Odd prayer request

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Odd prayer request

Post #1

Post by alexiarose »

I know this may sound odd, but mom has been through just about everything a person could probably go through. I know she is tired. But I don't want her to be alone anymore. My prayer is that mom will find someone who will change her beliefs about love and will actually show her love is work, but not always pain. Someone to hold her when she hurts. Calm her after a nightmare. Someone who wants her for her, not her body. But for all of her.

So I am asking for us to keep her in our prayers and while it may be odd that I am not asking for her to find God, I think that if she could find love, God would follow.

I pray mom finds love, comfort, and peace. Would anyone care to add?
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Post #31

Post by joer »

alexiarose wrote:I dont know if God helped this or not cause I sure didn't, but I think mom has finally figured it out. Thank everyone for helping her even when I was hurting her. Love can fix everything.
Hi Alexia. I know this must be a difficult time in your life. And you must feel overwhelmed buy the things your mom has to face with the infirmities she has. You are a pillar of strength Alexia. You are stronger in your substance than you can imagine. BUT when you need a break don't hesitate to take one to recharge your batteries. You don't need to push yourself to handle more than you can safely deal with. I'm am so impressed by how much you LOVE your mom and how much she loves you and at the same time so sad that you have to deal with the pain of seeing your OWN MOM suffering so much before you.

Remember your mom has a whole lot of good professional care. And her knowing you are safe and sane is perhaps the most rewarding gift you can give her now. You don't need to worry about getting everything done. Or even half of everything done. Keep your spirits up Alexia. Do what you need to do to KEEP YOUR SPIRITS UP.

I was very surprised today by a post expressing frustration, by a lady who is so positive all the time. I'll share my reply to her with you. Perhaps you can relate to how she feels at the moment of her post. BUT perhaps you can also SEE HOW MUCH YOU MEAN to others. Like your mom, you have touched many peoples heart. Just as I've read in some of your posts how you have admired your mothers loving and caring actions towards others, YOU TOO have moved and touched others.

Realize Alexia how valuable you are. Your are valuable to God. So is your mother. God reaches others through you both. Well anyway Alexia, I don't want to bore you to much, Here's that post:

I can understand the first part of what you say here Iris:
My humanness struggles with resentment, indignation, insult and irritation such that everyday,
We all struggle with those things at some time or another. But this next one puzzles me:
I wonder what the hell am I here for?
We're here for two things and two things only, to Love God and love one another as God Loves us. Right? :?: I don't know if your are being humorous, facetious, serious, rhetorical or something else. I'm pretty sure you said that before, Love God and love one another as God Loves us, a number of times and perhaps in many different ways.

I'm serious Iris, I think of you as a Rock of Faith, and there is a surety in what you're doing and why you're here. Do you really feel doubt sometimes?

I'm sorry if I'm being naive here Iris, I just really have a hard time believing you really could have a doubt about why you and us all are here. I could understand it as an expression of a feeling of frustration but not as a reality of your intellectual understanding of the Truths we've learned and believe in. I'm sorry Iris I'm just baffled. I like so many here, there are people whose hearts you have touched with your love and concern for their spiritual well being and understanding. If that was the ONLY reason you are here, I could see no better service you could perform in the universe for this point in time.

Alexia you ARE your mother's happiness. You ARE your Mother's Happy Life. You ARE GOD's expression to the world. God will be known to the world by your actions. As will your mother's Hope be known to her by your actions. Be the Hope Alexia. Be the best you can be. What ever that is is good enough. You are doing a good job. Keep working on making it better. The positive is everything. The negative is nothing.

God Bless you and your Mom Alexia. You both along with your family have a special place in my heart.

My 19 year old daughter who just turned 20 came home after visiting her boyfriend in jail. It was her first time there. She looked depressed. I ask her what they said in her half hour visit and she said "she forgot". I know that means she didn't want to talk about it. Then she left saying few words to go to her moms house. I know she'll go to her room and shut herself in.

I had a friend of her's over for dinner. He just turned 20 and a Marine and just came back from Iraq. My 18 year old daughter was here and he and his 19 year old cousin Alex came over for dinner. He's going back soon for another 7 to 8 months in Afghanistan. I talked to him about some fishing trips I took with old friends of mine hwo had served in Vietnam and share what we talked about there. It made him feel safe to share some things. Like he can't go to sleep unless his girlfriend is sleeping by him. As I talked to him my younger daughter notice some of his nervousness. He hadn't shown any yet among his friends. I told her later I was glad he felt comfortable enough to talk about some things.

I talked about the three other girls in the neighborhood who are in the service and my next door National Guard neighbor who's on his second 15 month tour.

It's my daughter Sara, the 20 year old I worry about, Alexia because she won't talk to me about personal things.

How can I reach her? How can I get her to open up to me?

God be with you and your mom Alexia and give you both strenght. O:)

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Post #32

Post by joer »

Lord I've been away for awhile, and Alexia and her Mom and her family have been in my prayers. I'd like to ask that you continue to give Alexia and her mom strength, hope and the will to continue to be positive in the face of any hardship they may face. Weather it be physical, mental or spiritual, give the strength to meet the challenges they face. let them see the love they have for one another and realize the strength of that Love.

Lord bless them with improving health and relationship. Lord heal them. Lord I know I'm not worthy to ask anything of you but I know our love for us is so great that you will do what you can. Oh Holy Spirit of God Guide them to receive any help and healing God may offer them. There are deserving of any help any celestial being my give them in line with the Will of our Father. Lord hear my prayer, Lord hear my prayer, Lord hear my prayer.

Thank you Lord for your LOVE. :D

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Post #33

Post by joer »

Lord I've been away from this site for awhile. BUT Alexia and her mom and family enter my consciousness even while I'm away. I pray for them then as I do now Lord. Forever keep them in your heart. This I know you will do, not because I being imperfect as I am, asks, BUT because of the Eternal and Magnificent Love you have for them within your being.

Let them feel and know your Love Lord. Let there awareness be guided to that wonderful realization. Help them in any effort they put forth to overcome their doubt and reward them richly in strength and healing regardless of their beliefs. because in you ALL LOVE CONSISTS. From you ALL Love flows. let us be washed up and healed in your Love. Amen Lord, Amen.

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Post #34

Post by joer »

Lord I am here again to ask for your Loving consideration for Confused and her family. her life has been difficult and yet she has shown herself enormously worthy of being your daughter. Help her Lord to open her heart to you. She has so much resistance because of the pain she has suffered.

Touch her lord with your love. Give her the peace of mind she so justly warrants. Help her Lord i any way possible in accordance to your will to see that see much allow you to touch her heart. She must allow you to love her. Unlike humans who would force one to do something Against their will. You Lord would NEVER do that. She must desire your healing LOVE Lord.

In any way possible according to you will Lord help her to TRUST YOU. If she trusts anyone LORD she can trust you. She feels betrayed Lord. She feels as if you abandoned her.

Reach her heart Lord. Guide her to let you heal her abused heart. Let her learn to trust again by beginning with trusting you. Help her understand Lord. In you she can find refuge.

[center]The Effects of Prayer

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Post #35

Post by joer »

Lord it's me again. Your humble servant. I called myself your servant Lord. But you know how weak I am in serving you Lord. I ask for healing Lord, for Confused and Alexiarose and her sister and brother Lord. Lord you have answered my prayer Lord. Confused has found that faint flicker of Faith. Even in all her suffering she becomes a beacon of Hope for so many. She has suffered much Lord, in body mind and spirit.

Allow her relief Lord as permanent as possible as long as possible from her pains. Lord give her strength to endure and overcome the suffering and hardships she has to face each day. Lord give her peace of mind. Also to Alexia Lord give her peace of mind. Through all their hardships give them times of joy. With their friends and family give them the joy of knowing they are loved and let them enjoy the joy of Loving others Lord.

I pray Lord that you help them in the fullest capacity allowed by our Father's Will through all the beings allowed to give her and them assistance. I Love you Lord. I know you Love them. When my faith is weak, strengthen it Lord. Let me offer and give any assistance to Confused and her family, that I can. Open them up to your healing Lord. let your Holy Spirit enter their hearts and guide them in her loving embrace.

Lord you know I'm not worthy to ask anything of you. But I know you Love them so much that without my asking you will heal them to the maximum possible level in all aspects of their being. Bless them Lord. Open their hearts to you. Heal their Hearts, minds and bodies and spirits. Give them strength Lord.

Amen my Lord. Awomen my Holy Spirit Mother of God.

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Post #36

Post by Mere_Christian »


How many Christians are actually here at DC&R?

I just arrived a few days ago and see mainly the usual common skeptic stuff.

What gives?

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Post #37

Post by otseng »

Mere_Christian wrote: How many Christians are actually here at DC&R?
There are a few of us. O:)

This is an old post, but it still applies: Does anyone else feel out numbered?

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Post #38

Post by joer »

Mere_Christian wrote:Joer,

How many Christians are actually here at DC&R?

I just arrived a few days ago and see mainly the usual common skeptic stuff.

What gives?
Hi Mere_Christian! I'm sorry I missed this post. According to statistics you can click on at the top of a page. There's 279 memebrs of the group Christian. And it's the largest group on the site. But if you look at the number of posts the non-believers are much more prolific posters.

God's Peace be with my brother. I look forward to your posts.

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Post #39

Post by joer »

My Lord. I have come to pray for Confused again. I pray you give her strength and fortitude to achieve the changes in her life that she strives for. In her time of need by there for her Lord. Bless her and Alexia and their whole family. bring them peace in times of stress. Help them feel calm in the face of hardship. Lord Confused is deserving of your help.

Allow your beings my Father to be attendant to her. Guide her thoughts with your spirit within her. Be her strength Father. Through your spirit within her and al those around her may your will be served by her actions. Bless and guide her actions my Father. bring her fruitful results to her work. Counsel her mind as she makes decisions. Give her clarity in the time she needs it. Bless her my lord Heal her my Lord. In mind, body and spirit help her to be that for which purpose she is here. Guide to find her purpose in this life that will guide her for eternity.

Give her children comfort. help them understand the importance of Mom's decisions and that they are for the benefit of all her family. For in her they are blessed. In her they are comforted. IN Her they find support and sustenance. Allow my friend Confused Lord to FEEL all teh Blessings of her Life. As she battles the ills of the past that were heaped upon her innocence and now borne by her strength. Strengthen her faith in you Lord in a way that won't weaken her resolve. How ever she needs to come to Lord. Welcome her in your Open and Willing Love. Let her be bathed in your Love and wash her pains away my Lord. Heal her spiritual wounds. Bind her up and heal her physically mentally and spiritually. In you Lord she is made whole. In her strength she progresses forward.

And one day her reward will be great when you finally experiences that Love that judges not. That love that heals all. In the night comfort her. When sleep comes hard relax her into slumber.

Lord I know you will do more than I ask for Confused Lord for I'm not worthy to ask. But Your Love is greater than my unworthiness. Your Love overcomes all wrong. It comsummes all evil. And it gives us all hope.

Amen my Father, My Mother, My brother Jesus, And my sister guiding Spirit of God. heal and strengthen my sister Confused and her whole family. Awomen. O:)
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Post #40

Post by joer »

Alexia, I pray you are well. One year ago today. I posted at the top of this page 4. I hope that year has found you and your mom and your brothers and sisters in better spirits, better health and with the strength to meet the challenges life throws at you. I'm so glad you asked for prayers for your mom, Alexia. If anyone deserves them she does and so do you Alexia, for your Love for her and your family.

I pray for continued healing within your family. I pray for your mom's continued faith and growth in spirit, as well as in healing of her body. I pray that all the beings of God's creation that can help her in her improvement and healing do so. In God may she be healed in body, mind and spirit. May her whole being experience the Love of God a radiate through her into the Lives of others. May God's peace and healing be with your mom. Alexia.

It what ever she does, whatever road she travels, may God's Spirit always be her guide and always be with her. May her faith in God remain strong and grow. From a flicker to a flame, may it grow. And may her Love be the warmth of that flame burning in the hearths of those she loves.

God heal my friend Confused. Heal her in all the ways she needs your healing. Lift her up Lord. Let her benefit from knowing your Love for her. Let her feel your Peace come upon her My Lord. Hear her prayers. Help her to know Lord that you hear her prayers. help her to pray with a whole heart and learn to expect answers to her prayers. If not the answers she wants than at least the answers she needs.

Thank YOU Lord. in the name of the Father and of the Son and of your most Holy Mother Spirit may we all be guided and healed. Thank You Lord. Thank You, Thank You.

With a humble heart in Jesus' Name I ask. :D
The more you discover you are Loved By God. The more you want to do God''s Will

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