Is being gay anti-god

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Is being gay anti-god

Post #1

Post by juber3 »

My friend is saved and a born again christian. But one bad thing, hes gay. We started talking and the subject 'is it anti-god' came out. I totally blanked out on the question. whats your view

PS Otseng should this be moved to christianity debate?
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Post #71

Post by potwalloper. »

adherent wrote:
Just a quick question(s)...

Where did our cultures inherent sort of disgust for homosexuality originate?

Like why do most people today and even in the recent past have a prejudice against homos?
I think that you have made a subjective judgement here and are mistaking evolved behaviours with cultural influence.

Disgust is probably an evolved behaviour based around our need to survive and there tends to be a common thread to the disgust response that is cross-cultural. Classic disgust responses occur when exposed to stimuli (normally visual but often olfactory) that indicate a degree of risk of exposure to infection.

Common visual stimuli that cause this reponse are colours and shapes that appear to be linked to bodily fluids (especially pus and blood) or excrement (where there is a large olfactory influence also). When shown photographs of coloured fluids on cloth the disgust response is almost universal when the fluids are yellow or red and non-existent when they are blue and this response develops at a very early age.

I can think of no evolutionary advantage to developing a disgust response to homosexuality, indeed it could be argued that having a homosexual within a social group in prehistoric times would have been advantageous for those who were heterosexual as this would have increased the likelihood of your genes being passed on due to the reduced competition for mates.

I believe that any disgust towards homosexuals is almost certainly cultural and is a result of social protocols that teach people that homosexuality is wrong and therefore something to be avoided. A common response in group interaction is to ally oneself to the group in order to be accepted (through sameness) and to alienate and isolate those who are different in order to reinforce group belonging for those who "belong". There is much evidence of this in studies of human group behaviour and bullying behaviour.

People gain their belief systems in many ways. If you grow up in a judgemental and religious family/society that judges homosexuality so harshly it would be unusual for you not to have a negative response to it. Fear also plays a part here - you often find in debates on homosexuality those who defend the rights of homosexuals often begin or end their argument by clarifying their own sexuality!

Homosexuality is a natural behaviour that is replicated across many species. It is neither wrong nor right, it simply is.

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Post #72

Post by jon »

come on potwalloper,
if everyone was gay in one generation human kind would be extinct. looking at the two human anatomies clearly shows being gay is against all nature. it all fits together nice if we go alone with the design. anyone knowing they stand a good chance at contracting a desies that will kill them and make it miserable while waiting to die yet go against nature is twisted. it is a proven fact that most pedifiles are gay alone with a host of other mental problems. being gay yes is sometimes the way we were raised and sometimes just a mind that has become so twisted it can not conceive of reprocutions, or what is right. it is no differant than drugs or porn once your in then you look for something more and more exciting to the point of losing touch with reality.

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Post #73

Post by Gaunt »

jon wrote:it is a proven fact that most pedifiles are gay
I think you're going to have to source that one. I've never heard anything of the sort. It sounds like a rumour spread to incite distrust of homosexuals.
jon wrote:anyone knowing they stand a good chance at contracting a desies that will kill them and make it miserable while waiting to die yet go against nature is twisted.
STDs are not confined to the homosexual community. The desire for sexual relations is built in to most people, so it is hardly going against nature to act on it.
jon wrote:if everyone was gay in one generation human kind would be extinct.
If everyone was a lawyer in one generation, human kind would starve and become extinct.

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Post #74

Post by Corvus »

jon wrote:
it is a proven fact that most pedifiles are gay
Actually, it is a proven fact that most pedophiles are, in all outward appearances, heterosexual. They have wives, and sometimes families and children.

"96% of female rape victims in 1991, younger than 12 years old, knew their attackers. 20% were victimized by their fathers or step-fathers." (US Department of Justice)

About 2/3 of sexual assaults against children are committed against girls. Since 1 third are committed against little boys, some very silly people have stated that, because 2 or 3% of the population are homosexuals, then they are vastly over-represented in the statistics. What this doesn't take into account is that a person's sexuality with adults is often different to the sexuality they are attracted to in children. A straight teacher with a family, a person whom one would never expect of being a pedophile, could, to the surprise of all, molest a little boy! Because a pedophile acts heterosexual in public does not mean that he will not pursue a boy in private. Because most pedophiles are in positions of authority with young children, uncles, teachers, boy scout leaders, etc, it just isn't feasible that an obvious homosexual would be placed in that sort of position by other people. Very rarely would adults agree to allow a lisping, prancing young man with theatrical hand movements around their children. Not to say homosexuals are all like that, but if, as you state, the lifestyle is twisted and filled with repercussions, then it signs of vice should be evident.
anyone knowing they stand a good chance at contracting a desies that will kill them and make it miserable while waiting to die yet go against nature is twisted
Except lesbians are a group with the lowest risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease - suspected of being even lower than the rate between heterosexuals. Even gay men, who have a slightly higher risk factor than heterosexuals, can easily protect themselves if they so choose, so it's far from "twisted".

being gay yes is sometimes the way we were raised and sometimes just a mind that has become so twisted it can not conceive of reprocutions, or what is right. it is no differant than drugs or porn once your in then you look for something more and more exciting to the point of losing touch with reality.
This is really very queer. I have asked in a separate thread how homosexuality causes harm, and why a sexual preference for the opposite sex is warped and "a habit" or "something you look for more and more"when heterosexual sexuality is not marked by these things. Why is a heterosexual relationship so markedly different than a homosexual one except in terms of sexual gymnastics? Still I haven't gotten an answer, and it would be a great service to me if you could provide me with one.
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Post #75

Post by potwalloper. »

come on potwalloper,
if everyone was gay in one generation human kind would be extinct. looking at the two human anatomies clearly shows being gay is against all nature.
Which two human anatomies are these? I feel that you have not researched the issue of human biology nor gained an appreciation of multi-sexuality in humans (at least 6 different sexes have been identified in anotomical terms within humans most of which are subjected to surgical "correction" in order to fit in with the classic two).
it is a proven fact that most pedifiles are gay
I know of no peer-reviewed research in any psychological journal that supports this statement. The two behaviours are fundamentally different and cannot be compared (sex between consenting adults is not the same as an adult raping a child).
being gay yes is sometimes the way we were raised and sometimes just a mind that has become so twisted it can not conceive of reprocutions, or what is right. it is no differant than drugs or porn once your in then you look for something more and more exciting to the point of losing touch with reality
I did not say that being gay is due to the way someone is raised. The complexity of human sexuality is such that there is not yet any clear understanding of why individuals have a preference for one particular sexual behaviour and there may be a genetic influence here. What I said was that an intolerance over the behaviours and beliefs of others is a result of influences during your development of belief systems and may be linked to classic group and bullying behaviour.

It is easy to make broad-ranging statements that have no basis in fact. Just as it is easy to be intolerant of others. A classic characteristic of religious fundamentalists. Perhaps the answer (in your view) would be to burn homosexuals at the stake (and while you are about it why don't you burn the muslims, hindus, communists, atheists and agnostics and everyone else who does not fit your rigid belief of what it right and wrong?)

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Post #76

Post by Quemtal »

I posted a reply to similar forum elsewhere on the site, but since debate here is raging, I'll do it here to.

First, sin is disobedience towards God. God's Word explicitly states homosexuality is against God's created order (Leviticus 18.22; Leviticus 20.13; Romans 1.18-32; 1 Corinthians 6.9-11; 1 Timothy 1.9-11), therefore, homosexuality is sin.

Second, 'ALL have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God'. Gay or not gay, you are a sinner. You cannot 'cast the first stone stone'. God loves homesexuals and died for their sin also.

1 Corinthians 6.9-11 says, 'Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be decieved: neither sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexuals offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor the drunkards nor slanderers nor swinderlers will inherit the Kingdom of God, and that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our' God.'

If you're gay, you are living in sin. But if you're sladering homosexuals, you too are committing sin. Christ's command to us was not just to love one another as ourselves, but to to love others as we have been loved by God.

Love the person, hate the sin. Show homesexuals how loving, forgiving, and graceful is our God.

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