Generating Messages

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Generating Messages

Post #1

Post by William »


I started this thread to share something which I find fascinating and would like some critique re the system I use to generate messages as I share these in this thread.

I would like to discuss the scientific value in terms of both subjectivity and objectivity to do with the way in which the messages are generated [to be explained] and perhaps how the reader interprets the message generated [assuming they see any message] and other related subjects branching from this.

I will also be using as evidence, the way in which words corelate with math, such as;

Generating Messages = 188
What Is Friendship

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #311

Post by William »

09:09 [The Inception Point]
[the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity.]

Page 134

GM: Clearness

William: From the link;
William: So far, I agree that it is possible that the Bible-God had the correct foresight to see the wisdom in humans who felt they had a relationship with Him, to allow them to share that with others - in their own words - even that those words might have the effect of transmitting and diffusing the image of the God so that the true nature beyond wouldn't be seen clearly through such device.

In that, when it comes to imagery, the Bible cannot be trusted, even that the imagery is an attempt to make something unnoticed, become more noticed...

It is up to the individual to connect with any Cosmic Mind which may exist even if this means distrusting the bible [as being the last word on the matter] for those obvious reasons.
GM: The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us
Other way
Start where you are

William: Yes. I was thinking about the sayings of mysticism - "The body is the temple of GOD" and stuff like that....then from there I started thinking about the story of Jesus acting out in the temple - a metaphor perhaps - of what an individual needs to do 'within'...

The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us Hint Other way Start where you are = 788
People Judge People. People don't like to be judged. People hide their sins from each other.
Probable untruthful definition is committed by members of both fighting tribes

GM: Once Upon a Time
"Down came the waters -great the monsoon - washing the soul as it cleared out the room Drowning all Warriors in every platoon"
Here, there, everywhere a 'bang bang'

William: Once Upon a Time Here, there, everywhere a 'bang bang' = 426
Download the Zietgeist and roll with that
The Giant Wall between Theists and Atheists

GM: "Potential
Crop Formations"

William: Yes - get rid of the excess baggage...
Potential Crop Formations = 294
Abandon all hope ye who enter here
Six Hundred and Sixty Six
Tales From Topographic Oceans
We wander out the day so long
Evolutionary Game Theory
Always Extraterrestrial

GM: Death Is Not the End
From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure.
Hide and Seek
Strengthen your boundaries
Is Love That Hard To Know?
[Random Time Stamp 37:22]

William: From the link;
Satan, The Jews, and The Afterlife
About Rabbi Manis Friedman:
Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern wit to captivate audiences around the world.
GM: Science
Your Move
[Earth teachers (non-physical) prepare the species for acceptance of the Grand Portal]
Look from a different angle
The Inception Point
Learning To Fly

William: Your Move Look from a different angle The Inception Point Learning To Fly = 736
I can see my input, and I can see the output that comes toward me. That's enough. = 736

GM: “Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans”
The idea is to connect with the Planet Mind in a conscious manner rather than an unconscious one or even a subconscious manner...
Astral Explorer
Querulous [complaining in a rather petulant or whining manner. ]
The Ouroboros does not contradict the idea of Oneness, higher self and the cosmic mind.
"Sagacious [having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd.]
Religious theists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through wilful ignorance."

William: Sure. But it is not helpful to think one is doing anything major to correct that by simply whining about it as many atheists do...

09:03 [Soul Group Energies
Trust the process
Attitude of gratitude
The Father - in The Mother.
Deliberate and important]

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #312

Post by William »

[Replying to historia in post #80]
Also, not every discussion on this forum is strictly for/against Christianity, like the broad question of whether God exists, or, you know, this thread. In many of those discussions, the distinction between atheism and agnosticism remain important, as you already agreed.

So I don't see a compelling reason in your responses to collapse them together.
From what I think I understand so far, on the question of whether a creator [GOD] exists, a person who say's "maybe-maybe not" is categorized as a "weak atheist" by atheists, due to the not knowing and not having faith so not believing.

It is a simple matter of belief, because if there is a Creator GOD - there is no direct way of knowing and there is no sure way of showing any indirect way if there is or not.

The term "weak atheist" appears to be derogatory in relation to being a strong atheist, who appear to be those who have taken the step into believing that a Creator GOD does not exist, and expressing that belief into the community.

I think that perhaps some agnostics have a problem with accepting the term "weak" as it implies they are apathetic, indifferent, [stuff like that] and those ones at least are making efforts to examine the question and have not reached a point where they feel they can honestly make a choice either way.

I have also observed that many ex- theists who have chosen to become [proselyte] strong atheists are among the most outspoken in their zeal to preach their new message - the message that a Creator GOD does not exist and think it is reasonable to assume that they were also outspoken when they believed that a Creator-GOD did exist.

[I think of it therefore, in terms of personality traits.]

When I began to question theism - specifically The Christianities - it was to do with their imaging of a Creator-GOD and when I made the move away from that, [perhaps largely due to my personality - I was never outspoken] I quietly approached the subject [Creator GOD] rather than simply abandon it "because of" theisms handling of it or any other number of reason as to why folk say they chose to become atheist.

Which is to say, I did not choose to believe that there was no Creator-GOD simply on account of "theist behaviours" or "reading the bible" [some reasons given by some who have changed position from theist to atheist] but rather, I chose to examine the question in more detail, and today I am grateful for having made that choice.

One thing I have learned is that the real question to be asking is not the one which separates "atheist" from "theist" [demanding that an individual must either be one or the other re the question] as believing or not believing in the existence of a Creator [and in the case of believing that there is - defining that Creator] because this step is jumping the gun and is thus a mis-step or stumble.

So - from my position, I see both atheists and theists as having jumped the gun, and instead of working together [as people] on finding answers to the Real Question which we should be asking, they fight over the question of a Creator GOD.

It is from that position I remain firm that I am neither theist or atheist, or for that matter - even agnostic - because the question re the existence of a Creator isn't the one I have been asking and finding out answers to.
180822 [Like an interface representation]

SCLx6 + select last LE per shuffle
The Mind is a planetary phenomenon - Your shell today… - - [RSTS: 24:00] "You can look me in the mirror - catch my eye and make me shiver Touch me where it hurts the most - right into the Ghost - in the Machine" - Blend - Epistemology [the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.]

AP= Strengthen your boundaries - It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same.
[Strengthen your boundaries It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same. = 750]

[Seven Five Zero = 171]
When Done Say “Done”
Changing The Rules
Another Mind Open
Source Reality
The Olympic games
The Human interface
Fireside Metaphor
Mainstream Science
Go with the Flow
Respect others
True happiness
Inner Strength
Try Gateway IQ
Death Is Not the End
Seven Five Zero

RSP = SCLx3 = 343 Pages RSPages 329 267 48

06:02 [A completely new paradigm]
Page 329
GM: "The Way of the Shaman
Sweet Vibrations"

William: The Way of the Shaman Sweet Vibrations = 393
Learn a bit about what makes the God Realm "tick" = 393

GM: "“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”
Grand Experiment"

William: "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” Grand Experiment = 628
[Six Two Eight = 159]
Dreaming of bad police
The speed of light
The Grand Portal
You Trust
The Unveiled One
Ancient Entity
Do You Remember?
Get To Know It
The Mother of God
The sound of a bell
The Seed of Origin
Hexagon Storm
Your Dream Team
Family of origin
Love and Respect
The data of Nature.
Nine Seven Six
Six Two Eight

GM: The House of Culture
"Is it a mindless chaotic process which just happens to consistently appear coherent, no matter what random system we use in order to select the word-strings which generate the message?"
"Those Who Can
What Fun We Have!"

William: Those Who Can What Fun We Have! = 288
Lift your gaze from the fire
The Human Form as a Means to an End
Memorandum of Understanding
...but would be smiling as I did so…
Those Who Can What Fun We Have!

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1083860#p1083860

William: From the link;
William: re your second question as to why religious mythology is an exception to the rule, the answer probably also comes from a position of bias as those who invent and agree to such rules might be heavily influenced by the mythological imagery to the extent where they lack understanding that the mythological imagery is simply a well intended interpretation of experiences had, which are not easily explainable to others, using whatever communication techniques available at the time of explanation.

For example, if a space-faring advanced specie were to display to an individual human mind from the stone-age period, a fully immersive holographic experience of compacted imagery showing how the universe began, and subsequently unfolded, the individual experiencing this would not be able to distinguish the holographic display from the normal reality he/she usually experiences. One would appear as real to the individual, as the other.
Further to that, any interpretation of the experience in the telling of it to his/her stone aged fellows, can only be attempted through use of analogy and those peoples understanding of form and function as it pertains to them - from their perspective in the dominant reality experience in said universe.
GM: "One can commune with the gods as long as the overall subject is God 😊
Without getting caught up in the sticky web of Christian-denominational-dynamics"
Mistranslating traumatic ancestral memories

William: One can commune with the gods as long as the overall subject is God 😊 Without getting caught up in the sticky web of Christian-denominational-dynamics = 1438
One Four Three Eight = 199
The Solar system
Ask and It Will Be Given
Tracks in the Snow
Without - Within
Thomas Campbell’s T.O.E
The Smallest Spark
It is all making sense
The old switcheroo
The Origin of Sound
Strength of Soul
The way of knowledge
Practical application
One Four Three Eight

GM: New Project
Intelligence recognises patterns – watch your step
The Father - in The Mother.
I’ve travelled on these southern roads They’ve taken me to many answers to my questions
"The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything
Inflame Emotions"

William: Indeed - back in the day when I was learning the ropes re The Question "Do I exist within a creation?" - intelligence was directing my steps and in relation to being in a situation [by putting myself into said situation] I discovered an underlying integrity between my own mindful intelligence and an apparently 'outside/objective' mindful intelligence and in that discovery, all arguments posed by materialism became redundant.
The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything Inflame Emotions = 627
[Six Two Seven = 175]
The South Island
The English Language
Asking Politely
Surface Scratching
Always Vigilant
Archangel Metatron
Ethical Progress
Seventy Seven
Controlled by fear
Fear manipulation
Love yourself
Embracing the shadow
The Electroweak Era
Spacetime is doomed
Dancing past The Dark
You feel love again
Six Two Seven

William: Dancing past The Dark You feel love again = 350
I place no judgement on the results.
Abiogenesis Union With Divinity

GM: This Speaks of…
Rule your world
Mind To Mind viewtopic.php?f=8&t=38974&p=1065049#:~: ... Mind.,-Top

William: Yes. A seemingly objective mind interacting by making itself visible to my subjective mind/viewpoint...making everything look alive while remaining largely invisible...

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1084254#p1084254

William: From the link;
SaD:😞😔 I was told that my quilt is ugly. I was so sad. I make everything with so much love! I wanted to know the group's opinion about this beautiful pattern. 💖💝
Free tutorial ... stitch-for...

Image: Primates in the wild don't normally throw feces.

Not only is throwing poop or objects an emotional release for chimps but it is a form of communication. The better the chimp is at hitting the target, the better their communication is amongst the group.

William: Also - when the poop [or other object] is picked up and hurled again, it is communicating that a new appreciative audience has been sort, for the purpose of getting folks attention about beautiful things they wish the could afford to buy... 😃
William: Is it really that funny?

GM: Fulfilling Human Destiny
"Monkey say monkey do monkey say "throw the pooh"
Enqueue [add an item of data awaiting processing, to a queue of such items.]

[~090722 "Unity with our Collective Self" ~]
Fox: I am not a quilter, but I know how much work and love goes into quilts. I am a sucker for the red, black and white combo. Your work is beautiful.

Hynd: How rude. Your quilt is beautiful 😍 someone who doesn't appreciate the love that goes into every stitch I would imagine ❤ ♥

Stumer: It’s stunning.. some eyes see lovely sadly some see yuk but it’s important that you love what you’ve made and it’s beautiful to you 😊😊😊💕💕💕

Violette: The only thing ugly is the person who made that comment. Your quilt is great it's you and nobody else. Does that horrid person quilt? If he/she doesn't they should learn how and see what they produce. Keep quilting.

Dawson: What does it matter what anyone else sees, thinks.
You take pride in your work and pleased with the results.
That’s all that matters 😊👍
GM: "Warm Presence
Freeing the soul
Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful."

William: Warm Presence Freeing the soul Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful. = 643
"You don’t wanna cross that bridge - You don’t want the other side" = 643

From the song "Motor-Man" about the world of minds not wanting to know but having to deal with the situation regardless...

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1081622#p1081622

William: FTL;
JK: Flowers don't have brains. They've just evolved various means of acquiring energy.

William: I would say "They've evolved various intelligent means of acquiring energy." because intelligence can be observed.
So even if the overall plant species cannot be seen to have recognizable brains, and appear to be more automated, than self-aminated, intelligence is still observed, so the intelligence has to have an explanation, rather than simplistic statements such as 'evolution did it' because the position of Agnosticism cannot accept the use of such statement, while rejecting the same type statement "god did it." , coming from the position of Theism.

We know that intelligence derives from awareness and awareness from consciousness.

GM: Barking up the wrong tree

William: FTL;
The Truth Illusion | Al Jazeera Investigations
537,276 views May 17, 2022 ‘The Truth Illusion’ investigates one of the most profound questions that philosophers through the ages have tried to address. From Plato to Immanuel Kant to Gilles Deleuze, thinkers have asked: what can we prove to be the truth?

The investigation examines these questions in the context of United States today. Is it possible, in such a deeply divided society, for people to view different "realities"?

The documentary by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit features commentary from philosophers, psychologists, social scientists and political commentators who discuss how the U.S. is now riven by radically differing views on what is real, and what is not.

‘The Truth Illusion’ looks at how those deepening divisions began, and how they have eroded faith in authority – spawning conspiracy theories and creating ‘alternative realities’.
GM: Choose What to Pay Attention To
Keep An Eye Out for Ones Neighbours
"The Hounds of Judgement
The Power Of Creation"

William: The Hounds of Judgement Numbing The Power Of Creation = 530
Five Three Zero = 162
A Good Question
Stay Present
No time to lose
Root of all evil
Solar plexus
One Five One Six
Five Three Zero

William: This reminds me of the thread I created yesterday.

The problem of evil
by William » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:01 pm

GM: "You can teach me when I’m Needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding Touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine
A knight in shining armour Manipulation"

William: You can teach me when I’m Needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding Touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine A knight in shining armour Manipulation = 1542
One Five Four two = 194
Divine intuition
Watch Your Step
The Symbol of Love
Collective Dynamics
The Short Straw
The desert of the real
The Mother is Love
Never a dull moment
One Five Four Two

06:56 [Central to The Message]

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #313

Post by William »

10:42 [Group Hallucination]

Keeping Things In Perspective"

William: Unworthiness Keeping Things In Perspective = 490
Possibility waves All Information Is Channelled.
This Should Be Interesting Being Friends Inner child

William: I get the gist - this connects with what I just wrote;
Intelligence as a planetary scale process

William: 10,000 individual minds may have altogether brought the JWT into existence as a functional device, but we cannot say for sure that those minds were not influenced by an overall local mind...much research is needed before any fact-sounding statements can be accepted as actual truth. Such must be regarded as opinion until we have enough evidence to accept one way or the other...
William: It is a case of being unworthy if one cannot accredit all minds involved in the process...keeping things in perspective.

GM: "The Inception Point
Deciding On The Best Course Of Action"

William: The Inception Point Deciding On The Best Course Of Action = 539
A statement is true when it matches objective reality. = 539

GM: An individuals consciousness is more than what they are consciously aware of.

William: Indeed - especially re the possibility of the planet having a mind in which all our minds are ways we are not overly conscious of...

GM: Especially re the possibility of the planet having a mind in which all our minds are ways we are not overly conscious of... = 1289
[One Two Eight Nine = 183]
Elemental Powers
Fling That Veil Aside
Test The Waters
The Hubble Telescope
Manifest Destiny
Planned obsolescence
Hydrogen and helium
Learn to trust
The brain as a receiver
Sister Saturn
Embracing your life
The problem of evil
Cosmic Pluralism
Children of The Light
One Two Eight Nine

GM: Islands
Episteme [is a philosophical term that refers to a principled system of understanding; scientific knowledge.]
Shambala ["place of peace/tranquillity/happiness." ]
We Can Do Magic! What is real is that we are all imbued with equality and oneness
Square and Compass

William: We create the machinery regardless of whether we understand how consciousness is connected and motivates us in the way that it does - individually and collectively...

GM: [It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time.]
A word in edgeways
Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence
You Are Soooo Funny"

William: Fearlessness A word in edgeways Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence You Are Soooo Funny = 983
Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God" Multidimensional Beingness = 983

GM: "The Taming of The Beast
The elephant in the room"

William: The Taming of The Beast The elephant in the room = 429

In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond
The possibility of living in a world of Peace...

GM: "The Butterfly Effect
Music to my ears
Lean into it"

William: The Butterfly Effect Music to my ears Lean into it = 507
It doesn't seem the kind of thing that any GOD would do
Everybody wants to rule the world syndrome
The situation we find ourselves lost within
Is there a center to every object in this universe?

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1073942#p1073942

William: FTL;
William: One must remember that it is a particular branch of Materialistic science to which the blame could be hung - and that the scientists doing the warning are most likely not of that particular branch...they may be biologists rather than cosmologists and so understand the importance of preserving the planet-ship we are sailing upon [@ about 1.6 million miles per day] rather than creating space-junk and reaching for the stars...I did say "Exact Science" after all.
GM: This moment is the perfect teacher
Cyborg Anthropology
The Jellyfish Image
The Unknown Knowable
Even As An Elemental Principle

William: Exhibit Downfall = 164
Science Projects
Behind The Scenery
Seductive Light
The Free Will Key
Looking For Gigs
A Place To Create Art
Abrahamic religions
Thinking Allowed
Lacking belief in gods
Humankind succeeded
Each to their own
Freeing the soul
Divine Hiddenness
Exhibit Downfall

GM: This Speaks of....

William: FTL;
William: I am reminded of a hunter who goes out and gets food for himself rather than expecting the food to come to him/her.

The data is there to hunt down and to study. An open minded non-judgmental approach is essential to that process. The process is also dependent upon the position one is approaching the data from.

The closeminded belief that one does not exist within a creation can only ever lead one to learn things through that filter.

No amount of evidence given should ever be hoped for in order to change any individuals mind from the influencing aspects of their chosen position, regardless if those positions be theist or atheist based.

On top of that, it is very apparent that the type of convincing evidence you are demanding from the position you are demanding it from, will unlikely be available to any of us in this lifetime.

Thus, we are forced for now to do most of our hunting, solo.

We can of course, cross reference with other open-minded fellows...but the open-mindedness derives from the Natural Neutral position, not the theist or atheist positions.

I think that atheists strongly defend their position on the question as to whether or not we exist within a creation - to the point that they believe we don't and make claims about that - has something to do with the need to say "I told you so" now, because it will be too late to utter such belief-based expressions - after they are dead and gone.

I can see the attraction from a phycological perspective, but saying "I told you so" before any such thing has been established, is jumping the gun, and might even lead to embarrassment if it turns out one still exists after the fact ones brain has died.

Still, such is the power of belief-based positions. They tend toward making proclamations which imply established truth, when no such truth has been established.
GM: Panpsychist
A mixture of awe and dread
You're blocking the light

William: FTL;
JK: I'm still firmly in the "product of the brain" camp, but your hypothesis is a fascinating alternate explanation. While it may appear to propose a 'god', to my -ahem- mind, it lacks the baggage of so many such claims.
GM: A Sense of Hope
The top tiny twelve
The path to enlightenment
Elemental Powers
Batten down the hatches
Eighty Six Billion Neurons

11:19 [Look Closely]

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #314

Post by William »


05:44 [Deliberate and important]

Page 48

GM: This

William: FTL;
Difflugia: That's what Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is about. At the quantum level, one cannot know even by inference both the position and momentum of a particle. If one is fixed, then the other is not. I stress again that it's a property of the universe and not a limitation on our measurement. That's why quantum tunneling is a thing. If some of the possible positions for a particle are on the other side of a barrier, then we still can't know that it isn't sometimes over there, so sometimes it is!

William: And this method of deduction must also include the idea of their being a mind behind the universes existence.
What might be seen as 'a property of the universe' could actually be 'a property of the device being used to do the measuring'.
In this case - the human brain but not that alone. In EVERY case, it is the device of consciousness [the hard problem of] which is actually doing the measuring and in that, the universe appears to be working with consciousness re the particles and the waves - and perhaps even hinting that they are the same things 'seen' consciousness is that which is doing the 'seeing'. Is it a case that the human brain is incapable of seeing apparently two different things as actually the same thing?
GM: Intelligence with Wisdom
The Bidden Zone
The wheel of time
"If you can find your way out of this - flee!!!"
Achievable Alternate Realities
Everything is The Expression Of The Creator

William: FTL;
[Replying to brunumb in post #297]

Your comments are a deflection from the argument being presented. If you have a problem with the labels being used, to describe actual positions folk take in relation to The Question, you appear to be the only one with the problem.

I use the word 'creed' simply to describe what underlines an overall position. The creed 'lacking belief in god(s)' is used frequently enough when atheists wish to remind folk of that position so your protest is somewhat empty of relevance.

Agnostic theists and agnostic atheists are not really agnostics. They identify with and support whichever bias they lean toward and someone who acknowledges that they lack belief in gods and also acknowledges that they do not know if gods exist, are weak atheists - a subset of Atheism.
None of that prevents any of them from the Agnostic practices of considering all information that is presented, even if doing so means to re-evaluate their positions, and both can decide to abandon their positions and support Agnosticism as the most reasonable position to hold on The Question, if they so choose to.
As far as I am concerned, giving agnosticism more meaning than it is due is just another way of trying to sneak woo in through the back door.
Of course. You are an atheist and so it would be expected that you would have this suspicion. That would place you in the "Strong Atheist" subset.

I give Agnosticism no more meaning than it deserves and is honestly appropriate to give it.

William: I have since decided that the agnostic position has for so long being misrepresented that atheists and theists nowadays think of it as simply weak-atheists fence-sitting. The misrepresentation has become part of the fabric of institution and might as well be abandoned rather than trying to fix the misrepresentation.

GM: Ask...
Despite all the dangers, Hess lands safely
Well defined yet scantily supported opinion
Golden nugget of truth
One Free Miracle
What Does It Mean
Mind Body Spirit

William: FTL;
Atheist: If natural/material is the default hypothesis, and there is no good evidence for a cosmic mind, the logic is that there is no reason to see it as a credible hypothesis, let alone believe in it.

William: As the thread title say's. "The mind as evidence of god"

My position re "Do we exist within a creation?" {implying GOD] is that the ultimate position would be GOD, [if we do exist within a creation] and since I do not know if GOD exists or not, [or that we do exist within a creation], making such statements as you have done implying an established truth - is not something I can do from my Natural-Neutral position.
GM: Hand In Hand
[RTS 09:58]
Maxwell's demon ... #post-7642

William: FTL;
William:Also it is apparent to me that ones 'mind' is vaster than we are led to believe...and that there are many levels of consciousness beyond our own, and that we are all connected mindfully in ways which we do not easily comprehend.
This system I am using can help the individual connect with the larger reality of the over-mind.
GM: Shrug
True Self
The Feminine Face of God
Jump To Conclusions
Propitious [giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.]
Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.
How about that
Tell Your Story
Angelic Agenda

06:08 [Central To The Vision]

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #315

Post by William »

[GM UICDevice Narration 190822]

[Replying to Eddie Ramos in post #10]
If you read what is taking place and try and put yourself in Adam's place, then perhaps because you and I would cast blame off of ourselves, doesn't mean that this is the correct way to understand what we read in the scriptures. The scriptures do not record whatever has entered into the minds of men to speak, but they spoke as they were moved to speak and God recorded exactly that which he wanted to place within his word. This is why ALL of scripture is God breathed, meaning it came from the mouth of God.
That is debatable as "God-Breathed" could simply be referring to someone being inspired by their subjective relationship with a great mind they think of through the limitation of their own mind, and thus express imagery through the belief filters of their own minds.

This would signify that what anyone writes about such relationship their telling of it will be tainted with misunderstanding - especially if they themselves had the need to make their invisible friend more visible with dress-ups.

All theistic stories about the gods are more ancient than the discovery of writting, even as ancient as humans learning how to control fire - so this word was breathed through a different medium and kept alive and along with that natural process - many filters of human interaction with IT would have distorted the nature of the Thing that IT - fundamental - was/is - as if IT speaks for ITSelf through the prisms of human minds - as if IT would appear to be happy with what IT is being dressed up in...but how do we know, because to claim IT is happy with the arrangements, is dressing it up to look like that might be the case...

Is IT "God-Breathing" because it does not KNOW what IT is, and that is what the Tetragrammaton represents? [I AM "Whatever you want me to be"]

On one level, sure! Why not?

But on other levels, perhaps IT knows exactly what IT is and is open to the possibility that Individual Human Beings might possibly cease trying to dress IT up and cease believing in the stories which dressed IT up and start paying attention...

First - one has to be aware that we exist within a creation and discover the way which will show one that this is most likely the case.
Second - after First - one has to figure out the best ways in which one can assist the Creator in transmitting ITs "Word" on ITSelf even if that means IT has to undress and get naked so as we can get a better look at what IT is we aren't seeing....

First Things First
[Closer to The Source
Who woulda thought!]

If one continues to view GOD through the dressings of a book, then the focus/worship is on the costume and not what resides underneath the will never get to first base going in that direction...


190822 [Keeping Things In Perspective]

SCLx8 + select last LE per shuffle
Assuming a Creator of this world exists, in what way is said Creator hidden from us? - Solving Mathematical Problems - The Round Stone - Dungeons and Dragons Exploring Fractal Paths Something you cannot change Masks God's Love Direction - Look For the Significance - viewtopic.php?p=1087171#p1087171 - Gibberish - "You expose my atheism for the agnosticism it really is." ~ Joey Knothead

AP= Trick Done and Dusted
[Trick Done and Dusted = 191]

[The Nature of Angels
Cleaning Up The Mess
The devil you say
Getting off the hook
The One We Cannot See
Living in Alignment
Getting unstuck
Personal growth
A Game Rule was broken level stuff...
Astral As busy as a bee
Cart before the Horse
Trick Done and Dusted]

RSP = SCLx4 [461 Pages] RSPages 391 222 06

08:02 [Penetrate The Bidden Zone]
[Page 391]

GM: "Families
Lurking Like Shadows
Unexplained Light Source"

William: Families Lurking Like Shadows Unexplained Light Source = 554
Five Five Four = 144
William Cleaning
Textnum code
Real friendship
Strange Desire
Astral Pulse
Ten Insights
Look Closely
That's a good one
Up to scratch
Six One Two
One One One Nine
Five Five Four

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1081827#p1081827

William: FTL;
[Replying to Inquirer in post #105]
Everything begins with will and from that we then use creativity to go from will to execution.
To my mind, everything does not start with will at all, but with the mechanism which enables will to become - in the case of our recognised will - from Human consciousness.

Everything to do with human will, begins with human consciousness.

Therefore, will is a function of that which everything [to do with human function] begins with first having consciousness...will derives from consciousness and cannot be considered to be the source of everything to do with human expression.

Will, is an expression of consciousness. It was not will which created consciousness but consciousness which created will.
GM: As one does from time to time...
Elude Tabula Rasa
A grateful heart Open your chakras Development/Growth
Yes, I Hear You
The Nature of Angels
Making friends with your mind
The Philosopher's Stone

William: Separate Selfishness Shining = 300
In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
One Who Does Not Believe In Gods
Walk The Talk In Love Logophile
Separate Selfishness Shining

GM: "Metamorphosis
The Need Determines the Value
Dimensional Crossovers

William: Metamorphosis The Need Determines the Value Dimensional Crossovers Faithful = 789
Why it is wrong is that it does not serve reality to see it as disorderly
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence Presumed outcome
Metamorphosis The Need Determines the Value Dimensional Crossovers Faithful

William: "Metamorphosis The Need Determines the Value Dimensional Crossovers Faithful" Encounters = 923
Is there a way in which one can test the hypothesis and in doing so, elevate it to an accepted theory? = 923

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1082161#p1082161

William: FTL;
The Bible in many many places speaks of God's "will" as the thing that acts, that can act, God can do as he pleases - literally meaning God has free will.
The biblical GOD [God/YHWH] is one of position. Just because the bible speaks of a God that acts does not literally mean he does as he pleases or has free will.

What the position means is that he can act in a far more impressive manner than those in lesser position are able to.

To be able to act in a 'far more impressive manner' does not itself provide the evidence that the one acting, is doing so from a fundamental position of free will - of having free will.

One has to operate within the parameters of the system one is operating in.

Remember the biblical story of the flood? We do not need to believe it is a true story or not to understand that the GOD can do as he pleases, even that he is not pleased to have to be doing it.

Therefore, being able to act as one pleases - subject to the set laws of the system one is acting within - does not mean that this is evidence of free will in action.
GM: It's Still Not Clear To Me
[Bob Dylan - Death Is Not the End]
Secret Root
The Ghost Agenda [Note: Narration Video for this GM ends here.]
That'll Be The Day
Militant Messiah
“If you say so…” No. Even if I did not say so.
Core emotion
[RTS 7:57] [Magic Mushrooms DEMYSTIFIED: The Science and Practice Explained]
“Three worlds and three deep mysteries”
The Explanatory Gap
Intuition ... nteresting

William: FTL;
More than 2 millennia later, I was also contemplating the nature of the soul, as my son lay propped up on a hospital gurney. He was undertaking an electroencephalogram (EEG), a test that detects electrical activity in the brain, for a condition that fortunately turned out to be benign. As I watched the irregular wavy lines march across the screen, with spikes provoked by his perceptions of events such as the banging of a door, I wondered at the nature of the consciousness that generated those signals.
GM: Black Tuesday
The Patupaiarehe
Fecund [producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring of new ideas or new growth; highly fertile]
Catching up
Cats Whiskers.
Once Upon a Time

08:46 [Tell Your Story]

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Re: Generating Messages

Post #316

Post by William »


[Page 222]

12:56 [What Shall We Call It?]

GM: Unnecessary Tangent
"The Mother

William: The Mother Bandage = 146
Invisible Bridge
Sleeping Dragon [A name for Mother Earth]
Realities Merge
Interoperate [is the setup of ad hoc components and methods to make two or more systems work together as a combined system with some partial functionality during a certain time, possibly requiring human supervision to perform necessary adjustments and corrections]
True Colors
On all fronts
No axe to grind...
Five Six Six
The Mother Bandage

GM: Delightful
Core emotion
"Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers
Extra evidence is provided"

William: Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers Extra evidence is provided = 978
[Nine Seven Eight = 156]
Super power
The next step
It is a shadow-man
Thirty Three
The Sea of Crisis
Amour Propre [a sense of one's own worth; self-respect.]
Stroke of luck
Mother Wound
Pearl of wisdom
Intrinsicism [the belief that value is a non-relational characteristic of an object. This means that an object can be good or bad without reference to who it is good or bad for, and without reference to the reason it is good or bad. ]
Incongruous [ not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.]
Let there be light
Monoatomic Gold
Nine Seven Eight

GM: "Mysterious process
Real Beauty"

William: Mysterious process Real Beauty = 369
A Mathematical Theory of Communication = 369

GM: In Denial
What Is Our Purpose?
My advice to the reader is to follow the links

William: In Denial What Is Our Purpose? My advice to the reader is to follow the links = 757
[Seven Five Seven = 172]
Williams songs
William and QueenBee
Final Destination
Dualic Energies Weak
In the back of my mind
Dogmatic attitude
Calling the shots
Steady as she goes....
Active Imagination
Strength of Mind
Radical compassion
The age of word-games
Sola Scriptura
Militant messiah
Biblical Prophesy
Two Three Two
Four Six Four
Seven Five Seven

GM: "Unite humanity with a living new language
One Day"
'everybody wants to rule the world'
That reminds me
The Masks and the Costumes
The Mind Behind Creation
Acknowledge The Agreeable
Quite the Story-Makers
Each Morning
Outposts of Form
Mother Wound

William: FTL;
William: Something "outside of GOD" contradicts "no outside of GOD."

Theist: Creating something new does not contradict "no outside of GOD."

William: Creating something new "outside of GOD", does.
GM: When Things Fall Apart
Point of Contact
Growing Pains
Respect others Illuminating Gratitude The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd
The practice of vipassana

13:24 [Theist mischief making]

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Re: Generating Messages xxx

Post #317

Post by William »

200822 [Nature being the very instigator]
[Page 06]

07:49 [How stories are created...]

GM: Intransigent [unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.]
Love Takes One For The Team

William: Intransigent Love Takes One For The Team = 405
The duty is worthy of one’s compliance. = 405

GM: If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'.

William: FTL;
The Barbarian: You're thinking maybe of something like Gerald Aardsma's "virtual history", the idea that all of pre-Adamic history is a sort of backstory that God wrote to provide background or something?

William: I haven't read anything from that author - The backstory is certainly there re evidence of the dinosaur - although it is obviously a story in itself pre-dating the advent of the human instrument -

The Barbarian: The serpent thing is kinda interesting. Serpents in ancient mesopotamia were symbols of wisdom, immortality, and health. It was a serpent who stole immortality from Gilgamesh. So Abraham's people would get the serpent readily. A wily trickster, up to mischief. But then, there was Nehushtan, the brazen serpent made by Moses according to God's instruction to heal those who gazed on it.

William: It is interesting that a brazen image was created under the instruction of Moses' God and used in that manner.

Nehushtan = 110 [SOURCE] which is a number mentioned three days ago, in another thread...Post #8

I am questioning the reason the Serpent was part of The Garden Story which is focused upon involving the creation of the Human instrument.
The Serpent was attributed with abilities which no member of the lizard-specie has been seen to have - and the connection I am wondering about is specifically with the Great Lizards which thrived on the planet long before the formation of the human instrument.

It is interesting and begs the question as to why - specifically - the antagonist of said story is reptilian.

Add to that - we also have information from the Conspiracy sector which insists that a Reptilian race [Specifically referred to as Annunaki - Mesopotamian pantheon] who had something to do with the creation of the human instrument, and that these reptilians rule the nest {Earth} and control Human beings through influential means, behind the scenes.

Which - of course - fits in with the biblical idea of Satan being 'cast from Heaven to rule the Earth'

Often the Reptilian race is portrayed as extraterrestrial/interdimensional but why would that have to be the case, since we know that The Age of The Reptile on this very planet was an immensely long period of time, especially when compared with the age of The Great Ape - so plenty of time therein to evolve into a highly technological specie possessing apparently god-like powers...
GM: Under the breath words
That Is Sad But Don't Let It Distract You
When our progressive movements are strong, they lead toward an exciting, irresistible vision for the future where all of us thrive
The Hologram of Deception
Tied To The Moon

William: The Hologram of Deception Tied To The Moon = 397
Sober journey into self-realization
The Natural-Neutral Default Position
The Hologram of Deception Tied To The Moon

GM: Trying to change the world fails for one simple and unavoidable reason...“everyone else.”
The Theory of Everything
Solar System
How stories are created...
Big Gaps In Logic
"Talk to The Razor"

William: Reality: "Talk to The Razor" = 280
Side Splittingly Funny
Nothing more, nothing less.
The wisdom of insecurity
Sail away among your dreams
Reality: "Talk to The Razor"

GM: Fearlessness
Enough To Make Me Wonder
"Name The Gods as non-separate Entities
Be kind to yourself"

William: Be kind to yourself ... Name The Gods as non-separate Entities = 561
The Wisdom of Foresight; "Go slow When One is Feeling Tired”
Individual Actions Proceed with causation, cautiously...
Name The Gods as non-separate Entities...Be kind to yourself

GM: The Alien Disc crop circle
[14 Year Old Crosses Over; Gets Taught about Negative Thoughts During NDE]
The Sub Hierarchy

William: NDEs Validate The Sub Hierarchy Consciousness = 461
A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind
The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing
Like how a meteorite caused an extinction event
The path to enlightenment Potential of Milieu
NDEs Validate The Sub Hierarchy Consciousness

GM: Mathematical Problems
"Freeing the soul
We go through together
Research into the Phenomenology of the Self
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Chamber Of Self"

William: Freeing the soul We go through together Research into the Phenomenology of the Self Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions Chamber Of Self = 1373
[One Three Seven Three = 211]
The Alien Disc crop circle
Show Your Soul
"Provincial Thinking
You Interrupted"
You are not wrong
The Law of Attraction
Active Galactic Nucleus
The Gist of The Message
YHWH made it imperfect
One Three Seven Three

GM: The truth of objective reality as experienced subjectively.
Honest attempts at scrubbing up
You are neutral
Real Beauty
Other way
Map Carvers
Eloah [mighty. Powerful personality]
08:27 [Soul Carrier Memories
Universal Intelligence
Cyborg Anthropology
Copper wire and glass beads
Strength is required
One's Thoughts I Will]

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Re: Generating Messages 222

Post #318

Post by William »

William: I myself prefer the thrill of seeing Mother Earth as She truly is - some demonic-like entity who has been manifesting Her particular projections out into that which She is awakening to - slowly and surely... and in the process, I hope to witness therein a transformation of a demon-like entity into a god-like entity...and be a part of that rather than dressing it up n too much fluff that I distort things far too impractically.
Just how much is 'too much' is up to the individual...
I am unconvinced that we can choose to ignore or that there are any alternative paths.
In what way must the Earth Entity transform in relation to the rest of the Universe She and Her Children are within?
The "waking function" involves the acceptance of what is and adapting to that. How does "God" provide this?
This - of course - is subject to projection.
We can understand that 'subduing nature' may involve taming it...clearing the jungle while planting the forest...
Nature comes from a dark place as can be identified in its forms and their functions.
The Earth Entity can rightly be referred to as a "God" due to Her creative abilities and intelligence quota.
Yet, there is an underlying symbiotic reach to become 'better' which tends toward a manifested materialism prompted by a variety of pathway's all heading in the same direction.
n that sense, it can be argued that while it can be agreed the Earth Entity is a God - it is something of a "God in the making" - a consciousness fine-tuning its God-like abilities toward that goal of becoming "God-Like" similar to a child maturing into an adult...
Clearly "God and the Bible" are not examples of any complete - adult - GOD as we can identify aspects of the biblical idea(s) of GOD as being a brilliant Child who still has much to learn about itself and its surroundings - even that it knows more about those things than Humans do.
This is why I think that Religions [no matter the paths] are all attempts of The Earth Entity to connect with and to direct Humanity.

YHWH is one of the Names the Earth Entity uses for this purpose.

What is occurring is that humanity is being heavily influenced by The Earth Entity, in a variety of ways - not just through the path of Christianity.

And what is it we are being 'saved' to and from?

My overall answer to that question is "Saved from our incomplete selves to our completed selves" and this process takes a number of steps, this Experiential Reality being one such step.

Today's Generated Message

Theophile: I don't think this idea is inconsistent with the bible or biblical God. For example, God is not the creator of Mother Earth in the bible. Mother Earth is her own thing / an active and independent character in creation and the broader narrative. God is simply a spirit that calls upon her in the beginning ('her' being tehom / the deep). Anything else that comes of this, it is either of her alone or her partnership with God. i.e., it is all the result of 'watery-earthly' beings from the deep participating in the Spirit / God's Word. Bringing forth things like light, dry land, vegetation, etc. All things geared towards life in this world.

Union with the Spirit is the path to making the transition that you speak of. Where all things are God and God at last is in all things.
We seem perfectly able to drive Mother Earth into the ground should we chose to. We currently are, aren't we? Similarly we can be transformation agents working from within (which is our biblical calling). So seems to me there are alternative paths.

You said it first: it (and those within it) must become God. That is a transformation, no? But I would go further and say the whole universe needs to transform in this respect to reach the end. In terms of what that transformation consists of, it's essentially what I said somewhere before: affirming life above all else. Always doing what is in the interest of life, so that all life can be in this world, and the world is filled with life of every kind.

No, it's an awakening to something much greater than this I think. It's more about waking us up to purpose and path. You can't just keep calling that fluff and boil everything down to cold terms like 'accept' and 'adapt'. i.e., instead of just 'accepting', we should set ourselves real purpose in this world, and instead of 'adapting', we should proactively shape the path to fulfilling that intention.

In terms of how God provides this waking function, it's nothing special really. Per previous comment, God's essential being is spirit, which is tantamount to words in our ears, or ideas, which have the ability to wake us up. That is to say, while I think God can be much more than this, God is not necessarily anything more than what you could call pure intention. i.e., something that has no real physical (/earthly) being at all, but that can nevertheless speak to us, call us to greater purpose, and motivate our action.

In other words, as with all other spirits which can have similar effect (like the spirit of capitalism for example), God can awaken Mother Earth, but the forcing function behind that call will always be Mother Earth and/or those who make her up.

What does 'better' mean? You may call my view fluff, but I feel like your view needs more positive content than becoming 'god-like' (and apologies if you provided before). If it's in your notion of a 'manifested materialism,' what do you mean by that?
Also, what is the basis for saying the whole thing 'tends toward' a certain direction? Not sure if Mother Earth tends towards anything on her own frankly. All the life on earth for instance can be wiped out in a dash and the whole universe for all we know is tending towards nothing. i.e., a vast, empty space.

All that said, when I read the above, I get a sense of what I would call common grace (co-opting a theological term for my own purposes). By which I mean, the bible certainly doesn't have a monopoly on truth, and to your point, a variety of pathways may point us in the same direction. But whether we go that direction or not depends on us. Not some abstract Earth Entity or even God.
Does this Earth Entity have intention? I get the sense from what you say that you think it does, and we should just shut-up and do what it says. In terms of salvation, I would say it is more simply from death to life. Or, along the lines you're going, from death to even greater life than we ever knew before.
200822 [Nature being the very instigator]

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle
Dilatory [slow to act. intended to cause delay.] - True happiness - In an environment which is able to perceive this. - Clinging onto the wake of the fundamental...wanting to be part of it forever. - It's a fish eats fish world...going landy doesn't change the fact that things are fleeing from things which are fleeing and as nature would have it, how is this more immoral than funny? - The Library of Babel - viewtopic.php?p=1080009#p1080009 - Deactivate the suppression matrix influence upon oneself - Higher Self Dream Guide - Ingenuity - First Things First

Theism - by nature - is the human consciousness within the animal, reaching out to other possible conclusions regarding the human situation.

Most NDE stories have a shared thread through the telling. NDEs have likely been around as long as human beings and probably factor in a good percentage of why theistic thinking evolved alongside human development and understanding of the self.

What most folk tend to experience with NDE has to do with observing their bodies from another perspective and in that, the body is seen objectively and not identified by the person as being who they are.

NDEs often allow for a person to understand themselves as something other than the body - a difficult thing to achieve from the perspective of consistently experiencing life from the perspective of being the body, which is why folk tend to self-identify as the body - especially those who believe that their consciousness is an emergent property of the brain and have never experienced anything else which might go a long way in convincing them otherwise.

There is no doubt that the human body is biological and in the animal class as per human categorizations.

But there is doubt as to whether such is the true nature of human consciousness, or for that matter, that animal consciousness in general is truly/only animal in character.

Tying that in with the the Biblical God's conduct of breathing life into [making conscious] the human animal form, something which requires blame?

To me, it seems to boil down [yet again] to the mirror-mirror mentality. If we attribute evil to nature, then the one who created nature can only be seen as evil. Same goes for good.
Since, generally, folk appear to attribute both good and evil as aspects of nature, we are confronted with the peculiarity of apparent contradiction, which isn't helpful.

It does appear that most folk cannot get their heads around it.

AP= Mantra "I am fine now with referring to my position as theistic, as agnosticism merges into the shadow behind me."
[Mantra "I am fine now with referring to my position as theistic, as agnosticism merges into the shadow behind me." = 1076]

[One Zero Seven Six = 215]
Without Judgement
Freedom in The Knowing
I will leave that there
Tired of the Nonsense
Thoughts and Forts
Staying up all night
Batten down the hatches
What matters most
Sad Room to Explore
Beyond Belief Recovery
One Zero Seven Six

RSP = SCLx6 RS Page 222 444 666

10:26 [Theist mischief making]
Page 222
GM: "Tell me what you’re ganna do tell me where you’re ganna go tell me what you’re going through or do you even want to know?"
"One Day"
[Christian mythology re God]

William: "One Day" [Christian mythology re God] = 354
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Break through to your true self
Living Forever In this Universe
To establish the skills necessary
They just add ambiance to the spooky...
Rationality Central to The Message
"Sorry. Would you clarify that?"
All present and correct Heart Teachers
"One Day" [Christian mythology re God]

GM: The Home Of The...
"Is quite congruous with Jung's ideas centering around individuation."
As Well As That
"Noticing Synchronicity
The Ghost
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness - We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...
Sensing connections through subconscious means"

William: Noticing Synchronicity The Ghost To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness - We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored... Challenge Sensing connections through subconscious means = 2430
[Two Four Three Zero = 238]
Secret Organizations
New Shifts In Thinking
Infinite Quantum Zen
A completely new paradigm
Beings posted to planet
Ones core expression
I am not here to pick sides
Spiritual bypassing
Two Four Three Zero

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1081803#p1081803

William: FTL;
William: We know that if we stand on the moon, and look at the planet, there is no immediate evidence of the planet being an intelligent entity, producing myriad forms of intelligent life.

brunumb: Probably because the planet is not intelligent entity.

William: Positive statements imply a claim is being made. Do you have any evidence to support the claim that the planet is not an intelligent entity?

It is when we get closer to it - and find life and examine life and see the intelligence therein, that we can return to the moon and observe an intelligent planet. Not because it looks any different from the way it did when we first observed it from the moon - but rather - because we accumulated a lot of information about it through closer examination, and the effect of that data in that interim, changed our original perceptions of the Earth.

brunumb: But those changes to our original perceptions of the Earth do not lead to the conclusion that it is an intelligent entity.

William: No they do not, and I don't understand where it is you think I am saying this is the case.
What it leads to is that the possibility that one equals the other, allows for the possibility that it is, and therefore, information regarding the possibility remains relevant to the position of Agnosticism.
That door remains open to further investigation.
That idea remains on the table.

brunumb: Sure, there are intelligent species everywhere but no compelling reason to conclude that intelligence extends beyond those species. Unless, of course, one is predisposed to leaping to unwarranted conclusions or applying some sort of confirmation bias.

William: The sort of confirmation bias which Agnosticism avoids are those which develop within the positions of Theism and Atheism.

The "unwarranted conclusion" in this case, would be to view the obvious intelligence being displayed, as "not really a display of intelligence." but "something else" such as "The planet isn't really an intelligent entity, but is simply unconsciously responding to the stimulus of its environment."
GM: Glow Softly
Strengthen your boundaries
One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter"

William: Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter" = 1090
[One Zero Nine Zero = 204]
The Language of Innocence
An Elemental Principle
Attention to Detail
Perceived obsolescence
The voice of knowledge
Handing out sweets...
One Seventy Four
Approaching the Divine
The "Oh My God" Particle
Concomitant [a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.] Power
Do It Monoatomic Gold
One Zero Nine Zero

GM: Intransigent [unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.]
Taxonomic [concerned with the classification of things, especially organisms.]
"An inappropriate analogy

William: Intransigent Decisive An inappropriate analogy Taxonomic = 588
Is the universe the ongoing product of an intelligent mind? = 588

GM: "Crop Circles

William: Simple Crop Circles = 195
The Eternal Truth
The Gaia Hypothesis
The corporate elite
The tribe has spoken
More data more evidence
The Clear Eye Of Soul
Connecting the dots
Love is the answer
Simple Crop Circles

GM: "Dream Cake
Jacque Fresco

William: Jacque Fresco Foundation Crafted Dream Cake = 360
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
Where are we getting our news from?
The relevant scientific community
A projection of one’s subconscious
Placing aside the childish not the childlike
Jacque Fresco Foundation Crafted Dream Cake

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1078114#p1078114

William: FTL;
Compassionist: The Bible is full of contradictions and inaccuracies. How can I possibly rely on the Bible to give me facts about reality?

William: The bible is just one of many theist books and in that, the contradictions are about individual authors relaying their ideas based upon their particular beliefs, which - combined - are what produce the contradictions. Like with all theistic writings, it is wise to take the stories on the understanding that the individuals are relaying their experiences as the experiences were created through their beliefs and in correlation with their personal attitudes is unwise to think of such as reliable source re 'facts about reality' - as to do so means one is having to believe and in that, shaping ones beliefs and attitudes and [should there be more to experience after the death of the body] those beliefs and attitudes will have an effect on what it is the individual will create and experience for themselves.

My perspective [re logic] is that it is better to be somewhat prepared for the possibility that there is more to experience after the death of the body, than to believe that there will be nothing more to experience and be way less prepared as a consequence.

If I am wrong, then 'no problem' but if I am right, then 'no problem'... ;)
GM: Mindfulness
And That's Not All
Divine masculine
That is the truth.
"What Fun We Have!
Hilary [you know who you are]
Up to scratch"
"Opening Doors
Where minds meet is where GOD is found
Use Heart
Awake Relationship Unity [Clean]"
[Belief Helps Cause Separation]
A Mathematical Theory of Communication

William: A Mathematical Theory of Communication Fearless = 454
The Individuals Relationship With The Father
Opening ourselves to real love and intimacy
Otherwise, hell nor high water can change one’s mind.
"What we resist, persists " Your Dream Team
A Mathematical Theory of Communication Fearless

GM: TBC...

10:55 [ Crop formations
Under question
In William’s Room
Whatever you do
Through Others
The Wider Reality
Aye...A name I call myself.
Went To The Devil
Guitar and Ukulele
In Out and All About
One Two Three One
One Zero Five Five]

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Re: Generating Messages 444

Post #319

Post by William »

210822 [It requires corrective action]

09:52 [Looking behind the veil]

Page 444
GM: "Control
Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
A Bit Of Cat And Mouse"

William: Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision. A Bit Of Cat And Mouse Control = 876
Transparent Enlightenment Relationship True Colors On all fronts No axe to grind... = 876

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1081284#p1081284

William: FTL;
William: ...not only has Infinite Regression being shown to be possible, [in contradiction to the OP claim] but this in itself - most clearly - does not signify that GOD mustn't exist.

Contrary to the OP title declaration " God Must Exist: Infinite Regression is Impossible" the more logical approach is "Infinite Regression Exists: GOD is Possible" [:='therefore']

I think the problem is in the idea of ex nihilo and then associating that with a creator-mind which has always existed and did not come from nothing.

The thing about any creation is that it comes from something, but the idea that a creator has always existed and thus doesn't come from nothing is hard to get ones head around.

But if we accept that the universe didn't come from nothing but came from something, then at least potentially the universe has existed - at least as an idea - within that something for as long as that something has existed - and in this case - the idea has always existed.

Thus, an idea which is acted upon [made to happen] and resulted in this unfolding universe, cannot be said truthfully to have 'come from nothing'.

Therefore, there is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.

This means that matter as we understand it, comes from an idea, which is then expressed and when experienced - gives anyone experiencing it from within it, the impression of a solid and real thing.

It may have the appearance of being 'supernatural' if one considers it as the product of a "Cosmic Mind" [God et al] but the thought of a god can be viewed as natural as the thing which the god-thought created, if the thought is not separated from the one who is thinking the thought.

Un-thought-unately some religions have chosen to define the creator as separate from the creation - by deciding that the experience is so real-like that it MUST indeed, be real, without noting that any thought from a creator god can be experienced as real.

It gives rise to a lot of speculative mythology unsuccessfully attempting to make the dots all connect.

Problems therefore arise - and questions such as these get asked.

Nothing comes from nothing - everything which can be seen to have a beginning comes from something.
GM: "The Four Human Power Houses
Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence
How A Beautiful Song Source Reality

William: The Four Human Power Houses Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence How A Beautiful Song Source Reality Exhibits
[One Two Zero Four = 216]
The twelve disciples
The crabwood cropcircle
Sexual Encounters
The Power Of Creation
GOD became Gods and Goddesses.
It is all information
Alike as two peas in a pod
Two Thirty Two
Group Hallucination
Zero Nine Two Six
One Two Zero Four

GM: Un-thought-unately = 232
For The Best Results
Functional Clusters
Intelligent Awareness
Enough To Make Me Wonder
More precious than life
Error Correcting Codes
The Future is Cloudy
The Clear Light of The Void
Look from a different angle
Ruling your world
Nineteen Sixty Eight
Chronological snobbery

William: Two Three Two = 172
Williams songs
William and QueenBee
Final Destination
Dualic Energies Weak
In the back of my mind
Dogmatic attitude
Calling the shots
Steady as she goes....
Active Imagination
Strength of Mind
Radical compassion
The age of word-games
Sola Scriptura
Militant messiah
Biblical Prophesy
Two Three Two
Four Six Four
Seven Five Seven

GM: [RTS 1:08:35]

William: FTL; [shortly after RTS]
The basic repertoire of mystic experience is drawn from the repertoire of Death Phenomena
GM: "Anti theism

William: Joke/Humour "Anti theism Equals "And?"" = 349
My alarm bells are ringing right now.
"A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage"
Stepping out of the construct
It can be crazy and true at the same time
Our neutral ground - Look closer
[William floats back into The Shadows...]
Howled at by the Hounds of Judgement
Joke/Humour "Anti theism Equals "And?""

GM: The Single Word List

William: Nurture = 117
You Will
Duty Calls
Lots More
Imaginal cells
The Father God
Ancient Demon
Toxic shame
The Daughter
The Realist:

GM: Wife

William: Wife = 43
As In…

GM: Miracle

William: Miracle = 61
Dream Cake

[11:03] [...Think it through...]

220822 [Inside the workings of intelligence]

GM: Square

William: Square = 81
Far Out!
Acid test

GM: and Compass

William: Compass = 86
Love Life
Being Born
An Elder Race
Stone Age
...of said agenda...

William: Square and Compass = 186
Let yourself be led
Square and Compass
A Major Lotto win
Individual Actions
The Perfect Moment
The external voice
Meaningful coincidence
Enjoy Progress
Two Zero Zero
The Unconscious

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1088943#p1088943

William: FTL;
William: The cart follows after the horse.

In the same way;
The question of GOD follows after the question "Do we exist within a creation?"

It is not as theism would have it, that "There is a GOD, therefore we exist within a creation"

Rather, it first has to be established that we exist within a creation before the focus can be placed on the Creator {GOD} question. The GOD question is the cart.
GM: There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.
The Great White Brotherhood
Steady as She goes...
"Enflame Emotions

William: Enflame Emotions "Oops"..... Always = 312

Like an interface representation
What can I say, except "Thank You"
Enflame Emotions "Oops"..... Always

GM: "Self-talk
Root of all evil"

William: Self-talk Root of all evil = 248
The power of humility
Brother, where Art Thou?
The Nervous System
High the memory carry on
Five interlocking circles
Make It Up as You Go Along
Live with Soul Union
Self-talk Root of all evil
Large Simulation Machines
Accidentally on purpose
An inappropriate analogy
Everything is unique

GM: A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...
Presence Telepathy
"Zero" must have to represent something which does exist but is largely unseen - and "Consciousness" fits that description.
Such is a handy device for side-stepping - nothing more.

William: A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...Such is a handy device for side-stepping - nothing more. = 1428
[One Four Two Eight = 201]
Stay in the moment
Sir Roger Penrose
Be kind to yourself
The space Jacko lantern
One Four Two Eight
The lightest planet
Sweet Vibrations
Walk The Talk In Love
To Be Sovereignty
Flowers for Lindy
Positive self-talk

GM: The Message Generator Process
Extend Beyond The Borders of Institution

William: The Message Generator Process Extends Beyond The Borders of Institution = 761
[Seven Six One = 151]
Meat For The Table
Seven Six One
Yes…I Hear You
Jesus Christ
Talking the talk
Five Eight Four
That is the Key.
Data of Experience
Once Upon a Time
Pure spirit
Hidden Treasure

GM: viewtopic.php?p=1071814#p1071814

William: FTL;
Radical Self-Acceptance - Green Light - Attitude - The art of relationship - "Motor Man why your running, running on overdrive what lies ahead is coming ain’t no way you can step aside ain’t no way you can run and hide" - Intention - Lyricus - Deep Impact Event
GM: Live with Soul Union
The practice of vipassana
Taking root Looking After Poor People
Intransigence [refusal to change one's views or to agree about something.]

William: Poor Intransigence People = 271
Communication Techniques
It is immediate, even visceral
Purple Knight and Dragon Child
Experience is the best teacher
Either Authored or Orphaned
Poor Intransigence People

07:09 [Penetrate The Bidden Zone]

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Re: Generating Messages 666

Post #320

Post by William »


05:00 [The Ghost is acknowledged ]
Page 666

GM: Get To Know It

William: Penetrate The Bidden Zone The Ghost is acknowledged Get To Know It = 628
Grand Experiment “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” = 628

GM: Process
"Infinitely Infinitesimal"

Infinite is an antonym of infinitesimal. Infinitesimal is an antonym of infinite.
In context|mathematics|lang=en terms the difference between infinitesimal and infinite is that infinitesimal is (mathematics) a non-zero quantity whose magnitude is smaller than any positive number (by definition it is not a real number) while infinite is (mathematics) greater than any positive quantity or magnitude; limitless.

As adjectives the difference between infinitesimal and infinite is that infinitesimal is incalculably, exceedingly, or immeasurably minute; vanishingly small while infinite is indefinably large, countlessly great; immense.

As a noun infinitesimal is (mathematics) a non-zero quantity whose magnitude is smaller than any positive number (by definition it is not a real number).

As a numeral infinite is infinitely many. {SOURCE}
GM: "Do we exist in a creation?"
Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
The Spirit of The Land
The Human Form as a Means to an End
I see the light I see the Light I see the light now I start again upon the road that never ends
[GOD is not an elitist.]
A lack of boundaries
Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Hears
"An individuals consciousness is more than what they are consciously aware of."
Sister Saturn
That can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from
The Jellyfish Image
A Politically Manufactured Device
Small Elemental Powers
The ride is wild
Training the mind
Elude Tabula Rasa
Communicating with Consciousness - The Nature of The Mind
The Purpose Of Life Is...
What Is Friendship

William: Communicating with Consciousness - The Nature of The Mind The Purpose Of Life Is... What Is Friendship = 995
[Nine Nine Five = 126]

The Body of God
Be-Live Examine
Shift Focus
Numinous [having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity.]
Lock the door
Mother of God
Learn By Doing
Not Wrong
All That We Are.

GM: Nefarious [(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.]
The Existence of Ability to Interact With The Imagination
The Eigengrau Mind Screen
Word2Number Calculator
Elementary Conclusion
I am on a Madventure
To become conscious of the contents that press outward from the unconscious

05:17 [The Same Information
Unconditional Love
Welcome all experience
Afraid of The Unknown
We oppose deception
All fingers and thumbs
Zero Five One Seven
The Last Question
YHVH in particular
The objective standard]

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