Who asserted 'supernatural'? I myself avoid using the word.
Instead of "aliens", one has gods/angels/demons/religious mythological icons...
Yes. When the brain gets weird, people frame their experiences within a familiar fantastic idiom.
What we know about the brain is that it - in all cases - does not see the world as it fundamentally is, and inserts interpretations of what it is experiencing [through its nervous system] into the consciousness connected to that.

The consciousness connected to that, has started become aware of this process and the connotations therein. The brain is just telling it like it believes it is experiencing it [reality] and consciousness just eats it up as if it were the truth...things are changing...
GM: [The Truth
Well defined yet scantily supported opinion]
We [rightfully] question what the brain tells us about the experiential reality.
The Santa Clause analogy isn't useful in this regard as we are only speaking about gifts left behind - which can be explained - we are not talking about folk experiencing and engaging with Santa. We are not even talking about a warm fuzzy joyous thing...
It's absolutely apt.
I am not convinced.
Dr. Clancy explains through the course of the book commonalities between subjects and presents known psychological phenomena as explanations. So far, you've simply denied them. Personal incredulity is the same evidence that I presented for Santa Claus.
I have not denied anything. I have pointed out that the analogy of Santa Claus is not what appears is being implied by Dr. Clancy. Are you saying that in her book she makes this analogy herself?

Even if she does, the analogy is based upon the idea that the brain creates the mind, which is something that has not been established as anything other than well defined, yet scantily supported opinion.
From my own experiences and subsequent study, I lean toward Jung relating such experienced imagery to what he referred to as the Archetypes...
Depending on how you read Jung, I might agree with you. If the Jungian Archetypes of the collective unconscious are expressions of how our brains have evolved as humans, then I'd agree, but that's just saying that our human brains share ways of reacting to similar kinds of stimuli. If you believe as Jung himself did that there's a sort of active connection between all members of humanity, then you haven't really offered any reasons for thinking that such a connection actually exists.
I do however acknowledge that brains are not reading reality as reality fundamentally is. That is a known fact.

∴ one cannot conclude that what the brain is telling us or how we are choosing to interpret that telling, is anything other than than well defined, yet scantily supported opinion.

Jung may have it correct while graphing with how to present a largely invisible reality to a largely visible one.

How are we to tell if we are 'minds within a mind'?

I would say, we best not leave it entirely up to the brain to inform us - since the brain is as Lost In The Thought Of It All anyway...


A Matter of Knowing Where to Look

SCLx15 + select last LE per shuffle
Preternatural [beyond what is normal or natural.] - Simplicity - There is a lot to unpack here - “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” - We go through together - - Emotions - Cultural Based Theology - The situation we find ourselves lost within - Think About It - Healing the child within - No More - Thel [ Thel wishes to enter the world of experience and leave behind her innocent paradise. However, once Thel enters the world of experience, she cowers in terror at the thought of mortality and the uselessness of human beings if every action leads toward the grave. This can also be interpreted as Thel’s fear of losing innocence and virginity upon entering the world of adult sexuality. In other words, Thel’s fear of growing up is what keeps her from actually living. When she flees from the experienced world because it appears as her tombstone, she unwittingly flees life itself] viewtopic.php?p=1081043#p1081043 - Hearing External Voices In Your Head

AP= Well That Settles It! What Fun We Have! [=387]

[May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You
Very comfortable in your own skin]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Odd Addiction Vortex
Is it not the quality of the message that counts, rather than the name of the entity the message comes from?

William: I think so, yes.
Odd Addiction Vortex
The Kindness of Sleep
Subatomic Particles
Looking behind the veil
Mathematical problems
Take care of yourself
The fire from within
The Nature of The Mind

GM: There is no such thing as random really.

William: Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.

GM: Now Getting Somewhere
Callum's Eighth Point

Callum's Eighth Point appears to indicate that he is saying that if The Tanager does not want Callum to access my thoughts through Callum reading The Book of Musing On The Mother II, then "That's Okay".

I wouldn't argue with that reasoning as it is within the rules of The Role-Play.
I have provided Callum with enough devices for him to help himself and learn through. I cannot decide for him whether he uses those or is happy not to, if The Tanager does not want him to.
GM: Brother Wolf Sister Moon

William: 289, as with;
The Suppression Matrix
This is how The Mind works...
Within that which is unseen...

GM: Though the Serpent rules the Shadow
Liminal [relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.]

William: Like "Natural-Neutral" re theism and atheism...not "Agnostic" because that is a known subset of atheism...

GM: The Spirit of The Earth
Essentially, we are Gaia in Human Form...

William: Such is the nature of consciousness...

GM: Chamber Of Self
"And the wind will blow my tears away"
[Welcoming answer
The Internal Voice]
"It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement"
Redefinition of the Human Being
Act like an airplane and adjust approach
Oneirology [the scientific study of dreams]
[Ignore the Noise From The Peanut Gallery]
Dharma [the eternal and inherent nature of reality]
Fugacious [tending to disappear; fleeting.]
"This Should Be Interesting"
[Understanding and connecting with the source of our language is vital to that vision
The Shaping Of Reality
I place no judgement on the results.]
The Bridge of Condemnation
Tracks in the Snow

William: Then there were none...

GM: Responsibility
A Drop of Consciousness in an Ocean of Tears
“The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance.”
Not a Problem!

[Wakefield Accelerators: The Future of Particle Colliders?]
The key
The Mother
Simulating large scale structure
Coddiwomple [to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination]
What Shall We Call It?
"Spring Loaded"
Deeper Questions Regarding Individual Existence
The Riders
Journey to wholeness
Not Emotion - State Of Being


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #275

Post by William »

William: So it isn't anything I said then?

Going back to original meanings is "the ship that has sailed" I referred to.

This is because that is just the way of the evolution of human language and fighting for something so late in the Game, isn't constructive use of personal energy.

Lets go back a few steps.

I was thanked for a post in another thread.

I pointed to this thread as part of my attempt to explain that I no longer saw the diagram as accurate.

I see now that my explanation could have been better, but even so, my argument is still valid re Agnosticism.

So the things I wrote about agnosticism to begin with, I realized at some point I wasn't actually writing about Agnosticism but about something else.

I sought to identify the "something else" and haven't discovered the name for I referred to the position as "Natural-Neutral".

William: The Natural-Neutral Default Position

GM: Sober journey into self-realization

William: Better than trying on the Agnostic label which has been through the mill

GM: A terrible milestone

William: Ground into powder....

Now that we have reached this point together - The GM from yesterday affirms;


A Matter of Knowing Where to Look

GM: Brother Wolf Sister Moon

William: 289, as with;

The Suppression Matrix
This is how The Mind works...
Within that which is unseen...

GM: Though the Serpent rules the Shadow

Liminal [relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.]

William: Like "Natural-Neutral" re theism and atheism...not "Agnostic" because that is a known subset of atheism..

GM: The Spirit of The Earth

Essentially, we are Gaia in Human Form...

William: Such is the nature of consciousness...

GM: Chamber Of Self

William: I am toying with the idea of calling it "Liminalism"

[Search "Liminality"]

"a term used to describe the psychological process of transitioning across boundaries and borders. The term “limen” comes from the Latin for threshold; it is literally the threshold separating one space from another. It is the place in the wall where people move from one room to another."

Agnosticism is a form of Liminalism, applicable only to The Question "Do we exist within a creation?" re the theistic and atheistic answers and subsequent arguments re said question.

Liminalism is not limited to pondering questions specific to theistic/atheistic interpretation of the mind in relation to matter. That is a huge advantage.
A Teacher cannot LEARN for a Student.

SCLx6 + select last LE per shuffle
Beyond a shadow of a doubt - Getting unstuck - Joy - viewtopic.php?p=1084379#p1084379 - The School of Hard Knocks With Benefits. - The Matrix

AP= Be kind to yourself [=201]

[Walk The Talk In Love
Sweet Vibrations
To Be Sovereignty
Be kind to yourself
Stay in the moment
Positive self-talk]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Be kind to yourself
Inner self
[Bounce off
Sharing Data]
Elude [escape from or avoid]
A mysterious question

William: Hmmm...

GM: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
[Show Me Your Soul
To Be Sure That is the truth.]
Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
Ectogenesis [(chiefly in science fiction) the development of embryos in artificial conditions outside the uterus.]
Deep Impact Event
Intrinsic motivation
"It is a mystery which must be solved that the Human becomes true."

William: True to what?

GM: The Wisdom of Foresight
An Ancient Truthful Wisdom
Freedom in The Knowing
"Hear oh Israel"

William: To what end?

GM: Determination
Counterfactual [contrasted with indicatives, which are generally restricted to discussing open possibilities.]
"The reason why gods are invented has everything to do with discovering that nature is not a mindless chaotic process."

William: So therein the individual discovers nature is not a mindless chaotic process...thus the idea of that mind being "GOD" is an open possibility which can be discussed without introducing fallacies.

GM: Debate
Love is the answer
Great Apes!
Clown Boat
The Mind is a planetary phenomenon
Universal Belief System
William: From the link;
William: The idea is for an Eternal Entity [EE] to enter the Human Avatar [HA] and become completely unaware of any prior existence. The HA provides the means in which this amnesia is made possible.

From that point on, a character forms and personality develops - none of which are reflective of the EE [game player]. The Character and Personality formed through the interaction, are purely fictional in relation to the EE, but have the potential to be 'made real', which is accomplished through Phases of experience, which include experiences of heavens and hells.

Heavens and Hells are part of the Game-Play experience.
GM: Telling the future
Leave a Trail



GM: Know This
Each Morning
Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
Creative Conscious Intelligence
The Limitations
Constructor Theory
Information Overload
Strength of Mind
Galaxies are like Islands...
From the perspective of an evolving God-Mind, what was once acceptable behavior becomes unacceptable, signifying change.

William: From the link;
Tanager: It seems to me like you should be saying Energy is the mindful aspect of GOD which forms the material aspect of GOD into shapes.

William: At this point I am bouncing around with ideas already established by religious theists in order to get bearings on the differences in beliefs as to how well they hold up to the things we do know about the universe.
GM: It is a hard place for flesh to dwell.
Ensures You Get To Know It

William: I guess so. It doesn't appear to be designed with happiness in mind so much as with function in mind...

GM: Self-talk
Ancient Grey Entity
Callum at the Campfire
Memories Unbound
Modern man in search of a soul

William: From the link;
Barbarian: Other than maybe Asoka, who do you know of who had unlimited power or anything close to unlimited power, who responsibly handled it?

William: Is there such a thing within reach of any human being? I don't think so.

It is said of some Gods, [YHVH in particular] do have unlimited power. Is that to say YHVH is absolutely corrupt?
I have seen it argued that he is/they are.

But is that really the truth?

Today's Generated Message appears to be saying that it is judgment which is the problem...that if we observe the unfolding universe as something which is meant to be the way that it is, it is best accepted as such.

GM: Observing Without Judgement
It is just one of those things.
We are not orphaned - we are authored
GM: The Healing Power
"I place no judgement on the results."
Kinship ... tcount=198

{Bob Dylan - Death Is Not the End]

William: Yes - death seems to be a liminal point where it might be the case that there is more to come. [But wait! There's more!]

GM: Put My Finger On...
"A simulation experienced within the brain is called a dream"
OWOBIK [One whom ought inwardly be known]
[Confluent [flowing together or merging.]
Called To Order]
Egalitarian [favors equality]

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #276

Post by William »

AB: So far, I see a problem in your view. You can not form a lack of belief just as you can not form nothing (Lack = nothing or absence).
Perhaps the problem is just with the word "form". I see nothing wrong with saying someone actively (or chooses to) withholds judgement after being confronted with information. That would be synonymous with lacking a belief in terms of whether something exists or not.

Getting back to how this relates to agnosticism, I also think the "lack of belief" point presents a problem to the agnostics that do not identify with the atheist and theist label. I have my own solutions, like when someone doesn't know what they believe perhaps they haven't made up their mind because they have conflicting beliefs. William brings up "maybe" God exists and maybe not, and that can be used by an independent agnostic, as well.

William: As I pointed out earlier, belief [or lack thereof] of 'Gods' existing, is secondary.

The Question isn't "Do you believe Gods exist?" but "Do we exist within a creation?"

The whole 'God' question and subsequent argument between religious theists and non-theists is manufactured on fallacy.

AB: However, the only person that has the luxury of being identified as a "natural-neutral" is a baby or someone who has not encountered the God concept. This is because they are ignorant of the concept and are not suspending judgement. To suspend requires choice, especially when it comes to maintaining it. So the difference between a weak atheist and a baby is the latter doesn't choose to lack belief.

William: So here is someone who identifies as an 'agnostic' telling someone else what another's position means. Obviously it is not only atheists who think they have the right to do that.

The term "Natural-Neutral" was used by me as a temporary identifier as I became more aware that the identifier 'agnostic' wasn't appropriate.

I make that obvious.

"Agnosticism is a form of Liminalism, applicable only to The Question "Do we exist within a creation?" re the theistic and atheistic answers and subsequent arguments re said question.

Liminalism is not limited to pondering questions specific to theistic/atheistic interpretation of the mind in relation to matter. That is a huge advantage."


The question is asked on account of the experiential reality we exist within.

Since folk are agreeing to that, there is no argument.

"Yes ... We exist within a reality we call "The Physical Universe."

The question "Do we exist within a creation?" comes from that shared position.

Theism then claims that we exist within a creation - the inference being "Therefore a creator."

The atheist responds from a position of lacking belief in creators.

The Liminalist responds to both theist and atheist points of view that we could exist within a creation and proceeds with finding out how this might be established as factual.

The Liminalist explains to both atheists and theists that the first question to ask and answer is not about having or lacking beliefs in creators, because it has yet to be established that we do or do not exist within a creation.

Perplexed: Why should the God question require the creation and a creator?

William: That is how a "God" is Generically spoken of.

Also to note, it is we within the Physical Universe who appear to require an answer and the question of "God" is secondary to the question of creation.
Thus, making it the first question requiring an answer, is fallacy.
...and the way forward, eyes wide open

SCLx7 + select last LE per shuffle
Psychology - They is what they is. - Accompanied - The Solution - Unhappy - Union - From the link

AP= Elephant [=81]

[Far Out!
Acid test]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Available to all who seek this...Emergence Theory
"How can it be any other way?"
Out of Body Experience
The Body Of G_D
From the link

William: Yes. Given also that the mind can be altered that the experience had, can be altered, leads to the possibility that the human form was created so that a particular experience could be had by consciousness using the form.
Use of chemicals show that the brain can be altered in such a way that folk can have alternate experiences, but therein the experiences are quite similar, which we would not expect if brains are truly independent of each other and are solely responsible for the emergence of the individual consciousness said to be produced by the individual brain.

Perhaps this is the 'Elephant in the room"?

GM: Put yourself in your own shoes
Oneness of Wholeness
A Sturdy Place
Chamber Of Self ... 80#p499880

William: From the link;
William: Aye. There is more than comparing notes. There is also comparing experiences. You used the notes to form images in your head. "Oh sweet Jesus!" [said every beloved/besotted follower]

Immanuel: It's your call. My job begins and ends with telling you where to look. It stops well short of forcing you to do the right thing. That's up to you. It's you that will answer for your choice, not me.
William: This is a clear example of a theist focusing on claims re the second question, before the first question has been answered ...

GM: Nailed it!
Love Life
Reason Together
[When One is Feeling Tired]

William: Tired of the fallacy...

GM: Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
One is not wrong
The ability of foresight helps one to think through the desires of ones heart through logic-based filters.
Pareidolia [ the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern.]
This Speaks of....

William: A similar fallacy. Random hasn't been shown to is just assumed to be the case in regard to emergent theory.

GM: Things Are Not Always As They Appear
Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
Nothing More - Nothing Less]
["We’ve been an island of our own - we’ve been a cosmic rolling stone Now’s the time to spread our wings - and fly!"
Wishful Thinking]
You Are Nobodies Victim - Ever.]

Effulgent [shining brightly; radiant. (of a person or their expression) emanating joy or goodness.]
Thinking Allowed

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #277

Post by William »

Re "Pareidolia"


"The Cosmic Bat"

Located in Ophiuchus and rarely imaged, LDN 43 is a dark nebula consisting of very dense material blocking light from the background stars. Two cometary nebulae (GN 16.31.3 and GN 16.31.7) are found inside the dark nebula area, which certainly looks like a flying bat. The nebula spans 12 light-years at its estimated distance, about 1,400 light-years from planet Earth.

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #278

Post by William »

[Replying to The Tanager in post #704]

My position is the same, although I have changed from referring to it as "Natural-Neutral" because The Generated Message process has provided me with a better descriptive re the position;
GM: There is no such thing as random really.

William: Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.

GM: Now Getting Somewhere
Callum's Eighth Point

William: Callum's Eighth Point appears to indicate that he is saying that if The Tanager does not want Callum to access my thoughts through Callum reading The Book of Musing On The Mother II, then "That's Okay".

I wouldn't argue with that reasoning as it is within the rules of The Role-Play.
I have provided Callum with enough devices for him to help himself and learn through. I cannot decide for him whether he uses those or is happy not to, if The Tanager does not want him to.

GM: Brother Wolf Sister Moon

William: = 289, as with;
"The Suppression Matrix"
"This is how The Mind works..."
"Within that which is unseen..."

GM: Though the Serpent rules the Shadow
Liminal [relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.]

William: Like "Natural-Neutral" re theism and atheism...not "Agnostic" because that is a known subset of atheism...

GM: The Spirit of The Earth
Essentially, we are Gaia in Human Form...
The Liminal position.

Re the question "Do we exist within a creation?" the question "Do Gods exist?" is secondary and needn't be tackled until the first question is answered.
Therefore, Theism, and subsequently Atheism and Agnosticism are positions created, based on the horse before cart fallacy...which is to say, the arguments created re the secondary question being asked ahead of the primary question not yet answered, are fallacious.

The statements;
"God Must Exist" and "Infinite Regression is Impossible" are false on two counts.

1: It has not been established that we exist within a creation, therefore the premise "God must exist" is faulty.

2: Infinite Regression AND Infinite Progression have been shown to be possible re the Mandelbrot Set.

Following through with the idea that we exist within a creation, the thought-experiments regarding the notion that we do, involve having to know something of the nature of the creation, which brings in Energy and Matter, which are known to exist.

Therein, anything we can possible know about a Creator, has to be established through the study of the creation. Therein, there is no thing within the creation which shows us that something can be created from nothing.
Anything new which can be created, is logically done so using the material available in order to do so.

Anyone arguing that "GOD" is so powerful that GOD can literally create something new out of something which doesn't exist, is basing their argument upon a faulty premise, because the creation itself doesn't support the premise that GOD is anything of the sort.

This means that Theism - in placing the horse before the cart - is based upon a premise which hasn't been established.

1: We exist within a creation, [not established] therefore
2: "GOD" exists, therefore
3: GOD is all powerful and can create something new using no material whatsoever.

1: We may exist within a creation. [Not established] therefore
2: GOD may exist, therefore;
3: GOD being all powerful and able to create something new using no material whatsoever is non- logic based assumption and not aligned with our current knowledge of the Universe we are questioning as being a possible creation.


Now that nut is cracked, what next?

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle
Hey! look at that! It's uncanny... - Please - Astonishment - Dilatory [slow to act. intended to cause delay.] - Language - Christianity - a political device created for a specific purpose - The journey is fun and maybe that is the point. - Illusion Algorithm - Down Your Way - Story-Makers

AP= viewtopic.php?p=1071814#p1071814
[Re: Are agnostics more reasonable than atheists?][=418]

[Listening to and believing in fearful imagery
Make Truthfulness the objective standard
Life on this planet, as a human being, is difficult.
The conversation is very informative.]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Shape
Practical application
Surface Scratching
“But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”
The Development of...

William: Character...Personality...

GM: Stroke of Luck
"Humans are humans and there is a history of violent furious reaction to the situation we are in. Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment."
I Will

William: Yes. Individually we know the least even that we know much about our own subjective experience...this character/personality building would have to be the main purpose for why we exist within this universe - this Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation...
Aligned with that is the local mind of the cosmos - becoming aware of and learning how to connect more vibrantly with said mind allows for one to shape the personality in relationship with that mind...

GM: "Science of Truth
[Not by flinging woo at it.]
"We don't have to say we are 'this' or 'that' in order to put practice to Love"
The outward expression of an inward reality."
"Etched mirror
Invite The Bee to Land"

William: Yes...that was - in hindsight - clearly a practical move in bringing an inward reality out and see how this integrates with the outward reality...

GM: Illuminating
Central to The Message
Pertinent to cosmology [the science of the origin and development of the universe. Modern cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which brings together observational astronomy and particle physics.] and cosmogony [the branch of science that deals with the origin of the universe, especially the solar system.]
In The Team of the Collective
It is obviously in line with providence...
Ultimate Expression ... post-14193

William: From the link;
8Lou1: Yesterday i had a sort of bubble in my head, at least thats how it felt. Then a voice asked are you conscious, i said yes. Then the voice said then that bubble is consciousness.
Aint that cool, i captured consciousness in my body. In all actuality i wanted to capture nothingness, but my husband wouldnt let me, prob for the best. 😉

It made me wonder if this is how athena got born by zeus.
GM: Remember/Memories
There is a way to link all these seeming contradictions - so that coherent explanation brings these together...

William: I think the memories are specific to prior existence - not along the lines of reincarnation beliefs but along the lines of being around before the creation of this [physical] universe and indeed, perhaps even having a part to play in its formation...

GM: Indeed
Old Outposts Of Form
Love Heart
“The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance.”

William: When a Quantum Particle is excited, does that particle become conscious of both itself, and the Quantum Field?
"Quantum Field" = 143 as do;
World Wide Web
The God of the bible
Mothers Milk
The Purpose
Consider This
The Path of Faith
Awake and Waiting
Homeostasis [the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.]
A safe pair of hands
A Grateful Heart
Peaceful Messiah
Quantum Field

GM: "Science of Consciousness
As An Elemental Principle"
"Transforming the Anger Energy"

William: Indeed. I was angry once - and felt I had all good reason to be so.
The problem with anger is that it specifically conceals doorways into other ways of thinking...and the energy is distorted through the angry emotion and used inappropriately against the external world it is projected into - and with that - the character/personality become distorted and incomplete...not something one should want to carry on into the next phase of the game...well not I anyway...I can't really speak for others...

GM: [Frequencies
Communication Techniques]
[The Inception Point
Peace of Mind]

William: From the link;
William: If the models are corrupt, then there is simply no way in which to hope they will ensure human beings act without corruption, because the models are taught to human beings from the moment they are able to learn - effectively meaning that human beings are taught to be corrupt - are corrupted - by the very models which govern human societies - models which were created by ancient humans and the corruption has been passed down through the ages - and modified with the latest knowledge, and that addition corrupts the knowledge.
GM: Intimate connection

[Donald Hoffman Proves That We Live in a Simulation]
"Indeed. It happens. Deal with it. Work it."
[An Elder Race]
"The Tribe Has Spoken"

William: So we have the ability to change the Simulation rules - because they are not really carved into stone [as the saying goes] but are flexible in relation to what we want as human beings?

GM: [The Imagination
"One Free Miracle"
[Lost In The Thought Of It All
"People seem to love to put order to chaos because that is only natural, as nature is not chaos."
[The Vector Symbol]
"Life is a hard teacher. First she gives us the test, and then the lesson."
If memory serves me well...
"Because the imagery is based in the genuine, in that The Ghost is acknowledged - dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen."
[Universal Belief System
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed]
The Fare On The Table
[In relation to eternity, 'when' is always a potential.]
Neuroplasticity [the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury.]
"You can teach me when I’m Needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding Touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine"
...Get The Picture...
[10.000 individual minds focused upon the same goal = Space Telescope]
"The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?"
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Active Imagination
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
Hiraeth [deep longing for something, especially one's home.]
Changes mind when truth is presented]
Think With The Heart Feel With The Mind]
Adds Up To
The Free Will Key
Minor Arcana]
The Eight of Wands says the struggles of the Seven of Wands have now all but cleared and you have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans once again. This Eight is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. You can expect to be very busy, but this is one of those ‘good busy’ periods during which you are enthusiastic about the progress you are making.

The Eight of Wands encourages you to go with the flow; don’t resist it. Everything is moving fast right now, so make the most of this forward momentum to manifest your goals and dreams. Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you and propel you closer to your goal. Trying to slow things down because you’re not ready or you’re fearful about the unknown will just waste this opportunity. Use the energy instead to fuel positive change and produce significant results.

The Eight of Wands also invites you to be laser-focused with your intentions and actions. Determine what you want to manifest and then align all of your resources and energy to focus on that singular goal. Remove all distractions and devote yourself to the task with total concentration, determination and will. This experience can be highly productive, allowing you to accomplish a lot in a short time.

With the Eight of Wands, you can look forward to the rapid completion of a project currently underway, but you can also expect to be occupied by something new and even more exciting soon. There is no stopping you right now as you are just bursting with energy and ideas, and you cannot wait to achieve one task and start another. To maximise this energy, make sure your activities align with your broader goals and invest in the right things at the right time. Also, make sure your previous task is complete before you move to the next one.

This card is a sign to ‘strike while the iron is hot.’ It is most definitely an action-oriented card that encourages you to move quickly to pursue the best opportunities available. There is no waiting around while the Eight of Wands is present, so determine where your energy should go and get on with it!
"This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness."
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Conspicuous [clearly visible. attracting notice or attention.]


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #279

Post by William »

We_Are_VENOM: You have two options..
1. God did it.
2. Nature did it.

JK: There's a possible third option, where a god forms primitive forms of stuff that later evolves into more complex forms.

William: Even supposing a mind begat the initial forms and then left it to an algorithm to allow for the forms to intelligently design themselves into more complex forms, that still amounts to "God did it" through the 'nature doing it'...

Maybe therein the 'other sides' of this conflict could find intelligent compromise...only it appears that the algorithm allows for lack of compromise, and perhaps the lack itself is necessary for complexity to push through that better understanding of circumstance [through science] can be accomplished.

Flip side to that is the science being utilized apparently isn't too concerned with the damage it is bringing to the only alive planet in the whole darned universe...we are likely ever to know about.
The worship of human intelligence has it's apparent and significant down-side.

All publicity is good publicity

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle
Exploring the world of lucid dreaming - Is There Really Such a Thing as Random? - viewtopic.php?p=1081342#p1081342 - Now isn't the time for tears - Shrug - Every - The Middle Path - Embarrassing - The Grey Area is Vast - viewtopic.php?p=1073565#p1073565 - Feedback Codes - Disclosure of Knowledge - Penetrate

AP= Tenacious Illumination

[The Trap of Assumption
The Right Tool For The Job
It Is One Of Those Things
Suppression Matrix
Compass of Divine Insight
Extra evidence is provided
The initially unknown]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: The Watcher
Donald Hoffman
"The Great Grey Neutral Zone"

William: What Donald Hoffman is attempting to educate us about, is that we do not experience reality from a fundamental point of view. Our understanding of reality is therefore based upon circuitry input whereby the brain relays to itself [through the nervous system] what is being experience but also interprets that information for itself, and because the brain has no idea of the fundamentals, its interpretation of reality is faulty.

GM: Near Death Experience

William: It helps, as does the OOB Experience...

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1081586#p1081586

William: From the link;
Re: Machines and morality:
William: If mathematics cannot describe a system of "True Free Will" this may be because such a system does not actually exist?

Inquirer: Yes that could be the case except for the fact that I know I have free will, as I said it is a self evident truth. So my free will cannot be computed mathematically (because it must be non-deterministic) it is not computable.

William: As an Agnostic my position re The Question "Does True Free Will Exist?" is "Lack of any current information to establish certainty"

Also, the focus is on the The Question, so am I to assume your claim of having free will corresponds with your belief that TRUE free will exists, and that you consider no difference between your 'free will' and what you previously referred to as "true free will"?

From the Agnostic position;
I accept that your belief that a person has will, as valid.
I remain undecided in relation to your belief that will is free, as it appears that will is only free, relative to the environment which constrains said will.
In that, I can accept the term 'free will' but not the term 'true free will'.
William: Since writing that, I have come to the conclusion that my position isn't Agnosticism, because that is too limiting [limited to the question of GOD existing] - Currently I refer to my position as "Liminalism" and so would exchange the word 'agnostic' used in the quote to that of 'Liminalist'.

GM: The Bridge of Forgiveness ... gnosticism

William: From the link;
Historical antecedents of modern agnosticism

William: It is apparent that Huxley's agnosticism is unable to fit into all spheres equally...

GM: Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe
Oneirology [the scientific study of dreams]
Your Connection With
"We Are All Becoming One"
The situation we find ourselves lost within
Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
Superposition [the ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured. ]
Divine Purpose

William: Yes. It is as JK remarked... "There's a possible third option, where a god forms primitive forms of stuff that later evolves into more complex forms."

GM: The Enigma Code

William: The fact that code exists helps immensely in our ability to understand that intelligence is categorically involved in this existence.
The fact that this form of interaction - Generating Messages - is viable - repeatable and obviously works, is no different to the use of the I Ching for similar connect with an underlying intelligence which is not easily beheld by the brain and its sensors...or, it might actually be the case that it is beheld by brains, but the consciousnesses attached to said brains distort that information...

GM: Put the Teachings Into Practice
Tap into your natural intuition and creativity
"That Is A Good Question"
Strengthen your boundaries
The essence of the world can express both consciousness and unconsciousness.

William: Yes. The practice enables good questions to be formulated...this relatively pointless war between theists and atheists is based upon false premise to begin with.
The good question to be asking isn't 'does GOD exist?" but rather "Do we exist within a creation?"

GM: The bureaucracy of Christianity
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…
Fireside Friend
Maxwell's demon []
[Called To Order
Aleph א]
I Digress...
Source Intelligence and Lyricus facilitate the process throughout the Grand Universe
Strength is required
Get The Truth

William: The Cosmic Mind is made up of differing levels of intelligence...

GM: The Book of Changes


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #280

Post by William »

Justine: Gods always have the means to prove their own existence, but for some reason always choose not to. This is true for the Christian God, the Muslim God, ttruscott's pseudo-Christian God, as well as other new-age gods like William's. Despite all their differences, they all have this in common: they choose to hide. Why is that?

William: If GOD is consciousness, then there are no known instruments which are available to show us what consciousness looks like.
We know consciousness exists, even though we do not know what it looks like.

Transponder: But we don't know that it has anything to do with a god, let alone which one.

William: I know that consciousness and Gods do have something to do with each other, if I accept that to be a god, one has to at least be self conscious.

Transponder: Such arguments are non -starters.

William: Depending upon ones definition of arguments and gods, this may well be the case.

What I add to the thought is, "how does consciousness refuse to show itself?" and you are free to not have a horse in that race...

Yep - That's What I'm Talking About...

SCLx6 + select last LE per shuffle
An Opportunity To Commune - Integral Network - As Above So Below - Try Different Methods - Afterwards - Clean

AP= Any Other Way How shallow is the reach of YHWH?

[The two million year old mind that's in all of us.]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Fugacious [tending to disappear; fleeting.]
[Does Time Cause Gravity?]
"Lessons All 'Round"
The Barest Hint of Constancy [the quality of being faithful and dependable. the quality of being enduring and unchanging.]
Phantasma [a perception of something that has no physical reality; of the mind;]

William: From the link;
William:The game is created by Spirit Entities [the players] and is naturally complex.

The idea is for an Eternal Entity [EE] to enter the Human Avatar [HA] and become completely unaware of any prior existence. The HA provides the means in which this amnesia is made possible.

From that point on, a character forms and personality develops - none of which are reflective of the EE [game player]. The Character and Personality formed through the interaction, are purely fictional in relation to the EE, but have the potential to be 'made real', which is accomplished through Phases of experience, which include experiences of heavens and hells.

Heavens and Hells are part of the Game-Play experience.
GM: viewtopic.php?p=1073548#p1073548

William: From the link;
1213: I think spirit is like attitude and also awareness.

Difflugia: To the extent that these are things, they're emergent properties of a mind.

William: If attitude and personality are 'things' - then 'things' are not always physical.

Difflugia: You might as well describe spirit as "ability to spell" or "dessert preference." All of the minds that we know exist within a physical medium or matrix.

William: The belief re that is generally that the mind exists within the brain.

Difflugia: What's God's mind made out of?

William: I think you mean brain? What's God's brain made of?

Difflugia: That would apply to anything non-static, hence the OP question. If God is static, then there's nothing to distinguish God's state at the beginning of the universe from any other point in time. If God is not static, God suffers from the same problem that you claim for the universe.

William: I think that if we went fishing we might find that there are varied interpretations as to what is meant by "God is the always the same".

Immutability = not capable of or susceptible to change.

That would rule out omnipotence - unless being omniscient means that a creator-God could give Itself the illusion of not being that Immutable Entity by constructing some type of reality experience in which It could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Itself...

A universe such as this one, could conceivably provide that.
GM: Stay Present
Imaginative Realities
The Human Interface
Returning the Compliment
[What Is Normal?
"The Great I Am"]
[Stop. Listen. Observe.
Good on you mate]
Respect others
Heroes and Villains
Finding ways in which to try and fix the problem of human perceptions re "GOD"
Coming From QueenBee
The Spirit of the Land
Get The Ball Rolling
"Jesus became the manner in which the misconception could be addressed. No one follower need have understood it in that manner, in order for it to do its job. "
Of Your Thoughts
Common Ground
"This moment is the perfect teacher
It can bite and scratch so one has to be careful"
Congruence [agreement or harmony; compatibility.]
What is the situation we have here?
[Atheists CANNOT Explain This Secret Code Seen in Creation]
[The verdict as it stands now]
[Abrahamic Religions
"No point in giving you too much to bear"]
[Lots More
ET and the notion of GODs]
[Any Other Way.
Group Hallucination
Friendship is an agreement between individuals to support one another in any way they can, for mutually beneficial results.

William: From the link;
William: There is no finer theistic story which exemplifies the state of difference between theist and non-theist mind-sets, better than the following.

Once upon a time...

Three people were nailed to three trees and left to die.

One of the three was someone who claimed that there was a mind behind creation and he knew this mind intimately.
The other was a fellow who had a non-theist mind-set and believed he was the product of the brain.
The third was a theist-potential - an 'undecided'.

The non-theist mockingly asked the theist "where is the evidence of your god now?'"

The theist did not even attempt to answer the non-theists question, while the theist-potential tried to answer the non-theist by pointing out that since the three of them were in the same predicament, mocking questions weren't going to achieve anything, and that it would be best - at least - to humble oneself by refraining from emotional critical outbursts and unreasonable demands.

The theist did not ignore the theist-potential and replied that his sensible understanding of the situation would ensure that his next experience would be a good one.

The theist potential probably became a theist at that moment...since his mind wasn't set in the same way the non-theist mind was set.

Then they all shut up and died...

...well maybe not...

One version of the story has it that the non-theist just went on and on making senseless proclamations, until finally the breath left his body, and that the theist who claimed to know GOD, simply ignored the non-theist, as if the non-theists protestations where non-sensible and thus unable to be answered sensibly.
GM: Self-Awareness
Making Things Easier
An Aladdin's cave
You Love I Know
Equanimous [calm and composed.]
Conspicuous [clearly visible. attracting notice or attention.]
“Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it.”
Platonic Solids
Pure soul
What Is Normal?


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