Musing On The Mother - Act I

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing On The Mother - Act I

Post #1

Post by William »


{Thinking to myself}

"I wonder why folk have to argue and cannot get along and just see how we all need to work together to make this planet wholesome?"

{Pokes at the fire with staff}

"We humans are like these sparks reaching for the heavenly ones. We need some kind of poke to get us activated."

{A wolf howls in the distance}

"We are all here experiencing this planet in this universe. Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we are distracted by our arguments. Hindered by them, even to the death."

{Places another branch on the fire.}

"Perhaps the fear of our situation would be too much to bear if we learned how to focus upon it, and so we distract ourselves..."
Last edited by William on Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post #21

Post by William »

Callum: Interesting. It seems as though the Demiurge is playing a game. I don't mean anything negative by that statement, friend.

In hearing Cullum's reply, I am quickened by the obvious depth of perception my fireside companion possesses. I myself came to a similar conclusion regarding the I have formulated answers to the questions begged from the cosmology...

Manu Iti: Your question tells me you have a keenness of perception and wisdom within you Cullum. Perhaps you have beliefs which allow for that to occur? I myself come from a Christian background, although I rarely refer to myself a "Christian" nowadays...I regard the underlying message of Christ like a key to the gateway into the greater mysteries...

I pause, as I shift my thoughts to answering Callum's question about the 'game-playing' to best answer...

Manu Iti: From our Human perspective, it certainly appears to be some kind of a game being played, I agree.

We have to acknowledge that long before 'Humans', The Demiurge existed, and is the reason for why this universe exists.

We can make the assumption that it may be that before the creation of the Human form, the concept of 'playing games' did not exist for the Demiurge as it was simply doing what a Demiurge does.

We - in the experience of being Human, DO understand what game-playing is, and that such can be performed benevolently, malevolently and even a mix of the two underlying motivations for game-playing.

We each are 'Characters" playing roles and assuming the Demurge learned this idea from observing human interaction - essentially observing itself act through the variety of human forms - the Demiurge adapted...It adopted the primary role of 'Game-Player' and its overall position/role in the game naturally became "Game-Master".

Human beings are positioned then in such a manner as they have to each decide whether the Demiurge is benevolent, malevolent or a mix of the two...or none of the options...remembering that these 'options' are based upon how Humans generally learn to view our...shall we say...'shared predicament'...
We are experiencing - whether we like it or not - and whether we see it that way or not, we are all participating in "A Game".

Essentially it is our collective reaction to the 'predicament' which has made it that way...NOT the Demiurge forcing it to be that way. The Demiurge goes along with it, allowing us to make most of the game rules up as we all go along...

The greater game rules which insist that the Demiurge 'allows us' is because that is how the manifestation of this universe unfolded naturally so the Demiurge understands that IT created the human form for that particular purpose.

You asked;

"Did the Demiurge know the brokenness that would follow?" and followed your question with;

"perhaps the Demiurge does not see it as brokenness at all."

...and then thought that perhaps the words of my song mentioning 'ignoring ideas of right and wrong' - being similar in concept as the Indian idea of "līl�."

This naturally follows that if a Human Being wishes to 'see things as the Creator GOD sees things' one will have to drop notions of good and evil from that equation.

"How To" is the question, because notions of good and evil define humanity through well organised and controlled social structures.
Are we expected to turn a blind eye?

Of course not! We are expected to understand that if GOD is not judging us, then we should try not judging one another and see what might come about from this practice.
Clearly that is a huge part of Christ's public message.

The Demiurge is not under any condemnation, but our own human based judgement tries to make it that way, or - conversely - tries to turn a blind eye to things humans attribute to "GOD" which are not very nice at all...

So the idea is to adopt Forgiveness and having no regrets which allows for a way to remove oneself from that using the Key that Christ is, which unlocks that gateway...that was what the song was about.

We judge the angel is fallen from good into evil, but from the perspective of the Demiurge, no such fall has occurred. It is this information which the Demiurge has consistently attempted to convey to the Human Collective, and always within the Human Collective, all attempt has been forcibly and even murderously foiled by humans who are in controlling positions over the Human Collective.

That aspect of the game-play is allowed to continue because the Demiurge requires genuine interaction with each Human Being, rather than a forced and largely counterfeit one.
Therefore the choice available to each of us is "settle for the counterfeit" OR " engage with the Real."

The next stage of the game-play involves "The Afterlife" where our choices are stripped of the cover of the counterfeit where ultimately it is set up by the Earth Entity - a place in The Mothers Mind - where each individual judges themselves based upon said choices they made while experiencing being human...therefore the justice required by humans is granted to those who demand it...but it is true justice rather than counterfeit.

Even so..."The Afterlife" area set up for that next phase is primarily for the individual who - for whatever reason - wants Justice. As such, it is not a permanent area, but one which is created for that particular purpose. There are vaster areas able to be experienced by those who have no judgments to make, having accepted the truth of The Game and play it accordingly...

I pause. The air is still and no sounds of nature can be gives me the impression that even nature was listening to my words...I decide to stoke my pipe with some 'erb...
Last edited by William on Thu Jun 27, 2019 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #22

Post by The Tanager »

I listen to Manu Iti's response as I stare into the warm fire. He understood my comment about līl� to refer to his words about ignoring right and wrong, rather than the concept of Brahman playing a game through the transformation of the universe, but I'm not sure that it matters. Eventually I see Manu Iti do something with his pipe and I take it as my cue to speak.

Callum: Thank you for those kind words.

I reflexively look down at the ground in front of me and see a small bug of some sort highlighted by the crackling fire. I look back at Manu Iti and continue...

Callum: I would have called myself a Christian growing up, but it wasn't until later that I began to fit its meaning. I think we mean different things by that term, though. There is one thing...

I laugh at my choice of words immediately and rub my hands together.

Callum: ...well, one thing that pushes to the front of my mind. I'm trying to grasp how two things fit together. You talk of us not judging one another, but then say forgiveness is the way out. Forgiveness, it seems to me, necessarily includes a judgment. We forgive those who have wronged us.

I feel the wind gently blow through my beard and wait for Manu Iti's clarification.

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Post #23

Post by William »

Drawing on my pipe, I listen to Callum's words. A gentle breeze has picked up again.
He thanks me for my words, which he called 'kind'... and then tells me that he thinks our understanding of the term "Christian", is different.
For a brief moment I think that he missed the greater point of my reply in focusing on difference, but then he moves on with a question about the seeming paradox of non-judgmental and forgiveness.

I raise my eyebrows in surprised reaction to his question.

I draw on my pipe once more, feeling the effect of the 'erb on the neural network of my brain.

Within my minds eye, a picture forms from the words Callum chose to use to ask his question... How do Judgement and Forgiveness "fit together"?
I immediately see in that picture, a bridge forming.

I exhale and the smoke of the 'erb mingles with that of the fire. I turn to observe my fireside companion, wondering if his question is rhetorical...some kind of test perhaps, to see just how 'similar' or 'different' our idea of Christianity is...

As I clear my throat to speak, a frog croaks.

Manu Iti: If one defines through the lens of judgmentalism Callum, is there any requirement to be forgiving?

I stand up slowly and stretch my limbs. I scuttle over to the large smoothly rounded rock and lift it from the whole it is covering.
Reaching in, I pull out a steaming hot mug of tea, and as I am about to slide the rock back over the whole, I notice something else inside...I reach down and feel around - finding what feels to be the edge of a plate, which I lift up into the firelight...

Manu Iti: Well shoot me in the foot and call me Hopalong!!

What the light of the fire has revealed, is the freshly baked and cut scones, butter melting...a smell which reminds me of Mother...

Manu Iti: What more could we ask for!!

I stand, and using my foot to slide the rock back in place, I then scuttle over in the direction of Callum, and place the plate on the small table between us, chuckling as I motion for him to help his self to them.

Manu Iti: Get 'em while the're hot!.

Smiling, I help my self to two of the scones, find my seat and sit and take a sip of my tea...I immediately spy a Jam Beetle occuied with eating a small bug of some kind...I lean forward and pincher it between the scones.

Manu Iti: Life is so full of surprises! Jam beetles taste just divine and go so well with scones!

Biting down on the morsel, I allow my self to become lost in the flavor...a bit of jam and melted butter slide down the side of my chin...I am happy.

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Post #24

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti seems surprised by something in my response, but I'm not sure what. He then asks me a question. I'm not entirely sure I understand what he means. As I wait to see if he will add anything, Manu Iti stands up and stretches. He then moves over towards a rock and I'm intrigued to see what will happen next. He pulls out some scones. Man, I love scones. Manu Iti really seems to love them as well, judging by his exclamations. He offers me some and I'm a bit unsure of what to think, but I grab one. He then grabs a bug from the ground between the scones. I think he is going to eat it. He does and seems happy. Manu Iti definitely surprises me. I then think back to the question he asked and try to form my next words.

Callum: I'll take your word on the Jam beetle. What do you mean when you say the "lens of judgmentalism"? I would say there is a difference between someone being "judgmental" and someone making a judgment, but perhaps there are better words to use to make that clearer.

I wait for Manu Iti's clarification before finishing my answer.

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Post #25

Post by William »

Callum: What do you mean when you say the "lens of judgmentalism"?

Manu Iti: The eye is the lens. How the individual interprets what they observe, determines whether it is done through "the lens of judgmentalism"
Like a filter...

I pause to let the night make its noises...they are subtle and beautiful...many minutes later I add;

Manu Iti:...a filter works to separate through being judgmental...only it is more than simple is also reaching a verdict...

Again I pause. listening to the sounds of the night once more. More minutes pass and I add;

Manu Iti:...only...well...we might not have all the evidence to mean the verdict is the correct one...but anyway...point being, "Do not Judge" is the concise version...

A small stone explodes from the heat of the fire it has been enduing, birthing its pebbles in all directions - pebbles which will one day birth their own is good that way. Eventually we return to the Mother of All. She is a great bird. I smile...

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Post #26

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Manu Iti responds to my question amidst a few pauses filled with the noises of the night. A small stone explodes from within the fire. I shift in my seat as I respond back.

Callum: But how can one forgive without reaching a verdict that they have been wronged?

A log shifts in the fire and sparks rise to the night sky.

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Post #27

Post by William »

I smile at Callum's question and answer;

Manu Iti: Then one would be in the position of not having to forgive. Forgiveness would not enter into the field of inquiry...

I pause for affect...the frog croaks once more...I continue...

Manu Iti: Therefore, if one does not judge, one does not have to engage with forgiveness...but that was not what my question to you was asking.
The answer to my question is that there is no actual requirement for those who are judgmental to build into that, the act of forgiving.
The difference between the two positions of non-judgmentalism is that one exhibits from that which has never judged and so is naturally in that position.
The other is in the position of having been Judgmental and having learned how not to be judgmental.
Thus, forgiveness is a bridge built from the Twelve Judges Mountains...

I wave a limb in the direction of the nearby mountain ranges.

Manu Iti:...and the Realm of Forgiveness where no judgment occurs...

I signal the area we are sharing as being that which I am referring to

Manu Iti: The bridge of Forgiveness is the bridge you would have crossed to get over the Crystal Clear River which runs between the two realms.
Generally to cross from one position to another, it requires some kind of bridging mechanism...

Just as I finish my sentence, something happens which lets me know immediately that changes in this environment have occurred. My creator is being busy.
Looking around, I try to see if I can spot the changes and immediately do.

Looking up at the stars, I can't help but smile and start humming a tune, calling for The Ruru to come to me...things are getting interesting.

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Post #28

Post by William »

Placing my staff into the whole prepared for that purpose, I await the Ruru…

Before long, a quick shadowy flutter comes into the firelight, signalling the Ruru has arrived.
She performs a manoevour too fast for the eye to comprehend and plops herself onto the head of the staff. The Ruru is always an enjoyable presence and I am very pleased to see her.
We great one another in our usual way - flicking our heads slightly back while raising our eyebrows.

Somewhere to the left an owl hoots, causing the Ruru to look in that direction...She then gives a shudder that fluffs her feathers up, which looks adorable to me.

Manu Iti: Too darn cute! @

I smile.

The Ruru turns back to look at me, and bows, leaving her head resting on her chest...her eyes still fixed upon usual, I am smitten.
Last edited by William on Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #29

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti answers my question and nature is alive around us. I look at the Ruru that has interestingly landed on Manu Iti's staff. She is very beautiful.

Callum: I think I follow you there, but there still is the possibility that we are talking on differently nuanced levels. I'm just not sure I would want to cross over into a place where no judgment occurs. If a child were kidnapped there, no one would judge that action as wrong, yet damage would have been done.

The Ruru glances in my direction quickly, blinks her eyes, then looks back at Manu Iti.

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Post #30

Post by William »

The Ruru speaks to me, and as I listen, I can hear Callum's words mingling with The Ruru' appears Callum is not sure about where he wants to be, or for that matter, where he currently is...

The Ruru: Yes!

Manu Iti: But I am sure of where I am...I have never not being here - for that is how I was created...and this place with me.

I look out into the starry void which reflects I AM.
I am content...

The Ruru: Little Bird...Eggs In Nests!

Manu Iti: Mind Blown!

The Ruru: Science & Spirituality - The Wholeness Navigator

I nod my head at this. Both are required to navigate the Whole.
My Creator appears what is being revealed here...I will be gentle with Him...

The Ruru: All The World Which Meaningful Acknowledge Emotion But Do Not Be Controlled By It.

Manu Iti: Are you hearing this my creator?

I imagine so...
Last edited by William on Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
