Was Jesus a carpenter?

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Was Jesus a carpenter?

Post #1

Post by QED »

In another thread
Tim the Skeptic wrote:
Christians assume Jesus was a carpenter, but there is not one verse in the Bible where this guy even picks up a hammer. What did work mean to Jesus? I get up and go to the office the whole work week. Jesus doesn't talk much about work.
I've often wondered about this. Jesus, as God in human form, is supposed to have been a carpenter. So were people furnishing their homes with chairs that God made? I bet that would make them valuable! Too bad no ebay at that time!

Seriously though: In his supposed time here on Earth he must have created something akin to commercial produce, this is something a man of any time must do to live. So when it was realised (for example by the 500 or so that witnessed his ascension) that Jesus was indeed more than just a man -- wouldn't there have been a major run on his work? After all, nobody was keeping things a secret. People must have been going around telling others that God had just paid a visit and nobody thought to save any of his earthly artefacts? One might expect people to hang on to such invaluable treasures. What about his own property -- he may have lived light but I doubt if he was totally without personal possessions. How did all this stuff get thrown away? It doesn't sound right to me. Not if he was a real historical figure as described in the bible.

So what evidence is there that Jesus was a carpenter? And why did none of his possessions make it to the current day? We have all sorts of artefacts from previous millennia to his; from the Pharaohs kings and Priests. Surely even more care would have been taken by things handled by God?

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Post #21

Post by Cathar1950 »

It does not bug me. I don't mind if he comes back. Or if the "Son of Man" comes with the clouds of heaven.
Bro Dave wrote:
Not to worry, the he did all this by demonstrating what he so effectively taught... To Love one another. (even those who mocked, spat, flogged and nailed him to a cross, and you've missed doing most of those
I belive the Romans did that and the Christians blamed the Jews. This worked for them and they became good Romans. Sure some of them got caught up it the Jewish plundering and massacres.
To Love one another is one of many Jewish ideals. Thousands of Jews were killed on crosses,or what ever was handy.
What is your point? Why do you have to sick Jesus on us?
Maybe Jesus was even of the tribe of David. Others made claims.
Even if all the claims of Jesus were some one else, and most of it didn't happen, love one another is still good. If Jesus isn't God and he is a human does that make his message(what ever it was ) less valid? The Ebonites don't have all that baggage(little strict for me) They have just as much claim to him as anyone. He was most likely an ass kicking Zealots or their King and got crucified along with some others. The Romans were still assholes and they got tired of waiting so they revolted big time. Most of Jesus followers got killed in the mess. The ones that followed Paul became good Romans. Finally they even took over Rome and all it's glory and terror. The even killed heretic Ebonites(the closest thing to Jesus' Belief). If Jesus comes back he is going to be pissed and a lot of people are going to be surprised. If there was justice in the world then he would collect all the poor, sick, down trodden, jailed and homeless, and jobless and have a big dinner and the Christians would have to wait on them. The Romans would have to clean up.
But it is only a dream.

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Post #22

Post by trencacloscas »

It really bugs you guys that Jesus, such a minor, neigh, imaginary figure, has impacted this entire planet, and did it in some 30 years of life!
Not really. A lot of real characters in History reached out far and strong in some twenty or thirty years of life. What bugs me is that Christians ignore their own History by refusing any objection to the tradition built around their figures. Jesus, if he ever existed, wasn't as important as Paul for the difusion of the myth, and Jesus and Paul together weren't as important as Constantine to spread the disease around the crumbling Roman Empire. What bugs many is this historical and religious hoax carried along during seventeen centuries without the slightest base.

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Post #23

Post by The Nice Centurion »

QED wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:59 pm
McCulloch wrote:Not many wood products make it past the 2000 year mark. But I've got an authentic hammer head used by Jesus in his carpentry apprenticeship. And because you are a good friend, I'll let you own it for a mere $700 US. And with each order, I'll include some nails (not the nails) used in his high-school shop class.
I knew this would bring out the ho-ho's :lol: But lots of wooden things have survived 4000 years from ancient Egypt, and I'm thinking about the emotional attachment that anyone would have to thee articles in question. How would it be conceivable that anything belonging to Jesus might be discarded?
Dont worry, 'cause Jesus as a carpenter as we know this Job today is a romantic translate/meaning error of this traditional belief.

Precious wood was used for ships and doors only back then.
If anything of that kind, Jesus is supposed to have been a stonemason.

Remember, he even told a parable about an overly precious stone first discarded of and then found bery important for housebuilders.
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Re: Was Jesus a carpenter?

Post #24

Post by JehovahsWitness »

QED wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2005 3:26 pm
So what evidence is there that Jesus was a carpenter?
MARK 6 2, 3

When it was the Sabbath, he started teaching in the synagogue, and most who heard him were astounded and said: “Where did this man get these things?+ And why should this wisdom have been given to him, and such powerful works be performed through his hands?+ 3 This is the carpenter,+ the son of Mary+ and the brother of James,+ Joseph, Judas, and Simon,+ is it not? And his sisters are here with us, are they not?”


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