Generating Messages

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Generating Messages

Post #1

Post by William »


I started this thread to share something which I find fascinating and would like some critique re the system I use to generate messages as I share these in this thread.

I would like to discuss the scientific value in terms of both subjectivity and objectivity to do with the way in which the messages are generated [to be explained] and perhaps how the reader interprets the message generated [assuming they see any message] and other related subjects branching from this.

I will also be using as evidence, the way in which words corelate with math, such as;

Generating Messages = 188
What Is Friendship

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #111

Post by William »

William wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:21 am [Replying to Diagoras in post #91]

Keep on reaching.

It isn't about the written word. It is about the sound of spoken language.

I think sometimes folk get confused thinking that just because they learned how to speak, through learning what was written, that it means the written word is what got folk speaking.

Rather - language comes from the mind behind creation...


What you tabled re the examples you are attempting to use to support your argument, doesn't even take into consideration - sensible Intertextual References - ...

Hey! look at that! It's uncanny...
Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Hears ...
The incontrovertible evidence...
It is not about what is written, but rather - why it is about why is was written.

This morning I was thinking about YHWH and regiment.
I was also thinking about the left/right brain hemispheres.

I found the values of the subjects I was thinking about, to be;

Regimented = 100
Left -brain Right brain Whole brain = 300

These types of numbers fascinate me.
Since I just wrote that, I will find the value;
These types of numbers fascinate me. = 351

Anyway - I decided to bring the two together...

Regimented : Left -brain Right brain Whole brain = 400

Now I will select any WS under that value, which have possible connections with the WS I just valued.

Entities of Particular Belief Systems = 400
Identify oppressive structures... = 400
It is found within the experience of self = 400

These were the only LE my N2N had for that value.

That is because every day, I am adding to the data - and it is a slow and sure process. = 717

Jumping to conclusions with arguments that are not thought through with any understanding of the finer details, is a chasm too wide...and I am talking miles...

We cannot hinder the process, but we can help it.
Not by flinging woo at it.

Unity with our Collective Self
People hide their sins from each other.

It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #112

Post by William »


Zero Four Zero Three Two Two = 360
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
Where are we getting our news from?
The relevant scientific community
A projection of ones subconscious

SCLx9+last LE per shuffle
Keep An Eye Out for Ones Neighbours - Phasing - Electrics - Linda and William - Labyrinthus - We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored... - I place no judgement on the results. - Matter and psyche are one and the same.

AP="What it represents for me is the Seed of Origin – the very initial movement from thought to function."

RSP= F&L LE per page.

Once Upon a Time
Mego Agenda
If memory serves me well
Become more expansive
Properly Assuming Integrity
Preparing for the Hunt
Core emotion
Act like an airplane and adjust approach
Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Hears
Commendably Recommendable
The Abrahamic idea of GOD
The evidence is too strong, to believe there is no intelligent mind involved as part of the universes structure.
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
The Hub Of Hologram Dimensions
William's Commitment
Hand In Hand
Be Led
If You Must Believe - Believe This:
The Truth
We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...
Something Like That
The Omega Point
Christianity - a political device created for a specific purpose
A Sense of Hope
Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities
So Far Into The Past You May As Well Take A Pick And Shovel With You
Conscious dreaming
Living our forefather's conflict
Pitchforks and Torches ... xYtubUUPSo
The Nature of That Place
Musing On The Mother Act II
Be it a "God" or a "Devil".
Watch Your Step
There is no such thing as random really.
Good and evil co-exist without either being dominant
We cannot hinder the process, but we can help it.
Love Unconditionally
Look Closely
Experience is the best teacher
Observed by Many
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
Get The Ball Rolling
Stuff Happens
Energies Renewed
The Significance
Callum at the Campfire
From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure.
Glow Softly
The power of emotions
Confusion In The Air
Let The Day In
Devices of The Gods
Clown Boat
What the seed holds
Soul Group Energies
With that in mind and treating the Source-Story as largely a work of fiction, we can look at the fact of the story itself and agree re the different Personalities of the Characters within The Story.
Eventually This Led to the Human Experience
The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
Strictly Human
Practicing peace
Brow Chakra
I Spy With My Eye
Personal boundaries
Human religion is intolerant to change once the rules have been established, so they tend to stick with whatever devil they know.
Earth teachers (non-physical) prepare the species for acceptance of the Grand Portal
Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole
A Degenerative Force to Existence
Couldn’t we do something about it...
Sharing Your Love
Allow for the fact that many non-theists have been damaged by the religious branches of theism.
Christianity is intolerant of such an idea, which is why the dark side of YVHV became a separate entity.
It appears to come from a desperate place - like with the clutching of straws. ... WsMOmGhBkY'
What Is Friendship?
Every Conceivable Detail
Personal Participation With The One
A Page Of Dreams
Where are we getting our news from?
That's More Like It
Philo2 [WingMakers]
The Old Soul; Think "Total Recall" but on a far grander scale…
Universe of Wholeness
God is Consciousness
Nothing more sad than wasted beliefs
Subatomic Particles [most mentioned subject throughout last months GMs]
No thought about fate or of ending up late Yet I still like to think where I'm going
The Creation
There is a lot to unpack here
For The Best Results
Independent from what?
The Tribe Has Spoken
Conduit Closing
It is a confident walk on the even surface of sureness, without the faith.
A Beautiful Song

Memorandum of Understanding
Under the watchful eye and guiding arm of YHWH
You Are
An inappropriate analogy
Adds Up To
Walk The Talk In Love
Catching up
Communication is key
Musing On The Mother
This Is Part Of The Job
Closed Loop Production
The Story of Cadriel
Galactic Encompassment
The Taming of The Beast
Sweet Talk
Matter and psyche are one and the same.
What it represents for me is the Seed of Origin – the very initial movement from thought to function.

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #113

Post by William »

Simulacrum an image or representation of someone or something. an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute.

Adroit clever or skilful.

Vagitus a new-born baby's first cry. 2. the crying or screaming of any baby or small child.

Limpid completely clear and transparent. unclouded; clear. clear and accessible or melodious.

Stochastic having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.

Animistic the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence.

Precognitive having or giving foreknowledge of an event.

Penumbraa the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object. a peripheral or indeterminate area or group.

Indeterminate not exactly known, established, or defined.

Metanoia change in one's way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion.

Arcadian a person who lives a simple quiet life.

Efficacious successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective.

Taciturn reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.

Oneirology the scientific study of dreams

Sangreal another term for grail

Grail (in medieval legend) the cup or platter used by Christ at the Last Supper, and in which Joseph of Arimathea received Christ's blood at the Cross.

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #114

Post by William »

Diagoras wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:42 pm
William wrote:It isn't about the written word. It is about the sound of spoken language.
I don't recall 'sounds' being of any importance in previous posts.
Sound and its importance re the human language is treated with importance here in this thread.
The thread on Satan is focused upon the questions;
"How does one recognize the devil? Or does that even matter? And where is the devil today?"

'Satan' scores 55 in the system being used here. So do many other words, such as:
  • trap
  • fluke
  • lint
  • grey
  • chips
  • watch
  • pose
  • nails
  • zit
  • loom
Feel free to infer some sort of hidden meaning or association with Satan from them.
Because you are not following what is going on, you are under the impression that the word-string values should all infer some kind of association with each other.
This is not the case - one is not looking for "some sort of hidden meaning or association" but rather, one is looking for obvious connection re any Subject being this case - the subject of Satan.
But how about some other words which we might reasonably consider?

evil (48)
tempt (74)
deceive (53)
sins (61)
fires (57)
burn (55) ! Look! That's a match!
falls (50)
adversary (113)
downfall (87)
Congratulations on your finding a match to burn! This shows me that you have at least a fundamental understanding as to the process being investigated here.
Dig deeper.
Hmmm, those last two are way off. Might be something to do with the number of letters, rather than the sounds they make?
The letters represent symbols for the sounds being made re the language being spoken.

Smaller groups of sounds generally require less use of symbols used to denote said sounds.
any phrase where s appears at least three times (461)
sss (57) - so you can easily see at a glance that 'sausages' isn't going to equal Satan.
fizzy (92)
bad (7)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (218)
Lets see if longer phrases typically produce higher scores (596)
yup (62)
xylophone zebra wyvern (293) - seems as if the letters at the end of the alphabet are more 'powerful', somehow...
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (650)
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp (666) - the sound Satan makes zipping up his pants.

So there we are.
I have to say that I am surprised at your shoddy attempt at debunking this system - what you argue has already been argued and counteracted by my own reply [HERE]

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #115

Post by William »

[Replying to Diagoras in post #102]
In other words, there’s no guarantee that you have sufficient data, your method is to ‘pick out’ connections that other people have already made, and you sometimes exclude data depending ‘on context’.
No. I add to the data constantly and there is sufficient data to work with already.
I don't exclude data. There is no point in bringing in data of swordfish, if the Subject is hummingbirds.

The System used to Generate Messages can be any subject matter. If one wishes to examine coherent messages related to biology, one does not go the the haberdashery section of the library for that information.

The Subject I am most interested in is Theology, specific to the idea of there being an intelligence behind creation [Cosmic Mind/Source/God whatever names It has been attributed with] so my ComList will naturally have subject matter to do with this idea.

So too will my word-values list.

Thus, when The Subject is - "Satan" - what we have to go with is anything which comes from sources to do with said subject, which are many and varied.

I know that the data under the word-string "The Devil" [which you snipped] is relevant to the various sources to so with what those sources think of in association with "Satan".

Here it is again; with a brief explanation for some of them, as to why I selected them for inclusion, ...

Anunnaki - considered to be Reptilian overlords which have enslaved humanity, here on planet Earth.
EELRIJUE - 8 letters which have no apparent meaning, but which were part of an overall message in a crop-circle representing the image of a disc held by an alien figure associated with the Anunnaki - the message on the disc was coded in binary...
Fearless How one is instructed to be in the face of evil
You Are I have been accused of being influenced by the Devil, by Christians. but this is also a phrase connected with the individual.

Matrix What some information I have had access to say that the Annunaki have humans imprisoned within -
Hide and Seek
Use Mind
Mind Games
Noetics Relating to mental activity or the intellect, thus related to both using the mind and mind games.
Above board
Because you are not following what is going on, you are under the impression that the word-string values should all infer some kind of association with each other.
This is not the case - one is not looking for "some sort of hidden meaning or association" but rather, one is looking for obvious connection re any Subject being this case - the subject of Satan.
No, of course we’re not looking for hidden meanings or associations – that would be silly! What we’re looking for are obvious connection. Totally different!
No one is saying that there are not hidden meanings or associations. Rather one is saying that some things are hidden in plain sight - as these two systems I am using, verify.
Congratulations on your finding a match to burn! This shows me that you have at least a fundamental understanding as to the process being investigated here.
Dig deeper.
At this point, I really don’t know if I’m being pranked or not. Was that a serious comment, or were you being sarcastic? I genuinely don’t know.
The part about the match was humour which can be appreciated.
The further comment was sincere, based upon previous interactions we have had - you are normally intelligent and level-headed ...
base all my assertions on the idea that there is a mind behind what we call "creation/the universe" and reasonably assume that such a Mind can prove its existence to the individual, through the use of this Message Generating Process.
But I feel that I can equally reasonably assume this process to be simply an example of Apophenia.
Not equally, no - unless you make the effort to table evidence to support this is a reasonable assumption, as obviously I am doing....and on a daily basis.

In order for you to do this, you will have to examine the Generated Messages and show clearly where apophenia is present and active.

Also - you would have to test the system for yourself, as it is repeatable and therein see if what messages then generated, are coherent, as clearly the ones being generated by my doing the science, are.
I didn’t really want to have to go down this particular rabbit hole, but it looks like I might have to.
It is nothing to be concerned about. We are in a situation which makes Alice's adventures in wonderland, rather mundane in comparison.
I prefer 1 Corinthians 13:11 myself.
Yes - not to forget re theism - this in no way renders Matthew 18:3 void.
Rather, it is such comments as;
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp (666) - the sound Satan makes zipping up his pants.
to which 1 Corinthians 13:11 refers to.
Placing aside the childish not the childlike.

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #116

Post by William »


Zero Five Zero Three Two Two = 342
Do Not Linger Upon The Path Of Faith
Mathematics - invented or discovered

SCLx9+last LE per shuffle

Productive - Hot - Recommendable - Active Dreaming - Angels - Equals - Make It Real - Points of Reference - The problem , as I understand it , is in how humans general think about ‘God’ and project their own sense of self into the model they each come to accept as the real thing.

Longing = 78
The Path
All of life

RSP= F2&L2 LE per page.

Everything Is Unique
Difficult emotions
The Devil You Say
Action Station
Tributary Zones
A Jump Ahead
Mapping Wholeness
Dream Come True ... ost2245935
The Twelve Judges Mountain Range
Strange Desire
You Trust My Navigation
The Enigma Code
Large Elemental Powers
You Tube
The explanation of The Seed of Origin is the best
Strength of Mind
Fitting In
What Do You Like About It?

William: I like the images which are superimposed upon the Eigengrau Mind Screen - even that they are in 'black and white' - as in - all shades of grey - mostly at this time the images are faces - mostly of folk I have not meet ...
The Eigengrau Mind Screen = 224
Look For the Significance
As An Elemental Principle
The Purpose Of Life Is...
James Webb Space Telescope
They is what they is.
Under the watchful eye

William: Yes - I think of these images as representing a very real and supportive Team.
It helps makes the stinky hole I was pushed through in order to get here, a purposeful experience...


William: Dragons? That is also in the group-value 78 - along with "Visible" and "Galaxies"

We Could
Inside the workings of intelligence
"With a small nervous cough - the wedding was off - we could all sense a change in the weather"
People Judge People
Get To Know It

William: Yes Nyx - the 'behind the scenes God' whom even Thor was freaked out by. the goddess of the night, daughter of Chaos - = Visible Galaxies which altogether = "Children of The Universe...The Universe Entity.


William: Ah yes! The Egoless GM. There is no need for false impressions within The Solace of One Self. We Are Us.

Life Principles of Sovereign Integral
I’m Not Saying It Was Aliens…

William: But "Aliens" are part of this Universe.

All Information Is Channelled
The Human Brain
Opinion is that which has yet to be established as a matter of fact

William: refining and purifying one's motivations and attitudes.

Dream yoga
As You Think
Time Will Tell

William: As it always does eventually

A Politically Manufactured Device
Secret Space-Glue
Seeds are evidence that something large can derive from something tiny.
Break Through to Your True Self
Smoke and Mirrors
It Requires Corrective Action
Astral Pulse
Something In The Way of It All
Mind Body Soul
"Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within Lest I forget the heart that aches! "

William: The agenda is not to kill the beast but to tame it...there is a seat for it at the table.

Finishing What Was Started
My thoughts on death

William: is better to die thinking "God is Good"

OOBE Target Technique
The Limitation Of Language
Stay in the moment

William: Do not place fear into the experience just go with the flow and trust where it takes you...

"How does one recognize the devil"
The Dolphins And Whales
"Haha Joke We Win"

William: Well - yes...the joke resulted in me having trust issues with you - ya'll... I tuned out for a while to access...

"For whom the bell tolls For to gather the souls the numbers in darkness are glowing"
Awakening Love
Rule your world
A lot of weird things have been happening...
The process of individuation

William: It gets down to that. The person is an individual attempting to fit into a collective...even if that means being in the wilderness and off-line - there is still a grid one is hooked into... a "Leg Hold Trap" - for now the Earth-Dragon has our attention...but to what degree...are we listening?

"End Of Story" As The Saying Goes
Okay - facts are great.
Can You Answer This?
"With a mystical smile I float down the isle forgetting the time when I was lost"

William: It refers to a wedding which didn't eventual because the individual was distracted by a far greater reality...thus the floating and the smiling...the individual once lost, now not...

Try Different Methods
Christianity is intolerant of such an idea, which is why the dark side of YVHV became a separate entity.

William: A false image of a real entity

Universal Intelligence Communications Device
A Loving Mind
Keep me in The Loop
(Choose Three In A Row)

William: The shallows can get deeper the further in one goes...

The Trinity of Love are three things operating as One Thing
How Can We Know
Written Language.
Is quite congruous with Jung's ideas centring around individuation.
You Are All Loveable...
Significant Variations
Virtual Reality
The Gist of The Message

William: Yes - the gist is the shallow part - getting more than just the gist, is progress

Divine Purpose
A question asked by those not wanting to know the answer
The Culture of Human Lineage
Placebo Effect

William: Dark is scary for humans...divine dark even more harder to contemplate...Think "Nyx and Thor"...and Thor is a God even - so how much harder for a human to face that dark?
So one pretends to have a handle on it through simply accepting that it is real and that is that...placebo is enough in that the belief is least while one is splashing around in the shallows...

Is it really that important that GOD is understood to be a male entity?
Imposed Appropriates Observed
White Light
The One GOD With Many Names
Jesus' Direct Superior

William: Even the Divine having a dark side is good - therefore the 'evil' is projected from the human onto the Divine Darkness.
It is not like YHWH didn't tell us... “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

An Ancient Truthful Wisdom
The art of relationship
Looking into the science of Astral Projection
Theism hasn't lasted this long based upon the idea that while one does not know, one will believe anyway
By all means, psychoanalyze the hell out of it

William: Righty ho!

Professional Rules
Be grateful to everyone
They is what they is.
It Will Prove Itself True Or False

William: Shadow Volunteer = 202 as does..."The practice of lojong"

What Is Within Is Without, Equal
Solid Device of Science
RPDK [Random pg dn key]

William: The Cursor stopped at the line entry - "The Creator"
Clear your mind
The Creator
Eye to Eye

The Torturous Treacherous Path
On Your Own
A Bit Of A Mouthful!
Let Go
The Screen
Grand Experiment
Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...
One is not wrong
Planet Earth is a prison
The Theory of Everything
Mysteriously missing
Far Out! Shucks! Explain!
Living Forever In this Universe

William: This is achieved through use of the Human Instrument? Why would anyone want to live forever in the Universe? I can see the attraction but I can also understand that one could quickly tire of wearing the same instrument - human or otherwise - even like "David" in Alien Covenant movie - he can 'play at being his version of God' as a means to stave off ennui and give purpose to his existence....but eventually his form remains unchanged while he uses science to invent other forms while he can lord must have to get old...

Added Significance
Conjecture necessarily precedes proof
Present over perfect

William: So one can tolerate vast longevity because the universe keeps giving one opportunity to learn new things? So one could say - learn how to make a different form to experience through?

A new Paradigm has arisen whereby folk can drop the idea of being a 'true Christian' and simply be a True Human.
As Well As That
Outposts of Form
Aye...A name I call myself. :)
Healing the child within

William: Wow....

Central to The Message
The Finer Details
The systems show that there is no such thing as true randomness, therefore - even that things appear to have originated in chaos and chance, the existence of all things cannot have derived from a mindless origin.
Hide This

William: Hidden within the very fabricated structure of the Universe one is experiencing long-term...there to be revealed to those who seek to find it...

Living our forefather's conflict
The wheel weaves as the wheel wills ... 80#p499880
Religious theists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.

William: The barrier is like unto throwing pooh at something perceived as dangerous...religious theists brings things down a notch or three...a form of controlling God

Neruda Interview Five
It is just one of those things.
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
A Clean Channel
When Done Say "Done"

William: I will have to re-read the Neruda interview as it has been a while...I think you are saying "When the collected evidence show sufficient aspect of what is hidden - move on "... from believing to knowing... ... /post-6823
Rest When Weary
The Existence of Ability to Interact With The Imagination
The Purple Heart medal

William: Yes - Change ones anger-energy into something more useful...

The journey is the destination
A type of 'leg-up' but no more or less than that
Do a Word Search

William: trenchant = vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
Talk = speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; converse or communicate by spoken words.
have formal dealings or discussions; negotiate.
communication by spoken words; conversation or discussion.
formal discussions or negotiations over a period.

I come from a dark place is so dark I can't even remember it
May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You
Empower The Inner Empire
The Mind Behind Creation
Stay The Course

William: It takes time, because of the complexities involved. Perhaps the Thanatophobic aspect is the fear that one will return to the dark place one came from?

The Generated Messages
Nothing comes from nothing - everything which can be seen to have a beginning comes from something.
Opposing forces which define each other by necessity
Re Abusive Expression Of All Types.
We were not conscious of being a human for a time, but this does not mean that consciousness wasn't there.
Commendably Recommendable
To Know
Myths and Legends
It's Still Not Clear To Me
Soul Groups
Be they seeds or suns, or be it that suns are seeds, it is all part of the universe, and everything that we acknowledge as the universe, came from a tiny seed.
Go Within and Find That Place
The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly

William: Even so - that is still the dark place of no memories....

There are many levels of consciousness
The Astral Body
Wish fulfillment
Being Born

William: In whom are we trusting?

Emotional Intelligence
Conscious dreaming
The Nature of This Place
Conspiracy Emotions.
Face To Face
It May Seem Insignificant
Don’t fall asleep
A Loving Heart
I Digress...
Pineal Gland
"I guess it is just us, Master ColdFire"

William: So - The Hub Of Hologram Dimensions
- as I answered summerlander recently... ... ost2246128

Appealing, Informative, Honest
"You’ve been a rock - For so long now I can’t even count the years that you’ve been rolling Nothing can shock or bring you down There ain’t nothing you haven’t seen - Nothing you haven’t known "
This Should Be Interesting
Let Us Move On Together Then

William: Indeed...

The Power Of...
Love Unconditionally
Fireside Metaphor

William: Tarot Major = "Magician" Tarot Minor = "Eight of Cups"
When the Magician appears in a spread, it points to the talents, capabilities and resources at the querent's disposal to succeed. The message is to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something.
In a general context, the Eight of Cups represents abandonment. It can signify walking away from people or situations in your life or abandoning your plans. It can indicate disappointment, escapism and turning your back on or leaving bad situation. The Eight of Cups can also represent the exhaustion or weariness that can prompt such a decision. Strength and courage are necessary to walk away from what you know into an unknown future and these qualities are also represented in the Eight of Cups. It is a Minor Arcana card representing travel so you could find yourself embarking on an adventure when this card appears in your Tarot reading. The Eight of Cups can signify loneliness, introspection, self-analysis and looking for the truth.

Deep Space
Growing Pains
Spring Loaded
Embrace the discomfort
An Eternal Entity Consciousness
All The Same
Thoughts Are Products Of...
"Strangers truly are the friends we haven’t met - The souls we don’t forget through life’s long lessons "
The Cave of Origins
Is the statement one of fact or conjecture? [science or opinion]
If In Doubt Let It Sit
Some information has to be drummed into that which perceives
"We could listen to the child that we are - The one that hides inside and let’s the adults do the thinking "
Devices of The Gods
Yes, I Hear You
Resident of The Hub Of Hologram Dimensions
The Roles
Group Dynamics
Extra Sensory Perception
It Is One Of Those Things
Sharing data,
The Dalai Lama
*Taps just above glabella*
What we call the experience of reality
Shift Focus
Light Body
The Neverland Metaphor
Without Judgement
Church Bells
Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
All system go
Cyborg Anthropology
Gods Purpose
Who wouldn't want that, if it were there on offer?
Brotherhood Of Souls
The Sqeeze
Inner Strength
Two sides of the same coin
But hey, we can all hope that over time the mainstream view is tending towards the truth. It's certainly a lovely idea
The Ouroboros does not contradict the idea of Oneness, higher self and the cosmic mind.
Ah - The Mechanics

The sound of a Ghost
Lean into it
Heart Teachers
Little Self
The Art
Dualism merely expresses two sides of the same coin
The Vector Symbol
The relevant scientific community
Show Me Your Soul
Sharing Data
Safe Harbour
Yep - That's What I'm Talking About...
How about that
Aligning With WingMakers
The Ancient Grey Entity
The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose
Science of Truth
Sharing Your Love Without Comparison
Choose What to Pay Attention To
How shallow is the reach of YHWH
The practice of vipassana
Aligning With
Every Conceivable Detail
The Planet Consciousness assess the data and transmits that assessment back to the individuate human consciousness - if not directly - then storing the data in a place where the individual can have access to it, if the individual wants the data.
Unsupported statements are neither useful to science or to good argument.
The Connection Process
Great Ideas
Beyond Belief
Remote Viewing
Better The Devil You Know
Working with the simulation
Other Ways of Using Your Lists
The Subject
Being on The Same Page
Freeing the soul
Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight
Able To
The Lord God
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness.
A Degenerative Force to Existence
Automated Machine Learning
Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system
The problem - as I understand it – is in how humans general think about ‘God’ and project their own sense of self into the model they each come to accept as the real thing.
The Neutral Zone

William: Hmmm- much to contemplate....

Last edited by William on Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #117

Post by William »

[Replying to William in post #116]
OOBE Target Technique
The Target Technique

For many, the key to out-of-body exploration is to focus and maintain your complete attention away from your physical body as you drift to sleep. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to focus your attention upon a person, place, or object located some distance from you. This can be a loved one from which you are separated, your favorite vacation spot, or a gift that holds some special meaning for you. Whatever you select should be an actual physical object you know, not an imaginary place or person. Select the object or place that is easiest to visualize and holds the most interest for you.

Visualizing a loved one that you are separated from can be effective. Just picture the person that you wish to be with as vividly as possible. It helps to be emotionally involved, so select a person you would love to be with. Choose someone you know, not a fantasy relationship. Become completely absorbed in their presence and actually feel yourself with this person. If you like, role-play some kind of interaction to keep you involved.

Continue your visualization of this person for as long as possible as you allow your physical body to completely relax and fall to sleep. It's important to maintain a detailed picture of this person and your interaction as you go to sleep. As you doze off, attempt to boost your emotional and visual connection with this person as much as possible.

This method is excellent bedtime visualization. Keep in mind, the more emotionally involved you are, the more effective this technique is. Have fun with it and let your imagination go wild.Click here to order the Target Technique
The Target Technique

Your ability to focus and maintain your awareness away from your physical body is enhanced if you direct your full attention upon a specific object or place. The target technique is an excellent exercise to help you develop this ability. Select three targets in your home. All three targets should be physical items that you can visualize with relative ease. Your targets should be in a different area of your home than the room you normally use for your out-of-body techniques. For example, you could select your favorite chair for your first target. For your second, select a gift or artwork that holds some special meaning to you. Third, select the most visually stimulating object available, such as your favorite painting, sculpture, or crystal. All three targets should be in the same room. After selecting your targets, physically walk to each one and examine every detail. Study each object from different perspectives; notice any imperfections or irregularities. Take your time with each object, memorizing the sights and feelings associated with every target area. Become aware of all of your senses during your walk, especially your sense of sight and touch. Repeat your walk several times until you can easily recall the smallest details of each target area. Pay close attention to everything, including colors, textures, densities, reflections of light, coolness, and heat. Also feel and memorize the sensations associated with your walk from one target to another. In other words, Get Into It! Enjoy all the sensory input that you receive.

The key to this technique is to focus and maintain your attention away from your physical body as you drift off to sleep. If you are persistent, the results will be dramatic. To enhance this exercise, take your time and repeat your physical and visual walk-through daily for thirty days. Get interested and involved in each target. This technique is a great way to increase your concentration and visualization skill and it only takes about twenty minutes to perform.

Select targets that are easy to visualize for yourself. Many people select personal items that possess a sentimental attraction. Once you make a selection stay with it, the repetition of your visualization dramatically increases its effectiveness. This technique is my personal favorite, over twenty-five years ago I stumbled upon it when I began to visualize objects in my mother's home. I strongly believe that this technique can work for anyone who is willing to invest the time and effort. The key is to select target objects that are easy to visualize but interesting enough to hold your attention. Items that you have made such as a painting, a sculpture, a silk flower arrangement, or even a set of curtains can be extremely effective targets. As you progress with this technique you can increase the number and variety of the targets you select. After you become comfortable, you can expand your visualization to include an entire room. This technique is extremely effective, but it is up to you to take the steps. The time you invest will be richly rewarded.

It's important to know that most techniques will initiate the vibrational state. You will generally not go to the target but awaken in the vibrational state. For more information concerning techniques turn to page 171 - 210 and 233 - 268 of Adventures Beyond the Body.

Examples of Targets

1. Sense of sight

A favorite chair

Sofa or any item of furniture

Any object that you can visualize well

A gift or personal item that holds a special meaning

Any object or artwork that you have created yourself

A special picture, painting or portrait

2. Sense of touch

Textured fabric or cloth of any kind

An item of furniture a door, carpet, light switch, sculpture or a wooden banister

Jewelry, ashtray, candle or any object that has a unique or distinctive shape or texture

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #118

Post by William »

[Replying to William in post #116]
Neruda Interview Five
It is just one of those things.
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
A Clean Channel
When Done Say "Done"
From the Neruda Interview Five document re "Intelligent"; [VIDEO-SOURCE] [WRITTEN SOURCE]
Sarah: “Bear with me, but let me see if I have this straight. Human 1.0 was a creation of a God-like being—”
Dr. Neruda: “No. Anu is the same as us or the Atlanteans. He was no more intelligent or god-like. He was deceptive. That is the only distinction.”
Sarah: “As intelligent and aware as the Labyrinth Group is, why didn’t this information change their minds?”
Dr. Neruda: “I had the benefit of having direct interactions with the WingMakers. None of my peers did. This was the difference in my willingness to act on the information, and not simply consider it as a contradiction to my invested reality.”
From the Neruda Interview Five document re "Clean";
Sarah: “That doesn’t answer my question as to how a powerful soul would suddenly be plugged into an ape-man vessel and behave like… like a Neanderthal.”
Dr. Neruda: “Well, first, these were much more primitive than Neanderthals. But the answer is in the implants. You see, the biological entity, or ape-man, as you’re referring to it, was not able to operate in the physical world. They needed survival skills, how to eat, how tohunt, how to clean themselves, how to even move their bodies. All of these very fundamental functions were necessary to actually include or program into the vessel… which was the purpose of the functional implants
“The implants were akin to the brain of the human 1.0, but it wasn’t just in the brain. These implants were placed inside the body within various parts—like the chest area, middle back, wrists, ankles, etc. The primary ones were contained in the skull. But generally these implants were networked to operate from the head, or brain area.”
Sarah: “Okay… but Anu created human 1.0 and then found them to be too similar to his own capabilities, and feared they would one day figure out that they were Atlanteans enslaved by the Anunnaki. And he was worried about the consequences of that discovery. So, he wiped them clean with a planetary flood.”
Dr. Neruda: “According to the WingMakers, the flood was one part of the extinction program, but there were also nuclear weapons that were discharged on the planet—most of which have been explained away as meteorite impacts. But the WingMakers write that these were advanced weapons used against human populations that had avoided the flood.”
From the Neruda Interview Five document re "Channel";
Dr. Neruda:“The most esoteric information on this planet was not written by human beings, but through human beings vis-à-vis channeling. The channeling speaks of wonderful spiritual realities, of how humans and aliens are one, of how the deep psychology of human beings is constructed, of the complex cosmological environment in which humanity is nested. All wonderful information except no one mentions how we are enslaved, or why, or by whom. Not one.
Sarah: “No, it was good to hear your passion for this. I guess the thing that’s interesting to me is that the WingMakers materials are esoteric, at least to me, and they seem to be explaining cosmological systems and psychological structures, how is it different than what you were just saying about the channeled information?”
Dr. Neruda: “Sometime this year the WingMakers site will be released on the Internet, at least a part of it. Its only goal, according to its authors, is to introduce one concept: the Sovereign Integral. That is the fractal seed for the inception point. The second phase will introduce practical behaviors to support the sovereign being in their deprogramming of what it means to be a spiritual person. The third phase is to anchor the inception point, and create the crack in the wall.”
Sarah: “You’ve talked about the crack in the wall as the inception point. Can you elaborate on that a bit more?”
Sarah: “Okay, let’s go back to the God discussion.”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes… so, to answer your question, is there a god? There are many gods. Some beings present themselves as gods, and some beings manipulate others to such a degree that they become regarded as gods. And then there are collective intelligences that move between the quantum membranes and simulate god-like qualities of omniscience and omnipotence, but they are not gods in the sense of being The Creator. There are even some beings that present themselves as god through a human channel.
“The view of the WingMakers is that the oldest civilizations in the universe believe there is a Creator, but that this Creator, known in the WingMakers philosophy as First Source, is so fundamental that it is the fractal essence of all life in all variations. It is the quantum zygote of life at the most foundational level. It is not truly knowable as we think of knowledge. It is experiential through sound that evokes this tone of equality spoken of in the WingMakers philosophy. It’s not apprehended through the mind, which makes it hard to describe or convey.
“This is the problem with anything so elemental that it all but disappears. How do you convey it in such a way that it can hold a human being’s attention?”
Sarah: “So there’s a God, but it’s unapproachable, is that basically it?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, but I want to mention that the relationship is to a Creator, not a god. The Creator is in all life. God is more of a parent and, in religious circles, a father figure who is humanized to such a degree that we can pray to god to give us things, help us remove obstacles, crush our enemies and so on. Creator is aligned to oneness and equality, while god is aligned to separation and fear.
Dr. Neruda:“Soon after that, ascended masters began to join the swelling ranks, as human channelers began to be the spokespeople of these entities. From the WingMakers perspective, these entities are fixtures of the polarity plan to keep human beings firmly anchored in separation, distraction and deception.”
Sarah: “What does this have to do with Fifteen’s decision?”
Dr. Neruda: “Sorry, I got a little sidetracked… Fifteen knew of the Great White Brotherhood. It’s considered a very important element in the overall hierarchy—very near the capstone of the elite or what I earlier called the Incunabula. The Great White Brotherhood was seen as a means to bring occult or secret information to the planet, and it was designed to balance the movement of secularization, which was to essentially rid the planet of religion and bring science to the stage.
Dr. Neruda:“The idea of ascended masters, communicating with one another telepathically and instructing and guiding the affairs of men, gained some popularity with those who were disenchanted with organized religion. To be fair, some of the channeled information did come from beings that were considerably more informed than the average man, and they could bedazzle most people with their superior knowledge of the cosmological order and the structure of things relative to god, but their description and explanation was founded in the hologram of deception. While these masters supposedly channeled the secret or hidden knowledge to their selected students, who then wrote books and created organizations, this information continued to separate the worlds of light and dark, good and evil and those in the know from those who were not.
“They used words like love, ascension, truth, and god more liberally than organized religions, and god was always portrayed as a loving, congealing force. Angels and cosmic beings were also associated with these organizations. They not only appropriated symbols and constructs like the soul and eternal life, but they also created the ladder of consciousness that stretched into infinity in which the student was forever trying to learn more in order to progress higher on the ladder.
From the Neruda Interview Five document re "Done"
Sarah: “If no one has done this… you mean anywhere?”
Dr. Neruda: “On this plane, earth, no one has done this. But remember, the WingMakers are human in a future time. They have returned to our time to crack this shell open a bit. They have traveled to our time to remind us of what they discovered. They left this enslavement, so we will do it.”
Sarah: “But you already said that spacetime is an illusion.”
Dr. Neruda: “That’s true. It is, but it’s hard to imagine that the universe in which we exist is really a hologram projection that was programmed inside our unconscious mind and we’re really inside this hologram, wearing a human uniform that was outfitted to perceive only this hologram. The WingMakers say that the real world is sound. Everything is sound and resonance of sound. Everything we have in our human uniform for sensing our universe is millions of years of evolutionary design to tune into that hologram and only that hologram.”
Sarah: “Why?”
Dr. Neruda: “The programming, Sarah. If the pure-state information was given out, and it contradicted everything that people have been told to believe. If it was the literal reverse of what was logical and acceptable in this world, who would listen? The WingMakers needed to awaken certain people to bring them inside their information field, to warm them up to the truth. It has to be done in degrees for the vast majority of people.”
Dr. Neruda: “Whatever it is, it’s important to know what’s behind the deception… to look with sober eyes on the truth. It may not be a beautiful picture to be sure, but how else do you realize your own truth until you know the truth of the big picture? So, however screwed up it seems, it is an inception point for the individual to redefine themselves.
“Would you rather stay in the illusion of a soul in a human body that will be saved by God and ascend into heaven and hang out with angels who strum harps? That whole idea is repulsive once you know this. That picture is based on separation and selfishness and lack of empathy and understanding. Or, you can simply say it’s all a big illusion, including the notion that we are infinite beings, and that when you die, you’re done.
“The part of this new picture that is promising is that we exist infinitely despite the fact that we have been suppressed and enslaved. We also can play a role in supporting this redefinition of the human being through our thoughts and behaviors. And, maybe most importantly, we have the WingMakers—our future selves—providing us with evidence that I AM WE ARE prevailed.
Dr. Neruda: “We have been told there are trillions of planets with life. That the universe is abundant with life forms in various dimensions, but what we know is here. On earth. The tangible, visible earth. Are there other beings? Of course. I’ve seen them. Will they save humanity? They can’t. They can only support. It isn’t about anyone or anything saving us. It is about a redefinition process that can only occur within each individual entity. It isn’t about being beamed up or ascending to some higher, protected dimension. This will be done in the physical body as human beings, by human beings, for human beings.”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes. But to answer your question, it’s done through the interface of the human vessel. The interface is what most people consider to be them. That is their consciousness. The interface fuses with the physical body and the dimensional being that powers and animates it. There’s an old saying that the last thing a fish notices is water. It’s an apt expression of our circumstance, too.
“Humans have been living in this consciousness of a human body since they were first created. It is all they have ever known, and because of the sophistication of the technology that underlies this entire deception, we are thrown distraction after distraction in order to never, ever consider the possibility that everything is a part of an illusion. Everything.
Dr. Neruda: “I’ve said that the WingMakers materials are extensive. There are 24 philosophical papers, but only four will be released. The four interviews we’ve previously done, as I told you, these four will be released, possibly not all at once, but those have been sanctioned.
“This interview and the remaining 20 philosophy papers will not be released until certain conditions are met. What those conditions are, I don’t know. I assume it has to do with the discovery of the portal—the human portal I mentioned—and getting the crack in the wall established in this world. Once a foothold is made in establishing the inception point, perhaps then the other materials can be released.
Dr. Neruda: “To understand why the WingMakers are focused on the Sovereign Integral process, you first need to understand why the Triad of Power is focused on their plan.
“The Triad of Power believes their One World concept is the right concept. They want to unify humanity through a money system that they control, utilizing technology as another means to unify. Unity, in their minds, is more like shepherding the human herd into easy-to-manage corrals and monitoring them for any rebellion. Their form of unity is a chimera. It is theater for display purposes, and nothing more. Their form of ‘we’re all in this together, let us protect you’ is simply more illusion and deception. Their plan for human 3.0 remains fused to the same functional implants that constitute human 2.0, and that is separation.
“As I said earlier, they are here to prepare for Anu’s return, whether they are conscious of it or not. All aspects of the power system, including major religions, are here to prepare. That is their watchword:prepare. The Anunnaki have one dominant belief in humanity: we are weak because we live in fear and separation. We do not stand up to the drip-drip-drip of indoctrination or the slow, but persistent evaporation of our personal liberties.
“Now, remember that the Anunnaki and their Triad of Power are both calculating and patient. What they established in our distant past is beginning to come to fruition. The finite 70-year life of a human being lacks patience. It is programmed to be impatient. This is against infinite beings that see timelines in hundreds of thousands of years and can program individual human beings within those timelines to achieve precisely what they want—if human beings agree to it, if they don’t stand up.
“The Anunnaki do not embrace the Sovereign Integral process. The notion of oneness and equality seems like a weakness to them. They believe they have the upper hand in this chess match. They foresee checkmate. Humans will fold. The sacrifice of Princess Diana last August was symbolic of the vibrant queen being lost on the chessboard. Those are the kind of messages they make, the kind of bold announcements. They do this out of a feeling of certainty in their programming and patience.
“When I say programming, I don’t mean just the internal interface that Marduk has programmed, but also the programming of the unconscious mind through the media, culture, religion, politics and economic structure. The combination of these forces is really the cause of their confidence, because they see our fall as an inevitability.
“Now, to answer your question, human beings, even those with Anunnaki DNA, can become self-realized of their true nature through a simple process. It doesn’t require that they meditate and pray all day or retreat to an ashram. The Sovereign Integral process becomes a natural part of the life expression of the individual. If enough human beings can embrace this process or something like it, the crack in the wall will expand, the wall will become less stable, and the world of separation, in its brittleness, will begin to crumble.
“The life essence is what we have on our side. This is not a slingshot as you put it. It is the infinite force that powers every object in the universe. Life is inside us and it exists in one and only one state: equality and oneness. The entire hologram of deception, as created and curated by the Anunnaki and their cohorts, that is not life, it is the exemplar of separation. Life is truthful and authentic. Separation begets deception, unworthiness and fear.
“If enough human beings awaken, if we begin to realize what’s afoot, what plans are being made to further enslave us and ensure that we remain a part of the hologram of deception, life will move inside us and we can collectively stand up and stop this, but it has to be done in the right way, with honesty, forgiveness and compassion. The alternative to separation must be expressed in our movements and practices. We have to model these behaviors as a collective entity. That is the definition of The Grand Portal.”
Dr. Neruda: “A person must understand that they are being programmed… that’s a starting point. If you don’t accept this basic premise, then why would you choose to change? If you do, then observe the programming inside you, within others in your environment, the larger world, and begin to see how subtle this programming is.
“In many ways, to observe this programming, requires us to be neutral, so we can simply observe our internal states and the messages therein, as well as those of the external program, which come via television, the Internet, email, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, and so on. It isn’t critical that you know how every program is expressed into your life or what its esoteric meaning is. What’s important is that you understand you are being programmed and you seek an internal source of direction, inspiration, movement.
“The Sovereign Integral process is focused on you—the individual—directing your own self—life essence—to express itself in oneness and equality. That’s it. If you do this, then you are releasing the hold of the programming. For some this can be done quickly, and for others it might require more diligent practice.”
Sarah: “When you put it that way, it sounds daunting, even impossible.”
Dr. Neruda: “It has to be done, and it has to be done by us. The question is, if it has to be done, when does humanity want to do it? Now? A hundred years? A thousand years? Ten thousand years? The WingMakers are clear about this in their writings that if we wait until after human 3.0, when man and machine become integrated, it will only become more difficult. Enslavement of life must end, at all levels.”
Dr. Neruda: “After you hold the breath in your lungs, and anchor it with the I AM feeling, you exhale through your mouth, again for the same period of time, and then you pause again—your lungs are empty, and as you pause, you hold the feeling of WE ARE. Then you repeat this cycle until you feel you’re done.
Dr. Neruda: “They are not crazy; they are deceptive intelligences who have lost all sense of connection to their true selves. In many ways, they are the ones who are lost, and because they are so lost, they have led the unsuspecting to their haze of obedience. We have followed them. That’s our responsibility. The material is here, in this interview, to wake up. But it’s one thing to wake up, and it’s another thing to know what to do about it.
“You mention a revolution, according to the WingMakers it would be a waste of life. They are not going to relinquish what they have worked so hard and long to produce. This will only change when the wall is pushed down. The wall is the human 2.0 consciousness framework that is programmed within every human being. The wall needs to be pushed down, and the way this occurs is not through protest, storming the gates, or shaking our collective fists in their face. It must be done through individual self-realization, and this, because of our programming, requires us to follow a process that enables us to become self-realized of our life essence.
“If we remain in separation, we can’t solve the problem of separation. If we remain in deception, we can’t reveal anything of our true nature. So we need to see all as one and equal in this hologram of deception, and that includes the capstone of the elite, as much as the poor and hungry.”
STEP 5: Completion
When you feel you are done, you can send appreciation to the Creator in that conceptual framework of infinity that you held earlier. Then, take the entire session and imagine it is compressed into something the size of a pea or small stone, and it is wisely placed within your pineal gland to be absorbed and transmitted.
Then dissolve the entire session by opening your eyes and declaring “It is done.” You do not hold any bias or outcome favoritism. You are neutral, as you step out of the session.

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #119

Post by William »

[Replying to William in post #118]
“In many ways, to observe this programming, requires us to be neutral, so we can simply observe our internal states and the messages therein,
The material is here, in this interview, to wake up. But it’s one thing to wake up, and it’s another thing to know what to do about it.
If we remain in separation, we can’t solve the problem of separation. If we remain in deception, we can’t reveal anything of our true nature. So we need to see all as one and equal in this hologram of deception, and that includes the capstone of the elite, as much as the poor and hungry.
You do not hold any bias or outcome favoritism. You are neutral, as you step out of the session.

Zero Six Zero Three Two Two = 352

SCLx10+last LE per shuffle

Now isn't the time for tears - Speak - We Could - Enqueue - Narcissist - One By One - Precipitate - Dream Experience - Faithful - Dualism merely expresses two sides of the same coin

AP="Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?"
Is There Really Such a Thing as Random? = 352

RSP= F3&L3 LE per page.


"With a small nervous cough - the wedding was off - we could all sense a change in the weather"
Asking Politely

William: It certainly gives one pause to think and re-access ones self-image...

Don’t give up
Selfless Attitude
Making it up as you go along

William:Yes - this is essentially why I quoted Dr. Neruda re "to observe this programming, requires us to be neutral"...There is more to this than meets the eye...perhaps even something The WingMakers have missed seeing? Or perhaps clearly observed but requiring individual humans to come to terms their "overlords"...getting back to the subject of Satan's role in this unfolding and why he is allowed to perform it re deception of human beings...

VVilliam carries on with his calculations
Free To Choose
“It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years”
Love and respect

William: Yes - the layers of consciousness involved + Love and forgiveness and humility all span the neutral zone...I am not here to pick sides...

Hey! look at that! It's uncanny...
I Think We Can Safely Say
Shine Your Light
In The Spirit These Were Given
The Fare On The Table

Spirit Beings From Saturn
The Screen
Nothing more sad than wasted beliefs

Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
The Shadow
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
Other way

An Elder Race
Opening Doors

William:Again - referencing the post re morality between Purple Knight and myself...somehow this whole show has to do with developing morality - but to what end?
Or if not an end - then to what function?

Quite the Story-Makers
Zero In On It
Food for thought

The power of vulnerability
Think In Terms Of...
I Think
Shallow is Unknown

For The Purpose Of...
The Devil Ye Know
Without Judgement
Unknown Symbol

William:Learning therefore - how not to judge...

Help Each Other
Wait for the Navigator to respond...
Now isn't the time for tears

William: That came up this morning too;
Now isn't the time for tears = 296
Lost In the Thought Of It All = 296

Compass of Divine Insight
Copper wire and glass beads
Six Degrees of Freedom
Respect others

The Butterfly Effect
The Hangups of Human History
Fear intimidation distraction exploitation

Acknowledge any song playing in your mind
Discovery is finding things that exist.
Mind Body Soul

William:So in the realization that I Am/We Are eternal consciousness who happen to be within human instruments - we are so much more than we have been - literally - led to believe.

The Taming of The Beast
Lock the door
Anthropos Quaternio
“Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans”
And Loving That Knowing

William:Yes. With than in mind - front and center - the knowing of ones true nature [as an eternal entity-consciousness] allows for this to occur...

In the Mind
Life is a journey
Don’t fall asleep
Bread Sandwich

Ultimate Expression
Light the spark
The Finer Details
Controlled by fear

In Love
Invention is using things discovered.
Be they seeds or suns, or be it that suns are seeds, it is all part of the universe, and everything that we acknowledge as the universe, came from a tiny seed.
A Bit Of A Mouthful!


The Forerunner
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
Is There
Get Comfortable
Emotional awareness

William:I am comfortable enough with it myself - due to this Message Generating process, and the idea of remaining neutral - not getting carried away emotionally because of the information being discovered...

Universal Intelligence
One is not wrong
The practice of vipassana
That's More Like It

Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
First Things First
Nag Hammadi
Six Heart Virtues

What Is In The Envelope?


Quantum Presence
One should not take the evidence as incontrovertible for granted, as we should always apply science to any evidence and test it for repeatability.
The Bidden Zone
The Law
Placing aside the childish not the childlike

Once Bitten Twice Shy
Embrace the discomfort
Ancient Grey Entity

Does that beam light into the dark, or surround the light in darkness?
Those who prove not to be interested in the evidence for gods, are those who can be ignored when they demand evidence for gods.
Giving our best
Fearful Imaginations
Properly Assuming Integrity

A Loving Heart
Ooky Spooky
You Are Nobodies Victim - Ever.
The Purpose Of Life Is...

William:Discovery and utilization through invention..?

It was at the time - still a work in progress.
What Is Found Here
Set the board up or put the game aside...
Earth Mother
The House of Science
Is a Constant

The Wholeness Navigator
This Is Part Of The Job
'Developing a thick skin'

William:Indeed - even in the form of species...human or otherwise...

The Big Shift
You Have An Invisible Friend
Be kind to yourself

'If only' it wasn't in the too hard basket....which fortunately it actually isn't.
The Earth Entity
Elementary Conclusion
Stuff Happens
The Right Tool For The Job
The Bridge of Forgiveness

Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation
Until "Christ Returns"
Mother Earth Harmony ~

William:One Who Ought Inwardly Be Known...clarity is essential...

Invisible Pink Unicorn
Chaos Really Is Illusion
Self Awareness
There is an art to flying or rather a knack...
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are

Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
The Fathers 'House - Mansions'
Look inward
The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing

Of Your Thoughts
Attention to Detail

Artificial Intelligence
Barking up the wrong tree
Platonic Solids
Evil Gods

Be My Friend
Collective Dynamics
That's a good one
Source Intelligence
The Undiscovered Self

The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
Milky Way Mother
Moonchargers ~

Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
Chamber Twenty Three
Time for Soul to Drive


Resident of The Hub Of Hologram Dimensions
We were not conscious of being a human for a time, but this does not mean that consciousness wasn't there.

William:Lightening...Luke 10:18

Abrahamic Religions
You Can Trust
Heart chakra
Reconnect with Innocence - It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self.

William: :heart: :love: :dance2:

Foreign Accent Syndrome
The Enigma Code
Theatre of the Mind

A Purpose
Planet Earth
The Dalai Lama
Exciting Changes Would Develop Naturally Enough From That
Light Girl

The Secret
Entities of Particular Belief Systems
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something

"Tonight the stars shine as I step out of time as I step into the great unknown"

William:Ah...! The Desynchronizing has to do with decoupling from the influence of the suppression matrix...

"We can chart another trail - Raise the anchor fill the sails Life our glasses in a toast - We are the Ghost - In the Machine"
I Am
Be here now
Spiritual practice


Precognitive dreams
The Twelve Disciples
"A light breeze arriving and kissing my cheek at the same moment I am thinking life is beautiful", is a message.
As Above So Below

Ah Oh...
Integral Network
Deactivate The Suppression Matrix
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Eye to Eye

From the perspective of an evolving God-Mind, what was once acceptable behavior becomes unacceptable signifying change.
What Shall We Call It?

William:An unending emotional-based loop unable to break away from because of stubbornly held fear-based belief systems...
An unending emotional-based loop unable to break away from because of stubbornly held fear-based belief systems... = 999
It is true that "the one who holds the beliefs who owns the burden, not the one who lacks belief" is it not?= 999

Inner Peace
An Ancient Truthful Wisdom
Wise beyond ones years
All Information Is Channelled
“True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."


The Purpose
Large Elemental Powers
To Comprehend Correctly
Joining The Main Egregore

Let the facts speak for themselves
The Cave Maps
Stroke of luck
Generated Messages Coming From A Creator

William: :chew:

Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth
The way of knowledge
True Self

Let It Be And So Be It
Try to remember

Consciousness Incarnates
Intelligent Directions
The Mainstream Program

Collective Consciousness
Inner work
Put the Teachings Into Practice
Is it not the quality of the message that counts, rather than the name of the entity the message comes from?
Ruling your world

William:From yesterdays GM
Fitting In
What Do You Like About It?

William: I like the images which are superimposed upon the Eigengrau Mind Screen - even that they are in 'black and white' - as in - all shades of grey - mostly at this time the images are faces - mostly of folk I have not meet ...
The Eigengrau Mind Screen = 224
Look For the Significance
As An Elemental Principle
The Purpose Of Life Is...
James Webb Space Telescope
They is what they is.
Under the watchful eye
A Good Question
The Torturous Treacherous Path
The Master ColdFire Trick
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

Optimum Health Appreciating
Redefinition of the Human Being
Growing Pains

You Are Nobodies Victim Ever.
In a non-deterministic world, one would expect true randomness to exist.
Core value
Inner Strength

William:Yes - in order to find the neutral place - to get rid of that which is filled with bitter criticism or malice - one has to stop being the victim of this circumstance...

The Hierarchy
Seductive Light
Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless
I'm Okay With That
Unconscious Mind Inertia
The Human Interface

William:As in what Dr, Neruda says;
Dr. Neruda: “Yes. But to answer your question, it’s done through the interface of the human vessel. The interface is what most people consider to be them. That is their consciousness. The interface fuses with the physical body and the dimensional being that powers and animates it. There’s an old saying that the last thing a fish notices is water. It’s an apt expression of our circumstance, too.
Humans have been living in this consciousness of a human body since they were first created. It is all they have ever known, and because of the sophistication of the technology that underlies this entire deception, we are thrown distraction after distraction in order to never, ever consider the possibility that everything is a part of an illusion. Everything.
Well Its A Start
The spirituality of imperfection
Human Imagination Has Consequences

I know how you care while you nurture your fear That you'll miss the bouquet when its thrown
Tabula Rasa
Raises Glass To A Toast

Lots More
Calculator Active
Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole
Roller Coaster Ride

Experience ... ost2245862
The Corporate Elite
Perpetual Creative Conscious Intelligence
You Tube

William:Well I am presently listening to as I interact with this unfolding GM

Contact With
Free Will
Hologram Dimensions


At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…
Common Ground

Action Station
We don’t yet have the ability to communally respond in the best interests of the planet,
Yellow Light

Re The Heart Virtues - This is mapping created by humans to explain the developing necessity of survival in an environment which is hostile toward biological life-form.

Sister Saturn
Let The Day In
Conservation of energy
A Chimera

What Is Friendship?

It is a great thing to do small things with great love
The existence of forming matter clearly does not require validating. What requires validating is the theory that the formations taking place are truly random mindless events.
With that in mind and treating the Source-Story as largely a work of fiction, we can look at the fact of the story itself and agree re the different Personalities of the Characters within The Story.
Indeed...You Do...

Be Aware
The Completion Process
The Daughter
A Stroke of Luck

To Warm Them up to The Truth
Equal System

Make It Real
Exploring the world of lucid dreaming
The Nature of This Place
Creatio Ex Deo
We shape our opinions and morals through understanding that we are here for that reason.

The Digital Angel
Key Of Expression
Another Mind Open
This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness.
Jesus Christ
Science of Consciousness

Sensory Data Quality
The Human Brain
Neruda Interview Five
The Alphabet
William Plays Music

Exploit Weakness
Know This
An Exam

Getting Off The Hook
Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities
Christianity is intolerant of such an idea, which is why the dark side of YVHV became a separate entity.
The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves.
We Are All Becoming One

Out of Body Experience
Please place this on your ComList
I am not here to judge but to help
Each Individual
Is quite congruous with Jung's ideas centring around individuation.

William:I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual = 526
It is the Source intention to expand, not retreat. = 526

On The Other Hand...
Express your feelings
The Underlying Mechanics
Pot of Gold

As Well As That
Put That On The List
Show Me Your Soul
Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality.

William:As Well As That Pot of Gold = 251
From Prison To Paradise = 251
Closed Loop Production = 251

You Trust My Navigation
The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us
You are neutral

Love Your Life
Even As An Elemental Principle
It is a tough ask
The Data of Experience
Universal Objectives

Beaming Out Beaming In
Written Language.
Why is this a Requirement?
To like it or not, one must judge it
It should come as no surprise that you can see the signal.

Pearl of wisdom
Alive and kicking

Dive deep
Personal Participation With The One
Inclusion of Jesus in Wiremu's Theology
In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond
The Story of Caliban
Some things are impossible to pin down precisely because of the nature of the reality being experienced

On The Right Track
A Place To Create Art
Aligning With
The Creator Atman Here-and-now

All The Theories Regarding "The Gods"
Things Will Run There Course
The Metaphysical Universe
Musing On The Mother Act III

Dualism merely expresses two sides of the same coin
Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?
That'll Be The Day

Incendiary (of a device or attack) designed to cause fires. tending to stir up conflict.
Histrionic excessively theatrical or dramatic in character or style. melodramatic behaviour designed to attract attention. an actor.
Episteme is a philosophical term that refers to a principled system of understanding; scientific knowledge.
Konkachila Derives from the Native American language/culture meaning "Grandfather". Pueblo peoples refer to Konkachila as their creator; their God.
Impervious unable to be affected by.
Repudiate refuse to accept; reject. deny the truth or validity of.
simulacrum an image or representation of someone or something. an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute.
Tzevaot found in 1 Samuel 17:45, where it is interpreted as denoting "the God of the armies of Israel". The word, apart from this special use, always means armies or hosts of men,
Augment make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.
Eigengrau dark light, or brain gray, is the uniform dark gray background that many people report seeing in the absence of light.
Vitriolic filled with bitter criticism or malice.
Tabula Rasa a supposed condition that empiricists have attributed to the human mind before ideas have been imprinted on it by the reaction of the senses to the external world of objects.
Timbre the character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity. the distinctive quality or character of someone or something.
Shambala "place of peace/tranquillity/happiness."
Inveterate having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.
Egalitarian favors equality of some sort: People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, in some respect.
Chimera a thing which is hoped for but is illusory or impossible to achieve.
Hiraeth deep longing for something, especially one's home.
Puerility juvenile. Childish. Silly

Sanctioned give official permission or approval for (an action).
Virtuous having or showing high moral standards. chaste (typically used of a woman).

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #120

Post by William »


Zero Seven Zero Three Two Two = 365
Is life on earth being lived as it should be?
You Are Allowed To Laugh You Know
Everything can be reduced to mathematics

SCLx14+last LE per shuffle
Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden From Its Selves - Transferring your awareness - There is no such thing as random really. - Worry/Anxious - Please - The Barest Hint of Constancy - Where is the devil today? - "No time left for a sentimental tune wherever I've gone I have not left the room I am never too late I am never too soon" - A Place To Create Art - Crapulence - Dream Cake - Re Abusive Expression Of All Types. - Clearness - Who Am I

AP="Some things are impossible to pin down precisely because of the nature of the reality being experienced"

RSP= F3&L3 LE per page.


Some things are impossible to pin down precisely because of the nature of the reality being experienced
Crown chakra
Does One Remember

Holographic Universe
The non-Judgmental Algorithm
Dive deep
Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
“The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button.”

Lordy! Do I Have To?
Through Device
Universal Mind
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
Intimate connection
Ancient Entity

Learn Well
Green Light
Reality Simulation

The Master ColdFire Trick
The Deeper Reality
Dualic Energies Weak
The Soul Eats Experience
Hearing External Voices In Your Head
Oneness of Wholeness
The Divine Spiritual Family
Reason For Being

William: In real terms, the Master ColdFire trick is about throwing a scary story into the mix in order to show a presumed outcome...however, the outcome was surprising in that the presumed outcome...Presumed outcome = 193... didn't happen and so the storyline changed and adaption was necessary.
The story itself appears to reflect what happened in the Spirit which prompted the invention of this - the "Physical Universe".
Remember To Remember
Getting Somewhere
Virtual Reality
The Avent of Christ
A dish fit for the gods
Emotional well-being
The Story of Caliban

Letting Go and Getting On
“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
In The Spirit They Were Given
The Mother is Love

William: The Mother is Love = 194 - one more than "Presumed outcome"
Divine intuition
Watch Your Step
The Symbol of Love
Collective Dynamics
The Short Straw
The desert of the real

The World Wide Web
The Arrival Movie
Healing the child within
Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life
Lift Your Gaze From The Fire

A Vital Purpose
Asking Google
Map Carvers
Sleeping Dragon
First Things First

William: The Mother re QueenBee aka "Mother Earth" and "Sleeping Dragon..." she is a bit different than how the song portrays "Mothers Love" but even so - the word are about being watched over how being held close and let go stepping stone being led home taking time to look into the hearts of her children - roots and wings learn to dream because we are believed in there no power like it thank you ...selfless giving finding ones voice being taught to be strong enough to bend treasure to find...the gift of a Mothers Love...

But still a scary dragon up close and personal...reconciling the yin and yang...

One's thoughts
“What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.”

William: Yes - we are not orphaned - we are authored...We are not orphaned - we are authored = 326
Observing Without Judgement
It is just one of those things.
Systematically suppressed
Since I needed a little smile in my life
The Mother is right there with us - a mind one can connect with on an intimate basis...literally walking in our shoes with us.

Unclog your chakras
What Meets The Eye
Active Dreaming
Keep me in The Loop

Not by flinging woo at it.
An Eternal Entity Consciousness

World Wide Web
Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate!
We have discussed

"Sanctified love’s joyful lust with ever movement every thrust and every loss of sexual tension"
Peace out!
The Law
We All Like To Play Games
Spiritual Preparedness

The One We Cannot See is The One We Still Can Hear.
Out of Body Experience
Individual Actions
The Great Grey Neutral Zone
Think outside the box
Ghost Dance

William: aka "The Ghost in The Machine"

The Art
We Are
The Devil You Say
Strangers truly are the friends we haven’t met - The souls we don’t forget through life’s long lessons
A feather in one's cap

William: Well now, the Devil is inferred in The Dragon...humans do superimpose stuff onto stuff.
What it really denotes is the scary dark-side of The Mother...not that She ultimately is an actual evil GodDevil

Manifest Destiny
We Groove Together

William: From memory isn't F4 a realm/level of consciousness which incorporates the two in that any consciousness within the realm understands that it is both individual AND all other consciousnesses combined?

The Respect One Gives and Receive
Finding the light

William: *Nods*

James (WingMakers)
There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.
Inflame Emotions

William: Dragons being "of the fantasy realm of human imagination" [supernatural] can overdo the superimposing...rather just take the physical universe as it is without overdoing it with fantasy... becomes a kind of house of horrors ride - it is scary but that is natural and anyway, it is not all frightening once you get to know it...

Act With The Situation Rather Than Against It
Wise beyond ones years
The Original People
The Establishment

The places that scare you
Trust the Process
Be kind to yourself
The Enigma Code
An individuals consciousness is more than what they are consciously aware of.

William: I read the linked post - yes...we can be too hard one ourselves and one another...a Mothers Love understands this and works with it as best She gather Her Children together...the restrained has to do with the child's choice to be distant, rather than The Mother being distant...The Mother is always there - even if only in the background of Her Children's lives...

WingMakers Materials
Jesus' Direct Superior
It is a good sign when Joey Knothead cannot argue against the evidence you present

William: *Chuckles* I was wondering when Mr. Knothead would be mentioned...glad to see it happening here and now.

Can You Imagine...
Six Heart Virtues
Tell Your Story
Professional Rules

Benefit of the Doubt
The practice of vipassana
The Mandela Effect
Not Right
Joining Astral

SCLx1+resume @ "Joining Astral"
Milky Way Mother
Sensing connections through subconscious means
Returning The Compliment
Identify any ‘atheist’ in the story? Certainly not The Devil!

William: Well...considering the Devil is 'in the know' as it were...what has been superimposed upon that image in todays world - is pretty much =2 "The evil the humans do to one another"... how the Children's actions superimpose themselves upon the image of The Mother?

The Sqeeze
Energies Renewed
Have A Look At The Map
What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject
The Big Question

William: Being thoroughly individualized into 'units of one' we spread out in every direction that we can, pursuing our own developing goals...sometime things are simply too big for the individual to comfortably comprehend...

Contact With
What Is Friendship
Worthy of the individuals time and effort

William: Yes - small steps but achievable...ignoring something won't make it go away and at some time the individual will have to face this their is just one of those things.

An accident waiting to happen
All present and correct
Evaluating Cautiously
Positive thinking

Outposts Of Form
A force for good

First Source:
Strengthen your boundaries
"We’ve been an island of our own - we’ve been a cosmic rolling stone now’s the time to spread our wings - and fly!"

William: Yes - ideally. How to get this to happen on a planetary scale is the thing...

The Watcher
Finishing What Was Started
Freeing the soul

Big Gaps In Logic
All Is As It Should Be
The agnostic forum
Be kind to yourself

Fine Line
The Human Being
Having To Learn a Whole Other Language
“It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years”

William: Fine Line Moon = 131
Mother Earth
The Power Of...
Those Who Can
Learn How to
The Bidden Zone
The Old Soul
Not a Problem!
Anchors aweigh
He Who Waits
Moon energy
Golden nugget
Active dreaming
Becoming whole
The Garden of Eden

Large Elemental Powers
Life is a journey
The Kindness of Sleep
Christian mythology

Small Steps
Try to remember

Interpretation is secondary to the process
Tabula Rasa
You Have An Invisible Friend
Your shell today…
Falling asleep

Spiritual Connection
“True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."
Blue Pill
Cast Shadows Of Your Own

William: Right. That reminds me of what I have been thinking earlier today - About the Matrix movie and Neo. He went from one reality experience to another - related reality experience...eventually an agreement between human and AI was reached...

The Truth is Irresistible Once Realised
Things exist - and do not just exist but exist to be experienced.
Mind To Mind
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=38974&p=1065049#:~: ... Mind.,-Top
Called To Order

William: From that link;
We shape our opinions and morals through understanding that we are here for that reason.

Not that reason alone, but that reason initially.

We succeed as a permanent specie or we fail as a temporary one, while involved within said "The Universe" depending on how we [each] actually reflect the Universes intentions through our [individual] behavior.

The Universe can only have intention if the Universe also has a Mind.

So we [each] make up our own Mind re that and proceed accordingly.
Redefinition of the Human Being
What's The Problem?
But hey, we can all hope that over time the mainstream view is tending towards the truth. It's certainly a lovely idea
This isn't about thoughts and language. This is about behaviours and actions.
To Experience All That Is

Shamanic dreaming
"It is a good sign when Joey Knothead cannot argue against the evidence you present"
Emergence Theory

William: Yes - it grabs at life's experience because it sees no future for itself and cannot easily connect the dots and find reason for being therein. Having no reason for being other than grab at it now because one day one will die and exist no more...pointless...

Where is Truth?
We Groove Together
The resistance is generally traceable to the theistic approach of religionizing said intelligent mind.
Do A=1

Look closer
Who Knows What That Is Worth?
Keep me in The Loop
Little Bird

William: Perennial Look closer Who Knows What That Is Worth? Harmless Keep me in The Loop Little Bird = 935
A light breeze arriving and kissing my cheek at the same moment I am thinking "life is beautiful", is a message. = 935

True Self
I place no judgement on the results.

Building lists together

The Love is within the Communion
The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD

Compass of Divine Insight
Reason Together
(Do a Beginning and End)

William: So - part of experiencing being human involves this potential connect to be is part of the recipe of a full authentic human experience... is part of the recipe of a full authentic human experience... = 557
It is consciousness behaving as consciousness behaves. = 557
The idea of nothing is non-relevant to the fact of something. = 557

Nonviolent communication
Finding the light
Even so, I have full appreciation for your efforts, because even incorrect peer review is better than indifference.

On The Right Track

The Perfect Moment
This Is Part Of The Job
In The Night Sky
Noticing Synchronicity
Sharing Your Love
Free Choice Ends Here

"Lessons All 'Round"
Ship Shape
The existence of forming matter clearly does not require validating. What requires validating is the theory that the formations taking place are truly random mindless events.
Of The Human Being
Invisible Wings

The Bidden Zone
What Does It Mean
Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation
In The Spirit These Were Given

Central Purpose
Tired of the Nonsense
The Mother God
The Object
An inappropriate analogy
Religious theists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.

Ace in the hole
Here Everything All Real Together
Awake and Waiting
The differentiation was still apparent in the Hebrew mind - but not to the point where Satan and God became separate entities.

Like With
Research into the Phenomenology of the Self
To Be Sovereignty

The Digital Angel
Crown chakra
Keeping Things In Perspective
The Mainstream Program

There Is More To The Silence Than Meets The Ear
Training the mind
Sensory Data Quality
The art of relationship

Dive deep
Ensures You Get To Know It

You Are
Letting Go
Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system
Unfolding Status Quo

Nature of The Holographic Universes
Functional Clusters
Digging deep

Think In Terms Of...
The Christchurch EQ
OOBE Target Technique

The Vast UICDevice
Like I Said In Another Thread ... 7A7772C5E5
Exploring the world of lucid dreaming
Meaningfully Participate
When The Opportunity Presents Itself To Do So...

William: The link goes to Cambridge University and a paper on the subject of "Intelligence as a planetary scale process"

I'm Okay With That
Prevailing Influence
The beauty of imperfection
Appreciating You
A Space Without A Time...
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something

Under question
What Jesus Messaged
The Dolphins and Whales
It is just one of those things.

William: "The Dolphins and Whales" come up very regularly...I equate it to how they use the sound of their language in order to transmit the sound-waves through the ocean...

Moonchargers ~
Think About It

Wakey Wakey
Remember who you are
The Screen

The Earths Moon
At what point in the examination of the evidence can we take 'dumb luck' off the table of explanation?

William: Tied to the's a Good Ship that sails these cosmos...

Hide and Seek
Healing The Beast
Some things are impossible to pin down precisely because of the nature of the reality being experienced
Sometimes it just looks like rain


Elysian paradise reserved for the heroes immortalized by the gods.
Perennial lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.

Obfuscate make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. bewilder (someone).
Effulgent shining brightly; radiant. (of a person or their expression) emanating joy or goodness.
Phenomenology an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience.

Eschatological relating to death, judgement, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.

Metaphysics the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, the first principles of being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity, and possibility.
Last edited by William on Sun Mar 06, 2022 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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