
Argue for and against Christianity

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Post by POI »

If a God exists, and this God wants us to know He really exists, and also wants us to know what He wants, then why doesn't He just tell us Himself? If the Christian God is true, He is either pleased, or at least content, with the publication of the Bible.

Many will argue the Bible is not inerrant. Many may also argue context, when reading. Others might argue it is literal, and the perfect word of God. How do we really know what Jesus did and did not say, being He bothered not to write/preserve any of it Himself? Etc... Regardless of one's position on the matter, I have to ask, why??? Meaning.....

For Debate:

1. Why didn't God/Jesus write the final canon Himself, and also preserve it in a way for which it could not later be completely corrupted?
2. How could we know it was from an actual divine source, you ask? Well, it could have been written/preserved in a way in which humans could not do at the time, or even now. Thus, at best, I guess skeptics could still argue it came from aliens/other. But certainly not from earthly men ALONE :)
In case anyone is wondering... The avatar quote states the following:

"I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness."

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Re: Why????

Post #191


Purple Knight wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 7:38 pm
TRANSPONDER wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 6:47 pm The excuse for God not making clear what 'He expects' is that we'd be doing it for the wrong reasons? Foolish.
I agree. The excuse for god not making it clear that he exists and that we'll be rewarded for doing the right thing, is that that would indeed muddy the water as to who is doing the right thing for the right reason. I'm saying that divine hiddenness has a potentially good excuse, but morality being hidden... has no good excuse.
TRANSPONDER wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 6:47 pmNo, the better argument (for those who aren't already decided on Faith) is that like it or not morals are thrashed out by humans for humans, (animals as collateral damage) and the world looks and acts like it would if there was no god there, never mind any particular one.
Morals being manmade has problems too. So far, no one can give me a good reason that I cannot reject your morals (including the can't murder part) and simply decide that mine are better.

I argue that I can, and because I have no moral agreement with you, you're free to do whatever to me as a result. No mutual agreement = we can both kill each other. But nobody seems to buy that, everybody seems to also reject that numbers = righteousness, and reject that majority rules (if so, how did we come to know slavery was wrong?), so nobody can give me a good answer, nobody thinks morality is manmade, and nobody knows where it comes from. Even theists don't seem to know. If it comes from God, where did God get it? Did he invent it on the spot and just enforces it with his might? That's not morality. That's might-makes-right.
I agree that hiddenness is a problem and the excuses don't wash. Why would God care that we only follow His Rules because we know He's real?

As to the basics of morality, the basis seems to be reciprocation and, while trying to be tougher than the other fellow and have it all, which is still an attractive proposition with many, it isn't so good when the other side turns out tougher.

Sooner or later we come to realise that what the other fellow doesn't like is what we don't like if it is done to us and co -operation is is in everyone's interests.

It is the nearest thing to an Objective basis for morality and it seems to make sense. Sure, many people try to buck the system and we don't always know what's wrong or right, every time. But there's more than 'we made it up, so nothing counts' (and we might just as well kill each other) is a question to put, perhaps, but for instinctive and nurtured ethics reasons, is a non - starter. At least from where I'm standing.

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Re: Why????

Post #192

Post by Purple Knight »

TRANSPONDER wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 5:03 pm I agree that hiddenness is a problem and the excuses don't wash. Why would God care that we only follow His Rules because we know He's real?
If I was God, I'd care about that. But the way I'd do it would be not to offer a reward in the first place, not offer a reward and then make sure people didn't have an especially good reason to believe I was real or trustworthy.

I think divine hiddenness has an okay reason, but moral hiddenness (the fact that true morality is unrevealed) has no good excuse.
TRANSPONDER wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 5:03 pmAs to the basics of morality, the basis seems to be reciprocation and, while trying to be tougher than the other fellow and have it all, which is still an attractive proposition with many, it isn't so good when the other side turns out tougher.

Sooner or later we come to realise that what the other fellow doesn't like is what we don't like if it is done to us and co -operation is is in everyone's interests.

It is the nearest thing to an Objective basis for morality and it seems to make sense. Sure, many people try to buck the system and we don't always know what's wrong or right, every time. But there's more than 'we made it up, so nothing counts' (and we might just as well kill each other) is a question to put, perhaps, but for instinctive and nurtured ethics reasons, is a non - starter. At least from where I'm standing.
Reciprocity is what I come up with too. But it has a few flaws.

Generally, the form of reciprocity I take is that the other guy has all the answers. I have to. Because the question of what you do when someone makes up a right that you find ridiculous and wouldn't ever impose on anyone else to respect... has no good answer.

In other words, any right you make up, if you're willing to respect it for me, then I'll respect it for you. This leaves me in a terrible position when people make up rights that only they have. For example, if someone says you have to treat women, or trans people, or Blacks a certain way because they are that, then I'm out of luck because I'm not any of those things. So I can't prove they would treat me in that way if I was that thing and they were not, so I just have to give them the benefit of the doubt.

In cases where I can prove they wouldn't, I'll push back and this gets me in trouble. I think it's getting me in trouble because people say equality, but what they mean is inequality, and while I have no problem with inequality, if you say this right is for everyone, if you say it's about making sure everybody has it, then I am going to want it too.

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Re: Why????

Post #193


Very good. But again this is a moral problem and debate, not a religious one, so really has no place here. With a moral instinct based on familial (and tribal) ties and reciprocity, and after centuries of wars about borders, geographical and religious, we say there has to be a better way, we know what we would be better doing, but find it hard to do. Giving it a religious dimension makes it harder, not easier.

If we believe that a religion will sort all our problems, it makes us give up, on paper - in fact religions just make us more warlike, because divine rightness means less room for discussion. If we believe it's all down to us to sort, I think there is more chance of sorting it.

As to a god, even if divine hiddenness is a credible excuse, that the world would look just as it is if there was no god, makes it the default hypothesis, especially when the Holy Book is full of holes, and the religion it is supposed yo have given us looks like one made up by men who thought the sun was made later than the plants.

Religions are not credible and Morals and ethics are better explained through biological and social evolution, based in practical survival instinct. So excuses for god may work for someone who want to believe it, but they have no hope of persuading a non - believer or indeed, I trust, anyone with an open mind who heard both sides.

Which us why religion works so hard to ensure that only one side gets heard.

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Re: Why????

Post #194

Post by JehovahsWitness »

Purple Knight wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 7:38 pm ... god not making it clear that he exists

For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable

If we take "God" to refer to an intelligent Creator then He has of course made it abundantly clear he exists. Reasonably, just as a painting is enough evidence of the existence of "a Painter" , creation is enough evidence for reasonable people to conclude there must be a Creator.

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Re: Why????

Post #195

Post by Purple Knight »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:18 am
Purple Knight wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 7:38 pm ... god not making it clear that he exists
If we take "God" to refer to an intelligent Creator then He has of course made it abundantly clear he exists. Reasonably, just as a painting is enough evidence of the existence of "a Painter" , creation is enough evidence for reasonable people to conclude there must be a Creator.
Even taking this as gospel, this says nothing about God's nature or what it wants from us.

Just to be clear, I'm saying divine hiddenness has a very reasonable excuse. If everyone in the world was positive God existed, and would reward for certain things and punish for others, everyone would just do the right thing.

Moral hiddenness... not so much. The Bible might have it right, but so might some other religion. If some greedy-grabbing, power-hungry monster creates a religion or an interpretation, and convinces people he has it right about morality, when he doesn't, that's when there's not much excuse for God not to strike him with a lightning bolt. That's when a rational person would expect intervention from a morally conscious and caring creator.

That's even if the order/design argument is any good, and I don't think it is. It fails for the same reason the argument from suffering fails: We don't have the kind of information we need to judge what an undesigned universe would look like, or to judge what it would be like without suffering. I detail the reason these are the worst arguments for and against god, respectively.
Purple Knight wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:03 pm Falsifiability of Probability: If I say that finding a swan makes it more likely to find water, I must say that not finding a swan makes it less likely to find water.
I'm proposing this because, if you say that both finding a swan and not finding a swan positively indicate water, then what you are actually saying is that the presence of a swan is irrelevant; water is irregardlessly positively indicated. This ruins your original case that the swan is what indicates the presence of water.
Purple Knight wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 7:27 pm In the first instance, to say, god is more likely because of the laws of the universe, you must say god is less likely in chaos.

In the second instance, to say god is less likely if suffering exists, you would have to say, god is more likely if suffering does not exist.

And how can we say that latter thing when we can't even conceptualise what it would be like? We can't conceive what it would be like for the laws of nature to not exist or be extremely different, and we can't conceive of life without suffering. Personally I don't even think we'd even be conscious without suffering. We learn by the things that cause us to suffer to avoid those things. Without suffering there is no learning, and without learning how can there be consciousness? So I call these both cases where the question itself is unaskable, because we can't see the other side of the scales. We go toward the carrot, yes, but only because the stick poked us. If we weren't suffering hunger we wouldn't bother.

It's like asking, "O God, if you really love us, why have you made bald people?!" And that's a decent question. But asking why are there bald people if everybody was bald... we wouldn't even know what we were asking. It might still be a good question but we have no way of knowing that.

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Re: Why????

Post #196


[Replying to Purple Knight in post #195]

Yes, of course. Apart from JW's claim that nature shows a creator (name your own god and even religion and denomination, even if one accepted the claim) which is merely based of arguable to dubious as in ID claims (1) as well as dishonest ones, like a JW at the door claiming 'No Transitional fossils' which is cunning and crafty as no transitionals claimed to be found is not the same as all transitional fossils denied.

But you are correct is not being diverted into ID when it is God not making his moral intentions clear and common to all. True we have remarkably similar morals and customs, which can be explained by social instincts, especially when the mirals and custons do diverge in significant way, and sometimes for environmental reasons. (2)

(1) like the painter, which is merely the Watchmaker in another form. The watchmaker fails because if we see a watch lying in the grass we identify it as man made and the grass is not. So why do we hear the argument that the grass is made by God just as the watch is made by man?

The painting would be like we came across it hung on a tree. We would know it was manmade because we know about these things. But it isn't so easy. There is a example of a body of water. Was it natural or man -made? Not always easy to tell. Remember the Cydonia face on mars, where it looked man made? Investigation shows that was a mistake. There is also an example in Daiiniken, I believe of a rock face that looks like a face. Claimed to be man -made, but no reason to think it is and also there is the 'Golgotha' mound, which I gather was part of a quarry outside the walls just before Jesus' time, and weathered into a skull shape in the 19th c as was claimed as 'Golgotha'. I gather it is weathering again and no linger looks like a skull.

So natural or man made is not so easy to tell.

(2) I'm struck by the 'harem instinct'. Like it or not, man is instinctively programmed to spread his gene pool. Cultures have found ways of enabling this to be done, and never mind One man and one woman. While this tended to be limited to the wealthy and powerful, in old China, multiple wives and a few concubines were the norm. So what of the god -given morality not getting through? Cue the 'garbled radio message' excuse. But I read (I may check this) of a Tibetan custom where the women had multiple male partners as an adaptation to the local conditions. Now there's social evolution in action.

https://www.tibettravel.org/tibetan-peo ... tibet.html

cue: "obviously they need the word of God - send missionaries!'.

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Re: Why????

Post #197

Post by JehovahsWitness »

Purple Knight wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:29 pm
JehovahsWitness wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:18 am
Purple Knight wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 7:38 pm ... god not making it clear that he exists
If we take "God" to refer to an intelligent Creator then He has of course made it abundantly clear he exists. Reasonably, just as a painting is enough evidence of the existence of "a Painter" , creation is enough evidence for reasonable people to conclude there must be a Creator.
Even taking this as gospel, this says nothing about God's nature or what it wants from us.

Just as we learn a lot about a painter from his painting, thinking people can learn much about the Creators intelligence, benevolence and wisdom "from "the book of nature".


Further than that however would logically require divine revelation. .. which is where the bible comes in.


FURTHER READING : Was it designed?
https://www.jw.org/en/search/?q=Was+it+ ... 20designed

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Re: Why????

Post #198

Post by JehovahsWitness »

Purple Knight wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:29 pm .... we can't conceive of life without suffering.
Biblically speaking, suffering is not part of Gods will for mankind. While people can learn certain Godly qualities such as endurance and patience through pain, divine qualities are innate and do not a require personal suffering to be developped. Just as no loving Father will deliberately burn his child's face so he can learn to overcoming disfugurement and become more sympathetic to burn victims, our loving Creator did not design a world where suffering was a requirement for life.

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Re: Why????

Post #199


Nature shews forth the natural diversity of life through evolution. It does not show the handiwork of a Creator, never mind which one. You have nothing but discredited Faith -claims. Discredited, I remind anyone with their eye open, at the Kitzmiller vs Dover hearing, where IC was deemed not science but religion -based creationism.

Neither does the excuse that God does not want us to suffer get God off the hook. Any deity with a shred of compassion would do something about the worst of the suffering without point, reason or compassion. It makes sense if we are on our own on a planet that doesn't care whether our species (or any other) lives or dies; it makes no sense the claim a caring god that has the power to intervene, and they even claim he does - just not so it is clear to everyone.

cue 'Testing the faith'.

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Re: Why????

Post #200

Post by Purple Knight »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 2:10 am Just as we learn a lot about a painter from his painting, thinking people can learn much about the Creators intelligence, benevolence and wisdom "from "the book of nature".
Hypothetically, assuming I believed it, what we can observe is something that wants us to be conscious. Whether or not it wants us to be kind to one another is not evident, especially in the case of social animals like humans and wolves.

The painter chooses which brush and paint to use. He chooses the elements to paint. He chooses the composition. The colours and strokes he chose cannot be solely blamed for the work. It's a beautiful work, but the idea that Nature, as such a work, conveys compassion as its central theme, is doubtful. It conveys compassion, but also ruthlessness in equal measure.

And this is very, very broad. The Bible may have the specifics right, but so might another religion. Human beings do make stuff up and dupe others. The only way a creator could tell us something specific, through a specific religion, is by giving each of us proof that it is the true religion and nobody's just made it up or even twisted it.
JehovahsWitness wrote: Sat Aug 05, 2023 2:29 am
Purple Knight wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:29 pm .... we can't conceive of life without suffering.
Biblically speaking, suffering is not part of Gods will for mankind. While people can learn certain Godly qualities such as endurance and patience through pain, divine qualities are innate and do not a require personal suffering to be developped. Just as no loving Father will deliberately burn his child's face so he can learn to overcoming disfigurement and become more sympathetic to burn victims, our loving Creator did not design a world where suffering was a requirement for life.
Just to be clear, I'm saying the argument against God, from suffering, is a bad one.

But where I think this idea fails of God not wanting us to suffer at all, is on the level of slight suffering. Just having a physical body with physical needs entails certain things like hunger and thirst and constipation which are at least unpleasant.

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