How can we trust the Bible if it's not inerrant?

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How can we trust the Bible if it's not inerrant?

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Post by otseng »

From the On the Bible being inerrant thread:
nobspeople wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:42 amHow can you trust something that's written about god that contradictory, contains errors and just plain wrong at times? Is there a logical way to do so, or do you just want it to be god's word so much that you overlook these things like happens so often through the history of christianity?
otseng wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:08 am The Bible can still be God's word, inspired, authoritative, and trustworthy without the need to believe in inerrancy.
For debate:
How can the Bible be considered authoritative and inspired without the need to believe in the doctrine of inerrancy?

While debating, do not simply state verses to say the Bible is inspired or trustworthy.


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Re: Philosophy

Post #4071

Post by otseng »

Athetotheist wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:30 pm [Replying to otseng in post #4067
Since this is how practically all people interpret it, it would not be a "hyperliteral" interpretation, but a natural reading. Instead, the view that we are in a simulation would be the anomalous interpretation.
I was recalling that this is the way you dismiss all of my natural readings of Bible text.

You can't argue that your reading of Isaiah 7 is "how practically all people interpret it", since Torah-observant Jews do not read it as you do.
We're talking about the nature of reality, not Isaiah 7. I've never stated practically all people interpret Isaiah the way I do.

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Re: Philosophy

Post #4072

Post by William »

[Replying to otseng in post #4070]
I avoid referring to such things as “just a simulation” (as you chose to word it) et al .
It's not just me calling it a simulation.
Not what I was commenting on. The words which I commented on were "I've never heard of any Christian hold the position reality is just a simulation inside the mind of God." as it demotes/demeans in the similar manner as using the word "merely".
This is what was stated in the original article that started the entire discussion on philosophy:
"More recently, the question has been reframed as the "brain in a vat" problem, or the Simulation Argument. And it could very well be that we're the products of an elaborate simulation."
An "elaborate simulation" is a better wording of the concept, but that particular theory still leaves out the idea that we exist within The Creator Mind. It still has an assumed creator/creators outside of that which it/they created (some type of machinery - often a "computer" enabling the simulation) and therefore following the same train of thought as theists who believe that the universe is real and its creator is outside of it.

Simulation Theory is not what I am arguing.
Certainly there are Jews that understand this. Here is one such example.

What does he specifically claim in the video?
Many things which nominal Christians/the Christianities generally resist giving thought to.

It isn't so much whether the Jews and their Zohar and Kabbalah specifically state we exist within the The Creator Mind, but that given what they understand of the mysticism, that such a conclusion/revelation would be unsurprising and not resisted/cause resistance/undermine Zohar and Kabbalah.
Why do you think Jesus is said to have said that the kingdom of God is within? If Jesus thought God existed outside the universe, why tell us to go within?
What does this have to do with either the universe is real or simulated?
It has to do with where to seek and find the creator of every reality experience.
Sure, the kingdom of God is not a natural kingdom, but a spiritual kingdom...
Not what Jesus claimed. No mystic would claim that spirit is unnatural. Perhaps you were not meaning that? If so, perhaps you might like to re-phrase the statement.
...But this would be true whether the universe is real or simulated.
It is not true and it is also not true to state that the universe being within The Creator Mind would make the universe unreal/not real.
Anyone can make up any alternative explanation, but that doesn't mean all explanations are equally plausible. What matters is the evidence and reasoning to support the claims. From a Biblical perspective,
And I have shown that all such passages are open to interpretation based upon ones personal preferences re belief, and that the Christianities reflect this in their inability to agree with which interpretation is the correct one to assume.
I've given passages to support things are created.

I gave the same passages to support that we exist within The Creator Mind.

From a theological perspective, I've presented the Flight simulator argument.

You are confusing what I am arguing with what Simulation Theory argues.

I am partly responsible for the confusion in using the word "Simulation" but until a better word can be produced, simulation is the best to use in the interim.
Nevertheless, a sharpened perspective would understand this is the case, and understand that The Creator Mind is "simulating" the rooms/mansions/places which can be experienced within The Creator Mind/House.

Thus, when one speaks of all mindfulness, one speaks of that which is The Real, whereas when one speaks of creations, one is speaking of those created things which can thus be experienced by The Real (because they are experienced mindfully).

It is not that The Creator Mind looked at something real that it created outside of itself and decided to simulate that real thing within itself.
Rather is it that the only "thing" which can ever be truly The Real is The Creator Mind alone.

The Real alone is equal to The Creator Mind occupying no FORM.

In order to create form to occupy, The Creator Mind must simulate (ie "create") said forms and this involves The Creator Mind thinking about what The Creator Mind wishes to experience/occupy, and then simulating said form in order to experience said form as real. Not as The Real.
The universe is one of the "mansions" within The Father's House. (John 14:2 KJV) While they exist they can (obviously) be experienced as real.
Here's the passage:
[Jhn 14:2 KJV] 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Highly doubtful the context is referring to saying there are many universes.
Why is it so that you have these high-end doubts that this must be what Jesus was referring to?

A "universe" is simply a "Room" in the "House" of The Creator Mind. It can be any "size" (greater or lesser) than this current one we are sharing the experience of.
While we obviously share the same universe, we interpret the experience differently depending upon our perspectives, and our perspectives depend upon what we choose to accept or not accept.
If you were to examine truthfully why you are "Highly Doubtful" about this, you might source the doubt as being in your belief that The Creator Mind exists outside of the creations said Mind creates within said Mind.
While they exist they can (obviously) be experienced as real.
I think, at a minimum, we can all agree the universe is perceived to be real.
Where we are not agreeing is that it is mindfulness alone which determines what can be experienced as real. It is the mind alone which perceives things (forms) to be real.

In the case of human mindfulness, we are temporarily involved with this particular room in The Father House.
Further to that notion, Jesus also presents a clue (re Zohar and Kabbalah/the expressions of mysticism) in his expression which requires an understanding as to why such type wording is always used. "To prepare a place for you" allows the mystery to be uncovered in the manner/along the lines of "this is how The Creator Mind does things".

Aligned with that truth we can thus ponder on the idea that this current "room" we are sharing the real experience of, was itself "prepared" for us by The Creator Mind.

Not only that, but biblically those dots line up, supporting the idea that everything which can be experienced (mindfully of course) as real, exists within The Creator Mind.
The perception (leading to misconception) is that the universe is outside of the creator mind and that this somehow makes the universe "real" whereas if it were inside the creator mind is somehow "cannot be real", is the misconception.
The difference is between "perceptually real" and "actually real". We agree the universe is perceptually real. So the question is - is the universe actually real?
Based upon what I have presented as argument, the question you are asking is here nor there (a question which can be waved away) since all we actually are really required to agree with, is that The Creator Mind is The Real/The Actual Real. This in itself then leads to the realisation that form is "perceptually real" and is that which is created (simulated) to be mindfully experienced and that which is created, thus exists only in The Creator Mind.
I have done (and will continue to do) plenty of study.
How have you studied to arrive at your conclusion we are in God's mind?
I have provided reams of data (posts and threads) over many years, here on this message board in many of its forums which bear witness to my claim of having done (and furthermore am still in the process of doing) Plenty of Study.
I see (also - by your turnaround) that you have not studied such (as a Christian) because the Christianities specifically teach that the creator mind is outside this universe.
So, I'm asking you for the evidence and arguments to support your position.
And I am pointing out that I have and will continue to provide such evidence. Furthermore I am asking you to study that evidence that you may eventually (potentially) accept it as Truth.
Any sureness about such a perception is without/has no foundation in the truth.
What is the truth?
Why quote Pontius Pilate?

The answer to that question is that study (re the idea that we exist within a created thing) leads one to The Truth.
I highly doubt Pontius Pilate was interested in such things. Those who are not interested can often be heard asking that question.
Jesus didn't offer PP an answer because 1.) The question was rhetorical and rhetorical questions require no answer and 2.) the answer is not easy to put to words that even one interested can grasp in decades (of subsequent study) let alone in a few moments before PP dismissed Jesus from his presence and the commandment of the attempted murder of Jesus took place.

So my answer to you (or any reader interested) is that if one truly desires The Truth, one has much study to do in order to arrive at The Truth.
One can continue to dwell with the mundane popular position and watch the world around them respond according, as a result of that.
What do you mean by "watch the world around them respond according"? Are you implying there is a negative consequence of believing the universe is actually real?
No. The negative consequence isn't because of that, but rather (I am saying) that to believe it is outside of The Creator Mind and reject the idea that it is inside/within The Creator Mind, is to invite/is the reason for negative consequences.
In what way does one's "perception of the world" "match" with one's idea they do not exist within the creator mind? What evidence attributed to Jesus supports such an assertion that ones perception we exist outside of the creator mind, is the truth?
What does the mundane popular position offer which sets (those involved with it) free from the misconceptions they prefer to engage with? (John 8:32 KJV)
Don't get what you're asking.
Do you also not get what Jesus was referring to in the context of the verse I gave as support?

"And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him. As he spake these words, many believed on him. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever."
What I'm claiming is since the universe is perceptually real, it aligns with it being actually real.
Then you are not understanding Jesus' mindfulness in relation to those words.

If "sin" is "missing the mark" then one can say that thinking The Creator Mind is outside the creations of The Mind which created them (The House/The Creator Mind Jesus mentions), one is missing the mark.

This is why Jesus appeared to be so anti- organised religion. Because organised religion (which you appear to subscribe to per this teaching and which I referred to as "the mundane popular position") teaches this false perception.
If such "have no bearing" and one cannot truthfully claim that anything within the creator mind is "false" then one can place any argument which claims so, in the rubbish.
No idea what you're claiming. I'm not arguing what is true or false in the creator's mind.
Indeed. What makes you think/gives you the impression there could be anything FALSE within The Creator Mind?
Why is it that one would think in such terms about such a concept?

The Creator Mind = The Real
Anything created within said mind would be TRUE. The idea that there is even an option of "true or false" is missing the mark.

As an example of missing the mark (sin), the Garden Story offers that the Serpent lied in that it did not convey the whole truth, but only part of the whole truth, thus "lying" while speaking truth.

This is confirmed by the Creator-Character in the story...where The Serpent claimed that the human couple would "be as gods, knowing good and evil." and Creator-Character claiming (And the LORD God said), "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil"

In the sense of the wording, The Creator Mind is not telling the gods that the humans are now "gods" but that the humans know the difference between a "good" and an "evil".
The difference is that the gods not only know what is "good" and what is "evil", but that they also know the optimum way forward in relation to such knowledge. They know what to do in Truth, in relation to having that knowledge.

The humans were not "like"/did not "become like" the gods in that regard, so in that sense, the Serpent lied by not telling the whole truth. The whole truth would have been along the lines of "your eyes shall be opened but you will not "be like the gods" in your knowing (of good and of evil).
If one understands that one exists within the creator mind, one is free to chose to perceive the experience without misconception and one will find the better ways to connect the dots one is required to connect within that perception and be carried into the freedom promised by Jesus (re what happens to those who understand (follow) his words).
People of all various beliefs claim they will be "carried into freedom", "experience nirvana", "attain enlightenment", etc, but that doesn't make what they believe about the nature of reality to be true.
I am not arguing otherwise. I am simply pointing to The mystic Jesus in this circumstance.
The choice is clear. Continue to follow the mundane popular as one's misperceived "truth" or consider the wisdom of following the "extreme minority position" (as you worded that) and be freed.
Presenting a false dilemma is not making choices clear.
Unless what I am presenting is not false re the dilemma.

The choices presented are clear enough as worded. What clarity do you still require to convince you they are not?
The question is, are you willing to give that concept time and space within your reality experience, that it can and thus will show you (provide you evidence/confirm itself true to you) that all doubt is erased and understanding is complete?
That's why I'm asking you for the evidence and arguments of why we are in God's mind. I'm not asking for the "benefits" of believing everything is in God's mind.
The benefits are the natural result of the understanding that everything exists within The Creator Mind.
That is the point.
The evidence and arguments are being given to you (and any other readers) and the question as to whether one is willing or not to do the study and confirm the evidence given is true re their individual experience as a growing human personality, is answered in their choice of action.

This is why I offered something of a simple enough starting point, when I wrote "Re that, it is not hard to "imagine" one is within The Creator Mind and given enough time and space one will be shown by said Creator Mind that such is not merely the product of ones' imagination, but real indeed.

The question is, are you willing to give that concept time and space within your reality experience, that it can and thus will show you (provide you evidence/confirm itself true to you) that all doubt is erased and understanding is complete?"

Therein I am specifically pointing out a similarity between the nature of your demands (for me to provide you with the evidence that only The Creator Mind can provide for you) and the nature of atheistic demands, which (as you are well aware) have it that Christians should provide them with the evidence that we exist within a created thing/form.

And what do you say to them? Something along the lines that "they must do the work for themselves", correct?

Or, spoken another way, what I am asking you to do/try out is this.

"Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

And re our mindfulness "where to go" in relation to this "Kingdom of God"? Specifically within said mindfulness, with in mind, this is ultimately the path to learning to understand The Creator Mind. A "grand study" in itself. :)

However, if one does not make the effort to go there, one can hardly be innocent of the charge of turning a blind eye to the evidence one could have found, if one only made the choice to look where (the mystic) Jesus is pointing...

The opportunity to study the evidence is why I linked our conversation with another perspective and shared that that it might serve to help you - the reader and seeker - to have another independent perspective confirm said nature of data as being legitimate/coherent.

I therefore, provide the link again.
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Re: Philosophy

Post #4073

Post by Athetotheist »

[Replying to otseng in post #4071
We're talking about the nature of reality, not Isaiah 7.
My point is the most natural reading of all the passages I presented is God created everything as real things.
I was wondering how the most natural reading of one passage would be less reliable than the most natural reading of another.
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Re: Philosophy

Post #4074

Post by otseng »

OK, too much to respond to, but going to just address the salient points...
William wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 4:57 pm
That's why I'm asking you for the evidence and arguments of why we are in God's mind. I'm not asking for the "benefits" of believing everything is in God's mind.
The benefits are the natural result of the understanding that everything exists within The Creator Mind.
That is the point.
The evidence and arguments are being given to you (and any other readers) and the question as to whether one is willing or not to do the study and confirm the evidence given is true re their individual experience as a growing human personality, is answered in their choice of action.
Then you are not presenting a logical argument nor providing evidence for your claim. Just because there might be a benefit in a particular belief, that does not alone show it is true. Some might believe they'll get a beautiful virgin in paradise after death, but that doesn't mean their belief is true.

Also, what are the benefits of your belief?
The question is, are you willing to give that concept time and space within your reality experience, that it can and thus will show you (provide you evidence/confirm itself true to you) that all doubt is erased and understanding is complete?"
I'm open to evidence and arguments of any position. That's why I keep asking for it.
Therein I am specifically pointing out a similarity between the nature of your demands (for me to provide you with the evidence that only The Creator Mind can provide for you) and the nature of atheistic demands, which (as you are well aware) have it that Christians should provide them with the evidence that we exist within a created thing/form.

Something along the lines that "they must do the work for themselves", correct?
Here lies the crux of the problem. If you appeal to the Creator Mind to give me the evidence, then you're not supporting your position.

If someone makes a claim, then they have to back up the claim. This is how debates on this forum works. Otherwise it's just an unsubstantiated opinion.
The opportunity to study the evidence is why I linked our conversation with another perspective and shared that that it might serve to help you - the reader and seeker - to have another independent perspective confirm said nature of data as being legitimate/coherent.

I therefore, provide the link again.
Exploring Existence within the Creator's Mind
Generated messages is not providing evidence, esp if you are the one who generated the messages using ChatGPT.

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Re: Philosophy

Post #4075

Post by otseng »

Athetotheist wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 7:48 pm I was wondering how the most natural reading of one passage would be less reliable than the most natural reading of another.
No idea what you're referring to. Are you suggesting there is a natural reading of the Bible somewhere that states we are in a simulation?

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Re: Philosophy

Post #4076

Post by otseng »

Another theological argument we are not in a simulation (or in God's mind) is God is not deceitful. If we are in a simulation, then we are being deceived into thinking things are real, but in actuality they are not. Our perception of reality does not align with actual reality.

"Deception is an act or statement that misleads, hides the truth, or promotes a belief, concept, or idea that is not true. This occurs when a deceiver uses information against a person to make them believe an idea is true."

So, if God is not deceitful, then we are not in a simulation.

Also, when one person deceives another, usually there is some reason for the deception. But, of what purpose would God have to deceive people about the nature of reality? That also makes no sense.

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Re: Philosophy

Post #4077

Post by William »

[Replying to otseng in post #4074]
OK, too much to respond to,
All of which is relevant to the argument against your belief that The Creator Mind is separate from the creation.
but going to just address the salient points...
And from that, I am going to focus on the points which you did not think were of notable significance while examining the points you think are of value.
That's why I'm asking you for the evidence and arguments of why we are in God's mind. I'm not asking for the "benefits" of believing everything is in God's mind.
The benefits are the natural result of the understanding that everything exists within The Creator Mind.
That is the point.
The evidence and arguments are being given to you (and any other readers) and the question as to whether one is willing or not to do the study and confirm the evidence given is true re their individual experience as a growing human personality, is answered in their choice of action.
Then you are not presenting a logical argument nor providing evidence for your claim.
We are not speaking directly and arguing about about shrouds or floods or a finger etching rules into stone et al.
Specifically we are speaking about the nature of The Creator Mind in relation to the Creation.
Specifically the Bible is also speaking about the nature of The Creator Mind in relation to the Creation.
Just because there might be a benefit in a particular belief, that does not alone show it is true.
This cuts both ways.
Yet the nature of The Creator Mind is such that it allows for any belief which actually benefits the believer.
The actual benefits are not as the individual personality might think, but as The Creator Mind (and other godly-minds) know/s.

This harkens back to
The Creator Mind = The Real
Anything created within said mind would be TRUE. The idea that there is even an option of "true or false" is missing the mark.

As an example of missing the mark (sin), the Garden Story offers that the Serpent lied in that it did not convey the whole truth, but only part of the whole truth, thus "lying" while speaking truth.

This is confirmed by the Creator-Character in the story...where The Serpent claimed that the human couple would "be as gods, knowing good and evil." and Creator-Character claiming (And the LORD God said), "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil"

In the sense of the wording, The Creator Mind is not telling the gods that the humans are now "gods" but that the humans know the difference between a "good" and an "evil".
The difference is that the gods not only know what is "good" and what is "evil", but that they also know the optimum way forward in relation to such knowledge. They know what to do in Truth, in relation to having that knowledge.

The humans were not "like"/did not "become like" the gods in that regard, so in that sense, the Serpent lied by not telling the whole truth. The whole truth would have been along the lines of "your eyes shall be opened but you will not "be like the gods" in your knowing (of good and of evil).

Some might believe they'll get a beautiful virgin in paradise after death, but that doesn't mean their belief is true.
Even if their wish is granted, it may not signify they are actual benefits "gods" understand "actual benefits" to being.

In my study re ND's et al, what is significant re the reports, a majority of these show the personality experiencing the reality witnesses an incorporation of their beliefs with what can best be described as "that which contradicts their beliefs."
So even wishing for a virgin and discovering through the Death Event, that was never going to be the case, one accepts that without question because one understands the ridiculousness (and shallowness) of that belief, which has to do with the conceptual significance of that which contradicts the ridiculous and shallow, namely;

a) He that sent me is with me.
b) I do always those things that please him.
c) I am not missing the mark.
Also, what are the benefits of your belief?
Your question is a reconstruction of the atheistic demand for evidence in that it is related to the question "What is The Truth?"

"What are the benefits of your belief?" can only be seen when the belief I am bearing witness to, is also believed by the one asking the question.

The actual truth therein is that the benefit it provides is within the means to study through a particular framework of reference which enables the observer-participator of a) b) and c) to "see" The Creator Mind as it truly is.
The question is, are you willing to give that concept time and space within your reality experience, that it can and thus will show you (provide you evidence/confirm itself true to you) that all doubt is erased and understanding is complete?"
I'm open to evidence and arguments of any position. That's why I keep asking for it.
The evidence and arguments are being given to you (and any other readers) and the question as to whether one is willing or not to do the study and confirm the evidence (referred to as "repeatability") given is true re their individual experience as a growing human personality, is answered in their choice of action.

(In this case, your choice of action is to regard such as being notable insignificant, your preference being for that which you regard as "salient".)

Nonetheless, this is why I offered something of a simple enough starting point, when I wrote "Re that, it is not hard to "imagine" one is within The Creator Mind and given enough time and space one will be shown by said Creator Mind that such is not merely the product of ones' imagination, but real indeed.

The question is, are you willing to give that concept time and space within your reality experience, that it can and thus will show you (provide you evidence/confirm itself true to you) that all doubt is erased and understanding is complete?"

Therein I am specifically pointing out a similarity between the nature of your demands (for me to provide you with the evidence that only The Creator Mind can provide for you) and the nature of atheistic demands, which (as you are well aware) have it that Christians should provide them with the evidence that we exist within a created thing/form.

And what do you say to them? Something along the lines that "they must do the work for themselves", correct?

Therein those "salient" points bear witness to your missing the mark re a) b) and c).
Here lies the crux of the problem. If you appeal to The Creator Mind to give me the evidence, then you're not supporting your position.
For the sake of argument, I will agree with you here as an opportunity to point out that Christians involved within the Christianities (all denominations who claim to be Christians) also appeal to the bible which they claim to be "The Word of The Creator Mind", is just as valid an argument when coming from atheism.

In your case, since you claim to be a Christian, pointing to the Bible as being trustworthy amounts to exactly the same thing, but you (don't appear to) think twice about being okay with that not having to apply the same standard re your particular Christian beliefs.
If someone makes a claim, then they have to back up the claim. This is how debates on this forum works. Otherwise it's just an unsubstantiated opinion.
What claim is it you think I am made and have to back up?

The claim I am making (re "evidence") is that a human personality has to study for themselves and align their understanding with what actually is true.
What is actually true is Jesus didn't offer Pontius P an answer to the question "what is truth" because
1) The question was rhetorical and rhetorical questions require no answer and
2) the answer is not easy to put to words that even one interested can easily grasp and understanding.

So my answer to you (or any reader interested) is that if one truly desires The Truth, one has much study to do in order to arrive at The Truth.
If your claim is that The Creator Mind is outside of the creation, what do you have to back your claim that I do not have to back mine?

Why would your answer be any different from mine?
The opportunity to study the evidence is why I linked our conversation with another perspective and shared that that it might serve to help you - the reader and seeker - to have another independent perspective confirm said nature of data as being legitimate/coherent.

I therefore, provide the link again.
Exploring Existence within the Creator's Mind
Generated messages is not providing evidence, esp if you are the one who generated the messages using ChatGPT.
And that is why your argument scores so badly against my own. Your sense of what is "salient" to the agenda of personal belief draws a curtain across that which can be studied and learned from.

Such demands for evidence on the following points appear to question the validity of said points, as they are claim not to be accompanied with/supported by evidence.

Matthew 6:25-34 in the King James Version of the Bible contains teachings from Jesus commonly known as the "Sermon on the Mount." In these verses, Jesus instructs his followers not to worry about their material needs such as food, clothing, or shelter, but to trust in God's providence and seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
When unpacking these verses in relation to the perception that we exist within the mind of the creator, several key themes emerge:

1. Trust in Divine Providence: Jesus emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's care and provision for our needs. If one perceives existence within the mind of the creator, this trust takes on a deeper significance, as it implies a recognition that all aspects of reality, including our material needs, are ultimately governed by the divine will.

2. Seeking the Kingdom of God: Jesus urges his followers to prioritize spiritual matters, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. In the context of perceiving existence within the creator's mind, this suggests that our primary focus should be on aligning ourselves with divine truth and righteousness rather than being preoccupied with worldly concerns.

3. Freedom from Anxiety: Jesus teaches that worrying about material needs is counterproductive and reflects a lack of faith. If one believes that they exist within the mind of the creator, there is a sense of assurance that all things are ultimately under divine control, leading to freedom from anxiety and worry.

4. Living in the Present Moment: Jesus encourages his followers to live in the present moment and not be anxious about the future. This can be understood as an invitation to embrace the reality of existence within the creator's mind, where the present moment is the primary locus of divine presence and activity.

5. Divine Awareness: Jesus reminds his followers that God is aware of their needs and will provide for them accordingly. Understanding existence within the creator's mind implies a constant awareness of divine presence and a trust in God's intimate knowledge of our innermost needs and desires.

In summary, unpacking Matthew 6:25-34 in the context of perceiving existence within the mind of the creator emphasizes themes of trust, spiritual prioritization, freedom from anxiety, living in the present moment, and divine awareness. It invites individuals to deepen their faith and surrender to the guidance and provision of the divine consciousness that permeates all of reality.

You and I are engaged in a dialogue exploring the concept of reality existing within The Creator Mind, as well as its implications for understanding biblical teachings.

I present arguments supporting the idea that reality is a manifestation of the divine consciousness, challenging your more conventional beliefs. I reference biblical verses and philosophical concepts to support my perspective, emphasizing themes such as trust in divine providence, inward spirituality, and the localized nature of the divine presence.

You, in turn, defend more traditional interpretations and question the basis for my assertions while apparently are unable to see that the basis for your assertions are the same as for my own.
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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Re: Philosophy

Post #4078

Post by William »

otseng wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 7:09 am Another theological argument we are not in a simulation (or in God's mind) is God is not deceitful. If we are in a simulation, then we are being deceived into thinking things are real, but in actuality they are not. Our perception of reality does not align with actual reality.

"Deception is an act or statement that misleads, hides the truth, or promotes a belief, concept, or idea that is not true. This occurs when a deceiver uses information against a person to make them believe an idea is true."

So, if God is not deceitful, then we are not in a simulation.

Also, when one person deceives another, usually there is some reason for the deception. But, of what purpose would God have to deceive people about the nature of reality? That also makes no sense.
You are conflating Simulation Theory with being within The Creator Mind. These are two different subjects.

My argument continues to be that one cannot be deceived/argue there is deception if one is within The Creator Mind.

I made that clear enough in the following interaction.

You: The difference is between "perceptually real" and "actually real". We agree the universe is perceptually real. So the question is - is the universe actually real?

Me: Based upon what I have presented as argument, the question you are asking is here nor there (a question which can be waved away) since all we actually are really required to agree with, is that The Creator Mind is The Real/The Actual Real. This in itself then leads to the realisation that form is "perceptually real" and is that which is created (simulated) to be mindfully experienced and that which is created, thus exists only in The Creator Mind.

Thinking The Creator Mind is outside the creations of The Mind which created them (The House/The Creator Mind Jesus mentions), one is missing the mark.

If there is any deception, this has to reside in/be sourced with the belief that "The Creator Mind is outside of the creation."

So, if God is not deceitful, then we are within The Creator Mind.
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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Re: Philosophy

Post #4079

Post by Athetotheist »

[Replying to otseng in post #4075
No idea what you're referring to. Are you suggesting there is a natural reading of the Bible somewhere that states we are in a simulation?
I'm suggesting that my natural reading of Bible text is as good as yours.
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Re: Philosophy

Post #4080

Post by otseng »

William wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 3:14 pm
Just because there might be a benefit in a particular belief, that does not alone show it is true.
This cuts both ways.
Of course.
Also, what are the benefits of your belief?
The actual benefits are not as the individual personality might think, but as The Creator Mind (and other godly-minds) know/s.

Your question is a reconstruction of the atheistic demand for evidence in that it is related to the question "What is The Truth?"

"What are the benefits of your belief?" can only be seen when the belief I am bearing witness to, is also believed by the one asking the question.

The actual truth therein is that the benefit it provides is within the means to study through a particular framework of reference which enables the observer-participator of a) b) and c) to "see" The Creator Mind as it truly is.
This is not answering my question. If you cannot present an actual list of benefits, then who's to say there are actually any benefits. It's like a commercial saying to buy a product and the benefits will only be seen after you buy the product.
I'm open to evidence and arguments of any position. That's why I keep asking for it.
The evidence and arguments are being given to you (and any other readers) and the question as to whether one is willing or not to do the study and confirm the evidence (referred to as "repeatability") given is true re their individual experience as a growing human personality, is answered in their choice of action.
You have to state what is the evidence and arguments are in order for someone to be able to confirm it. You can't just ask someone to go and study and find the evidence as your evidence.

This might surprise you coming from me, but I do think there are arguments and evidence to support the idea we're in God's mind. But I'll leave it up to you to find it and present it.
What claim is it you think I am made and have to back up?
We are in God's mind.
The claim I am making (re "evidence") is that a human personality has to study for themselves and align their understanding with what actually is true.
Isn't this true for everyone regardless of their position? What's the point of making this claim if it's a tautology?
Generated messages is not providing evidence, esp if you are the one who generated the messages using ChatGPT.
And that is why your argument scores so badly against my own. Your sense of what is "salient" to the agenda of personal belief draws a curtain across that which can be studied and learned from.
What is salient is verifiable evidence and logical arguments. But if you want to use ChatGPT as a source, it does not state whether the universe is real or not:
ChatGPT wrote: >>> is the universe real?

~~~ This is a philosophical question that has different interpretations and perspectives. Science explains the universe as a vast expanse of space, time, matter, and energy that contains galaxies, stars, planets, and living organisms. Whether the universe is ultimately "real" in the sense of objective existence is a more intricate metaphysical and philosophical debate. Some argue that our perceptions might not necessarily reflect the true nature of reality, while others posit that the universe is real by virtue of being experienced and observed. Ultimately, the question of the universe's reality may differ depending on individual beliefs and philosophical positions.
In summary, unpacking Matthew 6:25-34 in the context of perceiving existence within the mind of the creator emphasizes themes of trust, spiritual prioritization, freedom from anxiety, living in the present moment, and divine awareness. It invites individuals to deepen their faith and surrender to the guidance and provision of the divine consciousness that permeates all of reality.
OK, but this can apply to either the universe being actually real or not.
You and I are engaged in a dialogue exploring the concept of reality existing within The Creator Mind, as well as its implications for understanding biblical teachings.
You might be, but I'm specifically focusing on the justification for such a belief, which has yet to be presented.
William wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 3:23 pm You are conflating Simulation Theory with being within The Creator Mind. These are two different subjects.
I'm not addressing your Creator Mind theory, but I'm addressing what is mentioned in the original article and the dominant alternative theory to the universe being real.

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