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Sharing In The Building

Post #1

Post by William »

Participants in the Threads are entitled to help create the environment of this "Around The Camp Fire" sub-forum.
I, as moderator, am interested in helping to build an environment that all participants are comfortable with, bearing in mind that the rules of this sub-forum are the cornerstones from which such foundation will be built, and as such - are the overall guide for all participants to follow.

The use of PMing for the purpose this thread is created to do, is discouraged.
The moderator wishes the Readers to have access to data of process which PMing would otherwise hide from them.

Any comments and questions related to post in this thread, should also be answered in this thread, rather than in the role-play threads.
Last edited by William on Sun Jul 21, 2019 12:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post #31

Post by William »

Hi Tanager

In relation to post #49, I am thinking that it does not follow the story-line.


In post #46 I mention Muni Iti moving from the campfire but do not verbally tell Callum

In post #47 your reply shows that you have not noticed Manu Iti has left the Campfire

In post # 48 Manu Iti realizes that you have not noticed he left the Campfire but is not surprised by this, given that he understands that Callum cannot actually see him anyway. So Manu Iti uses the 'properties of The First Hut' to continue his conversation with Callum while working on assisting Master ColdFire and to all intent and purpose Callum should be none the wiser and should have no idea that Manu Iti is occupied with in The First Hut, let alone what Manu Iti is occupied with.

Post #47 (below) does not take the above actual story-line into account nor offer any explanation as to how Callum would know, since he never observed Manu Iti leaving.

  • I spoke my last words out into the wild, but apparently Manu Iti could hear me. That kept me from feeling foolish. Yet, the feeling of his thought being transmitted back to my own was quite unpleasant. He's busy with Master ColdFire's mission, which seems important for this place, so I leave him to it. I decide to wait until he returns to ask my questions of the word-strings and list-strings again. Hopefully, it will be with good news. I start to tell Manu Iti that, but I get a sense that he is listening to another being, so I stay silent.
Also to note - It is not the thought Manu Iti has, which is being transmitted to Callum's
own internal thought processes. The thought translates back into sound which can be heard audibly, as was written;
  • I transmit my thought back to him through the properties of The First Hut and these are translated into sound which can be heard...
I suggest that you take the opportunity to have Callum focus on what Manu Iti asks Callum, and move within that aspects of the Story-line as it has unfolded...unless you feel that there are good reasons for not doing so, which we can tease out together and agree upon.

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Post #32

Post by The Tanager »

You can delete my last thread. I will wait for Penny Tupence to speak to follow the story line as you've presented it and then respond.

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Post #33

Post by William »

The Tanager: You can delete my last thread. I will wait for Penny Tuppence to speak to follow the story line as you've presented it and then respond.

William: As yet, I haven't used the Word-List to generate that conversation.
  • As Penny Tuppence and I are talking in The First Hut, I hear Callum's voice being transmitted from where he sits next to the Campfire...he is asking about The Word and List Strings, wanting to know more.

    I transmit my thought back to him through the properties of The First Hut and these are translated into sound which can be heard...
    Post #48
At the end of that post - after Manu Iti sends his replies to Callum at the Campfire, and the narration of what he is presently doing in The First Hut, the posts ends with;
  • Penny Tuppence then speaks...
Which is to say, she waits for Manu Iti to finish what he is doing and then continues with their conversation...I will delete your last post and edit that sentence at the end of my own post.

I have a copy of the first part of the conversation between Manu Iti and Penny Tuppence which I haven't posted in this sub-forum as yet. I wanted to leave it out for the time being until Manu Iti and Callum settle into talking the specifics of the Word and List Strings, so there is no need for you to wait until Penny Tuppence continues Her conversation with Manu Iti in The First Hut. If you feel it is necessary right now to read the transcript, let me know and I will post it. Otherwise, you can continue...

[Moderators Note: I have posted the conversation now ...]

Also - remember that at any time you are not sure about the story line, you can post here in this thread with your concerns before committing to post in Act II.

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Post #34

Post by William »

Hi Tanager

When you wrote
  • As to everything being a message, you need to define what you mean by 'message?' If everything is a message, if "$%^*sdgjh" is a message, then there are different kinds of messages. We are trying to see what kind of messages Wiremu's method produces. We are trying to see if there is intrinsic meaning in the same way that my message to you, that I'm typing right now, has the intrinsic meaning I give to it.
It was you who did the typing, not Callum. This needs to be edited to read "in the same way that my message to you, that I'm speaking right now" has the intrinsic meaning I give to it"

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Post #35

Post by The Tanager »


In the latest post on Act III you are saying that I can't control Ruthie's actions because it isn't my character, but I'm the one who created Ruthie. What gives?

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Post #36

Post by William »

Hi Tanager

To be sure, you did give the character a name, but it was Ngaru Whaea who created all the Cats in her Realm

As much as it was a mishap that Callum ended up in The Realm of The Cats, how the story unfolded is the key to understanding that the Ruthie Character wasn't directly created by you.

When you abandoned Callum, the effect was similar to when you made the stick from the Campfire, disappear

You subsequently had Callum wake up in a strange place, and there happened to be a "furry companion " there, which he subsequently put a name to and it was later said to be a Cat...and "Cat" had also been mentioned in a Generated message prior to this happening, so the reference to the 'furry companion' allowed for the story-line to develop as it has.

If Ruthie had been your creation, The Queen would have ordered Ruthie from Her Realm and you would not be able to abandon her (leave her behind as you tried to do)...Ngaru Whaea is being gracious in recognizing Ruthie's affection for Callum and granting permission for Ruthie to continue accompanying him into the cave system.

I understand your concerns that Ruthie can be used to spy on Callum Tanager, but things have changed in that way as Manu Iti has now gifted her a Seed-Gem, which allows The Queen to get about in the same way Manu Iti does, so if she wants to know what Callum is up to, She can simply use Her Gem and go have a look.


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Avoiding Crossing The Light Streams With One Another

Post #37

Post by William »

Hi Tanager.

I don't know for sure, but intuit that there may be some background noise of frustration that Callum and Manu Iti are no longer able to be used for the purpose of dealing with any issues which may be happening between You and I.

If there is, here is the best place to try and sort them, at least into a category where they are no longer issues which might be having their indirect effect on Callum and Manu Iti's own relationship and interacting.

If we can keep any issues we might have with one another, from affecting The Characters We Created - Callum and Manu Iti - it will bode well with the unfolding story that they are undergoing.

And perhaps too, with our own...



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Post #38

Post by The Tanager »

To be honest, this seems to be an unintended way for you to get around the rule you've created. I believe your motivations are pure, but this is hypocritical. What if I introduce the Lord of Master ColdFire's realm? I would then be able to control your character Master ColdFire by this logic. This makes the rule meaningless.

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Post #39

Post by William »

I assure you that I have been following the Story-Line and I have no interest in indirectly controlling any creation you care to introduce to The Holographic Universes.

That it seems otherwise to you, I acknowledge, but cannot do much about that, except ask you to consider letting it go - or at least putting it to one side for now...

Importantly, Callum is more than enough right now for you to look after without introducing more characters and then abandoning them as you feel like it.

You cannot introduce the Lord of Master ColdFire's Realm and use Him to control Master ColdFire, because The Lord of Master ColdFire's Realm already exists and is not your creation.

My argument also is that The Generated Message appears to have already informed us of the advent of The Cat Realm, as part of the then upcoming story-line...

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Post #40

Post by The Tanager »

You are missing the general point. I don't remember you talking about the Lord of Master ColdFire's realm, but perhaps you have and I don't care to go searching all that has been said in these threads. If, in the future, Callum and Manu Iti found themselves in another story realm and all you did was create one character who is not the ruler of that realm to join them, I could follow the story line by introducing the Lord of that realm and then claim that this Lord created your character. I would then be able to control your character's actions, as you have now done with Ruthie...which was clearly my creation.

Look, if you don't want people creating multiple characters, make a rule that says we can't. If you don't make that rule, don't get mad when we do. If you are okay with us doing this, then do not take them over...ever, especially not through some means like this, later making it (purposefully or by accident of story line) that the one who creates the Lord of that realm has control of all creations that exist in that realm.

You say the generated message informed us of the advent of the cat realm. It didn't give us Ruthie. I also don't remember it saying that the creator of Ngaru has control of all participant's creations in that realm. But, even if it did, you are the creator of that generated message. You compiled the list it was randomly pulled from.

As to telling me that Callum is enough for me to handle right now, what's the deal with that? Is this meant to sound condescending? If not, where is the rule against how many characters I can use? You've brought characters in and out, as you feel like it. You may not like what I do with my characters, but if you want complete creative control, then set this sub-forum up differently.

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