Genesis - The Beginning.

Creationism, Evolution, and other science issues

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Genesis - The Beginning.

Post #1

Post by seve »

Energy doesn't appear physically except when it's changed into physical matter. It took scientists thousands of years before Albert Einstein confirmed God's Holy Word with his theory of relativity.

Hbr 11:3 Through faith we understand that the WorldS (multiverse) were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Einstein learned the SAME thing. He learned that matter and energy were the same. In order to make matter, it takes energy to produce matter in physical form. Then, you will have things which are seen, but made from things which do not appear to the eye.

WHERE did the energy to make 3 Universes or Multiverse come from, you might ask. Below is the answer for it tells us where God lives:

1Ti 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

Can any one here who believe that Genesis is only figurative and not LITERAL tells us HOW Moses or other ancient men, who lived thousands of years before science, authored the the Book of Genesis... and knew that (theory of relativity)? Of course not. It took men thousands of years before Albert Einstein discovered that Scientific Fact, correct?

It's PROOF of our Awesome God

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Post #51

Post by seve »

DrNoGods wrote: [Replying to post 49 by seve]
Dear Readers,

Not being content with this definition, Evols have taken a step beyond descent with modification and entered the world of Religion by teaching that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. With NO evidence these men, who have rejected God's Truth, have now taught this Lie for more than 50 years in the Public Schools of the United States. Below is the evidence that the ToE is FALSE.

True Science teaches that we evolve from our parents, but Evolutionism teaches that we can magically change from animal to Human intelligence APART from the method in which we inherit everything else, and that is through the birth process. Evols speculate that long gradual periods of time and numerous positive mutations changed animals into Humans. This is just one of the many FLAWED theories of Evolution which cannot be supported Scientifically, and which is ruining our children today.

True Science agrees with Scripture and shows that APART from the birthing process, there is NO way to inherit the unique Human intelligence which only God and Adam have. Gen 3:22 God's Holy Word also tells us HOW and WHEN prehistoric people became Humans. Gen 6:1-4

History shows that prehistoric people SUDDENLY began Farming, City Building, Math, Writing, and EVERY other Human trait, some 11k years ago in Northern Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Human Civilization on this Planet. It's because the FIRST Humans had arrived in the mountains of Ararat and walked into the valleys of Northern Mesopotamia and the rest is the History of Humanity on this Earth.

God Bless

It doesn't matter how much bold, large and colored fonts you use in your comments, the claims you are making are at odds with actual science ... completely. And referencing bible verses doesn't help your cause because you are even misrepresenting those (the mythical Noah's flood was about 4300 years ago, not 11,000 years ago, according to biblical chronology).

Genesis 6:1-4 says nothing about how or when "prehistoric people became humans" (whatever that actually means). Here is the King James version of Genesis 6:1-4:

(Genesis 6 King James Version):

1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

This appears to say only that the "sons of God" saw young women who were attractive (fair) and took them as wives, had some interest in sex with them and somehow this limited their lives to 120 years, giants existed (thrown in at random), and the "sons of God" had actual sex with the daughters who bore male children that became mighty men of renown. Besides not making much sense, this certainly does not describe how and when "prehistoric men" became humans.

Your personal revisions of bible stories have nothing to do with science, so I won't waste any more time responding to your preaching and misrepresentations of both science, and the biblical stories you're trying to use as support for your version of history).
Dear Readers,

The “sons of God� are what today's Science calls Prehistoric Mankind. They were creatures of FLESH (Gen 1:21) which made it possible for God to produce 7 Billion Humans on Earth today, from Noah's grandchildren, and the prehistoric people who were here when Noah arrived.

The Prehistoric Mankind is called “sons of God� by the Lord simply because they were innocent creatures who do not have the knowledge of good and evil. They also received blessing from God on the 5th Day (Gen 1:22) that's WHY it gave them the right to be called “sons of God� - the same kind of blessings given to Adam and his generations on the 6th Day (Gen 5:1-2) - to be fruitful and multiply.

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE THAT MOVETH, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after Their kind, and every winged fowl after His kind: and God saw that it was good. v22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. v23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day

Prehistoric people were just like today's Humans and they moved and had their origin in water EXACTLY as Scripture and Science tell us. Science calls this appearance of life from water a "Natural" happening, but God shows that it was all a part of His Creation.

Adam's direct descendant, Noah, arrived on our Earth, some 11k years ago and Human civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to him. History agrees and odd man out is the False ToE which is "willingly ignorant" 2Pe 3:5 of our true Human origins. You can read of the sexual compatibility of the sons of God (prehistoric people) and Adam's descendants in Genesis 6:1-4.

WHERE and WHEN The Fertile Crescent, 9000-4500 BCE -

Then the Lord scattered Noah’s descendants who married the descendants of the prehistoric mankind or "sons of God" all over the face of ALL the Earth from Babel at a time some 10k years ago - when man had NO way to travel and spread agriculture at the time. That is "evidence" that the above verse is True, scientifically, and historically. Unless, Evols can explain WHY evolution acted so SUDDENLY all over the Earth at the same time Modern Human civilization spread from Mesopotamia. Poor old gradual slow moving Evolution just doesn't work that way. Does it?

Notice also that the LORD scattered them to "build the city". City building is a trait of Humans, going all the way back to Cain, who built a city and named it for his son. City building is also a definition for Civilization. The LORD scattered Noah's descendants all over the world and Farming was spread to the whole world at the same time. Human civilization on this Planet can be traced to Noah arrival. That's God's Truth.

P.S. I just showed you WHY, HOW,  WHERE and WHEN human arrival on this "Planet of Apes"... and farming began on this Earth... and the union of the descendants of the prehistoric mankind or sons of God and Human producing offspring thru Birthing Process which agreed with Scripture, Science and History.

Now, it is your turn, DrNoGods, do you have.... even a single EVIDENCE to present to us - APES MAGICALLY BECOMING HUMAN?

No.. NOTHING....REALLY? hmmmmm... I thought so. ... :tongue:

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Post #52

Post by Clownboat »

seve wrote:
DrNoGods wrote: [Replying to post 49 by seve]
Dear Readers,

Not being content with this definition, Evols have taken a step beyond descent with modification and entered the world of Religion by teaching that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. With NO evidence these men, who have rejected God's Truth, have now taught this Lie for more than 50 years in the Public Schools of the United States. Below is the evidence that the ToE is FALSE.

True Science teaches that we evolve from our parents, but Evolutionism teaches that we can magically change from animal to Human intelligence APART from the method in which we inherit everything else, and that is through the birth process. Evols speculate that long gradual periods of time and numerous positive mutations changed animals into Humans. This is just one of the many FLAWED theories of Evolution which cannot be supported Scientifically, and which is ruining our children today.

True Science agrees with Scripture and shows that APART from the birthing process, there is NO way to inherit the unique Human intelligence which only God and Adam have. Gen 3:22 God's Holy Word also tells us HOW and WHEN prehistoric people became Humans. Gen 6:1-4

History shows that prehistoric people SUDDENLY began Farming, City Building, Math, Writing, and EVERY other Human trait, some 11k years ago in Northern Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Human Civilization on this Planet. It's because the FIRST Humans had arrived in the mountains of Ararat and walked into the valleys of Northern Mesopotamia and the rest is the History of Humanity on this Earth.

God Bless

It doesn't matter how much bold, large and colored fonts you use in your comments, the claims you are making are at odds with actual science ... completely. And referencing bible verses doesn't help your cause because you are even misrepresenting those (the mythical Noah's flood was about 4300 years ago, not 11,000 years ago, according to biblical chronology).

Genesis 6:1-4 says nothing about how or when "prehistoric people became humans" (whatever that actually means). Here is the King James version of Genesis 6:1-4:

(Genesis 6 King James Version):

1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

This appears to say only that the "sons of God" saw young women who were attractive (fair) and took them as wives, had some interest in sex with them and somehow this limited their lives to 120 years, giants existed (thrown in at random), and the "sons of God" had actual sex with the daughters who bore male children that became mighty men of renown. Besides not making much sense, this certainly does not describe how and when "prehistoric men" became humans.

Your personal revisions of bible stories have nothing to do with science, so I won't waste any more time responding to your preaching and misrepresentations of both science, and the biblical stories you're trying to use as support for your version of history).
Dear Readers,

The “sons of God� are what today's Science calls Prehistoric Mankind. They were creatures of FLESH (Gen 1:21) which made it possible for God to produce 7 Billion Humans on Earth today, from Noah's grandchildren, and the prehistoric people who were here when Noah arrived.

The Prehistoric Mankind is called “sons of God� by the Lord simply because they were innocent creatures who do not have the knowledge of good and evil. They also received blessing from God on the 5th Day (Gen 1:22) that's WHY it gave them the right to be called “sons of God� - the same kind of blessings given to Adam and his generations on the 6th Day (Gen 5:1-2) - to be fruitful and multiply.

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE THAT MOVETH, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after Their kind, and every winged fowl after His kind: and God saw that it was good. v22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. v23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day

Prehistoric people were just like today's Humans and they moved and had their origin in water EXACTLY as Scripture and Science tell us. Science calls this appearance of life from water a "Natural" happening, but God shows that it was all a part of His Creation.

Adam's direct descendant, Noah, arrived on our Earth, some 11k years ago and Human civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to him. History agrees and odd man out is the False ToE which is "willingly ignorant" 2Pe 3:5 of our true Human origins. You can read of the sexual compatibility of the sons of God (prehistoric people) and Adam's descendants in Genesis 6:1-4.

WHERE and WHEN The Fertile Crescent, 9000-4500 BCE -

Then the Lord scattered Noah’s descendants who married the descendants of the prehistoric mankind or "sons of God" all over the face of ALL the Earth from Babel at a time some 10k years ago - when man had NO way to travel and spread agriculture at the time. That is "evidence" that the above verse is True, scientifically, and historically. Unless, Evols can explain WHY evolution acted so SUDDENLY all over the Earth at the same time Modern Human civilization spread from Mesopotamia. Poor old gradual slow moving Evolution just doesn't work that way. Does it?

Notice also that the LORD scattered them to "build the city". City building is a trait of Humans, going all the way back to Cain, who built a city and named it for his son. City building is also a definition for Civilization. The LORD scattered Noah's descendants all over the world and Farming was spread to the whole world at the same time. Human civilization on this Planet can be traced to Noah arrival. That's God's Truth.

P.S. I just showed you WHY, HOW,  WHERE and WHEN human arrival on this "Planet of Apes"... and farming began on this Earth... and the union of the descendants of the prehistoric mankind or sons of God and Human producing offspring thru Birthing Process which agreed with Scripture, Science and History.

Now, it is your turn, DrNoGods, do you have.... even a single EVIDENCE to present to us - APES MAGICALLY BECOMING HUMAN?

No.. NOTHING....REALLY? hmmmmm... I thought so. ... :tongue:
This is the science subforum. Please leave as preaching is not allowed. Here, we expect reasoned debate backed up with evidence.

You are in the wrong forum. Try Holy Huddle.

To debate your preaching here is to give it credit it doesn't deserve. Much like how debating a flat earther in a science forum would be to give such an idea credit it does not deserve yet.

By rejecting the established science, flat earthers (and those pretending to know the gods) place themselves in a position of power. Suddenly they feel like they're the expterts, and that is a good feeling. Why wouldn't they want to maintian that feeling?
Seems to be what is going on here IMO due to the lack of evidence being presented.
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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Post #53

Post by OnceConvinced »

seve wrote: Unfortunately, Evols and Scoffers even to this days remain willingly ignorant of God’ Truth. COME ON, LOOK ALL AROUND YOU AND WAKE -UP.
seve wrote:
Again, please present your so called IDIOTIC evidence below: APES MAGICALLY EVOLVING THE HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Brick wall

NONE ....REALLY.... NOTHING?..... I THOUGHT SO. .... :dance2:

:warning: Moderator Warning

This is uncivil and adds nothing to the debate. Please avoid such outbursts in future.

Also remember that this is a debate site, not a preaching site. All claims must be backed up with evidence. The bible is not considered the ultimate authority. Nor does any member of this website get to dictate what God's truth is.

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Society and its morals evolve and will continue to evolve. The bible however remains the same and just requires more and more apologetics and claims of "metaphors" and "symbolism" to justify it.

Prayer is like rubbing an old bottle and hoping that a genie will pop out and grant you three wishes.

There is much about this world that is mind boggling and impressive, but I see no need whatsoever to put it down to magical super powered beings.

Check out my website: Recker's World

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Post #54

Post by seve »

OnceConvinced wrote:
seve wrote: Unfortunately, Evols and Scoffers even to this days remain willingly ignorant of God’ Truth. COME ON, LOOK ALL AROUND YOU AND WAKE -UP.
seve wrote:
Again, please present your so called IDIOTIC evidence below: APES MAGICALLY EVOLVING THE HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Brick wall

NONE ....REALLY.... NOTHING?..... I THOUGHT SO. .... :dance2:

:warning: Moderator Warning

This is uncivil and adds nothing to the debate. Please avoid such outbursts in future.

Also remember that this is a debate site, not a preaching site. All claims must be backed up with evidence. The bible is not considered the ultimate authority. Nor does any member of this website get to dictate what God's truth is.

Please review our Rules.


Moderator warnings count as a strike against users. Additional violations in the future may warrant a final warning. Any challenges or replies to moderator postings should be made via Private Message to avoid derailing topics.
Come on now "Mr. Moderator".....

WHERE DO YOU SEE ME PREACHING HERE??? ](*,) I was responding to a legitimate Biblical Question posted by DrNoGods above!!!

Preaching is NOT my style simply because I am NOT a nice guy to be a preacher and I really could careless IF you believe my post or not. However, all of my post is based on Scripture, Science and History.

Perhaps, what you ALL don't like is..... I AM EXPOSING THE FLAWS of the Theory of Evolution's teachings and ASSumption - APES MAGICALLY BECOMING HUMAN - which do not agree with True Science, History or Scripture.

For the nth times.... Let me know if anyone here who believe in the ToE - ANYBODY - stand up and defend and produce - even a SINGLE EVIDENCE - instead of continue posting UNsupported and flawed claims of evolution.


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Post #55

Post by Zzyzx »

[Replying to post 54 by seve]

:warning: Moderator Final Warning

Do NOT challenge Moderation in threads. If you have something to say, do so in a PM.

Please review the Rules.


Moderator final warnings serve as the last strike towards users. Additional violations will result in a probation vote. Further infractions will lead to banishment. Any challenges or replies to moderator warnings should be made via Private Message to avoid derailing topics.

ANY of the thousands of "gods" proposed, imagined, worshiped, loved, feared, and/or fought over by humans MAY exist -- awaiting verifiable evidence

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Post #56

Post by seve »

seve wrote:
DrNoGods wrote: [Replying to post 49 by seve]
Dear Readers,

Not being content with this definition, Evols have taken a step beyond descent with modification and entered the world of Religion by teaching that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. With NO evidence these men, who have rejected God's Truth, have now taught this Lie for more than 50 years in the Public Schools of the United States. Below is the evidence that the ToE is FALSE.

True Science teaches that we evolve from our parents, but Evolutionism teaches that we can magically change from animal to Human intelligence APART from the method in which we inherit everything else, and that is through the birth process. Evols speculate that long gradual periods of time and numerous positive mutations changed animals into Humans. This is just one of the many FLAWED theories of Evolution which cannot be supported Scientifically, and which is ruining our children today.

True Science agrees with Scripture and shows that APART from the birthing process, there is NO way to inherit the unique Human intelligence which only God and Adam have. Gen 3:22 God's Holy Word also tells us HOW and WHEN prehistoric people became Humans. Gen 6:1-4

History shows that prehistoric people SUDDENLY began Farming, City Building, Math, Writing, and EVERY other Human trait, some 11k years ago in Northern Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Human Civilization on this Planet. It's because the FIRST Humans had arrived in the mountains of Ararat and walked into the valleys of Northern Mesopotamia and the rest is the History of Humanity on this Earth.

God Bless

It doesn't matter how much bold, large and colored fonts you use in your comments, the claims you are making are at odds with actual science ... completely. And referencing bible verses doesn't help your cause because you are even misrepresenting those (the mythical Noah's flood was about 4300 years ago, not 11,000 years ago, according to biblical chronology).

Genesis 6:1-4 says nothing about how or when "prehistoric people became humans" (whatever that actually means). Here is the King James version of Genesis 6:1-4:

(Genesis 6 King James Version):

1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

This appears to say only that the "sons of God" saw young women who were attractive (fair) and took them as wives, had some interest in sex with them and somehow this limited their lives to 120 years, giants existed (thrown in at random), and the "sons of God" had actual sex with the daughters who bore male children that became mighty men of renown. Besides not making much sense, this certainly does not describe how and when "prehistoric men" became humans.

Your personal revisions of bible stories have nothing to do with science, so I won't waste any more time responding to your preaching and misrepresentations of both science, and the biblical stories you're trying to use as support for your version of history).
Dear Readers,

The “sons of God� are what today's Science calls Prehistoric Mankind. They were creatures of FLESH (Gen 1:21) which made it possible for God to produce 7 Billion Humans on Earth today, from Noah's grandchildren, and the prehistoric people who were here when Noah arrived.

The Prehistoric Mankind is called “sons of God� by the Lord simply because they were innocent creatures who do not have the knowledge of good and evil. They also received blessing from God on the 5th Day (Gen 1:22) that's WHY it gave them the right to be called “sons of God� - the same kind of blessings given to Adam and his generations on the 6th Day (Gen 5:1-2) - to be fruitful and multiply.

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE THAT MOVETH, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after Their kind, and every winged fowl after His kind: and God saw that it was good. v22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. v23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day

Prehistoric people were just like today's Humans and they moved and had their origin in water EXACTLY as Scripture and Science tell us. Science calls this appearance of life from water a "Natural" happening, but God shows that it was all a part of His Creation.

Adam's direct descendant, Noah, arrived on our Earth, some 11k years ago and Human civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to him. History agrees and odd man out is the False ToE which is "willingly ignorant" 2Pe 3:5 of our true Human origins. You can read of the sexual compatibility of the sons of God (prehistoric people) and Adam's descendants in Genesis 6:1-4.

WHERE and WHEN The Fertile Crescent, 9000-4500 BCE -

Then the Lord scattered Noah’s descendants who married the descendants of the prehistoric mankind or "sons of God" all over the face of ALL the Earth from Babel at a time some 10k years ago - when man had NO way to travel and spread agriculture at the time. That is "evidence" that the above verse is True, scientifically, and historically. Unless, Evols can explain WHY evolution acted so SUDDENLY all over the Earth at the same time Modern Human civilization spread from Mesopotamia. Poor old gradual slow moving Evolution just doesn't work that way. Does it?

Notice also that the LORD scattered them to "build the city". City building is a trait of Humans, going all the way back to Cain, who built a city and named it for his son. City building is also a definition for Civilization. The LORD scattered Noah's descendants all over the world and Farming was spread to the whole world at the same time. Human civilization on this Planet can be traced to Noah arrival. That's God's Truth.

P.S. I just showed you WHY, HOW,  WHERE and WHEN human arrival on this "Planet of Apes"... and farming began on this Earth... and the union of the descendants of the prehistoric mankind or sons of God and Human producing offspring thru Birthing Process which agreed with Scripture, Science and History.

Now, it is your turn, DrNoGods, do you have.... even a single EVIDENCE to present to us - APES MAGICALLY BECOMING HUMAN?

No.. NOTHING....REALLY? hmmmmm... I thought so. ... :tongue:
Dear Readers,

The FIRST words of Adam as documented in the Scripture describes changes WITHIN His kind or Micro-Evolution.

Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Some godless men also call it “evolution� when two produce one.

Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Mat 19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
Eph 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

Evolution is the measured change in the genetics when two separate beings produce another totally separate individual, in a population, over time. Gen 6:1-4 also shows that the sons of God (prehistoric people) can produce children with Adam's descendants and in the process, the children change from animal to the Superior Human intelligence of Adam, which is like God's. Gen 3:22

IOW, in order to become a Human, you MUST inherit the Human intelligence of Adam, the first Human - thru Birthing process. We are all confined to our own kind in order to multiply - thru sexual intercourse and birthing process.. i.e. birds, bees; dogs, cats, insects, fish, etc.. Look all around your neighborhood pets', birds and animals in the backyards. That's another proof of our awesome God

Modern Example of Images of Changes WITHIN its KIND - Cross breed of Cat's Family - a Lion and a Tiger producing offspring called GIANT LIGER: ... er+image&a..

Don't believe the words of Godless Evols since they CANNOT show us How or When we magically evolved from Ape to Human Intelligence

God Bless

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Post #57

Post by Clownboat »

Don't believe the words of Godless Evols since they CANNOT show us How or When we magically evolved from Ape to Human Intelligence

God Bless
I'm sorry, but humans are apes and that is common knowledge. Just like how the earth being a sphere is common knowledge. These things being public knowledge doesn't stop the pretenders though.

Humans are classified in the sub-group of primates known as the Great Apes. ... reat-apes/

There are two extant branches of the superfamily Hominoidea: the gibbons, or lesser apes; and the hominids, or great apes.

Most importantly!
We have had countless fruitfull debates about evolution here on this forum.
This however, is not one of them and is the reason you have a lack of interest.

If I were you though, I would just pretend that people are not taking you seriously because your arguments are so great and go on with my day.
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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Post #58

Post by seve »

seve wrote: [Replying to post 34 by DrNoGods]


Once again, read your history, there were NO Humans, on this present earth, until Noah arrived on this "Planet of Apes", which is confirmed by the fact that there are NO other Human Civilizations, older than Mesopotamia , just South of the mountains of Ararat some 11k years ago.

What you have is evidence of the Prehistoric Mankind diverging from chimps at that time. The prehistoric Mankind evolved from the water beginning 3.7 Billion years ago. Humans can trace our beginning to some 13+ Billion years ago. The Prehistoric Mankind were NOT Human. It's just one of the glaring mistakes of the ToE. 

How did the scientist measure the difference in intelligence when animal evolved into Human? They cannot. They can only assume, from fossils, that the physical is about the same as our physical. They CANNOT measure When and How we obtained our Human Intelligence, which is the difference between us and innocent animals. This means that they do Not know when we inherited our Human Intelligence. 

One cannot always measure that which is not seen. The ability to know good and evil, which is what makes us Human, MUST be inherited from Adam, the first Human who acquired the knowledge of good and evil. The innocent ancient people, who were here when Noah arrived, evolved into today's Humans, when their population married the descendants of Adam. We are the result - Gen.6. 

Today's Humans contain the DNA of Mt Eve, a Prehistoric Woman who lived some 200K years ago - depending who's doing the dating. We also contain the ability to know good and evil, and we have a higher intelligence than Any other Creature. 

How did we get this higher Intelligence? and When? History is clear. We began to build Human Civilization just AFTER Noah arrived, just south of the mountains of Ararat some 11K years ago. Scripture and History agree, but ToE remains ignorant of the Truth.

P.S. This thread is about Religion and Science and the Topic is Genesis - The Beginning .... and the discussion can be based on SCRIPTURE, Science or History. Therefore, you are in ERROR on your flawed assumption - contrary to your view and continued pleading.

Clownboat wrote:
Don't believe the words of Godless Evols since they CANNOT show us How or When we magically evolved from Ape to Human Intelligence

God Bless
I'm sorry, but humans are apes and that is common knowledge. Just like how the earth being a sphere is common knowledge. These things being public knowledge doesn't stop the pretenders though.

Humans are classified in the sub-group of primates known as the Great Apes. ... reat-apes/

There are two extant branches of the superfamily Hominoidea: the gibbons, or lesser apes; and the hominids, or great apes.

Most importantly!
We have had countless fruitfull debates about evolution here on this forum.
This however, is not one of them and is the reason you have a lack of interest.

If I were you though, I would just pretend that people are not taking you seriously because your arguments are so great and go on with my day.
Dear Readers,

The poster is trying to show that ERVs of a common ancestor are IN TODAY'S humans and chimps. So what? As I have posted and explained before, we inherited the DNA of Mitochondrial Eve who was descended from Apes. We probably also inherited genetic things found in snails, but that doesn't make us snails.

Humans were made - long BEFORE any Ape - from another world. We were made BEFORE the Stars of the 4th day. Gen. 2:4-7 Our bodies also contain elements which were forged in the interior of the first Stars. Who cares if we have genetic traces of any creature in our body? That does NOT make us those creatures. Does it?

When Noah brought this highest form of intelligence to this planet of evolved Apes, prehistoric mankind evolved Adam's human intelligence, but the humans stayed the same.

IOW, God's Truth about ERVs is that it doesn't matter what we used to be, for Now, we have inherited Adam's and God's superior intelligence. Now our destiny is clear. We will have dominion or rule over every other living creature, for we are a Special Creation, and not just another animal.

Again, does ANYBODY here have any EVIDENCE to support the CLAM of HOW and WHEN - APES BECAME HUMAN - that can be presented to us? NO? Come on…NOTHING?… REALLY?…NONE?… NADA?….ZIP? Oh well, I thought so and is expected.

I guess, the theory is still INCOMPLETE and we have to wait another Billions of Years to find out.

What now? I predict Evols will run, duck, and hide, right? What do you think?... :evil_laugh:
Last edited by seve on Fri Aug 02, 2019 12:02 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Post #59

Post by seve »

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Post #60

Post by Clownboat »

Seve wrote:Dear Readers,

The poster is trying to show that ERVs of a common ancestor are IN TODAY'S humans and chimps. So what? As I have posted and explained before, we inherited the DNA of Mitochondrial Eve who was descended from Apes. We probably also inherited genetic things found in snails, but that doesn't make us snails.

Humans were made - long BEFORE any Ape - from another world. We were made BEFORE the Stars of the 4th day. Gen. 2:4-7 Our bodies also contain elements which were forged in the interior of the first Stars. Who cares if we have genetic traces of any creature in our body? That does NOT make us those creatures. Does it?

When Noah brought this highest form of intelligence to this planet of evolved Apes, prehistoric mankind evolved Adam's human intelligence, but the humans stayed the same.

IOW, God's Truth about ERVs is that it doesn't matter what we used to be, for Now, we have inherited Adam's and God's superior intelligence. Now our destiny is clear. We will have dominion or rule over every other living creature, for we are a Special Creation, and not just another animal.

Again, does ANYBODY here have any EVIDENCE to support the CLAM of HOW and WHEN - APES BECAME HUMAN - that can be presented to us? NO? Come on…NOTHING?… REALLY?…NONE?… NADA?….ZIP? Oh well, I thought so and is expected.

I guess, the theory is still INCOMPLETE and we have to wait another Billions of Years to find out.

What now? I predict Evols will run, duck, and hide, right? What do you think?... :evil_laugh:
Your preaching about a Noah alien coming to earth to bring intelligence is not needed here in this science sub forum.

Until you stop preaching about your favorite religion among literally thousands available, to give you evidence that supports human evolution from apes would seem to be a waste of our time.

Evidence will not affect your thinking I'm afraid, because you cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not reason themselves in to.

Your imagination here in this thread is not grabbing anyone's attention. Show evidence for your claims and not just empty claims from a holy book and then perhaps your Noah alien ideas will deserve respect. Currently they don't though and the evidence is the lack of responses. Get off your soap box and actually show us that one of your claims is true.

Some examples of your preaching:
- Humans were made - long BEFORE any Ape - from another world.
- We were made BEFORE the Stars of the 4th day.
- When Noah brought this highest form of intelligence to this planet of evolved Apes, prehistoric mankind evolved Adam's human intelligence, but the humans stayed the same.
- God's Truth about ERVs is that it doesn't matter what we used to be
- we have inherited Adam's and God's superior intelligence.
- Now our destiny is clear. We will have dominion or rule over every other living creature, for we are a Special Creation, and not just another animal.

I for one would like to unsubscribe from your newsletter.
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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